When and where to play [New Dawn in the North]

Maybe Drew wasn't terribly clear on our problem with Sun. Drew works 3:30-11:00pm and I work 12:45-5:15. We don't mind driving to A-ville but me driving by myself for the first time in the dark and Dru having to find a ride home and then stay there all night alone while we game is kind of crappy. Not to metion me then having to drive home late in the dark. I work 9:45-6:15 on Sat. and Drew works 11:30-5:00. Maybe since everyone is going to be in A-ville anyway, we could meet there, start early, and game late. If Sunday is the only time we can make it work then Drew and I will work somethin out. Anyways, just call us or post.
Okay, well, this weekend was a great example of miscommunication!  Weee.

So, I work Friday night and Saturday during the day.  If I don't work the next day, we should run Exalted down in Asheville.  Because, Saturday night is Miles' birthday party and I'd like to be in attendance.  

If I do end up working on Sunday, perhaps we can schedule the game in JC later in the evening.  Yeah, I have class the next morning and Josh has work, but fuck it; I wanna fuckin' play.
I work 1-5:15 Sunday. Drew should be off but we won't know for a few more days. Don't mind drivin to A-ville but it would be fine if we played in JC too.
I'd like to go to Miles' party, as well, although I ain't buyin' no got-damme gift for that shiesty sonofabitch unless I can sell off all this fucking crank I found in the closet yesterday... FUKK.


Drew & Megan, if y'all want to drive down on Sunday to play, that'd be great; even if you don't get here 'til 7, that's still a solid 4 or 5 hours to game.  We have couch space; you can crash if you want & leave for JC in da morning.  My new house = nice.


Lexy heads back to Worcester on Sunday, so I may skip Miles' party and stay with her in JC Saturday night.  If I do, gaming there is also possible.  That would entail Jubal & Kiley driving up; also, starting earlier & ending earlier.

Personally, I'd prefer if we played at my house, but we should do what works best for the most people.

In y'all's court now.
As nice as your house is, it is way the fuck out in the country.  Drew and Megan, if y'all stay, you should crash at Kiley's apartment, it's also on the JC side of Asheville rather than half an hour past it.

If I work Sunday and I can't get out of it, I'll be happy to game Saturday night in JC.  Kiley will be at work, but she's not in the game's plot yet so...

I'll know about Sunday hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest and I'll post here any updates.
That all sounds fine to me. I will know my schedule on Wed. Megan is working this Sunday till 5. So we whall see in a day or two. Just keeping you guys posted.
I mean, y'all can stay wherever you want.  No sweat off me.

Thanks for staying current.  As soon as you all know about your work schedules & post 'em, we'll figure it out.
So Megan works till 5 on Sunday and I work close both Fri and Sat but only till 4 on Sunday, so thus it looks like Sunday maybe the best day. Just need to see about Jubal and then we can see where we will play. In my opinion, of course wereever the most people are is the most understandible place to play. If you guys want to play in Aville that is cool. It will take Megan and I roughly an hour to get there so it would be about 6:30 or 7 at the earlyest. If we play in J.C. then about 5:30 just due to the fact that you all could travel why we are at work. Tell me how ya feel and if there are other plans. Miles bday is this weekend? cant remeber if that is last weeks post or not.
Yeah, Miles' party is this Saturday (11th), 6 pee emm - whenever.  I still have to ask Lexy if she wants to go...
Sunday 5:30 the Davi house. March 12th. Be there or be dipped in honey and locked in a room with Gaia.
Kabuki said:
Be there or be dipped in honey and locked in a room with Gaia.

Unfortunately, I will not be attending. I must go home, before my parents birth a bovine.

Since I don't have much to do at the game yet anyways, i doubt the lack of my presence will cause much lament.

i'll miss you guys!
Ahnya said:
Unfortunately, I will not be attending. I must go home, before my parents birth a bovine.
Heh.  Took me a second to figure that one out.

Ahnya said:
Since I don't have much to do at the game yet anyways, i doubt the lack of my presence will cause much lament.
Shit, dude, I'm workin' on it.  I was actually doing some mental math to figure out which battle you'd be able to attend... but never fear.  We'll get you in there.

Sorry you won't be with us this week.
Just for the record: Birth a bovine = priceless. I love you Ahnya.

Anyways, I am off this Sun. Kabuki should be but we'll know for sure tom. Will keep you guys posted.

P.S.- the notes wil be up soon Hanat

P.P.S.- for those who are interested there is supposedly a total lunar eclipse on a full moon which also happens to be the ides of march. check it out
Drew is off this Sun.! This is like the first time we've all been off and available on a Sun. in....many moons. So.... the question is... how early are you crackers gonna be able to get your slack asses over here? We can start as early as you want so it's up to you guys now.
Man, you guys are fucking taskmasters.  Noon?  On THE LORD'S DAY?  What the Eff?

I'll be there as close to noon as possible.
I'll be there as close to noon as possible.
While casual is "in" right now, Josh, there are four people who will be awaiting your glorious arrival with baited breath.

So, perhaps a more definite time?  It doesn't have to be noon, just a time that you think you'll realistically show up.

OK, so my boss had to go to the E.R. last night so the schedual wasnt finished but, I am off on Saturday and don't know about Sunday. If we can game on Saturday that would be cool, cause we wouldn't be restricted by time really, or i can see if someone will switch with me. Tell me what ya think so i can see if i need to switch and all asap!!

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