What true love really is (KittyXBloody)

Kazuma walked down the hall, hands in his pockets. In his left pocket was his favorite switch blade, it had a blue camo handle and his name Engraved on the blade. He fondled it debating whether to use it on the girl to force her or not. His dark past was a secret to everyone except to a few members of his gang. He sighed. He wasn't as apt to murder people as he was to just maim them, but the deal was if he couldn't convince the Lyric, a girl in his school, to have sex with him, he would have to murder the parents of a friend in another gang. Kazuma was the only one who knew this friend was undercover for his gang, and keeping it that way was best. Sex was something Kazuma had done before to squeeze information out of gang girls. He spotted Lyric and walked up to her. "hey." he said in a monotone.
Lyric was putting up her books in her locker when Kazuma came over "Hi" he said to her "Hi" she said back and closed her locker "What do you want?" she asked a little rude, while tapping her foot to the music on her i pod, Kazuma had the reputation of get around and lyric didn't like that about him and the fact about him in a gang, she herd that he would sleep with gang girls just to get information out them which was very vile in her opinion.
Kazuma leaned down pulling Lyric's headphones from her ears. "My what a beautiful face.." He leaned in close to her. He had decided he would only force her if it seemed the only other option. "Lyric is your name correct?" He reached out an took a piece of her hair in his fingers caressing it. "What a suitable name for someone as delicate as you." Kazuma had a way with words.
"Uh thanks.." she says "Yea" and pulls her hair back 'What the hell is this guy doing!?' she yelled in her head "Well i gotta go" she said stepping away "Nice try better luck next time" she say and picks up her purse and walks away, she grabs her keys and walks to the parking lot and to the court yard and met a little bit of her friends.
Kazuma waited until Lyric's group of friend dispersed. He quickly came up to her and pinned her against the car. "My there was absolutely no need to be so rude?" He said, leaning in close so that his lips were nearly touching hers. "Wouldn't you agree?"
Lyric was walking to her car when Kazuma pinned her down, she pushes him off her " what the hell Is your problem!?!" She screamed " get off me!!!" She kicked him in the spot and jumped in her car, quickly starting and pulling out. She speeds out the parking lot into her own driveway and runs to her room.
Kazuma flinched slightly, but his gangster life had made him fairly resilient. He kept an eye on Lyric. This girl didn't take to his flirtatious ways and surcome to his advances. He stood outside of her home looking up at a light on in the home. That had to be her room. He didn't want to be charged with breaking and entering so he simply threw a rock at her window.
Lyric ran to her room and slammed her door, She changed into a pair of soft short shorts and a cami and wiped all her make up off and plopped on her bad, She grabbed her charger and plugged in her i-phone 5. She looked up and heard a knock on her window , she dropped her phone and opened the window to find Kazuma "What the hell do you want!?" she yelled.
Kazuma cocked an eye brow. "Now that no way to speak." He said then sighed. "I wanted to say sorry for my actions earlier." He bowed exaggerative like. "And ask if I could come in for some tea." He said looking at her with a seductive yet childish tone.
"Oh whatever" she says and lifts her eyebrow "Why and i don't have tea" she says and sighs and starts to close her window, she walks down stairs and open her front door and then realizes shes in booty shorts.
Kazuma raised an eyebrow as he looked at Lyric. "Nice shorts." He said. "Then maybe you have coffee." He said only half teasing. "Your quite the interesting one Lyric. And your name sounds like a ballad." He made the corny reference to tease her and at the same time in hopes of flattery.
Lyric look down and blushes " Yea i have coffee" "and thanks my mom was a singer so she named me lyric" she continued and invited him inside for the coffee.
Kazuma stepped into the home. He smiled outwardly and inwardly. His flattery had some effect on Lyric. stood waiting for Lyric to sit. "Never mind the coffee. I don't like it that much anyway." He said scanning her body again.
"Uh ok.." she says and grabs a spoon and her nutella and takes a big bite ''Soo, what do you want?" she ask nicely as possible, She put her nutella down and went into the bathroom to get her robe and puts it on, But the only thing is it silk...
Kazuma pushed her to the couch. He pinned her down, holding her arms with one hand and leaving the other free. "Are you just trying to tempt me?" He said beginning to explore her body with his free hand.
"Get!!! Offf meee!!!!!" she screams and tries to get up, She grabbed his that was exploring her body and bites it and gets up " The hell is your problem!! you.. just!! ugh get out get out!!!" she screamed and her brother came down "What wrong!?" her brother yelled and ran over to me cradling me "Who are you!!" he yelled frighting me.
Kazuma looked at her brother. A devious plan muddled in his mind. "Names Kazuma." He said. "and Lyric, if you wish for the safety of your brother I suggest you submit to my advances." He flicked his hair.
Lyric grabbed her phone and dialed 911 "Leave now!" she screams "And it not gonna happen, never in a million years!" she yells. "Lyric who is this guy" my brother kaine yells "He's just some guy! ok" she trials off her sentence... She falls to the ground and kaine huddles over her "Lyric what's wrong?! Can you hear me!?" my vision goes blurry and whole body starts to shake.
Kazuma recoiled. He actually felt some concern for her. He picked up her I-phone which had already dialed 911. "Whats your emergency?" tha lady asked. "Yes, this girl has fallen to the floor in sudden convulsions." Kazuma said. He gave directions to the home and waited. Soon an ambulance pulled up. He walked over and scooped up Lyric, walking with her outside to the ambulance. "Now I have warned you Lyric." He whispered in her ear.
Grace wakes up in a hospital bed, with kaine beside her and kazuma "Ugh what are you doing here.." she groans and sits up "Why am i here" she says and falls back down "Kaine?" "yes sis" "where's mom?" she ask laying her head on her pillow "There on there way." he say and rubs my head "Your fine now." he says "What happened?".

Kazuma stood outside the door propped against it looking in at Lyric and Kaine. "Nothing out of the ordinary." He said, which was not really true.
sorry wrong one!))

"What the hell do you mean 'nothing out of the ordinary'?" she says and tries to get up from her bed. 
hey hey hey? :)

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