Other What's your biggest pet peeve within roleplays!?

I actually really like the challenges of a-typical personalities. Not every soldier who marches into war WANTS to be there.

Lack of commitment and blatant clichés in plot or character choice! Brooding vampire man, naive damsel, Rambo soldier. Spoiler! They were dead the whole time!
It can be fun sometimes, I’ll admit, but not always.

There was one RP I had where my character was famous and looking for an assistant to help them manage their time.

My partner gave me the rudest, most insensitive character ever, who was also underage. (My character was almost 21, theirs was 16.)

They got mad when my character didn’t like theirs. I actually said something along the lines of “Your character is a prick. Make them nicer if you want my character to like them.”

Needless to say, their responses went from two okay-sized paragraphs, to barely a paragraph.

The straw that broke the camels back is when they asked for it to be a romance. I dropped it without telling them and didn’t look back until writing this.

Sorry for the rant, but that’s my example of what has happened when the character’s personality doesn’t match their role.
It can be fun sometimes, I’ll admit, but not always.

There was one RP I had where my character was famous and looking for an assistant to help them manage their time.

My partner gave me the rudest, most insensitive character ever, who was also underage. (My character was almost 21, theirs was 16.)

They got mad when my character didn’t like theirs. I actually said something along the lines of “Your character is a prick. Make them nicer if you want my character to like them.”

Needless to say, their responses went from two okay-sized paragraphs, to barely a paragraph.

The straw that broke the camels back is when they asked for it to be a romance. I dropped it without telling them and didn’t look back until writing this.

Sorry for the rant, but that’s my example of what has happened when the character’s personality doesn’t match their role.
Good lord! Thats just bad writing. Yes, in excess, poorly matched characters are a nightmare! You want just the right amount of tension.
They got mad when my character didn’t like theirs. I actually said something along the lines of “Your character is a prick. Make them nicer if you want my character to like them.”

Unless that character was just a self-insert in disguise, I can’t understand why it’s something to get mad over. Isn’t conflict one of the many staples of RPing?

On a similar note: what really irks me is when people fail to acknowledge that actions within an RP do have consequences. If you’re playing a distant and ill-mannered character, don’t expect me to turn a blind eye to their actions and forego continuity just for the sake of having them included within a scene. God forbid your character actually goes and kills an NPC (for no good reason, might I add). I had a partner who was legitimately upset with me for even bringing up the possibility that their character might get arrested for murder.
A few things I’ve developed a distaste for through my years of roleplaying...(note: all of my experience comes from 1x1 fandom Roleplays)

1. OCs that are just self-inserts into the world.
2. Characters that are just characters from other worlds thrown into the current world.
3. Assumed/expected romance and sexual content (not on here, as it’s against the rules).
4. Partners who don’t play any other character besides their “main one,” so I’m stuck playing all characters for them and my “main character” rarely gets to be used.
5. Partners expecting me to play my character in a way that isn’t IN character for them.
6. Roleplays that take forever to get started or get off the ground.
My biggest hate in roleplays is when those newbies with no experience and are too lazy to learn proper roleplaying skills kill your character out of nowhere, like this:

Well pretty much the majority was stated above. I'm not usually one to complain as everyone has their own style.
Firstly, the god-modding.
Secondly, characters who when comping to compile personality virtues and vices, they contradict each other. Literally. Which sometimes makes no sense! XD

Lastly, when you're try to GM your own roleplay. you pass your judgement ever so professionally and well you get a sour and passive aggressive attitude cause they couldn't handle the feedback if negative.
I have soo many peeves.
When someone thinks the only way for characters to interact is through romance.
When they dont understand what you meant in a post but don't ask you about it and go along with what they thought it meant and turns it completely around in a way that makes it awkwaed foe you to correct them.
When they don't reply and don't tell you why.
Others taking control of my character(s) is probably my biggest pet peeve, even minor stuff, like a brief one-word line of dialogue or body language that I didn't write. My character didn't smile at your dumb joke or wink at your flirty remark, so why'd you write that she did? I'm usually a pretty chill guy, but that sort of thing turns me up to eleven insanely fast, especially when the person refuses to edit or remove it.
It really bugs me when people volunteer to rp with me after seeing the search thread, but then after talking you realize they didn't read ANYTHING of what you wrote down in what you expect and/or want.

I mean, it's great that we both want to do the same plot, but if we have different means, expectations, etc. then it might be troublesome. There is a reason why I wrote down the specifics I was looking for... So don't go blaming me.

I did a BNHA role-play search some time ago, it specifically read both the title and the rules/expectations that I wanted a balance between action and romance, and that I only do heterosexual pairings. Well, this one girl suddenly messaged me proposing to do a Villain Deku role-play. I declined saying I wouldn't know how to portray a villain Deku, but then she messaged back saying SHE was going to play him and that I could play another guy. So then I have to tell her I don't do any pairing that isn't heterosexual. THEN SHE HAS THE AUDACITY to tell me it's not a romance role-play and that she was sorry to hear I couldn't do a role-play that didn't have romance.

Well okay... There's a reason why I didn't volunteer over her search thread....
Another one of my pet peeves is when the rp is moving too freaking slow. There is this one rp I’m thinking about leaving cuz it’s been weeks now and it’s barely progressed at all. It’s stale, boring, and I’ve just pretty much given up on it.

Haha I think I know which one you're talking about ;)
When people write posts like this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sit amet lobortis libero, sed consequat sem. Donec pretium nibh sit amet posuere mollis. Fusce in sapien augue. Nulla lacus dui, malesuada vitae turpis et, tincidunt sagittis augue. Fusce fringilla est vel turpis ultrices, et convallis augue mollis. Integer scelerisque leo felis, ut ornare arcu consequat quis. Aliquam consequat ipsum nulla, venenatis tincidunt nisi finibus aliquet.
Integer eget libero ut ligula mattis sagittis quis sed risus. Suspendisse congue bibendum lorem. Vestibulum cursus sapien at enim lobortis finibus. Mauris auctor ornare sem, ut ultricies turpis rutrum vitae. "Aliquam tristique est tortor, et euismod lacus auctor a. Donec congue sodales metus, sit amet efficitur sem pellentesque id." Vivamus consequat augue nibh, at commodo ex rutrum vel. Pellentesque fermentum ligula quis auctor hendrerit. Fusce elementum velit ac lorem vulputate, vel blandit orci faucibus.
"Phasellus ornare in felis vitae elementum. Donec eleifend leo non nibh rhoncus, ac sodales neque congue. Integer vel turpis ut diam sollicitudin maximus. Curabitur ex nisl," posuere in sem in, condimentum pulvinar est. "Nunc scelerisque libero odio, nec ornare eros venenatis et." Curabitur dapibus, enim eu posuere sodales, massa arcu porttitor odio, sit amet ullamcorper nisi leo quis enim. Morbi bibendum placerat rutrum.
"Duis sed sollicitudin lorem. Curabitur vitae semper ex." Mauris nec luctus neque. "Aliquam ipsum enim, faucibus id pellentesque non, interdum non dolor." Quisque odio felis, fermentum eu massa ac, consequat vestibulum ex. Integer mollis posuere magna ac gravida. Mauris commodo, dui sed semper consectetur, erat lectus fermentum purus, ut mattis tellus ligula ut sem. "Morbi faucibus, mi vel convallis posuere, elit velit euismod arcu, id sagittis odio diam vitae arcu." Nam iaculis molestie finibus. Donec quis pretium ipsum, ut lacinia eros. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. "Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec vel elementum lectus, ut consectetur ipsum." Integer varius non lectus at rhoncus. Maecenas ultrices consectetur purus ac luctus. Curabitur eu libero porttitor, gravida leo quis, lobortis sapien.

and it should look more like this, you know broken up and easier to read man. and by that I mean actual sentence, paragraph structure!!!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sit amet lobortis libero, sed consequat sem. Donec pretium nibh sit amet posuere mollis. Fusce in sapien augue. Nulla lacus dui, malesuada vitae turpis et, tincidunt sagittis augue. Fusce fringilla est vel turpis ultrices, et convallis augue mollis. Integer scelerisque leo felis, ut ornare arcu consequat quis. Aliquam consequat ipsum nulla, venenatis tincidunt nisi finibus aliquet.

Integer eget libero ut ligula mattis sagittis quis sed risus. Suspendisse congue bibendum lorem. Vestibulum cursus sapien at enim lobortis finibus. Mauris auctor ornare sem, ut ultricies turpis rutrum vitae.

"Aliquam tristique est tortor, et euismod lacus auctor a. Donec congue sodales metus, sit amet efficitur sem pellentesque id." Vivamus consequat augue nibh, at commodo ex rutrum vel. Pellentesque fermentum ligula quis auctor hendrerit. Fusce elementum velit ac lorem vulputate, vel blandit orci faucibus.

"Phasellus ornare in felis vitae elementum. Donec eleifend leo non nibh rhoncus, ac sodales neque congue. Integer vel turpis ut diam sollicitudin maximus. Curabitur ex nisl," posuere in sem in, condimentum pulvinar est.

"Nunc scelerisque libero odio, nec ornare eros venenatis et." Curabitur dapibus, enim eu posuere sodales, massa arcu porttitor odio, sit amet ullamcorper nisi leo quis enim. Morbi bibendum placerat rutrum.

"Duis sed sollicitudin lorem. Curabitur vitae semper ex." Mauris nec luctus neque.

"Aliquam ipsum enim, faucibus id pellentesque non, interdum non dolor." Quisque odio felis, fermentum eu massa ac, consequat vestibulum ex. Integer mollis posuere magna ac gravida. Mauris commodo, dui sed semper consectetur, erat lectus fermentum purus, ut mattis tellus ligula ut sem.

"Morbi faucibus, mi vel convallis posuere, elit velit euismod arcu, id sagittis odio diam vitae arcu." Nam iaculis molestie finibus. Donec quis pretium ipsum, ut lacinia eros. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

"Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec vel elementum lectus, ut consectetur ipsum." Integer varius non lectus at rhoncus. Maecenas ultrices consectetur purus ac luctus. Curabitur eu libero porttitor, gravida leo quis, lobortis sapien.
The roleplay becomes boring on my behalf because i get tired, school stress and everything. I say sorry, and say "See you around" and find out they never bother messaging me ever again. Some people have the guts to say "Nah, i only wanted to rp with you. I'm not really interested in [other like or hobby i have]" while others just outright block me and have no reason to give.
Doing all the work of moving the story along, if I wanted to do that I'd write by myself.
Many of these have been spot-on! While I don't appreciate the usuals like godmodding and not even trying for decent grammar, it's lazy writing that gets me the most, and it comes in many forms. Meaning all the other character does is react and never add anything to the action or story, so I have to drag it along myself. Also another pet peeve that's really grown on me lately is when the other character just...doesn't respond to some sort of stimuli. Such as, if my character is flirting or something, but the other character doesn't even acknowledge it in even a negative way, as if it never happened.

I don't write things without a purpose. I don't do purple prose (another big pet peeve of mine). No it doesn't have to be a line-up-line action and reaction if it's really not necessary, but lacking reactions can make the other character pretty robotic. It just bugs me, man. A lot.
Many of these have been spot-on! While I don't appreciate the usuals like godmodding and not even trying for decent grammar, it's lazy writing that gets me the most, and it comes in many forms. Meaning all the other character does is react and never add anything to the action or story, so I have to drag it along myself. Also another pet peeve that's really grown on me lately is when the other character just...doesn't respond to some sort of stimuli. Such as, if my character is flirting or something, but the other character doesn't even acknowledge it in even a negative way, as if it never happened.

I don't write things without a purpose. I don't do purple prose (another big pet peeve of mine). No it doesn't have to be a line-up-line action and reaction if it's really not necessary, but lacking reactions can make the other character pretty robotic. It just bugs me, man. A lot.
If I may, what’s “purple prose”?
If I may, what’s “purple prose”?

Being unnecessarily wordy. Usually describing things or inner character monologues that don't have anything to do with what's going on or add to the story in any way. Typically goes in hand with using big words to make the writer look intelligent.

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