Junior Member
I would suspect the reason they don't just write fanfiction is because maybe they need to feel control over another person therefore just writing a completely fictional piece of their own making may not be enough for them perhaps?It's not that it's important but more that they need something to make them feel good. For some, it's an urge like you would get in a competitive match. Your emotions gets tied into it and the person acts like a jerk because they are trying to win and doing what they can. XD "nice people don't win" apparently. Other times, they are in a rough spot and want to feel in control of the situation because they don't have that in their life. Why they don't make fanfics instead besides the reason "spontaneity and randomness and more ideas" is beyond me.
Some people find it important because it's a good escape for them. But other than that, I can't give any other reason as to why others would do it, who don't fit these reasons I mentioned.
It could also be entitlement XD lol but yea know.