When and where to play [New Dawn in the North]

Saturday is Ahyna's birthday and I'm going to be in Asheville with her.  We could theoretically come up that night if she doesn't mind, but we're spending the day together down there.  

Sunday should be open for me, but I reserve the right to cut things short since I have two big honkin' projects due Monday.
Fantastic.  Now, if I can just be on the ball for finalizing those projects before the game; all will be golden.
Megan and I are fine with coming to Aville, we won't be getting there until about 6:30-or 7 just so ya know, but we are up for that.
That'd...  sort of work out for me.  I mean, I'll be in Asheville Sunday anyway, but I need to get back to complete some homework.  

I don't have a problem coming to Asheville another weekend (like the past few I've recommended), but I don't think this one would be very good for me, to be prefectly honest.
Well, I'd prefer it; I think it's only fitting, for my last time as ST for the forseeable future (by which I mean, Gustav, that I hope you have a looooooooong Abyssal story planned).  But if it's going to detract in a serious way from the session, fuck it.
Coming to Aville is fine with Megan and I. She is off, but i will have to wait to see my schedule. I have a feeling that i will be working but we will see as usual.
If we play in A'ville, we'll need to start at, like, 1.

And, perhaps the Davii and myself could carpool down, say, Saturday night?  Crash at Ahyna's...
The problem with doing that is our aminals, that and i will probably be working until 12:30 or so. But i get my schedule tonight.
Ok, so Sunday is a go!!! I finageled my way into getting sunday off by weitching with one of the guys. I do have to clsoe on sat so carpooling that night is out(got to take the aminals out and all). So if josh would be so kind as to post directions to his house that would be great. weeee...abyssals.
Ah jes! ze direcciones!


South on 26 all the way into Asheville.  Take 240 east, bypassing the downtown exits and heading in the general direction of Wilson (Jubal knows what I mean).  

You'll take Exit 9 onto 74 A heading east.  You'll be on this road for about 7 miles; you'll pass a green and yellow sign for Reynolds High School, go up a big-ass hill, bunch of shopping centers and junk, then another school on your right.  

Past the school, there's a traffic light with a Hot Dog King on your right.  Go through the light; you'll take the SECOND ROAD TO THE LEFT.  The first road on the left is called Graveyard, and it is marked; the second road, which you will take, is not.  It's not even a full turn; it's at a 45 degree angle rather than a full 90.  It goes up a slight rise.  You can't miss it.

Again, you'll take your second left, onto Garren Creek Road.  There's a huge-ass sign that says WELCOME TO GARREN CREEK COMMUNITY and lists about 906 churches (I exaggerate..!).  Stay on Garren Creek for a while, and be careful 'cause it's curvy as fuck.  Curvy like plus-size model.  Or something.  I believe you're on Garren Creek for about 5 miles.

You're looking for Kirkpatrick Lane on the right.  It's at the top of a hill - the steepest fucking hill on Garren Creek.  The road bends waaaaaay to the left right in front of this house with a crusty little shed-type building, then starts to curve right again at the top of the hill.  As soon as it starts to curve right, start slowing down, 'cause Kirkpatrick isRIGHTTHERE!  Right there.  It'll sneak up on ya if you're not careful.

Then all you do is drive down that gravel drive and keep left.  You'll see The Bitch and maybe Myers' red Echo.


You guys will like my house.
Since I don't have all the emails and I haven't yet written Ahyna's, the Abyssal game will not happen tomorrow.

I also need to catch up on some homework, but if we wanna hang out in JC; I'm totally down for that as my beautiful Ahyna will be present.
You probably all know this already, but: I won't be here this weekend.  Since I'm not ST anymore, that no longer means you can't play without me, so feel free.

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