Other What’s made you happy recently?

I got to see my abuelo! And between you and me He baught me scratch tickets even tho I'm not of age yet in my state shh it's our little secret
Someone who believed me even when my family member didn't and prayed for me
I got to see my best friend who so happens to be my dad's ex but they are still best friends aswel.
Animal crossing. Recently got the DLC and chipping away at it when I can.
Today the car broke down turns out the battery died luckily we were at the house and our neighbors helped us get a battery.

I decided I might go watch my dad as I never seen someone work on a car because my step dad always told me I was in the way. And would get mad at me.

I always feel in the way and like I’m at no use at all and I’m only a burden.

But today when I watched my dad he started to have me do little things like hold this hold that set this aside. I felt… helpful… and he wasn’t getting mad at me or telling me I’m in the way.

I felt so happy I was if use that I started crying. Silently and didn’t let my dad catch a glimpse. I felt like my crying would have ruined the moment. But I was happy.
In an evil way, probably. Firing my subordinate in favour of a much better one. He was getting on my nerves for the last two years with his amazing level of unreliability and lack of basic understanding of his job. It took me a long time to convince my boss to get rid of him, and hire a better designer. I am a bad guy for getting someone hired, but I feel so much relief.
I don't know if that makes you a bad guy. Sure, someone got fired, but if he'd been given opportunities to improve his behaviour with clear consequences laid out for him if he failed to improve, then the burden is on him. You were able to get someone more deserving of the role in that spot, and if it works to improve the overall work experience, then good.

On a personal note, spring is time for me to play one of my favourite games: Who Is That Bird Singing Outside? There really is nothing like just listening to a riot of birdsong while enjoying a morning cup of coffee. I'm surrounded by temperate rainforest, so there's a lot of birds. After the last 4 months, this is exactly the balm my heart needed.
Got an A in a class that I was sure I was gonna fail. So. That's pretty neat.
Found out I'm slightly improving with memory. But still have short term memory loss. But a better is a better
recently moved into a bigger and beautiful house with my partner, our almost 4MO, and five pets (three cats, two dogs). life has been pretty hard lately so getting a place and it being more than perfect for us has been such a relief. my partner has been really stressed too, and i can tell that they are just as thankful for something going right for us
I got praise for playing a canon character well tho he’s my first time.
The fact I'm legit crying over a roleplay scene and managed to capture it and send it to my roleplay buddy and their confused as he'll like "WAIT IT ACTUALLY MADE YOU CRY???" And I'm so proud that I'm a emotional person that even roleplay makes me cry. Laugh. Frown. Smile. And anything else
Surprising my mom with flowers on Mother’s Day. She’s been so frazzled with her new job and I really just wanted to ease her mind and brighten her day. Seeing her smile, cliche as it sounds, was the best part. ^ ^
going to the farmers market!!

there were so many good deals- i pick out some new plants~

plus, they had really good food!

totally recommend- it’s a great way to spend some time outdoors!
Recently bought an entire new closet's worth of clothing for myself. Huge win for me considering that I lost many of my belongings in January.
I commissioned a little chibi doll of a character I like, and I was able to put him together today ^w^ it ended up super heckin cute~
I’m dog sitting right now so the dogs are keeping me company which makes me happy!
The king cat is back to being his cuddly self again. 🥹
My foster kittens are getting so big (':

When I got them, they were severely under-socialized and now they've grown to run to visitors for pets whenever they get the chance. It's so wholesome to watch them grow comfortable in their space.
I got a job offer today!

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