Other What's your go-to beverage?

AkioTheHero said:
Admittedly, either grape juice, sweet tea (depending on how it is made) or Dr. Pepper. I don't have much of a sophisticated taste.
You have quite the variety, lol.

Ballerina said:
I survive off a steady diet of green tea and cream soda. ^_^
Not really a fan of green tea unless it's iced, but cream soda... <3

[QUOTE="My Pet Poro]I am a huge juice person. I may or may not have like 23 cases of Juicy Juice just chilling in my hallway in my house. Yes I am an adult. No I have no shame

I don't blame you. Most kinds of juices are addictive!

Probix said:
Sounds yummy.

SunshineZombies7 said:
Water. I have so many bottles of water filling my fridge. But if there happens to be a cider or other alcoholic beverage I'm there.
Can't relate since I'm not a big girl yet (boohoo) but I one day will.

Oblitus said:
Water! I can have it all the time, it's refreshing and good for you, plus ice cubes make it infinitely better :)
Not much of a water person, unfortunately. I don't know how people drink six to eight glasses a day. Holy gee...

Though, I can relate if it's iced. :P

Cavil said:

poppet said:
Water. D: I'm so boring!
I do need coffee on a daily basis. But it isn't my go-to. Water is necessary for my body, and helps curb the onset of my migraines. I can always grab a bottle on the run, I keep some next to the bed at night. It's just all around convenient and helpful. I drink water most, then also drink coffee. I will sometimes drink juice or an instant breakfast since I'm always so busy in the mornings and rarely eat. I miss drinking wine every night though. xD
Water has so many benefits. I wish I could drink it without forcing myself to. xD

Tapadero said:
Sprite!! Tastes amazing!!
Sprite is one of my favourite sodas! I can agree.

YoungX said:
I drink water like it's no one's business. To be frank I usually only drink water. Sometimes I'll drink milk or soda.
Lotta water people. xD
Nuka Cola my friend, if it's good enough to be used in post apocalyptia, then it's good enough for me.

By nuka cola, there's a recipe for it. 1/3 Mt Dew, 1/3 Coca Cola, 1/3 creaming soda. Try it.
Tea, lots of tea. I try not to have a lot of caffeine since it interacts with my anxiety. Usually that or water. When I'm being bad I'll have a glass of wine, beer (I'm becoming a beer snob :'( ) or something weird like citron tea or milk tea.
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Juice and milk, with the occasional soda.

Though, I'm happy to see that lately I've been going more and more for the water bottles, so maybe there is hope for healthy living? *Gasp!*
I love to have a good ol' huge cup of coffee. I'm a lover of energetic drinks too, Monster being my favorite since it's the "tastiest" one. And, no, I don't have anxiety attacks and my health is pretty well.

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