Whats your favorite style of RP? :)


The One Phoenix
Hi I'm new by the way lol. I joined the site a couple of days ago, I love Role-play and all kinds of it. I enjoy Paras, and Multi-paras. I enjoy detail ALOT. And I love original concepts, though I don't mind doing fandoms and stuff. I don't consider myself a writer, which I'm not, I've never wrote a book before in my life.

Anyway my favorite RP styles are "Para" and "Multi-Para" Basically Detailed.

And my second favorite style is "S-15" style or "Tier 4" which is just for combat. I enjoy detailed combat too but this style is just my favorite in terms of RP fighting.

I'm curious to hear other people's opinions ^-^ So whats yours? (I'm still trying to figure this place out so excuse me if my thread is a little sloppily made xD the tag part also confused me a little)
I prefer to run dice roleplays or more structured roleplays generally, so I never worry about paragraph counts as long as the players can express themselves efficiently and engage with the narrative.
I strictly do fandom-based roleplay as I'm mostly interested in roleplay as a way to engage with my favorite settings, characters, and other concepts. Usually I prefer 1x1s, things are more private that way. But lately I've been open to the concept of a group RP again. I only do third person perspective as I don't like first or second person perspective for roleplay (it's okay in stories, though). As for detail/length of post it depends on the kind of scene and what's going on in the scene. Some things lend themselves more towards multiple paragraphs other times it makes more sense to keep things relatively simple and pared down. I only do post-based RP, so no real-time stuff over chat clients as it overwhelms me really fast.
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Wow, first off I feel old and uneducated in the mighty ways of role play. I am not really aware of what everyone are calling the styles these days so forgive my slang or lack there of.

D&D - Back when I was a kid, this involved lots of pencil scribbles as you built the stats of your character. Folders with stories and a GM to over see the game and ensure you did not mess up which dice you were rolling with.

Para-Novella - I am indifferent on length, I just enjoy a well structured story.

As far as stories, I am opening to many different genres. Just depends on my mood when I come across the story. A well written story will go a long way to pursuing me to try out a new genres.
My favs are the ones with supernatural abilities. So something in between fantasy and futuristic. Although, the downside is that I really want to be OP in some situations, and the leader of the RP commonly limits me xD And I get really pissed, lol. Guess I got to practice on not doing that :P
I don't really get all these fancy terms. I write stuff. About stuff. Enough stuff that it's fun, about characters I invest a decent amount of time in, and stories that get stuff done.
Multi-para, fandom or fantasy roleplays, mainly. I'm a sucker for detail, and I put hours into each post. Someone send help.
I feel like I am the only one around here that is not into romance....

I prefer to develop characters and personalities, and develop their interactions and relationships in a free and natural way, without commanding them to fall in love.

As I love characters more than stories themselves, I usually am fine with light plots and not too complex universes, where the characters have enough room to develop themselves without having to follow a too invading plot-line.

Beside this, I am rather open to any genre : modern, futuristic, alternative universes... Slice of life, drama, apocalypse, adventure, action... I'm just not fond of the usual fantasy with magic and sorcerers and such. Also not too fond of historical settings because my historical knowledge is not good enough for this. As for fandom, I really love Pokemon roleplays, but that's the only fandom I would play. (or maybe Black&White, omg it would be so awesome, but who would play this?)

As for the writing style... I prefer to focus on the characters and story rather than the writings, I am here to roleplay, not to write novel, then I hate being obligated to write 12 paragraphs when they are totally useless and unnecessary. I would prefer a well constructed roleplay with well developed characters where each post is 5 lines long rather than a void and boring roleplay where every post just describe every flower around within 12 paragraphs.

i have also never understood this obsessions for superficial romance. i mean i understand the drive behind it - i did go to high school and have to listen to silly little girls gush over which guy thinks their cute or if this or that outfit would make this or that guy more likely to ask them out.

but i dunno romance has never interested me in real life ( due to painful shyness ) and roleplaying five pages of my character staring adoringly at yours is just boring. as if the only worth my character has is determined by whose pants their trying to get into.

now that's not to say i have anything against romance. or even forced romance as long as it's not taken too seriously. just if you honestly think a real life relationship involves lot of staring and sex than please don't ask me to reinforce this idea.
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I'm not really into fantasy and much less realistic RPs, so it's a good thing the futuristic forum doesn't have as many RPs while still not being dead. Fandom depends on whether I belong to the fandom or not, obviously, but pretty much none of the current fandom RPs attracts me. Also, detailed. Maybe casual but detailed RPs catch my eye way more and seem like the kind of stuff I'd actually put my time ino while casuals are just a little hobby (detailed being a big one).

And I hate romance.

I really do.

And like someone said, way too long posts. Writing nicely is good, but there isn't a need for giant walls of text except for introductions and some key story points. But for most of the RP just something like 2 well written paragraphs (or maybe even less) should be enough.
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I like imaginative Roleplays (not at any isn't). I recently started a game with a few RP friends of mine. We agree to RP on a certain date, and on that date we will have created characters, but have told each other nothing. We then start our session and let the chips fall.
My favorite genre is Fantasy. It is a good way to develop my characters and gain fresh ideas. I am into the use of magic and a deep history. Nation building a big one. Developing cultures. Very fun to me :)
I'm pretty broad in taste, really. I like fantasy, realistic and futuristic all the same. I also enjoy fandom, when it's not pure fan-service type of stuff. I generally prefer detailed posts, but if someone writes well I don't mind shorter posts either. Really, the only things I kind of have grown to hate are teeny/young adults roleplays (especially the ones clattered in clichés) and fandoms I don't care for. Actually, I don't hate the latter, I just don't care for them.
I love writing paragraph RPs. I mostly only do Fantasy, Fandom (Cartoon and Anime mostly) and I am curious about Steampunk...but that one is still pretty new to me. I love RPs with a lot of different genres like Comedy, Action/Adventure, Romance, Drama all mixed together in one epic mess!! Little twists and turns I lovve it and thrive on putting my characters through the wringer! (insert demon horns)
I'm a big fan of supernatural roleplays, usually multiple paragraphs, and detail. :)

I do fandom roleplays every once in a while, but usually it's supernatural, fantasy driven with a modern take. Different genres are great too when it comes to RPs, I like characters that can be punny too, so there's that. :')
My preferred post length is 3-5 sentences per post. I don't have the adequate attention span that is required in writing detailed posts and one-liners are fine but irk me for some reason.

I don't mind any rps as long as they catch my attention and look fun. Anything from fandom I tend to stay away from.

I'm actually shipping trash but am kinda apprehensive about it... I'm not that experienced in rping romance and whenever I see two characters that got together even without much interaction between them, I'm... put off? Is that the right verb? Basically, it's awkward, please don't get engaged to someone you just met that day, ya never know if they're actually scheming to kill you, your sister, and take over your kingdom (Frozen yo)
I'm a massive fan of detailed RP. I can't always reply multiple times a day or once a day for that matter so it I love nothing more than being able to get really engrossed in a plot. That being said when I do have more time on my hands a fast paced style with one a few sentences or paragraphs can be really fun! As for Genres I will go for anything except fandoms, purely because I'm not into any one thing enough. I do really like gritty stuff, I tend to stay way from fluffy-romance based plots.
Original Fantasy, Supernatural and Sci-fi RPs with detailed world building, like basically creating your own universe from scratch. I'm someone who loves to doodle maps, creating countries, inventing fictional languages, cultures, myths and perhaps, the historical timeline of said world from the creation to the modern-futuristic bits. A partner capable of (heavy) brainstorming and OOC chats always win my heart. Characters can be developed but much better if the characters can evolve along with the universe (happens with some of my babies and that's very good!). As for the format, I usually do semi-para or para, third person, one x one. Detailed or not detailed, depends on partner. Not really into slice-of-life and any young adult RP though, it's just too plain in my opinion.
I prefer fantay, science-fiction, realistic fantasy. I'm kind of getting sick of the very anime influence role-plays. So I try to avoid thoes. The length of my post varies, but the lowest is 2 paragraphs w/8-10 sentences.
I initially started with 1-2 lines. I felt that it was such a choppy style of role-playing, that I started writing more, and my partners reciprocated with similar paragraphs.

I thought it sounds tedious to an inexperienced or lazy roleplayer, but I enjoy writing multi-paragraphs now. It's similar in a fan-fiction style but there's still an element of surprise because I don't know what my writing partner would do.

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