Whats your favorite style of RP? :)

I just go for it. Sure, I would LOVE if I could convince myself to write a ton of quality all of the time. But that almost takes the fun out of it, doesn't it?

All I really make sure I do is keep my grammar at a literate level, and be consistent with what others are posting. I have my characters react to things their own way, and see what happens. That is what I so dearly love about role playing. The unexpected things that happen, the surprises, the experiences. Beautiful.
I love fantasy RP. I also enjoy modern/futuristic genres especially if they have a post-apocalyptic theme to them. Romance RPs are interesting too.
I mostly like group RPs that are actually structured. Ive been in many RPs were the creator dumped a bunch of facts onto us and said 'This is the RP' with no real story/plot. I normally like combat related RPs but im not limited to those only, I actually want something to hook me in whether it be a mystery or nation building, something that I can look forward to. I like all genres except for fandom, its gonna take a rare fandom for me to play it. My favorite genre is futuristic, I like the feel of VHS and floppy disks :P
CHIMNY said:
I mostly like group RPs that are actually structured. Ive been in many RPs were the creator dumped a bunch of facts onto us and said 'This is the RP' with no real story/plot. I normally like combat related RPs but im not limited to those only, I actually want something to hook me in whether it be a mystery or nation building, something that I can look forward to. I like all genres except for fandom, its gonna take a rare fandom for me to play it. My favorite genre is futuristic, I like the feel of VHS and floppy disks :P

>VHS and floppies

u wot m8

Also sounds like you'd enjoy any of my RPs.

i'd say my favorite style of rping is paragraphs/detailed, though i usually can only really get myself to meet those requirements if i'm really motivated and inspired by the idea the rp presents or i love my characters almost obsessively ;w;

casual rps, like 1-2 paragraphs, are also really nice and i enjoy those, too.

Well.. Outside of RpN, I RP on World of Warcraft, so it's very much fantasy themed.

Besides that, I'm mostly into romance RP in a modern setting outside of World of Warcraft. Though I'm opposed to fantasy RP either. As far as my writing style goes, it's mostly past tense right now. I do have a tendency to change my writing style a bit fairly often. I could probably write anywhere from 2-4 paras depending on what's going on in the RP. I must say, writing 1-2 paras can be relaxing and not really stressful.

I'm only diving back into forum RP, so 1x1 RPs are what I'm doing until I get comfortable with it again.
I prefer 1x1's. This is mostly because it's easier for me to keep up with, but I also feel like it gives me a little more freedom. I'm also a sucker for action and fantasy.

I always thought my style was casual, but apparently it's detailed or something.

You do make a good point of it being easier to keep track of. It really does open up more options, doesn't it? With group RPs, its mostly do what the DM has planned because nobody really says anything or gives suggestions in OOC chat, then people wonder why group RPs tend to die more so then 1x1 RPs do..
Yeah, my schedule can be so wonky sometimes, and if you 'pause' a 1x1 you can just pick up where you left off; expecting the same of a group rp would just be unfair.

I don't know.. I think that with a group that understands each other well a group rp can be really nice, but in a 1x1 you can just kind of do whatever you want, in a way and I just really like that. I still like my 1x1's logical, but there have been times where me and my partner were like 'do we want to work this out realistically?' 'Nah just roll with it'.

Not that group RP's don't have their pro's of course, it's just that they suit me a little less than 1x1's.

I completely agree with you. I've had maybe 2 group RPs die on me because players were gone for longs periods of time and people were losing interest, so the RP died. I'm only getting into 1x1 RPs for the first time since I joined RpN and I can already tell it's going to be a much better experience on my end. Group RPs are good and all, but it's not my thing anymore..
My fav style is definitely para/multi-para. I don't really enjoy novella style but a good 2 or 3 paragraphs is fine for me! Even less if alright for the most part.
One-on-one with Third Person and a Muti-Paragraph style is my go to, but nothing too over the top. I only type up three to five paragraphs on average.

I'm not as well-rounded when it comes to genres. I'm pretty strict. I go for Modern and Fantasy, Fandom comes in rarely, and I'm afraid to to Futuristic because my knowledge is very small when it comes to it. Lastly, I leave Romance as a slim addition, or something to look forward to, in the roleplay. I never find it to be an essential part. I'm more focused on setting, plot, and characters, because they are the elements that make everything up.

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