When Darkness Comes.

I like talkign but to people who are there, ask my bf I am usually pretty impatioent andits really bad of me but I cant stop and be patient...
god, I swear you LeeAnn and Catherine both jsut need to sit down adn talk and give the otehrs something to read, like we have to make some inside juoke whhile talking and use it when ever we can so the otehrs have to go back and read the whole thing just to understand, it'd annoy them all but could possibly teach them a lesson about staying attentive when youre online
I can't do it right now because I should be getting some sleep for the finals tomorrow soon xD
well I jsut mean in general like no one was around and we did almost nothign in the rp so we coulda just used the time to do somethign funny and stupid.

but yea sounds like you should go to bed, see oyu tomorrow?
hey guys, so I just wanna come out and say it, Im kinda happy J left, Mendaian really didnt like the kid's skillsand I personaly was considering getitng into a fight wiht him JUST so I can kill him.

Am I a bad person for that?...
ask Mendaian, he was ready to argue that the kid had died already, either by the Zombies that attacked him, or the poisonous gas that he was left out in, if not I was gonna bleed, and then get him to come at me and fight for my life. I was ready to do it, but now that I dont have to I feel like I was being mean... I hate when I have conflicting emotions..
I figured but oh well, I dont have to fight him since he left 
put up a post if anyone feels like getting to know Catherine or doing something
well phooy you Shena, here I thought we'd be able to do what we talked about yesterday and you gotta be all responsible and have a job and all
um J died, or wont be around anymore, Jade is who knows where, Mendaian is probably doing HW Shena has work, Barren is idk and youre here so

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