When Origin Paths Meet or Cross [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

Well, from what I've read elsewhere Grey has been busy this week. As to the others, I don't honestly know where they all vanished off to.
Still here.

But beyond making a post involving a pointless (Potentialy dangerous) check on mucking with the machine spirit of the ship I'm in Limbo (Character wise).
Lol, you realize most checks like that would be routinue? Which is like +30 to whatever you do. I have no problems not requiring rolls for stuff that's sort of a given. You aren't in battle and are doing simple maintanence at the moment.

There is also the fact you are currently docked with a station with would have a strong Mechanicus presence including other Explorators.
I'll still manage to roll 120 on 2d10 ;)

That's what happens when you roll for things you shouldn't.

I'm pretty much just waiting to hear what happens, if we are getting dragged along into the party or If we get our own free time. I'll probably go check out the Mechanicus presence in the Station when the captain is away. (Mice will play...)
You have been given a sixteen hours shore leave.

Mordechai's is already almost over. He actually used it to have a little fun, do a little work and get a good night's sleep, while his underlings are at work gathering more information.
I am disgracefully sorry, I couldn't find any internet access for the last week with being abroad. Normal service resumes etc. etc.
He does that sometimes. I'll see if I can find him in that "real life" thing the kids do talk about sometimes.
Sarky said:
He does that sometimes. I'll see if I can find him in that "real life" thing the kids do talk about sometimes.
Best of luck on that front.

In the mean time, any ideas on how Father Callahan should be making his appearance? Showing up looking for the Null Gravitas with a warrant from the Ministorum, or perhaps dodging some Arbites officials who remember him from that whole *rebellion thing*? I figure I'd be best to know now so I don't have to ask later.
Either is a consideration. The vessel and her captain are likely well known for not being the most upright Imperial citizens if that would be of aid. Everyone knows the ship is docked at Port Wander as well since you don't ignore the arrival of a Rogue Trader.
Apologies for the absence, folks. I've just been busily romancin' and also desperately trying to get Hunters of Imeria ready for launch (two months overdue, which is what I get for involving other people in the creative process).
Orzhov said:
Either is a consideration.
Well if I had a choice, I'd prefer not to be literally running from the law, so I'd go with the former option. Throwing around The Emperor's Word, of course, is Callahan's primary job. Lurking around dark corners, blade in hand, is more of a side thing.
I'm still here- just wanted to make sure you guys know, I haven't said much for a bit...

Glad to see our Glorious Captain is still around, it's kinda difficult without one. :D
Sorry about the delay. These past few days I've been moving back from College, and things have been a bit hectic. Now that I'm settled in, I've got more free time, and should be able to keep up.

Also, I'm going to go ahead and make my character's first post, I figure we can take things from there.
Are you waiting on me or on Grey? I suppose that's the only question to ask now.
Alright, sound off who it still active. I'm at the point of restarting this game with a new RT.

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