What's wrong with you...?



You’ve always known you were different from everyone else. Maybe you just seem to know things that are about to happen. Maybe weird things have happened to you, déjà vu, things seeming to move on their own, maybe you’ve even thought you knew what someone was thinking. But you’ve always just pushed it aside as being stressed, over tired, preoccupied, whatever excuse you choose.

A couple months ago, you, and every other high school student in North America, took part in a statistic finding test. It seemed….odd. But not enough so that you questioned it. You just went through the paces, answering questions, filling in the blanks, and completing the eye exam at the end. No big deal, really. Right? Or was it? Now, you’ve found yourself called to the principal’s office. There, the principal, joined by the woman who over saw the tests, tells you that you’ve been selected, along with seven other students from all over the continent, to take part in a fun, but educational retreat. Should you accept, you’ll be guaranteed honor roll for the entire year. And all you need to do is spend a couple measly hours, four days per week; doing some of the same type testing you did in class. They tell you that it’s for gathering statistics and information on the life and thoughts of a typical teenager.

Unbeknownst to you, these people are scientists, professors, psychologists, military personnel. You were selected because you display some of the strongest psychic powers of all the teenagers in North America. These people plan to test you, to train you, to hone your psychic abilities so that they can use you as the first psychic attack team. They’ll make millions, either from selling you and your abilities to the highest bidder, or by demanding insane sums of money to keep your powers contained, threatening terroristic acts if not paid.


No god modding

Only eight psychics allowed, but we’ll need other characters, professors, military, people from the outside world(Other kids you meet, etc)

Let’s keep the characters even, k?

I MUST accept you into the rp before you start posting

Try to post a paragraph. It's not that hard, and it makes things a lot easier on anyone who's talking to you to come up with a good post in response to yours


Any type of psychic power goes. Mind reading, seeing the future, astral projection, telekinesis, Telepathy, you get it.



Age: (14-18)

Psychic Power: (Give us a brief description)




We have our 8 psychics, no more openings for them. But we will still need other people, friends, workers at the retreat, proffessors, be creative!
Name: Alice

Age: (14-18) : 15

Psychic Power: (Give us a brief description) : Manipulation of Memory and Vision. Details: Can Rearrange and Remove people's memories, or make entirely new ones to substitute for ones they already have (can completely erase your best friend and put herself in that spot), as far as vision goes, she can create hallucinations, and appears differently to each person based on their memories (everyone sees her differently based on who they want or need in their life, or what kind of girl they like, but she always appears as a 15 year old girl, just with different features)

Bio: Alice was raised by a single mother who treated her unkindly. Her father died when she was 5 in a car crash that also killed her older sister. Alice spent a lot of time alone, avoiding her mother and the rest of the world, which may be why she developed such strong psychic abilities.

Description: She appears differently depending on who is looking at her, but she sees herself like this: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz3htqJwfJ1ro5y75o1_500.jpg

Other: Alice is very sweet once you get to know her, but doesn't talk much until then.

((Also, when you meet my character, please put a brief description of what she looks like to your character, that way I won't say something about her red hair to you if you see her as a brunette.))
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] Ooh, like it. accepted!

Name: Carter Mullins

Age: (14-18) 17

Psychic Power: (Give us a brief description) Emotion manipulation. Carter can influence your emotions, twisting them to make them fit the situation. It mostly occurs as him projecting his own feelings onto others (If he's pissed off or tense, everyone around him reacts the same), but the professors believe that, with training, he'll be able to project any emotion onto anyone, no matter how he feels (IE, he could potentially cause mass hysteria and chaos, or calm an entire room full of people) But that is, so far, unproven

Bio: Carter grew up in a pretty good family. His mother and step father worked a lot, but always tried to make tm for him. His father died in a boating accident which Carter believes is completely his fault. While out on the water, an eight year old Carter had a temper tantrum. Why doesn't matter. What matters is that he was so angry he couldn't even see right. his father, who must have been influenced by the strong waves of emotion, seemed to lose his mind and fell overboard. Not wearing a life jacket was deemed the fact that caused his drowning, but Carter knew better. His father drowned because he was influenced by Carter's anger and became to over whelmed with emotion to react properly. Since that day, he's careful to not get too close to anyone. He won't risk harming someone else with his powers. He also doesn't trust people, never knowing if they truely like him, or are just influenced by him

Description: Tall, dark, and Handsome. Carter's grown into a real charmer, with a smile that could melt your heart



Erabella Jayde Cloakwood



Psychic Power:

Bilocation, or sometimes multilocation, is a term used to describe the ability/instances in which an individual or object is said to be, or appears to be, located in two distinct places at the same instant in time. In addition to this she has telekinisis, or the ability to move things with her mind.


Erabella grew up in a rich family. She always got what she wanted. On the day she turned 15 her parents told her she was adopted. When she found out about that she began searching for her real mother. She eventually found her here and has been living with her since then.




Name: Monique Raven White

Age: 14

Psychic Power: Psychokinesis. Psychokinesis involves a variation of ablities, it basically allows it's user to move any object - no matter the size. (Although Monique would need training to move larger objects) Also, the user can - by changing the atomic structure - can altogether change the object which they are focusing on, they could turn a pencil into a knife. Also, they can speed up or slow down the naturally occurring vibrations of atoms in an object to alter temperature, possibly to the point of setting it on fire, similarly they can slow down the vibrations and make an object freeze.

Bio: Monique is like a modern day version of Matilda. Except Monique's dad left her and her mum as soon as her mum found out she was pregnant, turns out he had been cheating on her anyway. Monique never even met her dad. Her mum became an alcoholic and often brought home a new man each week to try and hide from her true love cheating and leaving her. Because of this Monique basically raised herself and then when she got old enough she would hide in her room and do university work while her mum was in the next bedroom with another man. Monique already knows of her powers and discovered them when she turned 10. It was during her and her mother's many arguments about her new abusive boyfriend, Monique got so mad that a knife flew from the drying rack and pierced her mother's heart. Monique easily framed the new boyfriend, after all, who would think the poor innocent ten year old would be the murderer when there was an alcoholic, abusive boyfriend in the picture who already had his DNA on the victim in forms of bruises? Monique was soon fostered by another family and kept to her quiet, secretive ways. Monique is a freaky genius and has already done - and finished - chemistry, physics, biology and advanced maths Ph.D's in university on a website online.


View attachment 2858

She has long black hair and the biggest deep green eyes

Other: Give her a computer and she can do anything, she has mastered the act of hacking - especially into the CIA
Name: Mason Cutler

Age: 18

Psychic Power:Mason is able to look at objects and move them if he thinks about it, So naturally, It makes him think he's a freak.

Bio: Mason grew up in a small town on the Colorado border. He lived with his grandmother, grandfather, and little sister Hailey. When Mason was a baby, his parent's died in a car accident coming home from the store, Mason was with his grandparent's at the time. Since he was little and understood what happened, things hit him hard. He could never focus, got bad grades and detentions, he even got expelled. When he was 16, he moved into an appartment with his friend Jesse and learned to play guitar. Guitar has been his escape away from the real world. He eventually got his grades up and has now become one of the top students in his graduating class. Now he has taken the test and been invited.

Description: Mason is tall, lean but very muscular, and handsome. He has chocolate brown hair thats cut sort of like a skater. He has golden hazel eyes and a charming smile.

(Like this guy without the curl at the end, longer hair, and golden hazel eyes)

Other: Not much.

Name: Lauren(Laur) Celebo

Age: 17

Psychic Power: She is able to see peoples future and ghosts. She has dreams about wat will happen to someone and it has horrified her since she was little. Her mom always thought she had night terrors but she never actually told her.

Bio: Lauren grew up with a middle class family. A mother who loved to cook and sing and a father who was a CEO of a medicine company. By the time she was 11, her and her parents had moved 6 times for her dad's job. When she was 14, Her dad passed away in a car crash. Ever since, her mom works 70 hours a week to keep their house.

Description:Long wavy brown hair and bright green eyes.
(With green eyes. )

Other: Lauren has been cage fighting since she was 12. Her dad was her coach and taught her everything he knew until he died when she was 15. Ever since she's gone on to dream of going pro at 18.

Finally here.
[MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION] accepted

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION], just a heads up, your link isn't working. Might jus be my computer, though, if it's working for everyone else
(( [MENTION=1907]Jazz[/MENTION] [MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] Mine too ): It worked earlier /: I'll try to find another pic ))
Alrighty, so we've got four of our eight psychics. When [MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] and @Xx-Katherine-xXfinish their skellys, we'll have six. We could start then, or wait for two more, what do you guys want?a
Lol, I like agreeable people like you. I'll give it til tonight, if no one else joins, I'll start it off and people can join with non-psychics whenever they want after that
Alrighty, I'm posting one ore person, then I'll start us off

June Miller


Program Manger for the Institute (She's the one in daily contact with the kids, administering tests, answers to the higher ups of the program)

June has no psychic powers, but has, over years, developed a strong intuition, she can usually tell when she's being lied to

June is a psychologist. She's been studying psychics for many, many years. when approached with the offer to take part in ths program, she couldn';t turn it down. It's unclear if she knows the true reasons behind the program or not.

--- Merged Double Post ---

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] [MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] [MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION]

JUne waited at the airport for the students to arrive. she was excited about this, these children showed great potential. She believed that some of them, at least some, must know of their powers. She couldn't wait to aid in the training of those powers. Oh, the things they could do! And she, june Miller, would be part of it! Surely, she'd become world renowned for her work. There would be interviews, articles, people everywhere, reading her work, hanging on her every word! Oh, it would be grand. Yes, this certainly would be wonderful. At some point, perhaps, she'd even get the chance to tell the children about their powers. Introduce them to themselves, in a way. Oh, she was looking forward to this. She smoothed a hand over her perfectly smiled brunette locks, stick straight, as usual. her carefully selected outfit, a conservative suit jacket and skirt, with a bright pink shirt underneath, spoke of her proffessionalism, as well as her fun side. She craned her neck to see through the throngs of people, looking for the kids she had hand selected

Carter was tired. Really. Freakin. Tired. He dragged himself off of the plane, looking wearily around. He noticed a couple people who brushed past him suddenly seemed to droop, as though they'd become momentarily too tired to pick up their feet. He sighed, berating himself for being so careless. He knew better. When he'd finally made it to baggage claim, he watched the luggge go round the conveyer, eyes alert for his well used brown plaid duffle bag. He hadn't packed much. just one bag. He didn't need much. Besides, there would be a washing mchine there. where ever there was. he sighed. He was looking forward to this. The time away from everything. As much as he loved his mother, and he didn't mind his step dad, he was happy to be away from them. The prying questions, the frustrated sighs when he kept himself closed off. If only he could tell them it was for their own safety...
Alice got off the plane, walking at a relaxed pace over to the baggage claim. She picked up the few things she had, a backpack and a small suitcase, then looked around, wondering where she was supposed to be. She knew somewhat of her powers, but not about the full extent of her ability. She knew that everyone saw her as a different person, totally unique to them. To some, she was a redhead with freckles. Others saw a beautiful brunette with green eyes. Alice had always seen herself as, well... Alice. She saw a 15 year old girl with blue eyes, with long blonde hair. She was slightly pale, but with rosy pink lips and cheeks. She always looked the same, but she couldn't help but wonder what others saw. She also knew of another gift, involving memories. She'd never known about it until she accidentally wiped her mother's memory of the past week. Alice had never replaced the memories. Instead, she imagined a new scenario forming in her mother's mind, where she had sent Alice away to boarding school. Alice wouldn't have to worry about telling her mother about the experiment at that point. She wouldn't have to know. Alice walked around. She looked for someone who looked like... A scientist, military personnel... Something... She wasn't sure what to look for.
Erabella stepped off the plane as she tied her slightly curly hair back into a ponytail. She looked carried her bag and searched for the lady who was supposed to pick her up.She concentrated hard to place her body in several different parts of the airport. She finally found the woman in front of the building. She disappeared into the crowd and let herself go to where the third body that had spotted the woman was. She walked out the door, bag in hand, and headed staright for the woman. She walked up to her and smiled, her bright blue eyes sparkling "Hi, I'm Erabella Cloakwood." she said with confidence.
June smiled when one of the kids walked up to her. "Hello! Erabella, good to see you again. Do you remember me? I'm the one who conducted the study you took part in at school" she smiled her most friendly, chrming smile. the one that one over anyone who'd ever tried to tell her she was crazy for her work. Boy, she'd show them....

"How was your flight, hun? I hope it was uneventful. I'm sorry we couldn't splurge and get you kids first class, but once you see the retreat, you'll understand where all of our funding went" she smiled

Carter accidentally bumped into a girl ((Alice)) who looked to be a couple years younger than him. A pretty blonde. he'd always liked blondes. he smiled apologetically. "Sorry, miss. My bad"
Alice turned around to see who had bumped into her. "Oh, it's okay." she said with a delicate smile. "I'm the one absentmindedly standing in the middle of nowhere." She had a cute, petite laugh. "I'm just not really sure as to where I'm supposed to go now. I've never been in an airport before..." she glanced around a few times. It was true, she'd been lucky to find the baggage claim, and that was only after asking a security guard who'd been nearby. "Do you know where this is?" she showed him a piece of paper with the name of the woman they were supposed to meet and where she would be waiting to meet them.
Erabella nodded "It's nice to meet you, June. Funny. That's my aunt's name." She shrugged "Just a coincidence. I bet a lot of people are named June." She heard her ringtone 'Love Song' by Sarah Bareilles go off and she rifled through her bag looking for her phone. She finally found it and unlocked the screen. She rolled her eyes when she realized who had called. She shoved the phone in her back pocket and looked around for some of the other kids.
Carter leaned his head in to look at the paper, careful not to get too close to her. He smiled, happily surprised feeling coming off of him in slight waves. "Do I know where it is, and can I find it, are two very different questions" he pulled a similar piece of paper out of his pocket and showed her. "I know it's where I'm supposed to be going" he said with a playful smile. The blonde looked friendly. He needed friendly people around him. He decided to try and make the best first impression possible. "Let me just find my bag, and we can go try to find this June woman together" he suggested, looking back to the dwindling piles of luggage moving around the conveyer. He soon spotted his own bag and scooped it up. "Want me to take one of those for you?" he offered, nodding toward her bags.

June smiled. "so, are you excited about this? A fun retreat in California, guarunteed honor roll, and, I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you or not, but at the end, anyone who's done an exceptional job of helping us out, will recieve advanced standing to any college you choose. Anywhere in the world" she smiled brightly. "But shh...That's supposed to be a surprise thank you for you kids at the end" she was obviously excited, anyone could feel the energy radiating off of her. "Now, we just need to wait for the rest of the students to join us, and I can't wait for you all to see the Institute!"

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