Anime & Manga What was the first anime that you ever watched?

Does Pokemon count? If not, then either Inuyasha or Case Closed. Can't remember which was first. They were pretty concurrent.
Taken from another thread, but,

Inuyasha was the starter kit for me. From there I was a regular for an Inuyasha fan site and I RP'd there a lot, along with some other folks when they moved to another small website that was mainly for role-playing. It launched my interests and my love for the whole concept of Anime.
It was a mixture of Tenchi Muyo and Sailor Moon. Ah memories....After that, Anime was one of my favorite things to watch so I went in search for more online.
my first encounter with anime was naruto! when i was a tiny child i used to edit screenshots and make my own little oc's and such. it was good times! i once even chose an episode of naruto over a friend embarrassingly enough - but to lil' me's credit, it was the hinata vs neji fight.
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Pokémon, followed by Inuyasha. But the first anime I watched when I got into it for a while last year until I stopped was Akame ga Kill.
I watched Pokemon and Sailor Moon as a kid, but the first anime that I watched knowing what anime actually was was Mirai Nikki... I realize now that it certainly had its flaws, but I was hooked. I still think Akise is a really cool character.
Tenchi Muyo. I grew up with Toonami, so Tenchi Muyo, Ronin Warriors, DBZ, and Sailor Moon were all there, but the one that really stands out as ANIME to me is definitely Tenchi Muyo.
Well there was Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Hamtaro when I was little, but when I was, like, actually aware it was anime, the first one I started watching was Naruto, which isn't really special or anything so.
Probably Pokemon, but first one I ever watched subbed knowing it was actually anime was Gurren Lagann.
I might have been one of those little twats that called anime cartoon. I was 9 or 10 back then, and if you haven't guessed it by now it's Naruto
Ranma 1/2 ! That brings me back so many memories, not to mention Ranma was my first crush haha... I might have to watch it again sometime. :)


I still remember this Opening being so catchy!
One of the first anime shows I got into would have to be sailor moon but the first series I watched in full would be code geass.
Definitely Pokemon!! Always used to watch it on TV and I had some of the movies (((: Many years later still excited for the new upcoming game !!!
Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, and Dragon Ball & DBZ (all the way up to the last ORIGINAL season...none of this new DBZ stuff (.A.).)

It's basically DBZ + soccer.
Hmmm. I'm not exactly too sure. It's either Pokémon or Digimon. I recall having a Pokémon VHS when I was younger. Practically watched it everyday back then X'D
Hm, I believe my first anime was Sailor Moon. I remember coming home from school in 6th grade and always watching it. But when my older brother first introduced me to it the order of when and what I saw is kind of a blur. I remember watching and loving Ah! My Goddess, but I can't remember if that was the first or second anime that I saw. Pretty sure Love Hina was in that mix as well. Just a big jumbled up pot of girly animes. :)

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