Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

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When someone has clearly lost interest in a roleplay but instead of just saying they aren't interested anymore they start to become passive-aggressive and make you feel bad like you're bothering them. You can just opt out instead of being a dick.
People with too many triggers. People that get offended over everything. I HATE having to tiptoe around everyone's delicate little feelings and have to curb or downright mute what I want to say because people are so thin-skinned these days. This is usually more in OOCs or other non-RP related parts of an RP forum. But for whatever reason, the communities in roleplay servers and roleplay forums have so many crybabies in them.
People with too many triggers. People that get offended over everything. I HATE having to tiptoe around everyone's delicate little feelings and have to curb or downright mute what I want to say because people are so thin-skinned these days. This is usually more in OOCs or other non-RP related parts of an RP forum. But for whatever reason, the communities in roleplay servers and roleplay forums have so many crybabies in them.
I'm usually pretty respectful of triggers, but I was once in a Roleplay where someone's trigger was cats. Not even like animal abuse or abuse of cats, their trigger was just cats. Like the animal. That some people see everyday. I don't think I've ever noped so quickly out of a Roleplay in all of my life.
I'm usually pretty respectful of triggers, but I was once in a Roleplay where someone's trigger was cats. Not even like animal abuse or abuse of cats, their trigger was just cats. Like the animal. That some people see everyday. I don't think I've ever noped so quickly out of a Roleplay in all of my life.
Hey maybe they were attacked by cats or their mom was th crazy cat lady 😾
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I'm usually pretty respectful of triggers, but I was once in a Roleplay where someone's trigger was cats. Not even like animal abuse or abuse of cats, their trigger was just cats. Like the animal. That some people see everyday. I don't think I've ever noped so quickly out of a Roleplay in all of my life.
The only triggers I care about are the ones on my firearms. lmao
Seriously though, you cant even have a normal, relaxed conversation on a public forum nowadays without someone getting their panties in a twist
Literally waiting for RP responses (but please actually take your time friends. 💖 I just get super excited about it).
People with too many triggers. People that get offended over everything. I HATE having to tiptoe around everyone's delicate little feelings and have to curb or downright mute what I want to say because people are so thin-skinned these days. This is usually more in OOCs or other non-RP related parts of an RP forum. But for whatever reason, the communities in roleplay servers and roleplay forums have so many crybabies in them.

Hi, so as someone whose mother has suffered abuse and also has a rather weird phobia I thought I would explain the difference between an opinion and a trigger.

A trigger is a term used by mental health professionals for things like PTSD, phobia, etc. it isn’t about someone being weak or a crybaby or whatever macho bullshit.

My mom will legitimately break down into sobs and hysterics when confronted with the object of her phobia. Not because she’s some weak hysterical woman but because she has a mental health condition.

Same thing with her trauma responses. She was abused as a child and that colors how she reacts to certain types of people even five decades after the fact.

So if she were to put say :
Triggers ;; bugs and domestic abuse

That is because she doesn’t want a fun hobby to trigger a real world reaction which will ruin her day.

So like yeah the triggers may seem silly to you but they can be very serious to the person involved.


What you are describing is not a trigger it’s a difference of opinion. Just thought I would clarify it because a lot of people seem to think things like content warnings and triggers are “snowflake safe spaces” when they are legitimate therapeutic tools to deal with real trauma.
I'm usually pretty respectful of triggers, but I was once in a Roleplay where someone's trigger was cats. Not even like animal abuse or abuse of cats, their trigger was just cats. Like the animal. That some people see everyday. I don't think I've ever noped so quickly out of a Roleplay in all of my life.

Hey maybe they were attacked by cats or their mom was th crazy cat lady 😾

So to clarify you can absolutely have a phobia of cats. You can have a phobia of any animal really.

And the thing about phobias is they are irrational by definition.

A phobia is quite literally an irrational fear of X.
I guess my only main one is just leaving without a word. Nothing you can do to prevent it and they have every right, I guess. But it's like...ya got my hopes up and everything, we planned and we even started then... poof. Vansihed and any messages I send just go the voicemail, in a sense.

Trust me, I get that stuff gets in the way and we all have our lives. But if you don't want to contuine, just tell me. Ain't cool to leave someone hanging.

Let me clarify in saying I do give my partners space and I'm pretty patient with replies but after, say, a week, I'm gonna see what's up.
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I guess my only main one is just leaving without a word. Nothing you can do to prevent it and they have every right, I guess. But it's like...ya got my hopes up and everything, we planned and we even started then... poof. Vansihed and any messages I send just go the voicemail, in a sense.

Trust me, I get that stuff gets in the way and we all have our lives. But if you don't want to contuine, just tell me. Ain't cool to leave someone hanging.

I find having a plan in place helps. Especially as the roleplay demographic starts aging up into their twenties.

My current partner vanished for like two months due to finals, COVID, and getting a new job. Now obviously they can’t warn me about COVID and they did mention the finals.

But I find it’s easy to just have a system set in place so I am not waiting on other people :

3 - 7 days I send a quick check in “hey you got the Rona?”

If no reply I will put the roleplay in a hiatus folder for 14 days. If no response I leave the conversation. If the person responds in thirty days the conversation will re-appear in my inbox. If not they usually just make a new one like “oh shit sorry XYZ happened.”

But by week two I am looking for replacement roleplays.
I find having a plan in place helps. Especially as the roleplay demographic starts aging up into their twenties.

My current partner vanished for like two months due to finals, COVID, and getting a new job. Now obviously they can’t warn me about COVID and they did mention the finals.

But I find it’s easy to just have a system set in place so I am not waiting on other people :

3 - 7 days I send a quick check in “hey you got the Rona?”

If no reply I will put the roleplay in a hiatus folder for 14 days. If no response I leave the conversation. If the person responds in thirty days the conversation will re-appear in my inbox. If not they usually just make a new one like “oh shit sorry XYZ happened.”

But by week two I am looking for replacement roleplays.
Sadly, not the case with me. It's happened quite a few times and I've been RPing for years. Sometimes I ask myself if it's my fault. I try to be engaging, always asking for their ideas and suggestions, etc. Try to be the best partner I can be.
Sadly, not the case with me. It's happened quite a few times and I've been RPing for years. Sometimes I ask myself if it's my fault. I try to be engaging, always asking for their ideas and suggestions, etc. Try to be the best partner I can be.

My point is if you have a plan then you don’t internalize things.

The problem with assuming you can change things is that it always makes the outcome your fault.

If you go into it with the idea “so this is how long I wait” then it’s not about blame, it’s just scheduling.
My brain keeps generating really awesome rp ideas and I’m having trouble finding the “off” switch cause I can’t keep up. 🙈🤣
Confrontational people, people who catch the most hostile attitude over the smallest disagreements. Like it's not that deep, you can chill. Then if they snap at the wrong person, now that person is mad and the RP has now become and ooc warzone.
Confrontational people, people who catch the most hostile attitude over the smallest disagreements. Like it's not that deep, you can chill. Then if they snap at the wrong person, now that person is mad and the RP has now become and ooc warzone.
This right here is one of the reasons people ghost. Who wants to be in a partnership with someone who is confrontational or hostile? Definitely not me. I've had my own fair share of it and I have bounced because of it.
This right here is one of the reasons people ghost. Who wants to be in a partnership with someone who is confrontational or hostile? Definitely not me. I've had my own fair share of it and I have bounced because of it.
I was more so referring to group RP but yeah in 1x1 as well although I find that one to be a bit easier because I can just delete the conversation and ignore them. However, when it's in a group, especially one I'm not in charge of it's a bit harder.
I was more so referring to group RP but yeah in 1x1 as well although I find that one to be a bit easier because I can just delete the conversation and ignore them. However, when it's in a group, especially one I'm not in charge of it's a bit harder.
I would quit the group. Might be an enjoyable roleplay but what's the point if the people you are writing alongside are the pinnacle of drama?
I would quit the group. Might be an enjoyable roleplay but what's the point if the people you are writing alongside are the pinnacle of drama?
I mean obviously, you quit, but it still sucks that it was ruined in the first place.
Confrontational people, people who catch the most hostile attitude over the smallest disagreements. Like it's not that deep, you can chill. Then if they snap at the wrong person, now that person is mad and the RP has now become and ooc warzone.
tbh, that's why i tend to keep my OOC chatter strictly about RP business. Like, the rest of the grou can meme-out all they want. If I chide in, it;s usually just to see whats going on with the story
People who make characters that act like they're smarter than others but really the role player couldn't be arsed to pay attention.

Let's say for example I have a character whose powers work in a very specific way, for example, I can breathe fire and zi can control the movement of that fire with my hands and Mr. Know it all with his smug superior attitude proceeds to tell your character how their incompetent because they've never tried to control the movement of the fire with their legs or eyes making them oh so predictable.

Uh, no it's not that they didn't think of it, it's that they literally can't because it doesn't freaking work that way? Something that was explained before 🙄
Wandering Fae Wandering Fae to be clear is the player doing this too? Like they are also being snotty about how the powers work and are just using the character as a mouth piece?

Or is it more like the player also thinks their character is an asshole and is just dialing up the douchebaggery to an eleven?

Cuz I feel like if the character is meant to an asshole that’s just good writing. If the character is meant to be sympathetic then the player themselves is being obnoxious not so much the character.
People who phrase things in a way that you/your character has to do all the work.


"She sat there waiting to see what they would do"

Thanks for the contribution
Getting excited-nervous about posting an interest check that’s not gonna happen for even a few more weeks. 🙈
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