When Darkness Comes.

Name: Julius "Big Cat" Constantinople

Age: 26

Species: Neko Lion

Appearance: Looks like cheese. No he's about 5'10" and 175 pounds. He's good looking and of course is a neko. When he transforms he can grow to 6'2" and when he goes full lion mode hes.... a full lion.

Personality: All he ever wanted in life was to have it easy. He thinks everything is a drag, and that if things are gonna get done, he will do it at the last possible second. But he knows the value of survival and will get focused. He has hidden leadership abilities but has a fear of looking like a try hard or failing as leader, so he quits before even starting. He's a kind soul, though on the outside hes seems whiny and apathetic. He just wants to skate by this life, hopefully while intoxicated as much as possible.

Weapons: RPK with drum magazines. Mac 10 SMG. A chinese spear

Bio: Julius Constantinople was named after two great and powerful figures in history. He was far from greatness however. "Big Cat" Grew up in the rough part of city where his parents struggled to keep he and his 3 siblings in check while working and paying the bills before the war. While his brother and sisters worked hard on the text books Julius found himself more interested on humbler hands on work. Specifically with vehicles. He would sometimes skip school and head to the auto shop. There he worked with the owner and learned the trade. The owner happened to be a member of a bike gang, and so after teaching Julius everything he knew about vehicles he brought him in. Julius was dubbed the name of "Big Cat" since he was quiet but a strong looking kid. It went from skipping school to fix cars and bikes, to selling dope. It was easy money and it helped pay the bills. He finally felt like he was part of a group where he belonged... then everything went south after the events...

He found that his family had all turned to zombies and that he grew lion limbs, even being able to convert to one. What a drag.... 
are you an angel... cause i must be in heaven
Name: Mathis Coyoty Anné

Age: 15

Species: (Sometimes I wonder if she is too OP... err guess we'll find out) Shes related to Farubah down there so she too has bird in her as well as wolf (not werewolf) and vampire.

Appearance: (Has about 2-4% bird in her which only heightens her seeing and makes her capable of flying




Personality: Coyoty is sweet and kind when she is not in battle, whenever thrown in battle she becomes a totally different person. Before when all was right with the world this vampire used to be head of the torture department in a facility that hunted creatures who broke their laws. She would torture them for answers and most likely leave them to die in the end. She is kind of sadistic and is the only vampire to actually like blood and gore as much as she does without actually wanting to drink blood. She enjoys playing games of attacking a creature as a wolf just for the giggles of it all. In the end she sleeps peacefully and as long as you do not piss her off or betray her trust you will be just fine. She does not have any mercy for people who have led her or her cousin into traps, if she finds out you are betraying her she will try and kill you.

Weapons: Her teeth and claws (and Zephyr a morphing weapon.

Bio: Coyoty was an experiment of her father, she was born in Verel Germany and grew there until her fourth birthday where she was taken to Berlin to celebrate her birthday. When this happened she found a dog in an alleyway. It was whimpering and crying as well as bleeding from the nose and she wanted to take care of it. But out of no where came her father. She had no idea who this man was and as confused as she was she was even more flabbergasted when the man pulled a gun out and shot her mother for no other reason than to do it. Afterwards he kidnaped Coyoty and did tests on her till she was 14 where she escaped his clutches with her cousin Farubah.

Name: Kirklin Farubah

Age: 16

Species: Vampire (she too has 2% bird in here due to her bother and thus the wings that she cannot use)


(I am not big on using someone famous but I saw her (Nina Dobrev) and I found her to be perfect. Not to mention a good pun for this character.... xD also she has large jet black wings)



(This is NOT her this is simply her hawk she keeps.)


She has a fox form but I lack the photo, I apologise.

Personality: Farubah has a quite silent personality. She enjoys simple things and isn't to picky about things. Since the saving of her cousin the two have stayed together like they were sisters. They stayed in abandoned houses fending off whatever they could with the help of Farubah's hawk. Coyoty has tried to teach Farubah how to fly but since the breakdown of society she has been unable to be fully taught. It's not something you learn in a day.

Weapons: Farubah does not use many weapons. Usually fleaing before anyone could attack her she in the sense uses Coyoty for protection. It's not that she can't shoot or wield a sword it's just she would rather not.

Bio: Farubah grew up inside the family's huge mansion just outside of varel Germany. While growing up she learned to use and utilise most of her powers that was until their mansion was attacked. This hurtled the chaos that she sustained from runing and fleaing for her life. Before long she was fleaing to another country and decided to find her cousin. She was in a super protected laboratory and Farubah knew this was the best place to go to look for survivors. Before too long she found Coyoty and with the help of Coyoty herself the two escaped the facility.

{gods I'm so tiered, I hope it's okay to post two more characters...}
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Name: Ven

Age: 20

Species: Human

Appearance: She also has a scar down the left side of her body due to a vampire attack.


Personality: Very sarcastic and likes to point out the obvious. Has a quick temper and can be extremely naive to anything that has to do with the opposite sex. She is also brutally honest and rarely filters anything that comes out of her mouth. She also has trust issues and rarely lets anyone see who she really is.



A simple compound bow that she has perfected over the years.


A knife that she keeps tucked into her boot just in case.

Bio: Before the bomb hit, Ven was like any nobody in society. She worked part-time, went to school part-time, and had a little sister that meant the world to her. Her father was a successful high-ranking military officer that kept Ven and her younger sister on a tight leash. When the planet went to hell, her life was shattered in a matter of moments. Abandoned by her father, Ven had to fight to keep her sister and herself alive. When a group of vampires found their makeshift camp in a local supermarket, they took her sister and left Ven for dead. By some miracle she survived, faced to wander the new world in a vengeful realization that she was alone and always would be. Determined to find the monsters that took her only reason for living in this tainted existence, she recklessly seeks out danger with the intent of Kill or be Killed.
[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]Feel free to start anywhere. We have right now two or three stories and we will gladly take you under.

Okay cool, and thanks

Age: 18

Species: Human



Ethnicity: American-English

Hair color/style: A long, thick mess of dark curls, the girl’s hair resembles the delicacy of premium dark chocolate, the locks fall just barely to her waistline, streaming down in a dark mass, to curl at the tip, allowing for dramatic windstorms, and the need to carry bobby pins everywhere.

Eye color: A very complicated mix of greys, blues, and lighter shades of both, her orbs are difficult to place, and usually reffered to as dark, misty, or just blue of chartreux.

Accent (if any): Her accent is very natural to Americans, but hidden underneath, and only heard if listened to intently, is a hint of an english accent, permanent as can be from her birthplace in London.

Height: 5’6

Weight: 109 pounds soaking wet.


A delicate being, she is quiet, and conservative, relying solely on the warmth and treasure her books bring her, carrying them by half a dozen at a time, and will be seen at points throughout a day, wielding one of many novellas. She does, however, enjoy the company of others, just does not talk much. Her point of view, when taken in, is a justified opinion, backed up with many views or examples. Her replies are contemplated thoroughly, and she appreciates a being who is capable of listening to her less than mindless, more like mindful squalle to excert her knowings. The girl is a hopeless romantic, but not enough to let it take over or distract her from her teachings.

What relaxes them?

After a long day of class, she enjoys sitting in bed or on the couch, maybe for hours at a time, reading, or writing manuscripts for future stories or tales of hers.

Do they have any bad habits?

Biting her nails is a big one, for this girl does have a slight anxiety issue in certain situations.

What are some things that they don’t like?

Ever since she was six, and on her first flight, crossing the Atlantic Ocean over from London to America, she has been terrified of flying. Of course, nothing happened on that flight, just, the feeling of merely floating over a large body of water, and all the possibilities of things that could go wrong, instilled a deeply burrowed fear within her.

Weapons: She currently owns a .22 Caliber Rifle, a kitchen knife, and a slingshot. The slingshot, however, is handmade from wood and an elastic, one she made as a child, while out in the woods.


Well, I couldn't think of anything for a bio, but here is a brief summary

A freewilled child, she crew up in the suburbs of London, England, her old-fashioned mother and father pushing her to have more fun as often as she could. But at the brief, and not well remembered age of six, Gwen’s mother was made to move to USA to continue her high-paying job, and therefore dragging the group along. So, crossing the borders, in the time of only a few days, Gwen grew quiet, sadness overcoming the child as she left her birthplace, and she already missed the beautiful aired shops, delivered groceries, and everything about Europe.

Adolescence brief summary: Gwen was, as usual, a quiet girl as a teenager. Her parents, though thrilled and relieved, were confused when their only child never talked back or defied them, and rather than sneak out, stayed in the lounge and read for hours on end.
Name: Tami White

Age: 19

Species: Human

Appearance: I'm about 5 foot 6 with a dancer's physique. I have wild, wavy brown hair, big brown eyes, full lashes and brows, delicate jaw, strong nose, full narrow lips, medium to pale complexion.

Personality: I'm a dreamer and a doer. I'm fiercely loyal but also fair to outsiders. I keep things light by cracking jokes. It's only when things don't go my way that I lose a little hope.

Weapons: My weapon of choice is a bow and arrow, but I also carry a sword and a gun and know how to fistfight.

Bio: I grew up wanting to be a writer and a surgeon. I dreamed of a husband, a single child, a cat, and a farm house in the suburbs. When the apocalypse hit, I abandoned those dreams and trained under a military refuge to become a skilled fighter. To this day when supplies are needed, I'm among the people who go out.
Name: Eric Mathers

Age: 16

Species: Vampire

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Shift.jpg.5c78471bf3a6c494ca044ad3896e7f94.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22086" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Shift.jpg.5c78471bf3a6c494ca044ad3896e7f94.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: Eric carries a variety of weapons including, two silenced glock's and two samurai swords. Also an assortment of grenades and other exsplosives.

Personality: Eric is a friendly and quiet person, he is also very brave and is always willing to help anyone. He can be very charming at times and is quite the romantic.was that Eric didnt have a scratch on him.

Bio: Before the bomb Eric was a normal kid, His biggest worries were weather girls liked him or not. He was at school when the bomb hit, he saw the light racing towards the school through the window, so he ran and was lucky that he was behind a wall at the time it hit the school, that wall saved his life. He woke up in an extremely overcrowded hospital, on the floor because all the beds were full, when he sat up he noticed hundreds of other severely wounded people also lying on the floor. The strange thing

Less then a week after the bomb, The old world was gone, there was no society or government. He was now living the video games he used to play and the movies he used to watch. He developed a strange craving for blood around this time, He first started with animals but it was like constantly eating tofu. He didnt want to hurt anyone who didnt deserve to die so he prayed on the bandits roaming across the city. He would never dare drink zombie blood, he would probably get infected.

When the blood craving set in he also developed super speed and super strength, he also developed the ability to heal quite fast.

I like cheese

ALSO! i HAVE NO Idea where how to come into this rp, with over 100 pages of rp! could someone help bring me in if/when i get accepted?



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Here's the character sheet.

Name: John Raven

Age: 17

Species: Human

Appearance: 5,8 feet tall, slim, muscular (on a scale from 1-10) 6, dark brown hair, wears a camo hoodie and cargo pants. He has green eyes, not that you usually see them because he usually keeps his head down around other people. His posture is a bit down. uses magnum shoes. He carries a medium size backpack

Personality: Silent, cynical, hates dramatical acts. He loves books especially psychological ones. He sees humans no better than animals. He says he doesnt fear death but he doesnt want to die.

Weapons: A knife of few inches hidden in his elbow, And a metal baseball bat. He uses the knife only on humans because he doesnt trust them. For everything else he uses the baseball bat. In desperate moments he relies on his kicking.

Bio: He left his family when he was twelve because he couldnt stand being around and seeing his family fight. He started surviving on the streets and when he was old enough to enter high school he started to get in love with books. His first book was Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness. He took many ideas from that book one being that he doesnt trust humans and sees them as terrible beings that only care about their own survival. When the war began he started working in national library archiving information in case it will be destroyed. After working for few weeks he saw a high status officer visiting the library, the officer approached him and felt bad for the high schooler. He told him that the war will get worse and that he shouldn't waste time here and go do something with his life. John took this to heart and went outside wondering what should he do. He decided that he should see how long he will survive in the cruel world of the apocalypse. He spent most of his time increasing his physical strength and using his knife while waiting for the apocalypse to hit.

Name: Dark

Age: 20 or so he can't remember

Species: human??

Appearance: carcasion male, tall, slender yet very muscular and strong, (when in darkness mode) no noticable feturs but a dark mist coming from him

Personality: shy, sly, and very smart, not trusting of others at first, gets pissed esaly, fearless

Weapons: sholon spade, specal sword, sherukins, brass knuckles, any kind of explosive

Bio: never can remember past, all he knows is surviving and trying to stay calm so he dosent turn into the dark being (not zombie)
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Name: Wallace Marshall

Age: 23

Species: human

Appearance: Wallace is often mistaken for a pushover or a weakiling. While not completely scrawny, he's rather thin, weighing in at 125 lbs despite standing at 5'8". His dark shoulder-length hair is parted down the middle and occasionally has to be swept from his deep-blue eyes.

He carries himself with a confident gait although oftentimes seems a bit distant.

Personality: Wallace is described by his peers as...quirky. He's usually level headed, calm, and objective but can randomly be victim to what can only be described as panic attacks. While he is usually under control, he can lose at the worst moments, giving into the strangest of urges at the worst possible times.

Weapons: Wallace has always carried a Colt M1911 that ran out of ammo ages ago but is still useful as intimidation. In literally any other situation, he relies on an old claw hammer, a combat knife, and his wits.

Bio: (yay! Fun part) Wallace has always been seen as "not right" but was never around family that cared or family in general. His dad left before he was born and his mother died when he was a toddler. He has relatively no memories of either parent. Growing up, he bounced orphanage to orphanage due to his mental state and coped with his loneliness by creating an imaginary friend named Markus. He can still be seen talking to Markus to this day. To everyone else he's talking to thin air. Wallace is aware of this but Markus is more than just an imaginary friend, he's a projection of Wallace's emotions at any given time and why he is always calm. Wallace will try and calm himself by calming Markus. On occasion though, he loses his grip and Markus' worries and emotions become Wallace's.

Name: Victor Santos

Age: 23

Species: Human

Appearance: Victor has a lean and battered body from spending his young youth surviving his world on his own. His body is not overly muscular but athletic enough to move quickly and fight off predators. He has short black hair that is hardly ever combed in a particular fashion. His eyes are brown, his skin already tanned and worn. His usual fare of clothing consists of jeans, boots, a sweater over a ragged shirt he's had since before everything, and a mask that he wears over the upper half of his face to help deter weaker predators.


*image courtesy of Chris Samnee

Personality: While battle-worn, Victor keeps a quick wit and good sense of humor. These may be coping mechanisms for everything that has gone on. He is very defensive of his past and his own motives, but will usually make a stand for when the need arises. With the world falling apart, he usually treats every challenge as a joke even laughing while fighting. He knows that there maybe something broken within him, but he never lets down that facade of playfulness. He really is just a puppy; eager for fun and adventure, loyal to a fault, but ready to bite when something crosses him wrong.

Weapons: Victor is armed with a pair of Colt 1911s as his main firearms. Around his waist Victor has a utility belt filled with miscellaneous items such as para-cord, multi-tool, and other survival gear. He also keeps a knife tucked behind his back on the belt.

Bio: Victor was away at boarding school when the world went to hell. Victor was carefree and would play a lot of pranks in the dorms. He treated the school as his own playground; jumping from roof to roof looking for ways to get into the girls' dormitory, learning to be quiet so to never be caught, and learning to box for the times that he nearly was. He never believed that it would turn so quickly. He survived for a little while with friends within the school, but that would not last very long. He's blacked out most of what happened to him that night, but he awoke on at the break of day alone. There was no bodies, no mark of anyone else. He would raid the rest of the school, especially his old history teacher's office, for most of his gear and would try to make it alone in the world. He wants to search for his family and little brother, but they were clear across the country when everything happened. There was no way for him to truly know what happened to them. So now he goes from place to place, looking for somewhere he can catch his breathe and scope the scenery. Hopefully, trying to survive another day.

(I'm not in such a hurry. This'll be as detailed as I can get it. ._.')

Name: Kaizta B Shine

Age: 23

Species: Eh.. Neko Wolf.


Personality: Very kind, sometimes sarcastic, always trying to seek some attention (she was after all abused), always trying to get a friend, very smart, very accurate, very strong.

Weapons: She has a knife in her boot just incase, and she uses a big sniper rifle. A dragonov. Her dad gave it to her.

Bio: She was just a young girl who was born in the forest. A young wolf neko... No one would pick her up, but she learned everything by herself. When she finally found a family at the age of 4, she was abused. So, at the age of 7, she ran away. Now, this 'apocalypse' thing started. She ran around, trying to find survivors.
Name: Xian (Christian)

Age: 17

Species: proud Homo-Sapien!

Appearance: He is obviously starved, he still wears the same hoodie he was wearing during the event. for equipment he has just one shoulder-bag full of all kinds of tat: loose bullets he hasn't kept a gun for; cans of sliced peaches; hand sanitiser and medicinal alcohol; etc.

his face was at least half hansom before, and he is often mistaken for a vampire because his skin is so pale (or not covered in filth) he has long hair that flows ridiculously out of his hood like an invitation to grab them.

Personality: complete coward, self serving. despite the apocalypse he takes great care for his hygiene, which has got worse and worse as the years rolled on. until he cannot touch others dreading that he die of a flu rather than ripped apart quickly by a vampire or something. he has become pleasure seeking, reasoning that he could die at any time, and will try to have fun and got his last injury getting shot at while going down a slide in a park.

Weapons: absolutely nothing. a miracle i know! the closest he has to a weapon is a reel of strong rope with a big monkey-fist knot turned into a grappling hook. could be cut with anything sharp.

Bio: born to a happy but not particularly rich family in a rich are in london, they traveled to America for work when he was 8 and never recovered his social circle fully. limited to just 4 friends who all died one by one, of cholera, dysentry, zombiesm, and buggered up vampire bite. he now travels alone with his thoughts, and they (or better described as she) will not stop bothering him untill he dies.
Name: Kiara Diavolo

Age: 19

Species: Werewolf



Her hair is usually back in a long braid, and she has a small, hidden tattoo on her middle back. Her eyes glow a fierce amber-yellow whenever she is angry. She is usually slightly hunched when she walks, but when speaking to others she carries an air of formality about her. Her fingernails are almost always bitten down- a bad habit. Her physique is very similar to a ballet dancer or an olympic swimmer- strong, lithe, fit, but still slightly curvy in all the right places.



Personality: Mirabel follows the lone wolf stereotype to a point, acting very aloof around those she does not know- but once she makes a friend, they are a part of her pack for life, and she will protect them fiercely from any danger. She was much friendlier before the apocalypse, but with the destruction and torture of her pack, she has lost most of her friendly persona. She tough as nails but has one weakness-her family. Her only reason for carrying on is to find any missing relatives she may find, especially her twin brother, Nicolas. She loves music and still carries her mother's locket, which plays a lullaby when it is opened.




She also carries a crowbar and a small swiss army knife.

Bio: Mirabel's father was Proventus Diavolo, once one of the most feared and respected crime syndicate bosses in Russia, where she was born. Her mother was a human, and a well-known pianist, giving her a love of music from an early age. Growing up, she, along with her twin brother Nicolas, were being trained and groomed to eventually become leaders of the The Red Viper Clan, and had been sent to the States to study the ins and outs of assassinations and dirty combat. That was when the war began. After the monsters began to rise and the beasts began to surface underneath their skins, they helped each other through their transformations, through surviving the apocalypse. They often joked that if the world went back to normal after the undead threat was gone, no one would question their leadership. But one day, while scouting for food, they came across a massive horde, 1000 strong. They split up, agreeing that it was safer that way. But when Mirabel showed up at their safehouse, Nicolas didn't show up. He never did. She waited for days, weeks, months. When the undead breached her fortress she knew she had to leave. Now she wanders aimlessly, trying to catch her brothers scent on the wind, beating back the scary feeling that she never will.
Name: Aren

Age: 16

Species: Werewolf

Appearance: (Can include description as well as picture)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-19_7-52-27.png.ecfd6a70ea91448aa0fb8e031902ed50.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23237" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-19_7-52-27.png.ecfd6a70ea91448aa0fb8e031902ed50.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-19_7-52-38.png.d9bd93eeaa9c2f0374955bd3c8aaedd4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23238" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-19_7-52-38.png.d9bd93eeaa9c2f0374955bd3c8aaedd4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aren is quick to anger, and quick to react. Her temper is fiery, and she has a hard time being in a relationship with anyone. But for people she knows and cares about, she is reading to sacrifice everything for them. Aren enjoys being alone, however, since the zombie attack, she always wishes she could be near someone to help her. Aren was more friendly before the apocalypse, when she had friends and family. In fact, the only thing that keeps her going now is the hope that she might find someone she cares about.

Weapons: (If any? Probably guns, if anything. But swords and such are fine too.)

Throwing knives<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-19_7-57-44.png.03d00481f962d14d0e442c006cb813e2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-19_7-57-44.png.03d00481f962d14d0e442c006cb813e2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

pistol<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-19_7-58-15.png.6c5c0efc2ea4c22e795e4d0d9a7da294.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23241" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-19_7-58-15.png.6c5c0efc2ea4c22e795e4d0d9a7da294.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Aren was devastated when the apocalypse hit. It took her family, her friends, and made them all into zombies. But from that destruction, Aren was gifted. She was granted the ability to turn into a wolf. Soon after the beginning, Aren ran into someone she knew from before. He was nice enough, but a little shady too. One night, however, she awoke to a cold metal circle pressed against her skull. She opened her eyes to find him standing there, his pistol pushed against her forehead. She turned into a wolf and slaughtered him then and there. She is still looking for someone that will help her, and that she can care for. She had stalked unnoticed in the shadows, waiting and watching. She saw people, she just wasn't ready to risk it. But recently, Aren decided that first person she saw, she was going to stick with them. She fearlessly walks on the rooftops, leaping over the heads of the undead. She stalks in the shadows, slinking past them in a sly, wolfy way.




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Name: The Unknown



Appearance:No one really knows, and if they do know, they are probably dead. Wears a Ski Mask and obscures all of his skin with plain black clothing

Bio: Who knows? In this big world, I don't think anyone does. No one knows who he is, and if you have ever see him (Well, what they would see is a man dressed in pure black) they disappear, presumed dead. No other information could be found

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