Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

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Maybe not a pet peeve as much as a comical literal pet nuisance. But the simple issue that no one can make a pet proof keyboard. Or at least a paw proof enter key. It's a good thing I tell my partners that I have cats or they would think I'm drunk at times.
The expectation of doing novella like responses every. single. day. Not just a response everyday, hourly responses otherwise interest will decline in the roleplay. My desire to write would tank. Just no.
I'm pretty sure it happens to everyone, but...

Spending an hour coming up with a lovingly-crafted intro post a thousand words long that gives an introduction to the setting and characters, only to get a single-paragraph (or shorter) reply with bad grammar and spelling that explains absolutely nothing.

Like nah bro, I'm outie.
I'm pretty sure it happens to everyone, but...

Spending an hour coming up with a lovingly-crafted intro post a thousand words long that gives an introduction to the setting and characters, only to get a single-paragraph (or shorter) reply with bad grammar and spelling that explains absolutely nothing.

Like nah bro, I'm outie.
I once got five words.
I'm pretty sure it happens to everyone, but...

Spending an hour coming up with a lovingly-crafted intro post a thousand words long that gives an introduction to the setting and characters, only to get a single-paragraph (or shorter) reply with bad grammar and spelling that explains absolutely nothing.

Like nah bro, I'm outie.

Right?! You would imagine that the responders would get the hint. "I WANT CONTENT! I WANT EFFORT!"

Aren't peeps ashamed of coming back to something like that with like three lines of text and a five word dialogue?
And the excuse is always something like, I don't know what to write.
Bruh.... 1000 words of descriptors and scene setting and character development, and you didn't take away anything from that? What DO you need to get some inspo?
This little forum is just to vent and let your frustrations out. I find joy hearing other people's frustrations and being able to relate so I'm feeling very... frustrated right now.

"i onLy pLAy aS a fEmALe"

or when people will say they looked at your search thread but then ask redundant questions that are already answered on the thread.


ok I'm done.


this thread is SPECIFICALLY for pet peeves, not comic book heroes, not about if you think your character is x, y, or z -- PET PEEVES. please make ur own thread or pm to discuss that, this aint the place for it sweetie

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The people who kill off other people's characters without asking! I swear to god! If this happens again in a roleplay I'm gonna scream

They couldn't be bothered to at least say why their character took off?

They wanted them to meet my character by helping him with a fight. But after I typed out the whole set up and scene of the attack they just had them*Take to the sky* Not even have them finding the fight. Or at least spotting it. Or coming in to see what was wrong. Or making noise that might distract the fight.

When I told them I didn't expect a certain word set but I needed something to work with and that five words was not something to work with they said they didn't want to disrupt what my character might do. Then I told them that we had agreed ahead they would meet by them helping him. They had to at least get them their for me to know what he would do unless now he was to win the fight himself! Then they had some thing about basically they assumed the attackers would be in awe of their character flying. Needless to say the RP didn't happen.
Then they had some thing about basically they assumed the attackers would be in awe of their character flying.

🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

I mean, I would have just had my character attack whoever/whatever your character was fighting, and let you determine whether or not it had any effect, if I was worried about disrupting things for your character.
I'm honestly getting tired of how everyone is so obsessed with looking like their rp is so balanced these days.

Like, it'd be one thing if they actually put effort into it but like 90% of the time they don't. They just put a vauge "list three weaknesses here" section on the CS which leads to such asinine situations where a character might be rejected for "only" having the weakness of, say, their heart stopping whenever they use their powers only for someone else with a near identical power get accepted because they listed three different kinds of frozen food which gives their character a slight headache.

Or they ban characters from having more than one power because "it'd be too OP otherwise" only to allow characters with these insane swiss-army knife powers that functions as a dozen different powers on its own.
Owlbear Owlbear that sounds more like GM playing favorites then a balance issue.

As typically speaking if you wish to have balanced characters then the goal is to have each power paired with a relevant weakness. Or if they have only one weakness then have it be one that negatively affects all their powers equally. Like they can only use their power for an hour each day.

It sounds like what happened is the GM had their pet favorites they wanted to accept and let them play whomever they want.

I would say you dodged a bullet in that case. Having been stuck in roleplays where the GM played favorites it’s not worth getting accepted into the roleplay only to have to deal with catty people anyway.
I'm honestly getting tired of how everyone is so obsessed with looking like their rp is so balanced these days.

Like, it'd be one thing if they actually put effort into it but like 90% of the time they don't. They just put a vauge "list three weaknesses here" section on the CS which leads to such asinine situations where a character might be rejected for "only" having the weakness of, say, their heart stopping whenever they use their powers only for someone else with a near identical power get accepted because they listed three different kinds of frozen food which gives their character a slight headache.
I'd say the way people try to implement balance is an example of people applying the wrong ideas from game design onto a freeform hobby. It's fun to try and get around the drawbacks of a card in a card game with clever thinking, for instance. Duct taping those elements into writing instead of letting someone pick strengths and weaknesses organically just doesn't seem like a good time.
When an interest check is titled "X RP, anyone?"

No! Stop! If you can't come up with an actual title, even a placeholder one, you clearly haven't put enough thought into your roleplay!
Speaking of thread titles, when people are trying to be creative by using non-standard fonts in the thread titles....
Yes, it looks cool and fancy and draws attention but I have professional deformation regarding readability of content and it annoys me to see people disregarding readability in favor of "beauty".
Speaking of thread titles, when people are trying to be creative by using non-standard fonts in the thread titles....
Yes, it looks cool and fancy and draws attention but I have professional deformation regarding readability of content and it annoys me to see people disregarding readability in favor of "beauty".
Sure doesn't help when you're on mobile too, lol. Sorry sir, I don't know what your title is because it's been replaced with a bunch of small rectangles with sparkles on each end and the occasional dash.
just something i have seen a lot of lately, in general, not speaking about anyone in particular here, esp if you do this yourself, no shame on you!

i don’t get why people, with CSs, have regressed back to using “positive traits: put three here/negative traits: put three here” for personality sections. i do think this is more of a me problem because here’s the thing, with me, trying to limit my own character to broad general terms like “nice” and “quiet”, for example, does not help me get a feel for my character whatsoever. it feels like i’m just trying to fill in all the requirements of a form that i was given, just to have a “balanced” character, with an equal amount of “good traits” and “bad traits”. two people who are “quiet” can vary so much, too! so i just don’t get how limiting yourself to broad, general words can help.

it’s kinda like what Owlbear Owlbear was talking about earlier with character strengths and weaknesses before, trying to implenet “balance” in a rp, but this is more on the personality side of things, of course. trying to force “balance” in a rp this way just makes me think that my partner/GM (i don’t do group rps, but i def see this stuff happening over there as well) doesn’t actually trust me to write a good, developed character D:. it’s especially annoying when they even say “oh you can’t play a quiet character” because they truly don’t trust me to write a quiet character well. it sucks, regardless of their intentions! :-(.

also, i think that truly does limit yourself as a writer. there’s no such thing as a wholly good trait or a wholly bad trait. let’s take a trait that’s usually listed in “good” traits: helpful. i can easily see this as being a negative trait in a way if a character who is helpful then oversteps boundaries and tries to “help” characters that don’t want it/don’t even need it. this can make them then be seen as over overcontrolling, bossy, selfish, etc., but then you won’t see in the negative traits section anything connecting to their positive traits like this in a bad way. of course, generally speaking- if you do write your “positive” and “negative” traits this way, great! but i think this format really does limit some people being able to make truly fleshed out characters. this was particularly bad in the past, where everyone wanted to fit their characters into a “dom” archetype and a “sub” archetype. nooo! you’re limiting yourself so much from making characters that have good chemistry beyond one being a “”dom”” and one being a “””sub””!

i guess i really just think this kind of format is limiting. i just like taking a neutral approach to all traits- here’s how the act, here’s how some people see them as, this is how they see themseleves as, etc.. nothing dicating what the other *players* have to see as “good” and “bad” about my characters. again, no shame if you do write out CSs this way- just wanna offer my own onions =w=.

(i’m like, half asleep kinda, so if this doesn’t make sense... oops xD.)
I dont like it when there is a 18+ plus Roleplay. I understand you want to write with more mature people but it makes me feel as a writer that im not good enough and my writing is bad. It makes me feel like im not good enough to be on the site. I dont know if that makes any sence but thats how I feel.
I dont like it when there is a 18+ plus Roleplay. I understand you want to write with more mature people but it makes me feel as a writer that im not good enough and my writing is bad. It makes me feel like im not good enough to be on the site. I dont know if that makes any sence but thats how I feel.
Try not to feel dejected! It's not that you're writing is bad, and you're definitely good enough and welcome to be on this site.

It's just important that adults can specify that they want to roleplay with other adults if that's their preference, to ensure everyone is comfortable!
Try not to feel dejected! It's not that you're writing is bad, and you're definitely good enough and welcome to be on this site.

It's just important that adults can specify that they want to roleplay with other adults if that's their preference, to ensure everyone is comfortable!
I feel so horrible when I am unmotivated to write a roleplay response for a good story. It makes me feel like I am ignoring the other person's effort behind the one on one. But sometimes I just have the hardest time understanding and clicking with the character's actions and emotions. I just draw a blank. Sometimes I go and write for a different roleplay, even if it means making that other person wait for my response longer, because I figure it's better to write something rather than nothing at all. >.<
I feel so horrible when I am unmotivated to write a roleplay response for a good story. It makes me feel like I am ignoring the other person's effort behind the one on one. But sometimes I just have the hardest time understanding and clicking with the character's actions and emotions. I just draw a blank. Sometimes I go and write for a different roleplay, even if it means making that other person wait for my response longer, because I figure it's better to write something rather than nothing at all. >.<
Im pretty sure the people in my roleplay do other things before they respond to me but im still really really happy. A reply is better then nothing. And if you really don't like it that much just aplogize and say im really sorry but i lost intrest. I hope this could be helpfull sorry im not the greatest at advise
i’m back again :^) it’s fun to complain, alright! again, as usual, talking about no one in particular. you fit this description? no worries, nothing personal against you :-)

i really don’t like it when i see rp plots where the roles are *very* clearly defined. if i’m already getting told what character i *have* to play, with a certain set personality and role, i feel like i’m more or less expected to fulfill your own writing fantasy than us being writing partners.

there’s nothing wrong with wanting to play a particular role, i totally get it wanting to rp the role you are more comfortable with. it’s the “controlling” issue i take problems with. if you’re already telling me i have to play a role, i want as much freedom as possible with it, so i can make it feel like my *own* character role and not just *your idea* of a character role. it’s only fair if you get to determine what you want your character to be, i can do so too! of course, people should always respect limits with stuff like this. if someone wants to avoid a topic and doesn’t want me including that in my character, i def will do so if it’s not a dealbreaker, that’s just basic human decency. but why do i have to write a character with a specific personailty? with all specific plot points you want to see in the backstory? isn’t this MY character? obviously i’ll be keeping them in line with what was established (if i’m supposed to play a witch, for example, i’m not suddenly going to be like “oh they don’t have magic though”, that’s silly), but anything beyond that i would like to put my own input in D:. it’s not fun playing a character you don’t want to play as, you’re only being told you have to...

i just had in the past really bad experiences with this. people calling me a bad writer and insulting me and all because i put in a character trait “they don’t like”. no compromises here, you have to listen to them because it’s their own rp or whatever. controlling partners suck. i kinda get a bit O_O” when i see anything already saying “YC” in a plot description because i totally expect i’m going to run into one of those kinds of people again. it’s fine to make clear what your intentions are and what you want, obviously, saves the headache from doing something you’re uncomfortable with. but there’s a line you can definitely cross where you’re forgetting your partner is someone with their own ideas as well and that this is their story they’re writing too.

it’s a lot different having a preference and just wanting someone to drag along for your fantasy because you don’t wanna write solo or something. i imagine this is a pretty 1x1 thing, though, but i can see this happening in group rps as well.

i definitely brought this up before but i think this is more a specific issue compared to what i brought up before about how some rps obviously just can’t work as rps because people have to much “set ideas” that they don’t wanna be flexible on. which is totally ok, but the nature of rp is that things rarely play out like you imagined in your head they would. that what makes it so much fun!!
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