Other What’s made you happy recently?

I handed in a pretty big assignment worth a lot that i worked pretty hard on, really wanted an A but and got a B- back... was crushed to find out it's bc of my inattentiveness - i had forgotten to submit a crucial last piece of the assignment, a visual...

I decided to risk it anyway and hurryingly made a visual on Canva in like 30 min, emailed my prof and (with visual attached) asked her if it was ok to submit the last piece...

She said yes and regraded my assignment, and now it's sitting at an A (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠) all bc i asked!! im so happy i did
Watch party!

My gosh long time coming but the Arcane fam getting back together to watch the drama unfold! First epi toniiiiiiiiiight!! Vi you are my spirit animal! lol
Got some candles and wallflower fragrances.
Finishing a day with more food than I started it with (bc someone gave me some free leftovers, not 'cause I went shopping) ;P
Fight night party last nite!!

Like sooooo not into the whole boxing thing but the woman's match was amaaaaaazing! Dudes taught me how to punch properly and so they let me do body punches to their tummies and ya girl impressed! Like I'm sooooo not a fighter but I gots that kickboxing cardio locked dooooown son! lol
Fight night party last nite!!

Like sooooo not into the whole boxing thing but the woman's match was amaaaaaazing! Dudes taught me how to punch properly and so they let me do body punches to their tummies and ya girl impressed! Like I'm sooooo not a fighter but I gots that kickboxing cardio locked dooooown son! lol
Netflix was buffering for a majority of the time. I ended up just going to bed lol.
Got this in the mail today. Bought it used on Ebay for $12.
Also, I recently watched the new Alien: Romulus movie and it was absolutely terrific. I was not disappointed and was actually a bit apprehensive about Hollywood turning yet another one of my favorite movie fandoms into dogshit.
Football championship watch party!! TONIGHT!!

Its not soccer lol. Its Canadian football. Like I'm so not into either football but we gunna play flag football in like 2 hrs. Its gunna be cold but Imma still sooooo gunna play! Contrary to popular beilief ya girl can catch a football And yeah she throw like a girl... With a tight spiral! ZIP! TOUCHDOWN!!
My brother got me these chili dried cranberries from Tijuana so good 😭
Brand new Annual party!

Well only in planning stages rn actually. K sooooo like ice skating rinks gunna be stacked this time of year so we decided to plan a roller skating party. Gf and some friends never been so should be lit lol Dress up too so this year is Roller Skahnks in the Roller Rahnk lol
My friend let me drive their car!

K I love him but Tesla is like kinda lookin mid af lol. But bruh. Acceleration is a major go! Sooooooo fast! He say he beat a challenger aaaaand like yeah I believe it!
Recently people have been pleasantly surprising me, forcing me to re-evaluate my preconceived notions. Sometimes it's nice to know how wrong you can be.
Recently people have been pleasantly surprising me, forcing me to re-evaluate my preconceived notions. Sometimes it's nice to know how wrong you can be.
It's so refreshing. Reminds me that I really have to be better, myself.
Mm, to actually add to the discussion though!
I'm the youngest in my family, so my whole life kind of consists of looking up to everyone else?
It isn't how I want it to be forever, but as a result of that, when I meet new people I like, I have a tendency to default my self image to "less than". Pretty much every time.

Well, today I went to Thanksgiving and had the privilege and delight of talking with one of my younger cousins. The last time I really interacted with her, she was so tiny I was just teaching her how to write "hi". She's maybe about 10 now. That's already mind blowing to me on its own - I've never had the chance to really watch a kid grow up, and I remember when she was born.
But that girl I was teaching how to write "hi"? Just engaged in a long conversation with me about how she has all these documents filled with her own stories. And how her first story was soooo bad and poorly written cause she was 6.

Oh. My gosh.
She writes. She draws. She's obsessed with dragons. She said people having wings is so cool.
So I'm basically talking to a younger version of myself. In every way. An absolute mirror into the past, it's insane.
And she freaking loves it?! Like she's asking about my stories (and I gotta figure out how to talk about them in an age appropriate way lolol), I'm asking about hers, she's so excited to tell me about all the cool stuff she's made, but then she gets slightly self conscious and shy, so I crack a joke and she laughs and repeats it back, and then continues with confidence. Omg.

There's absolutely 0 way that she has any idea about how much her hanging out with me, and eventually just drawing quietly beside me, meant. Even if we never interact again, I so deeply cherish that experience.

I never really feel like I ever get looked up to. I know that's not a realistic thing to feel, but tonight, I was really, really looked up to, and that just feels so important to me. I don't wanna do anything wrong ever, now.
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Salsa | Ballroom dance night!

Ya girl's with the slick back braids and fancy assed shmexy fit! Sequins and on the matching clutch too!

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