When Darkness Comes.


Kristina Evans. She prefers to be called, "Kris," though.






Tall, dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes. Wears glasses, black sports bra, leather jacket, and leggings. Keeps leather jacket open most of the time, but closes it at nighttime for protection from the zombies.


She's slutty, but badass. Kris tends to flirt with guys all the time, and lacks seriousness. Of course, she's developed enough seriousness to know when to load a gun, but sometimes, against zombies, she doesn't know when she's in serious trouble or not. Overconfident, obviously from having men flaunt over her all the time, she takes on things that just might be too hard to handle. She's a dangerous but fun addition to the group.


Pistol, knife, and at the beginning, an empty beer bottle.


Kris is an alcoholic. She spends most of her time at the bar, and likes to hump and dump. After a rough break-up with her boyfriend, she finds it hard to like anyone for a long time. Of course, She bonds with a person long enough for a fun night. She enters the rp when she just barely managed to escape a zombie attack on the group she was traveling with. Kris has been through a lot, with her father in jail who's most likely dead, and her mother who was turned right in front of Kris's eyes. When Kris first encounters anyone, she finds it hard to trust them, unless, of course, they somehow find a way into her heart..


I'm new to this site, so I'm not sure how to upload this OOC and on a character sheet. I'll post it in the OOC, but tell me if I need to post it again in the character sheet place, or if that's something the creator does. Oh, and I'm not sure what this is for, but cheese.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8becad105b_Rpgirl.jpg.d78fadb92c7b697b1dc69f705be75464.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8becad105b_Rpgirl.jpg.d78fadb92c7b697b1dc69f705be75464.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Illithia (Ill-ith-ee-ya)

Age: 26

Species: Human

Appearance: African-American woman, scraggly black hair, usually tied back into a sort of messy bun. Arched eyebrows, tear drop shaped brown eyes, a wide nose, tight lips and a square jaw. (for a sort of similar look if you can't envision this, imagine the woman from The Last of Us)

Personality: Tough. Strong, is not afraid to beat someone up for information/various other reasons. What people would refer to as a typical butch woman, however deep down she has a fairly soft heart.

Weapons: Your basic 9mm'' glock, and an old machete she found laying around on the streets, however she only really uses the machete.

Bio: Grew up with a very proper family. Fairly rich, and she was a very conservative young lady. As she grew to her teen years and her parents passed away, the pressure of taking care of her brother and school work got to her. She began being more rebellious, graffitting, getting in trouble with authority, and more. As she grew older she made sure to still take care of her brother, she hardened up, became stronger, and she was the good big sister she aimed to be. Then the bomb hit, her brother turned the night of it. Illithia didn't know what to do, she was horrified, having been scared of zombies her whole life made her unable to handle the situation, so she packed a small bag and ran from the house, far far away where she could walk around on her own and not be disturbed by these treacherous beings, who took her brother.

{I hope this is okay, first time on this website :) }
Name: Kevin Caecus

Age: 34

Species: Human

Appearance: Is a tall 6' 3'', he is well muscled and is bald. He has tattoos on his head that look like a rose stem circling his head. He has some prominent cheek bones and sunken looking eyes. If not for his muscles, someone might think he is sick and starving. He doesn't look like a nice person, some even say his eyes glint with madness.

Personality: He doesn't talk much, prefers his actions to do the talking. He doesn't once think about taking a persons life, killing only helps his new religion anyways.



Bio: Kevin grew up on the rough end of town, he was always getting in trouble. Before the bombs, he was already a criminal. The night the bombs hit, he was declared clinically insane. He was a mass murderer, he didn't know why he did it, he just did. When the undead started rising and things went crazy, Kevin found himself with a few others, all who were angry with the world. They were all criminals, wronged by the world, but believing the same thing. This disease, they thought, was sent by some holy force, and that it wanted everyone in the world dead or undead. They there formed the Night Church, people who worship Thanatos, believing that they are sent to open red mouths in the sinners and send them into the welcoming darkness.
Name: Malik, or Mal

Age: Unknown

Species: Vampire



Weapons:Mal uses his whatever is at his disposal as a weapon, at his most deadly when in an industrial, or urban area. When forced to use his own hands, his combat becomes less methodical and planned, more feral and primal, which can have it's advantages, but leaves him weak to those who are able to keep their cool and predict his actions.

Bio: Mal's only remaining feature from his past as a human is the green in his eyes. His memories of what came before the bombs, before the blinding light, are scattered in small fragments, only a few standing out, like sharp glass hidden amongst sand. But they had a very linear progression. A playground. The feeling of hot asphalt pebbles digging into the flesh of his hands and knees. Blood. A lot of blood. The blood stood out the most, it's sharp red piercing through the fog in his mind. Then after that, padded rooms, needles and voices, the tight restraint of a straight jacket. For years, an endless loop. And a tiny, tiny window. Then, through that tiny little box, the loop was broken, with a blinding, cleansing light. When he came too, Mal found himself alone, severely malnourished, the door to his padded cell ajar. And he was thirsty. But when he found his first group of survivors, a small family, cornered and unarmed before the thrill of the hunt had even begun, he looked into their eyes, and despite the crying, burning, screaming pain in his very soul, he could not bring himself to end them. Instead, he disappeared, to follow them in the shadows, observing silently, pondering why he was unable to feed. One night, during his observation of the family, they were attacked by a group of five vampires, and in that moment, seeing the same fear in their eyes that he had invoked, that he had felt in some distant memory, something inside of Mal snapped, and his slaughter of the five vampires was so gruesome that later, tales of it would travel among the regions vampires and humans alike. After the bloodbath, Mal turned to the family, face and claws still dripping, to see the smallest child, a girl no older than twelve, holding out her wrist, with a knife over it, eyes stern, before sliding the knife into her flesh, offering her blood. One by one, her family joined her, and by avoiding venom injection, he was able to feed at last without turning them. And so that is how Malik survived, following one group after another, saving each from one form of demise or another. He survived off of the generosity of those around him, as they survived off of his.
Name: Sei

Age: 17(FOREVER)


Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Vamp.png.3a38ea3992c247bcee1b149ff24bd224.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Vamp.png.3a38ea3992c247bcee1b149ff24bd224.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Can be quite Twisted and evil when hungry but is really nice when you get to know him

Weapons: A Black Bladed Katana

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/sword.jpg.50a77978ccb7dc96d43661cb184953da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/sword.jpg.50a77978ccb7dc96d43661cb184953da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And Throwing Knives

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/knives.jpg.fa3c83cb224819a2c61aba3adb1dcca5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14444" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/knives.jpg.fa3c83cb224819a2c61aba3adb1dcca5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Before everything turned to hell Sei was just a normal teen Going to school and worrying about what to do with his life.

Then Everything changed after the bomb droped. Trying there best to survive Sei,his girlfriend,and his best friend all stayed in a bunker Sei dad had locked away in the basement locking it behind them. Traped for Days Running low now food Sei's friend went crazy and opening the bunker not knowing what awaited on the other side of the door. Two men stood there looking down on them. The men eyes glowed bright red amost as they were hungry for blood. First they Leaped at Sei's friend ripping his lumb for lumb drinking his blood but they didn't stop there. They jump and Sei and his girl bitting Sei in the the neck sucking his blood his girlfriend wanting to save him gave them her body. Shocked Lifeless on the ground Sei cried and watched as the two men had there way with his girlfriend Sei stood gripping a knife close to him stabing the men in the head till they died. Holding his girlfriends lifeless body Sei walked the streets endlessly killing anything in his path in his blind rage Human or zombie.



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reserve me a spot in the awesomeness, I'll reserve a vampire. 
Name: Sedrian

Age: 21

Species: vampire


Personality: Sedrian has a very dark personality, often enjoying the death, pain, and misery of others. Sedrian however takes one thing seriously, love. He desires the emotional feelings of love. However since he does not, he has no remorse for any and all things. Despite all this he has a very calculating mind.


he has two of these.


Bio: Sedrian was born into a decent family, rich, royal. But they ignored him. So what he do? Read. He read true stories about real history, it made him hate mankind. He began to believe men were what was wrong with the world, so he began killing. When he was 18 he slaughtered men after getting them alone, and simply left the bodies wherever they were at. And then the day came when he was turned. He was bitten by a female vampire, he decided to let her live after beating her senseless. Finally he continued his killing sprees, then it happened. The big it. Now he can kill without getting into trouble, and he was alone through it all, no one by his side.
Name: Ryo Orihara

Age: 17

Species: Werewolf

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/original.jpg.f31baddacf5403ce6ac0bcab9c01c4b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/original.jpg.f31baddacf5403ce6ac0bcab9c01c4b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> without the sword

Personality: Ryo is the calm and protective type of girl. At times she could be fun and careless... that is if all the work gets done. She doesn't believe in YOLO or dumb actions. She takes the time to carefully plan out any moves or actions. Although Ryo has a different side, her other personality, they call it her breaking sanity. When she feels depressed she turns into an insane character. She cut her self and threatens people. She may even kill somebody if I takes her to drastic measures.

Weapons: Ryo uses a battle axe in human form. She uses a dual dagger for melee. She mostly specializes in two hand weapons and uses the art of manipulation too trick people.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/25-7953a.jpg.a6dab5ff03785209417d9d5caa7ff61c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/25-7953a.jpg.a6dab5ff03785209417d9d5caa7ff61c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Steel_Battle_Axe_SK.png.00f12e0e0e240048ea2ee800d64a0912.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Steel_Battle_Axe_SK.png.00f12e0e0e240048ea2ee800d64a0912.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: As a child Ryo grew up on a battlefield since her mom was n the marines. She would go on daily missions and drills with her. Her mom was her life and soul. The only one Ryo actually cared for. That all changed when she died on a special mission. She died by Ryo's side in war, ever since she had an imaginary friend she would constantly talk to called James. Later she was put into an asylum for constantly talking to James. She was released after 4 years and opened up a bakery. She spent her time baking and selling goods.



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Name: Avery Burrs Sorries

Age: 26 years old

Species: Human

Appearance: Real Picture and Anime Picture

Personality: Avery has a badmouth and is overall, a tom boy. She hates being flirting with, advances, and just romance advances in general. She is harsh, with a sharp tongue but she is really sweet with her friends. She can have a bad mouth but she loves her friends with all of her heart. Avery doesn' trust instantly and it's hard to get onto her friends list; she knows how to fight and sometimes gets in bad moods where she'll provoke fights. Avery is not a girly girl, and nothing about her is girly, she's a great leader with smart and cool head.

Weapons: Knuckle Brace, Katana and Magnum Revolver

Bio: Avery was actually adopted into a family but easily proved that she belonged there, she grew up in a terrible family before so she was strong and unfazed. Growing up, she was a bit of a bully as a child but learned to be a leader, in her highschool years she ran a gang that was unbeatable and when she graduated, she was accepted into a gang.

Name: Nichole Olivia Trevor

Age: 25 years old

Species: Vampire

Appearance: Real Picture and Anime Picture

Personality: Nichole is a kind person when she's alone, catching her alone is the best time. She's cheerful, happy, honest with a permanent white smile on her face but once her friends appear, she turns into what she thinks they would like. She does what she's told with no questions but shes learning, slowly, to stand up for herself. She takes good care of herself, she's very strict on stuff like brushing her teeth, her hair and washing her hands. Nichole is use to being alone from her childhood that's why she struggles to be what people want her to be.

Weapons: Shotgun with a Scope and a Silenced Sniper Rifle

Bio: Nichole grew up with only her brother, who was part of the military, after he died, she joined, beating him at sniping.

Name: Adam Shane Hilton

Age: 23 years old

Species: Vampire

Appearance: Real Picture and Anime Picture

Personality: Adam has a really bad temper and despite being cold he has a very large heart. He will protect even his enemies at times. When he gets angry, he loses control and can seriously harm things. He hates life at times and suffers from depression, but with his friends, he acts happy and things. You would never imagine what he's actually like.

Weapons: Dual Swords and Dual Pistols

Bio: His family shunned him when they found out that he was bisexual and was forced to grow up in the closet. He grew up with just his father and three older brothers. His mother died when he was four.

Name: Blake Aaron Droons

Age: 28 years old

Species: Neko

Appearance: Real Picture and Anime Picture

Personality: Blake is a lot more mellow, then his close friend Ashton, but is they are similar. Blake is a bad mouthed guy with an attitude, mainly when he's with Ash, which is all the time. Alone, he's quiet and avoids people, with zero confidence. With Ashton, he's loud, smart mouthed, pushy, arrogant, and mean.

Weapons: Silenced Submachine Gun

Bio: Blake was born in Britain, when his mom left his dad, they moved to Ireland when he was six. His dad was crushed, he often left to drink, leaving Blake and his brother to cook for themselves. When his dad died of achohal poisoning, when he was fifteen, his brother took custody over him and they left for America. They bounced around the country but when Blake was seventeen, he left her brother so he could be with his fiancee.

Name: Ashton Silver Saverino

Age: 29 years old

Species: Neko

Appearance: Real Picture and Anime Picture

Personality: Ashton is a jerk, he's arrogant, pushy and a bully. He gets what he wants, one way or another, and is very cruel to others. Ash is incredibly good at fist fighting, as well as gifted with leadership, he is rude, mean, short tempered and ignorant. It takes a lot to become friends with him, but once you do, he's really not a bad guy. He's loyal to his friends and enjoys violence, he's reckless at times but knows how to form a plan.

Weapons: Desert Eagle Pistol and this Machete

Bio: Ashton's mother was taken away by the police for drug abuse when he was only three and his father kicked Ashton out of the house so he lived alone on the streets usually, getting his anger out in fighting.

Name: Ralph Orina Rivera

Age: 22 years old

Species: Vampire

Appearance: Real Picture and Anime Picture

Personality: Ralph is easily excited and pumped person. He hangs with the girls and the girls love him, he is hated by most guys for 'stealing' away all the girls. He is a kind heart but isn't the type to rush in and be the hero, if a child ran into the street and was going to be hit, he would yell for her to look out, but not rush in and save her. He can be annoying sometimes and a jerk but he does it unintentionally. He's always popular but labeled as a gangster by teachers; they don't believe his hair is natural (It is). He can be very cruel unintentionally, and has broken a lot of people. His jokes can be cruel and rude, but he's never noticed because people usually laugh at them, except the person he teased; he doesn't mean to be a bully but it comes naturally

Weapons: Combat Shotgun

Bio: As a young boy, his brother kept him isolated after their parents died, because he was afraid that he would lose him too, so Ralph lived 2 years isolated, until he was 5 and than he started attending school, his brother accompanied him to and from school and often scared away his friends. Ralp was friendless and alone, everybody avoided him for he was known through out the school to have a 'scary monster brother'. He never earned any friends through out his middle school life, because of his brother.

Name: Spencer Arnoald

Age: 22 years old

Species: Werewolf

Appearance: Real Picture and Anime Picture

Personality: Spencer is extremely quiet with almost anyone, he'll treat you like an enemy and is super distant with all. Spencer doesn't take offense easily and he secretly enjoys breaking the rules. This boy likes being normal, he doesn't like to stand out and lets other's make his choices; he is never lazy or a procrastinator. Spencer is a cleanaholic, workaholic and a terribly horrible insomniac, he doesn't like being blunt and sugar coats a bit and is never honest about his feelings; he virtually blends into the background.

Weapons: This Sword, This Sword and a Silenced Uzi Machine Gun

Bio: Spencer's parents were murdered and that crushed Spencer, he became violent and hatful until he was beaten up, he lay broken and bleeding in an allyway until he was able to move. After that Spencer distanced himself from people, he hid in an abandoned farmhouse where he lived for a long time. Finally, he decided to try the city... And then the bomb came.

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Erm.. I've seen most people jump in with their characters just running into others, I suppose. But, of course, you can choose however you'd like.
? Popped out? :) But okay, i'll get to it work after I finish my own zombie rp :P Had it in mind for a while but finally decided just to do it.
I can't remember the last time I've replied to the RP, haha. Feel free to take your time. ^^
Name: Khan Al-Medina

Age: 13

Species: Cobra



(She wears tattered olive green cargo shorts and dark brown combat boots, and under her black hoodie she wears a white tank top.)

Personality: Khan was rather gruff at times, and just tries to focus on survival most of the time. Other than that, she loves to have fun while she can, and tries to quickly hide herself on a full moon, just after a feeding. She's dangerous during a full moon, and wouldn't want to hurt anyone innocent. Khan is secretly a caring person, but tries to be thick-skinned so no one sees her weak points, since the last group of people she was in almost killed her because she got too comfortable.

Weapons: Metal knuckles, and a pistol.



Bio: She hasn't let the sudden plague get to her, and she had always told herself that things were going to be okay. She had no parents, and where she had lived, no family was nearby. They were all in Egypt, or in some other part of the world. She left her group after they tried to murder her, and is now on her own since she now trusts no one. Though she hopes to find a group that would be trustworthy, her subtle efforts have proved fruitless. She's currently on her own, and surviving off of canned food and thieving what she can find.

Other: She has poison coursing through her blood, so if anyone tried to eat her, or get her blood, they'd die, or be severely injured.


(Sorry, I know it's short.)
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Name: Staz Richtofen



Appearance: I truly wish i had a picture, but i don't. He's a medium-sized palid guy, with shining red eyes. Short, black hair. He's slim, wears a black jacket, covering his white shirt. Black jeans, and well, black shoes.

I feel like there's alot of black.

Personality: Timid and mysterious. Rarely talks with other people. He makes the mad scientist style. Likes dissecating stuff just for the sake of discovery. He won't talk to you unless he needs, and won't hesitate shooting anything that he finds a menace. With an IQ of 180, he truly likes to make searches about everything. He maps stuff, creates weapons or other needed tools. He is perfectly able to think fast.

Through, if you happen to befriend him, he's a lovely and caring person. Makes jokes about everything and everyone, and he's perfect for talking about secrets, or feelings, or both.

Also, likes a good scientific chat.

Weapons: Carries by his back a M14 Assaut Rifle, and by his belt a hunting knife.

Bio: There's not much known about him. He rarely says any info about his past. Nothing is know about how did he turn into a vampire, also.

(It's late, i'm kinda without creativity to make something big. Sorry)

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