When Darkness Comes.

Name: Argus Finnis


Species: Human





Personality: Musical, loving, can be brutal, hates being indoors for too long, likes to stay outside.

Bio: Argus grew up with two loving parents that fell to the infection when he was young of age. He couldn't stick around and he was transferred to one of the large safety fields around the United States, he has since slipped out of the safety unit and has began roaming around the infection-ridden world.

Weapon: A double bladed 20 inch Bo staff.
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(So this is my first try in something like this, any tips and heads up are wanted)

Name: Carl "G" Rodgers

Age: 21

Species: Human


Height; 192 cm

Weight; 100 kg, nothing special, muscles and fat combined to a hardened body.

Dark green eyes that lies under two rather big eyebrows that puts the eyes in some kind of shadow.

Rather thin, small nose with a crooked tip to the left.

Normal lips, dark red colour.

High cheek bones and a distinct jawline.

Has a slight limp when walking slow, manages to run with some pain in left knee. Longer runs are not preferable.

Tattoo on back, a big phoenix with the words of "Born from the ashes of a corrupt world" burning with fire around it.

Slight dark skin.

Keeps hair short and beard as short as the hair, a few MM at most.

Incredibly strong but lacks stamina.

Always keeps both of his hands wrapped in linen cloth, tells no one why.

Wears a leather vest with lots of pockets, and under it anything he can find. Right now a grey sweater and tight sitting jeans with a pair of once white (now browngreyblack) sneakers on his feet.


Carl "G" Rogers is more of a lonewolf than anything else.

He has been backstabbed and hurt too many times and now has a hard time trusting people.

He prefers walking around alone, not having to rely on anything else than his own skills.

But as a human, G longs to find some other people that he feels he can trust, even though he does not believe he will ever find people like that again.

G is a relaxed person, never gets angry and keeps his calm in any situation given to him.

G likes discussions and often tries to stir up other peoples emotions since he himself barely feels anymore. His emotions has almost died out, he only feels the most primitive needs now and let the rest of the human emotions die out before the reach his awareness.

He is no longer a believer of any religions after the apocalypse started.

When someone makes G angry, all hell breaks loose.


G uses three weapons.

Weapon one;

A short sword (about 55 cm), that he took off one of his dead comrades. The sword has followed him through most of the apocalypse and is called Icebrand from the cold steel it is made off, the blade itself always feels cold when touching it, even when there is warm blood on it.

Weapon two;

A fist weapon that forms a U around Gs fist about 8 cm outside his knuckles. The U blade is sharp and slices anything it touches. The name of the blade is Ishi.

Ishi and Icebrand is always used together.

Weapon three;

A heavy warhammer, which is one side a hammer and the other an axe. The warhammer is 1.80 cm tall. The name of this weapon is still unkown since no one has heard G spoken about it or seen him use it. Some think that it is a heirloom from a lost member of his family.


When the bomb went off, he and his friends were off hiking. They could feel the ground shake and the heatwave hit them, even though they were 3000 meters above the sea. With nothing except worry in his heart, he hurried home to find his house burnt down, plundered. Inside, his father had a knife in his head, his mother had her clothes ripped apart and clearly visible strangle marks. He dared not go in to his 16 year old sisters room. The remorse of lost family shook him, he decided to take action. He took an old baseball bat from under his fathers bed and made his way in to town. Chaos had erupted. What had not been killed from the bomb was plundering the streets. And what had been killed, was following those who were plundering. The first sight of these, dead, things made him dizzy. But, his anger lashed out and he started bashing things, living and dead.

Living seemingly alone, G made his way through the world, picking up scraps and pieces here and there. Always living alone, till one day when he met Lisa. Lisa took him back to her group, made him one of them. They lived rather peacefully on a mountain, with freshwater and a little farm nearby which still provided food.

But one after another, they died to the dead. But the dead wasn't the biggest problem. A group of hunters raided their camp, killed almost everybody and left Lisa with a fatal wound to the side. As furious as G can become, he slaughtered the hunters, buried Lisa and walked away and is now heading back toward civilization.

Name: Lexi Walters

Age: 24

Species: human

Weapons: Glock 35, shot gun

Personality: Badass, closed off, sarcastic

Bio: Lexi watched as her fiancé and best friend slept together then watched them get murdered by zombies in the same painful moment. She's been on the run with her own survival tactics and common sense.

Name: Sabrina Nanami Farron

Age: 17

Species: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/stella_nox_fleuret_cosplay_by_crystalmoonlight1-d4pe16c.jpg.f78009314794b24f39911f7352caf360.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26002" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/stella_nox_fleuret_cosplay_by_crystalmoonlight1-d4pe16c.jpg.f78009314794b24f39911f7352caf360.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sabrina has an Honest and Polite attitude, but is assertive and true to her beliefs due to her upbringing. She is also known for being very direct and is not one to shy away from her problems.



-Dual M1911 Handguns w/Compensators

-Remington 700 Bolt-Action Rifle

Bio: Very little is known about Sabrina, other then the fact that she is a Proficient Marksman and Fencer. Before the outbreak, Sabrina was a Olympic Level Fencer and Sports Shooter. Her dream of representing the United States in Fencing crashed when the outbreak began. Once she used her Precision and Swordsmanship for Sport and Competition. Now she uses it to keep herself from becoming zombie chow and to protect herself from the supernatural.



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