Other What's your Harry Potter house?

I'm a...

  • Gryffindor

    Votes: 10 7.9%
  • Slytherin

    Votes: 48 37.8%
  • Ravenclaw

    Votes: 31 24.4%
  • Hufflepuff

    Votes: 38 29.9%

  • Total voters
I was sorted by Pottermore twice.  The first time I got Ravenclaw and the second I got  Gryffindor.  I've always identified with Ravenclaw more though.
my family has designated me as the family hufflepuff !! the tests i take are split between slitherin and hufflepuff, and i can't really identify to one more than the other. but i think if i were to be sorted i'd be hufflepuff!
It's always been a combination of hufflepuff and gryfindor, but leaning more to hufflepuff
for the longest time I thought Griffindor but then I grew up and took the test and realized Slytherin was the path to greatness!
I've been a Slytherin in almost every test I've taken. The first time I took the Pottermore quiz I was in Slytherin, then the second time, (after the update) I got put in Hufflepuff..... Not a good thing for a Slytherin to hear.
And Puckwudgie.
I think I'm Slytherin, but I went on the Warner Brothers Tour and got sorted into Gryffindor.
ALSO took the pottermore quiz and got Hufflepuff . . . I've never been more lost.
i'm a ravenclaw for whatever reason. pottermore says so. i'm also a thunderbird.

i don't really think of myself as someone who's smart, but eh, alrighty then.
My heart belongs to Slytherin! Didn't need a test but the test even backs up my point of being a Slytherin! :D
Since the beginning of the Harry Potter era, I have taken many quizzes and junk online, including the official Pottermore one recently. I have never once got any house other than Ravenclaw. Which tbh makes a lot of sense and really does fit my personality. The only thing I don't like about Ravenclaw is that theres never any merchandise for that house. I see Gryffindor and Slytherin, and even Hufflepuff stuff all over the place, but never Ravenclaw.
I'm probably a Pukwudgie/Hufflepuff, to be honest, but I feel like I could fit into Horned Serpent/Ravenclaw, too. : P
I'm a Slytherin, even tested on Pottermore. Although, sometimes I do get Ravenclaw. It's pretty even both ways. Though I go with Slytherin because that's what Pottermore says, ahah.

Your in-depth results are:

Slytherin - 15
Gryffindor - 11
Ravenclaw - 10
Hufflepuff - 4​

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