What true love really is (KittyXBloody)

Kazuma smirked. "There's nothing abnormal about your boyfriend coming over. The whatever it was that caused you to faint maybe, but nothing else." She looked at Lyric in a way that conveyed the message 'remember your brothers life is on the lin.' 
((Soory got busy and hadn't been on))
Lyric sighed and looked down "Get the nurse and im not your girlfriend.." she says and walks over to the door way and kain ran over to me "I got it" she yells "..And my brother is fine and his life his not on the line.." she says while clutching her stomach.

(It's fine!! :) ))
Kazuma put a finger under her chin and tenderly lifted it. "Oh....That's just what you want to believe little Lyric. And I have a few friends in the Police Force so that wont help you." He leaned in and nibbled her ear slightly.
"Well my dad's an police officer" she says and sit back down on her bed and she's not surprised that he starts to nibble on her ear "CAN'T YOU SEE I'M HURT!!! get off me and im not submitting to your advances ever!!" she screams and lays back down crying softly "Just go away all of you!".
Kazuma jerked back his hand suspended in air and his eyes somewhat wide with shock. This toy...no this girl sparked something in him. An emotion he never recalled feeling and prodded at a side of him he knew only when his parents lived. He lowered his hand and his expression returned to normal. He grabbed a chair and sat down by the window of the hospital. "I can se that clearly and since I may partially to blame I will wait here to access your condition myself." He leaned back in the chair and turned to look out the window without giving Lyric the chance for a reply.
"What are you talking about.." she says as the nurse came in "Hi, lyric the doctors says you can leave when ever you want" she says while a smile "Thanks" she says and the nurse takes the I.V out of her arm. She gets up and goes into the bathroom and changes into a pair of short shorts and a v- neck tee.
Kazuma didn't flinch as the nurse entered and Lyric went into the bathroom that was in the same hospital room. He had fallen to sleep. A strange thing for him. He had completely dropped his guard around Lyric. He shuffled slightly in his chair but did not wake. 
( Lol, im sorry i was busy i'll reply now! :)
Lyric came out of the bathroom to find Kazuma asleep so she pokes his face and waits for him to notice. She sits on her bed and waits for him to wake up she plays on her phone for a couple a mins till she gets bored and pokes his face again and he jumps up.
Kazuma fluttered open his eyes to see Lyric, finger extended having just poked his face. He sits up in his chair with a yawn, then holds his head with one hand. "So any news?" He asked taking in the fact she was no longer in the hospital gown. "I'll take ya home if ya want. My motorcycle's just outside." He had stopped holding his head but was obviously still tired. Due to some of the current gang problems he had not slept in a while. One thing about him that would be shocking is he had never killed or allowed someone to kill. He preferred if it was to be done to only rough the victim up a little.
"Yea they said i can leave when i wanted, but i have to sigh the discharge forms" she says with her purse on her shoulder "Yea thanks" she says and walks out the door to sign the forms. She signs them and walks out the hospital to kazuma motorcycle and waits for him. 
sorry it's short. :)
Kazuma put her on the motorcycle and fastened a helmet to her head and one to his. "Hold tight" He said as he took off. His dark brown hair waved in the wind. He pulled up to her house and stooped turning off his bike. He walked her inside.
When they arrived at her house, she hoped off and he walked her inside "Thanks" she says and was greeted by her kitten "Hey loki!" she says and rubs her head and put her purse on the couch before collapsing on it.
The little kitten climbed Kazuma's leg. He gingerly picked it up and lay on the coach opposite of Lyric. He patted the kitten for a moment then it curled on his chest, purring. Kazuma let out the closest thing to a smile for a moment then sighed. Within the silence and rhythmic purrs of the kitten he again found himself completely dropping his guard and falling to sleep. 
(IDK what specifically he will change to yet lol hes gonna go through a confusion stage)
Lyric got up and walks the kitchen and grabs her favorite food . Cold piazza " do want anything? " she ask kazuma while sitting back down on the couch and smiles noticing he fell Asleep. she walked up to her room And changed into something. More. Comfortable.
Kazuma began to breathe harshly in his sleep. "mom...............dad.......MOM...DAD!!" He jolted up. Sweat had begun to form at his brow. He cradled his head in one hand. Those stinking nightmares had haunted him since his parents death on and off, but that was the first time in about 3 years he had had the nightmare. He looked at the stairwell noticing Lyric had changed clothes.
Lyric came down the stairs to find kazuma screaming on his sleep "hey you ok!?" She says concerned and gets him a glass of cold water "here drink up.. your sweating.." she says and sits beside him " why were you screaming mom and dad?" She ask worried.
Kazuma took the glass of water and sipped it. He sat it down on the table. "No reason" He said rather tartly, looking to the side. "Or at least one you could even begin to imagine." He looked at Lyric slightly shocked to see true concern in her eyes. "My parents...." he bagan, "Were murdered. Brutally by member of the opposing gang in this city. I was almost killed, but the gang I now lead, saved me." He took of his shirt turning to show Lyric his back. A long deep scar started at his left shoulder blade to his right pelvis bone. "I almost died because of them, and my parents did, but I was lucky." 
HiLynn stared at his back in shock. "I'm sorry.. I know how it feels to loose someone you really love.. I lost my mom.. when I was 5... my mom was raped in front of me and then..." she starts to cry and she stuffs her head in the pillow she was clutching. " I was almost raped but I stabbed. Him on the eye and called the cops.." she continued.
Kazuma sighed taking Lyric into his arms. It was not only to comfort her but to comfort himself. "It's hard. We get our scars because of it, and it effects our lives...." He said trailing off as he thought of the gang life he now faced.
Lyric snuggled into his chest. "Yea.. thanks" she says and smiles "for every thing.." she tails off her sentence and hugs him harder and smiles into his chest..
Kazuma loosened his grip on her. "And what exactly have I done except follow you around in attempts to seduce you ,because I have to in order to keep my p........." he trailed off. To have done such a thing to lyric was not right. The few others he had seduced had come willingly, but Lyric had constantly refused him. He remembered that day when he had tried to decide weather to force her. Force her.............She had dealt with that pain before. Kazuma then held her tight again. "I'm sorry Lyric, so sorry."
" its ok.." she says kept on crying " in order to keep my what" she says and looks up at him confused, she grabs her phone and checks the time "shit." She says " I got ti go get dinner you wanna come?.. " she asked him hoping He would " I think I have a little crush on you.. " she thought she says in head but says out loud..
Kazuma stood up, "Dinner sounds......." He froze. "You.....like.....me...." He stammers. He hadn't really heard words like that before. It had always been a girls lust for him that he satisfied for the night then never again to see her. He looked to the side. "and I you. You stir feelings in me and bring out a side of me I've long forgotten."
" yea.. I guess, I'm happiest around you.." she shad ans smiles " well have to get dress for dinner." She says and gets up running to her room " be ready in 5." She says and takes a quick shower. And changes in to her favorite dress and some make up.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/l-6.jpg.4beb9677d179de2627611e5604b5ace4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6418" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/l-6.jpg.4beb9677d179de2627611e5604b5ace4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> which one? :) )



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(I like the fifth one))

Kazuma waited and took her hand as she came down. "It....suits you." He stumbled to find the words. He was being completely truthful about her appearance, something he was no used to among other things.

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