When Darkness Comes.


One Thousand Club
Alright, then. You're looking to sign up?! Great.


Here's the character sheet.




Appearance: (Can include description as well as picture)


Weapons: (If any? Probably guns, if anything. But swords and such are fine too.)


If you're afraid you won't be able to make it on for a while, somehow ditch your character out until you can come back, please, otherwise I can't exactly make everyone wait! Oh! Also, if you happen to be heading out to bed before everyone else/leaving for some long period of time/any other reason, please have your character duck out. ovo Unless you're okay to just kind of be.. Ignored. O.o For the time being that you're gone..

Read more about this role play...
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Name: James Morgan

Age: 25

Species: Werewolf

Personality: Mildly insane (due to all that's happened, not to mention the voices in his head). Kind and caring, other than that. Protective and loyal. However, to strangers, he is gruff and threatening. He doesn't like attacking first, but he does, sometimes. He can be quite funny. He loved acapella music before his life ended, and still does now. Most of what he eats, he bags in the forest in the form of a wolf.

Appearance: He is pretty handsome, and stands at 5'11". He used to weigh around 195 lbs, but now weighs about 150 lbs due to lack of major food sources.

Weapons: Because of his strength, he prefers the well-kept Morning Star he had before the apocalypse started, but he also carries a small handgun and machete.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9c20faf_MorningStar.jpg.ad0828abf4de63441a989a57a1868d3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9c20faf_MorningStar.jpg.ad0828abf4de63441a989a57a1868d3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: James was just a scholar. He'd had a normal life. A normal family. Hell, he was even engaged. Then the virus arrived. It killed everyone he knew. His fiance. His family. His friends. To add insult to injury, he... Changed. He became a monster. One almost as bad as the monsters trying to kill him. As time progressed, he became more and more afraid. The voice in his head made him crazy. He killed a man, just to defend himself, but it pushed him even further. He typically hides in trees, and under cars and such, but has been bitten once, by a squirrel, which stopped the tree approach.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9c243eb_JamesMorgan.jpg.1e85c3393a630884456e7f218472342f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11810" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9c243eb_JamesMorgan.jpg.1e85c3393a630884456e7f218472342f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Not my best application ever... but, the RP looks really good.



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"Hello. Call me whatever you want."

Her real name is Scarlette. She does not know and possibly forgot her full name.


She's seventeen years old.


"I was once a human. I just had to be fed off by a vamp. Long story."



Chestnut-brown eyes that hide the real vampire in her, and pale, blonde hair. Stands at 5'7 feet, and her 121 lbs weight never really changed.


For an innocent-looking young lady, which she was once and probably still is, Scarlette never really shows anyone the serious and scary side of her, unless it's some kind of life-or-death situation. After all, she chooses to stay calm and positive in hopes of surviving and finding the answer to all of this. She tends to push her luck a lot and take risks, especially if it's already obvious that there's no other way. She's not one to worry too much about things, because she believes that there will always be a way. For a girl like her, she's quite brave, but of course, there are just times when she thinks she just couldn't handle the situation anymore. However, when experiencing a real pain in the butt, (specifically zombies), her sadistic and desperate-for-survival side comes out, and they don't really come good together. While that side isn't active and in control of Scarlette's body, it remains a persona that hides deep within her, or at times, goofs around with her mind. At times, regrettably, when she gets too agitated, harsh and violent actions and words just come out of her. She goes truly berserk.




Anything she finds, really. And well, a gun she just found. Aside from that, she recently created some kind of weapon out of ropes. All she did was tie a few knots and attach blades every now and then. It helped and continues to help her in zombie-beheading and threatening people.


There was once a time when Scarlette was just living happily. She was born and raised in the area where she currently resided in, by quite a wealthy family. Her mother however, died right after giving birth to her. She and her father and other relatives never really left the place, just lived there and did what normal humans did. After a few mysteries and questions, she learned that her father was a werewolf. It was a real shock to her, actually. Until the bomb, her father knocked her out and hid her somewhere, then took her out again to tell her all about what was happening in this world as they were speaking. Apparently, their house wasn't enough to keep the zombies away.

Once, Scarlette got bit by one of those zombies, and before her father died of extreme wounds by a group of humans, he actually made someone else bit his daughter to cure Scarlette of the virus. You might ask, why the father didn't scratch her so she'd become a fellow werewolf? It's simple, he knew the consequences of humans being turned into something else, and he just let a vampire bite her while she was unconscious. Scarlette woke up in the middle of some kind of protected basement, with only the memory of her father dying. And of course, some other allies of his assisting--or knocking her out.

Days--or weeks?--A long time that she didn't want to remember, she had to suffer the changes of once being a human, turned into a vampire. Unlike the others she knew, the changes done to her were easier for her body, because she had a small line of advanced system, no matter which race it was. She managed to survive until then, and with the knowledge she knew, she tried to survive, and still tries--now as a full vampire. She had come and gone through many experiences and people, who helped or betrayed her. As far as she knew, those traitors were dead.

"It's a curse. Don't be envious."

Here's a little secret; At the basement where she hides and stores things most of the time, those traitors' bodies are. She feeds on them whenever she gets weaker, and throws them away onto the isolated roads at day if they're of no use anymore.

"...They keep me sane." She says, referring to the hidden persona of hers. "I have to live."


I will never forget the cheese.
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Name:Ewan (eu-wan) Kinnicide


Species: Human


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Brown hair, with Greenish eyes. His stature was 6'1, and his weight was 163.

Personality: Calm, and collective, but then again that's what people normally see from him. He is outgoing, and friendly to most people who don't piss him off. Most of all though he is loyal to who he see's as the leader of his group. When it came to war, and violence another side took over. A more tactical side, which he used to find an escape from most situations he seemed to get himself into. With how the world currently this side of him seems to be out more, and more than his outgoing, and friendly side. As Sh*t began to hit the fan however he slowly began to become a closet smoker, and drinker.

Weapons: One glock 23 on his left holster, and one Model 1887 lever action shotgun, on his right holster, While on his back he had a Crowbar multitool, which served as his "Just in case of any emergency" weapon.

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Before everything hit the fan Ewan had dropped out of high school, and used the military to fulfill his dream career. He saw school, as something unimportant to his dream to become a master mechanic, and Helio pilot. His knowledge, and prowess of anything which had any form of engine lead him to eventually rise to O-3m (Captain;Mechanic) within the time span of 4 years prior to the beginning of the war. At first his parents, and family exiled him from the family, since they valued education over a career. This at first nearly pushed him to commit suicide, but he knew that wasn't the answer when he had placed his Glock 23 to his head. The reason why being ostracized from his family was that within the Catholic religion, family was the only thing which was forever. When that was taken away from him, all he had was his Irish heritage, and his dreams. When the war had begun he was sent over sea's, and was stuck there for two years before returning. Before the big "F*ck up" he called it by the what was left of the UN. He was stuck on an Air Force base an hour away from the closest major city.

The first forms of the virus began to turn up outside of the base, and the zombies, and other F*ck ups began to try to enter the base , the General on the base ordered that anyone who isn't Chairforce ( the nickname other military branches called the Air Force) or any other armed forces is to be shot, and killed immediately. With this however lead to many people being wounded, and killed. The zombies were, an easy thing to kill, but the "Ghosts"(Vampires), and Furballs (werewolves) were much more difficult to kill. When more and more people began to change, and die people began to rise up, and question the leadership of the General. But within the mutiny came more strife. The hospital began to get to get over run, and was soon put on lock down, and was closed off. When this event occurred all hell broke loose, and the base was left for dead by most people. But Ewan saw the benefits of staying, and soon enough he realized he was all alone. Just him, and a base full of weapons, and zombies.



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Name: Seth Carver

Age: 22

Species: Human


Personality: Seth is a natural loner, and this whole Apocalypse thing hasn't made it any better. "Leave me, i'll be fine alone." This is what he is usually heard saying. He cares for others but these feelings are usually diminished when he realizes how low the survival rate is, for anyone. His hopes in life are to one day find a settlement of humans big enough to ensure survival, it seems his hopes are far off for now.

Weapons: Two katanas he received from his father. His father had guns among many other weapons, but he chose the swords because they didn't need ammo. A good choice in his opinion.

Bio: Seth has been roaming these deserted lands since the beginning of this ordeal. When things outside changed and his parents hadn't returned for a week, he pretty much knew what had happened. After the first few months of this had passed, he found a group of humans that had manged to fortify a building and survive. One day they were attack by a horde of zombies. He took a girl that he was quite fond of and escaped with her, those two being the only survivors from the attack. They had decided to hold up in an abandoned house, sustaining them life for the moment. But one unlucky day, Seth went out to find food. When he returned the house had been attacked, and he ended up having to kill the girl he had fallen in love with. Since then he has traveled alone.
Name: LeeAnn

Age: 17

Species: Werewolf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/upload_2014-1-12_19-12-42.png.fafae9c0c839732dff4d83a99f5e1b75.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/upload_2014-1-12_19-12-42.png.fafae9c0c839732dff4d83a99f5e1b75.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Medium/long auburn waves fall about her shoulders in disarray. She retains a wild look in her golden eyes with scratches and scars marring her pale complexion. The most obvious scar runs across her shoulder and is about two inches long, now appearing in a soft pink from healing over time. She stands at a meager 5'4 with a small waist and a weight of about 120.

Personality: LeeAnn is a sweet and loving person at heart and has a soft spot for the creatures of the world. She has developed a close attraction to her two mice, Chaos and Anarchy, and will quickly turn into a raging fury if she feels that they are threatened. On the brink of sanity, she often jumps between kind and warm hearted to fearful and fierce, and is very weary and slow to fully trust. She longs for companionship and conversation and experiences emotions strongly. She watches in hiding before approaching anyone and has an irrational fear of darkness. When she deems someone special to her, she is loyal and devoted and will fiercely protect them to the end.

Weapons: LeeAnn has sharpened her fingernails to the likeness of small blades that she uses for hunting and defense. She hides two blades in hilts on the side of each of her thighs about two feet long.

Bio: An orphan since age 4, LeeAnn was used to change and good at adaptation. She could often be found with her nose in a book and a mouse perched on each shoulder. She excelled in psychology and easily bonded with animals. When she was 9, she gained the care of two baby mice that were meant to be used as live feeder for a snake and nursed them with the help of her foster mother, Holly. She had created an unbreakable bond with them and has had them since. She transferred among foster families often and never seemed to be able to fit in just right in any of her own families. At age 16, she came into the care of a rather brutal foster family. Narrowly escaping from the drunken, blade-wielding man she had been taught to call her father one night, she ran and hid in the basement of her best friend, Destiny, with nothing but a bleeding gash on her right shoulder. After the bomb hit, Destiny experienced the life of an orphan and committed suicide soon after. Since then, LeeAnn has been alone with nothing but her two mice, hiding out in the very same basement that she and her lost friend had made their home at night and hiding among the shadows during the day.

Oh! cheese



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Name: Catherine Kengou

Age: 19

Species: Neko


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea063164_Nekowithsword.jpeg.d29f855ddba7fad66bd2c9d8b6bd5afb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12006" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea063164_Nekowithsword.jpeg.d29f855ddba7fad66bd2c9d8b6bd5afb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Mildly carefree most of the time, but will not hesitate to state an opinion and stand for it if she feels she is right. Is pretty limited in knowledge of the things that happen around her and often has to admit to being wrong. Very easy to persuade, and led astray though she tries to not admit to that.

Weapons: She is fairly well at throwing knives and archery, but she would rather use her swords; the red one she carries she got from her father, the blue her mother. Each sword is engraved with her parent's names, each name corresponds with the parent who gave it to her. She carries the two swords in a X-cross sheath holder on her back but she can usually be seen with one of them out in her hands as she stares silently at the blade lost in the memories of her parents.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea066fa7_Redbladedkatana.jpg.5a955962bdcd31b0658d149bbd1b4231.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea066fa7_Redbladedkatana.jpg.5a955962bdcd31b0658d149bbd1b4231.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea068cd9_japaneseforfather.jpg.3ece85989f879de37c320773bac8d0ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea068cd9_japaneseforfather.jpg.3ece85989f879de37c320773bac8d0ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Bio: Born and raised in rural parts of New York State she lived with her parents (Japanese father and american mother) and grew up immersed in a mix of Japanese and American traditions and culture. from a young age she showed skill in sword combat and was trained by her father who himself was a master of the art. Her father was called into the draft and killed in WW3. She lived with her mother until the bombs fell in her city, She managed to survive the bombing somehow in her family's underground basement/dojo. She was stuck under ruble in the basement for about 2 months living off what supplies they stored down there. When she finally got out of the basement to the surface she found her house destroyed and in ruins, her mother dead in the remains of their kitchen leaving her alone with nothing but the swords her parents gave her as her 18th birthday gifts. Unable to survive very long in the ruins of the area she started to wander around on foot hoping to find safe shelter, food, and any one she could possibly make friends with. For the last few months she has been moving by day and finding what ever shelter she can find to sleep at night. She has survived this long only because of luck, living off what meat and food she can find and whatever liquid she can get. She has been rather good so far but has started to struggle the past few weeks finding less and less as she nears New York City ignorant of all the troubles that lie within the city.



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Name: James Barton

Age: 15

Species: Vampire

Appearance: brown, straight, short hair, rather short in stature, snd he always wears the same outfit, which is oddly a pair of grey, smart trousers, with holes by the knee, a blue smart shirt, a few buttons missing but very well kept for the time he had been wearing it, black scuffed schoolboy shoes, and a dark blue blazer. These clothes all have bits of blood on them, and are very crumpled and dirty.

Personality: he would love to be a nice guy, but he gets hungry a lot, so unless he can get a good supply of fresh blood he won't be able to resist his urges and will eat anyone still living. When he meets people, he guages whether he likes them or not, decidinf whether or not to eat them. When cornered, he will fight savagely to the very last breath, even if he is low on blood, and the exhaustion could kill him. He is a bit instable, as happens to somone who drinks human blood.regularly, and in stressy situations he often ops for fight not flight, even if someone is his friend in front of him, well at least they were his friend.

Weapons: a fine pair of spiked knuckle dusters, and a glock pistol, although he hates it as it's loud

Bio: he was hit by the apocalypse as a school.boy, and he became one of the very first vampires. He started off being regularly weak.as.he hated drinking human blood, but eventually gave in, now he likes to feed at least once per week or so. He still.wears his school.clothes withnpride, in memory of everyone at his school who.died, which was most of them. He has tried making friends with other survivors but they all ended with him giving into his longing for their blood, so he tries not to get involved with humans.
Name: Cotton Hawthorn

Age: 47

Species: Human

Appearance: Tall and thin with pale skin, wears formalwear as a preference most of the times but is known to change styles depending on the weather. Has horrific scars along his face from a fire that occurred not long after the bombs dropped. Is often seen with some kind of face covering, from bandages to full on masks to hide his burn marks.

Personality: Is self centered and enjoys using his habit of immediate psycho-evaluation to mess with people. Is known to get bored easily which leads him to find strange and sometimes even horrific ways to entertain himself. Was one of the few to see the apocalyptic scenario as a profitable avenue for amusement. Enjoys controlling and submitting others to his will and demands, and is quite obsessed with the condition of one particular suit in his possession.

Weapons: Cotton has sharpened the edge of a cane to resemble a spear at the end (purely for amusement and stabbing) He also wields a family heirloom, a revolver from olden days that his family has kept tuned in mint condition for generations. Though it may only have six rounds, Cotton's practice and the revolver's power promises death to anything that stands in its way.

Bio: A wealthy con artist who was deeply connected to black market affairs and criminal activities before the bombs fell. He was currently attending a party at one of his associates' estates when half the place was caved in by explosions. Cotton instantly went for the third most well known escape in the building, knowing that others would clog up the first two with his current bodyguard Elroy who pushed past people to allow him an easier way out. However, a section of flooring gave out and Cotton fell into a room that was partially aflame. In a fit of adrenaline Cotton was able to regain his footing and barrel out of the room before the fire could kill him. He had suffered severe burns that he would later have treated. After escaping the estate Cotton and Elroy traveled through several more cities, with a good amount of ease thanks to Elroy's current collection of close combat weaponry. Cotton eventually decided a city to stay in for a more, Extended period of time.

Name: Elroy Mathers

Age: 37

Species: Werewolf

Appearance: A large man known more for his brute force than stealth. Has long white dreadlocks and a large muscular stature and deeply tanned skin. Elroy comes in at about 8ft 7in and has a somewhat natural balance of body fat and muscle. He doesn't have any preference over clothes and will most likely wear the cleanest and most fitting thing he can find during scavenges.

Personality: His werewolf attack had left him quite traumatized, and his first transformation had all but dehumanized him. Elroy now finds no other meaning in life other than a dedicated and utterly devoted servitude to Cotton. He likes breaking stuff, much to Cotton's bemusement, and will often take the time during scavenging hunts to break something irreparably. His slight mental deterioration also left him speaking in broken and sometimes confusing sentences.

Weapons: Elroy likes big things that make a lot of noise. But Cotton mostly restricts his use of them due to the obvious threat of luring danger to them. He keeps the bigger things at wherever they're living at the moment and will mostly carry large melee weapons. His favorite is undoubtedly a massive sledgehammer that he's customized with various nails and other sharp pieces of metal, producing an effective cross between a melee and bladed type weapon. When he's allowed, he may carry a chainsaw, or a shotgun depending on the circumstances, but he always has that sledge hammer.

Bio: Family dead, no friends, all Elroy had to go on was his strength. And it turns out that was all he needed, he became an A-class mercenary who would partake in jobs ranging from joining militias to small time bodyguard. While working for Cotton, he developed a sort of idolization for his intelligence and enjoyed in hurting whoever the Cotton wanted. After he had been separated from Cotton, he had escaped into the garden only to find his current employer already there (albeit with those horrendous burns.). Their first encounter with a werewolf had nearly ended Elroy's life, he'll never forget it. But his transformation made him feel stronger, despite what the wolf inside him said Elroy's devotion to Cotton never wavered. Even though he would sometimes indulge in the beast's feeding tendencies on his many scavenging and exploring trips. Elroy continues filling out his role as Cotton's psychotic right-hand man with glee. And during his transformations on full moons Cotton would just tell him to go "somewhere else". And so Elroy did, he would go sometimes miles away just to let his inner wolf run rampant and violent in whatever ways it wanted. And then he'd return, waiting for the cycle of sin repeat itself.
Name: Carter Jerns

Age: 28

Species: Human

(Sorry the picture is so small, it was the only one I could find that looked good.)

Personality: Rough and tough, at least with his armor on. Will be generally smart without his armor, but with it on, he feels like a tank. Carter will run out into the heat of battle. He looks like he has had lot's of training, but this is wrong as he only was an officer for a day. Passive/aggressive, Carter has a short-temper and you don't want to light his fuse, as he is a tough fighter with suit on and suit off.

Weapons: Double-barrel shotgun, a Desert Eagle, and a switchblade he took off of a La Eme member.

Bio: Carter has no one left. Not that he had much before that is. He always told people that he worked at an office for a living, but this was a lie. The only way to keep himself alive was by stealing cars. This in turn, made him a very good driver, which is kind of useful in the apocalypse. Eventually, in an ironic turn of events, he became a police officer. He helped in one of the biggest riots in America, where the police were eventually killed and overtaken. He and a few others had escaped threw an alleyway by use of tear gas. Now, there is only him and another police officer left.

(Real sorry this is so short, I'm in a hurry.)
Name: Trent (It's the apocalypse does he really need a last name).

Age: 17

Species: Human


Personality: Ryker is cut throat if he suspects he's being taken advantage of. Usually level headed he has a certain animosity towards werewolves and vampires. Ryker is also very weary of people in general as a group of raiding marauders who he'd known pre-apocalypse killed his brother. Over all Ryker is not the most trusting person but if you gain his trust or sympathy he'll fight for you tooth and nail.


Bio: Trent makes a point not to use guns unless absolutely necessary. He and his brother were making a deal with raiders some liquor for a few guns. The deal went sour when one of the raiders became furious upon Trent's demand for more ammunition. Bullets were fired and blood was spilt at the end of the day Trent was forced to leave his dying brother on the street as dusk was falling with one bullet. The shot still haunts Trent to this day. Two months later upon arriving home after a supply run Trent found the rest of his family disemboweled. Their limbs strewn throughout the house. Needless to say the scene changed him, he vowed revenge on the people or rather things that had murdered his family which in his mind could have only been a werewolf or a vampire.
Uhh.. Just that the air outside at the time is of a poisonous nature. (Basically just requiring something to cover the mouth; Not staying outside for long periods and so on.) Other then that.. I don't think so.
jade162 said:
Uhh.. Just that the air outside at the time is of a poisonous nature. (Basically just requiring something to cover the mouth; Not staying outside for long periods and so on.) Other then that.. I don't think so.
Ok thanks again.
Name: Alex Villa

Age: 20

Species: Human

Appearance: Alex is an average 5'6 with a medium build around 150 pounds. He has brown eyes and dirty brown hair which has the look of not being washed in quite a while. He is covered in what looks like cloak made out of layers of vegetation which makes him tough to be found when he is hiding. Most of his face is covered in his hooded cloak and rags which hides most of it. All that can be seen are his eyes and random bunches of his unruly hair. His eyes are always shifting around evaluating the area that he is in to determine what is always on hand.

Personality: Before the "End" Alex was a pretty much a normal teenager he was charming, funny, and always in good humor. Although sometimes he tended to be antisocial sticking to his technology and to the outdoors. He had a immense love for his family as he was very close to his family. Alex was raise around the motto "It take a village to raise a child". However the "End" changed him greatly and all for the worse. He became extremely antisocial sticking to himself and mainly away from anything else that wasn't himself. The horrors he had to witness and commit made him distant to others "problems". Some would say that Alex is a lone wolf which isn't entirely untrue. The main thing is that he is just afraid...... afraid of the pain that he hopes he never has to go through again.

Weapons: The only weapons Alex carries is a machete and his mind

Bio: Before the "End" Alex was a regular teen who lived in the suburbs with a good number of his family. He loved regularly camping and exploring the outdoors with his brother who was like a best friend to Alex. He loved technology with a passion which eventually led him to becoming a student at a technical university. The only thing he loved more than either of those was his family. His whole heart was devoted to them. There were many tough times in Alex's life which he didn't think he was going to make it though. But with the help of his family he did, they were his rock in the sea of life.

But that all changed after the "End" somehow one of his little cousins got bit at school and was sent home for not feeling well. Back then no one really knew what was happening everyone relied on what the government was allowing to be broadcast. The illness started to get bad and after a few days she bit her dad who had a much weaker immune system. The virus ravaged though his body in a matter of 2 to 3 days. Then all hell broke loose in the city as the military started being overrun by the infected. The infected got into Alex's house while he was sleeping in his room in the basement. It was the only thing that saved him from the horrible fate of being turned. The next morning when Alex left the basement he found what was left of their family. Most of them had been turned from the multiple bites they received. Through pure agonizing emotional pain Alex destroyed the husks that were once his most beloved treasure in the whole world. When he finally got to his brothers room he found his brother half conscience with multiple infected dead around him. His brother had killed them all in the attack but unfortunately he had gotten bit and was near the end of his sanity. Alex was able to hug his brother one last time and was asked to do a favor. The favor of handling his brother's "problem" so it wouldn't become another persons problem. It was the toughest most mind destroying thing Alex did in his life it all but destroyed him. Afterwords Alex grabbed what supplies he could carry and ran for the woods surrounding his house. Ever since he has been traveling east past city after city. With only one though on his mind "Survive until tomorrow".
I guarantee you'll be accepted as soon as she gets back on (:

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Name: Zak Knight

Age: 21

Species: Human


Personality: Strong, Protective, Caring, and Trustworthy.

Weapons: Spiked gauntlets (Gauntlets from like medival times that are spiked on the knuckles) and a fireaxe strapped to his back.

Bio: Zak has been a orphan since he was 16 because his father and mother died in a robbery. Zak thought this was all his fault since he wasn't strong enough to save his parents and let them live. Since then Zak has always been at gym trying to make himself stronger so that way if a robbery ever does happen again he can kill those who dare enter.
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Name: Craven Machiavelli

Age: 33

Species: Mutant


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/imagesCAWG7JDT.jpg.4bd436883c948d697e9b9125d03e9b09.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/imagesCAWG7JDT.jpg.4bd436883c948d697e9b9125d03e9b09.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Symptoms of mass radiation exposure, Craven's grown dozens of functional eyes across his flesh, which was baked into a sort of carapace similar to an insect's. The eyes themselves are very weak to damage, despite the fact that they're able to regrow over time, Craven usually has to keep most of them closed to minimalize agitation. Due to their function, Craven's perception of his immediate environment has been increased ten fold. Craven's teeth were encased in metal post-bombings by an unknown affiliate.

Clothing: Black pants, belted up. Most of the times wears a hunting vest with them.

Weapons: Wields an old sniper rifle, mostly enjoys using a large hunting knife that's pretty much bigger than his arm. Uses a low range skorpion machine gun in dire close combat situations.

Personality: He's a very dedicated little monster if anything. Usually attacking tasks with an intense devotion that nearly assures them to be completed. His mutations have led him to lose touch with the basic human emotion of 'sympathy'. Self preservation has become an ease to him. When he has time, he enjoys ripping the eyes from corpses, zombie or other, as if to mock them. Likes to speak in snarls when in the field, but has pretty extensive lingual skills.

Bio: Craven's previous life became a blur to him the moment he sprouted several dozen more points of vision. He's forgotten family, friends, everything he ever could have loved in order to continue living in his new hunting grounds. Don't misunderstand, he's perfectly conscious of the things he's done, good and bad. He's killed living people both bad and good. He doesn't find any pleasure or pain from it, he simply doesn't care. Multiple times he's been contracted by groups of survivors to do tasks for which they pay him in supplies. Whether these tasks are meant for good or bad intentions, Craven really doesn't care. Most groups know how to contact him, despite the many safe houses scattered throughout the city that he cycles living in.



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