Experiences ✶ what were your guys first roleplays? <3

Well shoot OP that doesn’t sound fun at all, I’m so sorry that happened.

My first Roleplay experience was a small superhero rp between my friends in middle school- one of them killed off my character so thus began my habit of making new characters but never using them
I think it was a zombie roleplay with a friend from school when I was thirteen? It was very poorly done lololol.

Also, holy shit I'm sorry that happened to you. The whole thing sounds like it was stressful. I was also swept into nsfw roleplays when I was 13-15 by adults. I really hope you got away from it quick and that nothing bad happened to you.
Man, that was so long ago that my first RP was actually on IRC connected with a website that no longer exists. Though in hindsight maybe that was for the better, 13 year old me went some places I reaaaally shouldn't have been at 13. It was an FxF Mental Asylum RP, and I still have not dropped the bug of playing broken characters since.
I wanna say I was like 12 when I first edited started to rp, and it was back on amino. It's been so long so I can't really remember it but my first rp was an undertale group rp and I played as Toriel.

Sorry that happened to you op, I understand that though. Unfortunately some people on the internet do not understand boundaries :(
Goodness, I believe my very first roleplay was on the Neopets roleplay boards, and it was something like "genetically mutated people escape from a lab." It was a hook, line, and sinker for me--I still remember the character and it started my lifelong obsession with roleplay. ^^
My first was incredibly similar, age 13, joined a Neopets pickup game about animal-human hybrids captive in a lab. Very early on, someone had a scientist zap their character with a cattle prod, and I thought "O_O that escalated quickly" and I think I stopped posting. Maybe a little ironic - nowadays I'm probably a little too into writing about misfortune and violence, if anything - but even now, getting blindsided by intense themes I didn't expect would probably still be a bit unpleasant. (But that has nothing on getting pushed into unwanted ERP, yikes!!!)

My first RP where I got more than one post in, I was 14 or 15 and I played Urania on the Muse magazine blog. I convinced my parents to let me because it was a blog, which is *not* a chat room! (Chat rooms are where people go to kidnap kids, and forums are chat rooms, according to my parents at the time.) I think the real reason they were alright with it, is that it took place in blog post comments that had to be manually approved by Muse magazine employees. So each player only got 1 or 2 posts through a day max, but there was very little risk of anything creepy or dangerous happening because an employee of a kids' magazine was vetting everything. I was probably a bit OOC, I wanted to get back at Kokopelli for all the pie throwing.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon when I was eleven. I knocked out my own characters hoping someone else would rescue them. In my first post. Oops.
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I can't remember exactly because this is back in like 2007 or even 2006 or something like that. Technically it was a play-by-email Star Trek RP but I made maybe 2 or 3 posts at most; I think it was either Harry Potter, or Naruto. Both were so exciting because it was around the release of Deathly Hallows and also around the time Naruto Shippuden began airing. It was my first time choosing fandoms to be a part of, and what can I say both were at - or reaching - their peaks, and it was all hype for like at least a year.

The Naruto RP I hold near and dear to my heart, as it's where I first helped build the forum as a character profile moderator. It just added to the feeling of community, although I have to say I am 1,000,000x more patient and kind and cooperative than I was back in those days hahaha.
Very early World of Warcraft, wandering around Stormwind on a Paladin that I RP'd just as awkward as I was. Luckily, someone took me in and showed me the ropes. Here I am, almost two decades later, with that same dang awkward Paladin despite me, myself, being much more courageous about it all. Funny how that works, huh?

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