What true love really is (KittyXBloody)

"Thanks" she says and takes his hand. "Lets go we are already late.." she says and grabbed her keys and walks to her car. " Do you wanna drive?" She ask him while smiling and getting her phone out and testing her dad sorry she was late. " it's my coming home dinner from the hospital".
Kazuma took the keys and was walking to the drivers side and paused for a moment. "So your dad's gonna be there?" Kazuma didn't have cops on his heels or any warrents or anything he was just say...uncomfortable around them. His gang was more so vigilanty justice type, but still. He got in the car and cranked it, beginning to drive.
"Yup.." she says and. Rubs his shoulder" its ok.. he is off duty. So don't worry." She laughs and turns on the radio " whatcha wanna. Listen to?" She asks. And checks her phone for the time.
"I don't really care." Kazuma said as they pulled up. He put the car in park and got out opening Lyric's door for her and closing it when she exited. He walked into the restaurant.
Lyric exited the car and was greeted by her dad " hey daddy!" She says and hugs him "Dad this is kazuma my friend.." she says slowly " I asked him if he wanted to come and he said yes..".
Kazuma stood colly hands in his pockets. "Yo" He said simply lifting a hand the returning it to his pocket. "Your daughters one amazing girl." He said with a slight blush, looking away.
Her dad eyed him " hi.. and please speak with respect. Don't use the term yo.." her dad says "alright then dad lets go eat.." she says and goes sits at the table "hi I'm Livy I'll be tor waiter, you want anything to drink?" She asks "yes please I'll like a Dr.peeper please".
Kazuma sighs and sits next to Lyric. "Same." He says to the waitress. He side glances at Lyrics dad. He had really no clue how to act. He actually felt...nervous. "Lyric." He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "What the hell am I suppose to do?"
Lyric Sighed and laughed "be normal.. it's not like were on a date " she whispers back and smiles and the waiter comes back with our drinks "thanks" she says and takes a sip "are your ready to order?" She says "yes pleas, I would like some spaghetti with a big meatball, please".
Kazuma sighed. "I don't know what normal is for you people." He then turned attention to the waitress. "Umm......I guess I'll have....... the Spaghetti Taco." He said. It was a strange food he very much enjoyed.
"Why thanks for noticing" she says over her shoulder and luaghs handing the waitress her menu "Soo.. kazuma tell me about yourself.." her dad asked and waited for him to answer. Lyric cleared her throat " please excuse me I have to use the bathroom.." she says and grabs her purse and kazuma by the arm. When they where away from her family "do not tell him about your gang.." she trailed of her sentence and bite her lip " he can still.. write you up.. trust me I know.. I was caught drunk once..anyway I would wanna bore you with that story" she says " I'm gonna go wash up.. just be your self.." she says and kisses his cheek.
Kazuma followed Lyric and nodded. He then placed his hand on the spot of his cheek Lyric kissed. "Your stories wouldn't bore me." He says after she left, then he goes back to the table. "Sorry sir." He said hoping his new found manners were decent. "I'm Kazuma as you already know. I live alone because my parents were killed when I was young. I have my own apartment and pay my own bills." He said. All of that was true, but he paid his bills with money from the gang.
When lyric was done on the bathrooom. She walked back to the table and says next to kazuma "things go well?" She whispers to him and smiles hoping for the best as the food came "the spaghetti with the large meatbal?" Lynn rasies her hande she get handed her food and so does everybody else
Kazuma sighed. "I suppose so. I told him my life story without telling him my life story." He said. "and no I didn't lie just left out a lot." He took a bite of his spaghetti taco.
sounds good.

Kazuma stopped at Lyrics house, getting out of the car and returning her keys. "Well that was lovely." He said rather sarcastically. "Well the dad part anyway,." He quickly added not wanting to insult her. Her company was in fact much enjoyed.
"Yup" she says and puts her keys in her purse " my dad can be harsh.." she says and trials off her sentence " I had a nice evening.." she says and bite her lip "I guess I'll see you at school" she mumbles and starts to walk to her house.
"Wait" Kazuma called and grabbed her arm. He pulled her close to him and kissed her ever so gently on the lips. "Good night. Sweet dreams." he said in a low and caring voice.
Lyric was shocked when he kissed her, she started to.kiss him back "good night" she says dazed and walks into her house, she rips her shoes off and runs into her room and falls on her bed, the happiest shes have ever been. She throws her clothes off and takes a quick shower and changes into a pair of soft pants and a t shirt plus a her favorite slippers. She brushes her hair and puts it in a messy bun. 
????? :)  
??? : :)
Kazuma sighed with a content smile her returned home himself. "Hey Kazuma." A males voice spoke. It was the former leader of the gang, the one who had put him to the task of getting Lyric. "Have you done the deed." He said with a tint of humor.

"No." Kazuma replied shortly. He picked the man up by his collar and set him outside. "Things to a different turn. Besides" he added. "I still have three days."
Lyric collapse on her bed and turns her Tv on finding something to watch, she flops throught the channels and shops on under the dome her favorite Tv show, it starts in 5 minutes. She runs down stairs and pops some popcorn and gets drink, she decides on getting some ice cream. She runs upstairs with her food and sits on her bed.
Kazuma knocked on Lyrics door. He was slightly beaten and covered in burns and soot. He had been attacked by a new gang that formed from his gangs old leader and the banished. He breathed heavy. "L-lyric." he said before falling forward.
Lyric heared knock on her door, So she ran down stairs and opens her door to find Kazuma beatend and covers on burns and soot "what the hell happend!?!" She yelled and caught him and brought him into the house and bought him an ice pack " what happend?" She says again and more softly.
"I pissed off the previous leader of my gang. He had...." Kazuma winced as the ice back touched a burn. "Had made his own gang." he continued. "They burned down my apartment while I was asleep." He finished laying his head over to the side.
"How did you make him mad?" She asked him and softly smiles "do you need a place stay?" She asks him and props a pillow sk he can sit back to be more comfortable.

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