Other What was 'The Incident' at your school?

alright buckle your seatbelts cause youre in for on hell of a ride

so around october of last year, there were a lot of grade 9s that just entered highschool, i think it was the highest amount of grade 9s our school has ever gotten in 1 year. anyways, during that time there was this grade 9 boy who really liked this girl and he decided to ask her out. unfortunately, the girl said no. now you'd expect the boy to understand and leave her alone but nah. this grade 9 boy got really pissed. he couldn't accept it and said death threats to the girl that were reaaaaally inappropriate and just inhumane. to make things worst, somebody had recorded it on their phone and showed it to the principal. after a day or so, the boy got suspended for a week or something.

a week passes and the boy comes back to school. you'd think he would move on and learn from his mistake but nah. this dude came back to school with an actual knife and started threatening the girl again and started dissing the school and whatnot. now since he had a weapon, the school was put on lockdown and the cops came and arrested the boy. after a few days, he got expelled and he wasn't allowed near the school. done

nah. a few weeks pass and the boy moves to another highschool thats around 10 minutes away from my highschool. the dude actually came back to my highschool and literally walked around the halls and into classrooms. once again the police came in and stopped him and done. what a sad kid amirite
10 Milk cartons were simultaniously thrown at an autistic girl. Compared to some others here it’s rather mild I guess, but I doubt she thought it was the highlight of her high school days
One of the kids in my class our senior year got in a wreck with a UPS truck and somehow managed to tip the thing over right in the school parking lot. They both walked away alright but it was the talk of the school for a good month lol
My high school became known as the "bomb threat school" because we had one multiple times a week. Of course most folks thought that none of them were legitimate, and so after a while, the cops just opted to stop coming. It wasn't until after I graduated that I found out that one of the teachers had a son who actually did know how to make bombs, and that some of the threats might have been legitimate after all. He got arrested after accidentally setting his lawn on fire, and when in police questioning, stated that he was trying to figure out how to make his bombs detonate remotely.

Needless to say, I did not go to the best high school.
Nothing too major happened at mine.

My JR year a teacher got fired & arrested for having an affair with a student, she was 16. That was the biggest thing I was aware of, mainly because I was his TA. Dued to location there was az lot of weather issues. Tornados, flooding, snow. Hot mess all around.
Our school levy failed for like 6 years in a row because a bunch of parents found out that a portion of their tax money was going to fund things like staff parties and teacher banquets. People claimed to not vote for it "for the sake of our children", but it royally boned our school. We had to cut tons of AP classes, extracurriculars, art/music programs, after school tutoring, and PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION (yeah, no school busses). They were really punishing the students just as much as they were punishing the staff. If you're American then for the love of god PLEASE vote to pass your district's school levy: kids deserve to be educated.

Our school superintendent also stole like several million dollars from the school. I have no idea how he did it or WHERE the millions of dollars came from (see above), but he got fired fairly quickly. He had daughters that attended and they were your typical nice popular girls, but were horribly harassed and bullied after their dad got outed. They eventually moved schools and I don't know what became of any of them.

Something more light-hearted is my geometry teacher used an answer key from an exam made 4 years ago and accidentally flunked all of her classes. A huge group of us went and convinced her she must have made a mistake. When she realized she picked up the wrong answer key she just laughed it off and was like "Wow! Silly me! Thanks for letting me know. I'll make sure to use the right key next time! You all keep your failing grades though lol" She wasn't laughing when the wrath of 60 enraged parents confronted her and our principal to demand she re-grade every single exam properly.
A couple of kids broke in and vandalized the schools trophy case consisting of awards dating back from when the school was first built, then they set one of the wings on fire causing major damage. It was, terrible to say the least.

Some time before that a wonderful student with many honors was killed in a head on accident by a drunk driver, on prom night.

A kid in my math class was shot and killed by another student in town one night. I live in a "nice" town so it was shocking and sad.
In my school, there was a reported school shooting threat so they went into lockdown. This guy came with a knife and then another guy came with a gun, (which apparently belonged to the first guy's dad) claiming to be there to stop the first guy. I had a doctor's appointment so I wasn't at school that day.
10 Milk cartons were simultaniously thrown at an autistic girl. Compared to some others here it’s rather mild I guess, but I doubt she thought it was the highlight of her high school days

See, I was a little roughian and trouble maker, but that's just cruel and wrong. Ten kids would have gotten simultaneously knocked out if that happened at my school, on my watch.

A lot of the incidents at my high school, among my generation of students, are actually my stories.

Many of you may be shocked and disturbed to find out that I have a very checkered past involving a plethora of bad decisions and lifestyle choices. It's important to remember that I'm 34 now, and this was a very long time ago. Due to not attending and getting expelled, I arrived at high school 3 years older than my classmates. I continued to embrace the role of resident bad boy, which I had championed throughout middle school .

One that people like to laugh about is the time my friends and I clogged all of the 2nd floor sinks and toilets in the boys bathroom,and then proceeded to flood it. We did it during classes, so there was about 45 minutes for the water to work its way around the 2nd story. By the time anyone realized what was going on, the north exit stairwell was like a river.

A friend of mine told me she was in English (3 doors down from the bathroom in question) when a student alerted the teacher that water was flooding the room form underneath the door. She said for some reason her mind drifted to me immediately when the teacher started panicking and left the room to investigate.

They tried so hard to blame someone for that, but they couldn't gather enough evidence to pin it on anyone, as about six of us had done it.

The more serious incident involved some drugs I had been pedaling around the school. Normally I stuck to weed at that time, but back in 2004, ecstasy was becoming popular among youth in my town who were experimenting with more hardcore drugs. I came into an opportunity to acquire some of it fairly cheap, and figured I'd turn a profit by fencing it at school. The plan worked until my nosy, overbearing cousin got wind of my enterprise and ratted me out. Wasn't long before I was ambushed by the school police officer (our school had a tendency to be pretty rowdy in terms of fights and drug use, so the local cops actually assigned a full time liaison). So I take off running. As I round a corner of the hallway, I hear him on his radio, telling someone where I'm at and the direction I'm running in. I panic. I'm thinking Jesus-H, they called in the cavalry. It was only Mr. McGinnis, the school principal. He was also hunting me down and they knew I would run. So I start moving toward the nearest exit, but it dawns on me that I have three pills in a baggy in my pocket. I can't risk getting caught with them, and if I just toss them, they will be found and pinned on me. So I start gunning through hallways until I see someone I know and can trust. Without saying a word, without even stopping, I push the baggy into my buddy's chest, and I'm gone. I break through the main doors because I've been pushed that way by my pursuers. I head for the road leading back into town, almost out of gas from running around most of the small school. There's not a soul in the building who isn't aware that something is going on, and I'm starring in the production.

I get about halfway to the main road from the parking lot entrance when cop cars pull in. At this point I'm tired, I know I have no evidence on me, and half the school came out of the gymnasium and main doors to see if I would get away, so I give up. No need to piss real cops off, I wasn't going to graduate that year, anyway.

So half the school saw me arrested and taken to the principal's office in handcuffs. I did a lot of shit over the years, but that one is immortalized.
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So this probably doesn't count seeing as I was homeschooled, but I'm going to share it anyway. I was in the third grade, durning lunch and my mom's friend came over to talk about something (I dont remember). It was all very normal then I start to itch and find myself covered in hives. Naturally I interrupt my mother's conversation, I end up getting whisked off to the hospital with my mom, sister, and mother's friend, turned out I developed my peanut and strawberry that day. We had peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches for lunch...it was a fun rest of the day. Thankfully the hives were the worst of it but I shall forever remember it as the day of the biggest overreaction ever.
A kid brought a knife to a fist fight and filleted a kids face
We also had a poop phantom who would go into one of the handicapped elevators and do his business, ,, ,ew
I've been looking for this thread!

There are three main stories that stand out to me that fit this question.

1. The school was seen as a 'reform' school of sorts. It took in troublesome students from other schools and helped get them back on track. One of these students was kicked out on the day they were brought in, which was pretty rare. I only know this from my brother, who happened to be in her form group but she brought in a knife, was caught with vodka and threatened other students.

2. A friend of mine was kicked out for having a knife on her. However, the reason why she had the knife was because she'd been in art class the lesson before, and they'd been making stencils with knives. She accidentally packed the knife in her pencil case when going to her next class. She pulled it out when getting out a pen and the rest is history. No one asked her why she had it, they just kicked her out.

3. Some idiot was dealing drugs right in front of the CCTV cameras in the media block without realising. He got caught and tried to lie about it, but when they emptied his bag, there was tons of cocaine and heroin. He got arrested while in college and we all saw it. After that, we had weekly visits from the drug dogs and they had an adorable little spaniel that I really wanted to pet.

Sorry that mine are pretty boring!
I did just recently find out my first grade teacher had been arrested for being a pedophile following a new allegation of sexual abuse. Apparently there was another allegation around the time I was in his class, which they decided to reopen for investigation after another girl reported he was being oogly-eyed towards her to her mother.

Other than that some incidents would be: one of my HS chemistry labs being blown up on accident, my German teacher being the reason why toasters were outlawed from school, and a friend of mine that grew tired of being talked down to by our sixth grade teacher and just up and decided to walk out, pulling the fire alarm on his way out so he could leave the building (the cops later picked him up down the street).
Y’all... I just wanna say that reading these was an absolute wild rollercoaster.

Our school was always going on lockdown – from threats of someone inside with a gun, escaped prisoners from the nearest jail, shootings happening right across the street. They regularly brought in drug dogs and searched lockers. Fun times. Fights always broke out. People were always fooling around in the bathroom, dealing, piercing each other, etc.
School had a lockdown cause we thought there was an active shooter, got counter terrorist units sweep the place and everything. Had to have police escorts to use the bathroom, snipers on rooftops outside the school, APC parked outside.
Turns out it was a wannabe gangster tryhard threatening a student with a pellet gun. We had a good laugh.
It seems like every school has at least one really shocking incident that everyone likes to talk about. What are yours?
(title shamelessly stolen from a reddit thread)

Because my school was an absolute nightmare, I have multiple:

1. A music teacher got fired, and then promptly blacklisted from teaching, for dating a sixth form student. She was 18 at the time it got found out but it was revealed that it started years before, and he legit drove her out of school to Mcdonald's to discuss his failing marriage.. very professional
(Bonus: Before anyone knew about this, I once walked into the music classroom to get something I'd forgotten and they were alone together. Didn't think anything at the time, but now..)
2. A girl straight up lost her finger trying to skive off school.
She tried to climb up the fence, but she was wearing a ring, it got stuck, and then whatever way she tried to get back off the fence, it ended with half of her finger just nooot attached anymore.
3. this last one needs to be entirely in a spoiler bc euuugh. Don't read if you're eating.
Someone (we still don't know who) took a shit in the sink of a boy's bathroom. The school went full Sherlock Holmes trying to figure out who was the culprit, but nothing came of it. A bunch of different guys said that they were responsible, which means most of them are lying, which I.. don't understand, because why would you take credit for this?

bonus: in primary school on the last day a kid went absolutely mental and started throwing chairs around. was very surreal bc it was the last day and Just Dance by lady gaga was playing at full volume while he rampaged

Some kid started a fire in a hole in the wall in the classroom he was in. It wasn't a huge fire, but it caused a big drama.

Oddly...Someone also lost a finger at my school. Some girl jumping over a fence got her finger caught in the fencing.

Also some scandal involving a teacher bringing up inappropriate things in class and I don't think he got fired, but there was a whole thing about it that went on. I never did like that teacher because he was intense and got too personal.
My school didn't have one before I got there, at least one that was mentioned to me.
Didn't have one while I was there.
After I left all I have to say is fuck that school I don't pay attention to it anymore.
This happened some years back, when I was still in lower secondary if I recall correctly.

Supposedly there was a fight in my school's carpark. Can't remember the exact details, but I think it was some gang dispute or some shit. Long story short, some guy apparently got his throat slit with a penknife or something. Everyone was arrested, but the guy survived.

Another is when we went to school one day to see that someone had drawn an elongated male genitalia in chalk in the tennis courts/assembly area. No one knows who did it, even with CCTV footage.

There was this other story in my primary school, where some guys found some baby parakeets and raised them for some weeks with a teacher. Then some fuckhead had the bright idea to teach them how to fly by throwing them off the fifth storey. Needless to say, they all died. This one is word of mouth, however, so I can't really verify.

On a more positive note, a guy in my secondary school got cancer and his parents basically spent all their savings to cure him. They turned to the school for help, and I believe they managed to raise enough money for him to be treated. Last I heard he was flying off to the UK for some experimental blood transfusion. I don't know if he's still alive.

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