WjhdbdnsndWhich is why I'm careful to call it romantic doubling. It's kind of like how you have toxic water and plain water. I don't have a problem with people playing multiple characters which is just plain doubling. What I have a problem with is specifically when doubling is used as a way to make people play multiple romantic pairings.
Because it's inevitably it's just a more elaborate way of saying "I only play females (or males)." Because they make this big deal about how they'll play a male for YOU but only if you play a male for them first. And it's like, sometimes it isn't about who is playing the male. Sometimes it's just about how selfish it is that you act like your special and shouldn't have to play both genders when you immediately turn around and expect your partner to do just that.
Maybe I'm fine playing a male as long as I'm actually ASKED. And not made to feel like I'm just filling in the romantic pairings that you want to roleplay.