Experiences What RP sites did you use to roleplay in?

Chatzy, if that counts. Even if the content there is...questionable in quality. For an actual RP site, though, I went strong for a while on RoleplayGateway before the site suffered a lot of maintenance downtimes and crashes and I ended up eventually moving over here.
I was introduced to it on Stardoll when I was, like, 12. Then over the years there was some weird NSFW forum that's now shut down (yikes), EpicMafia, Tumblr, LiveJournal... mostly, however, I RP'd through e-mails
Started in flightrising, some dragon-pet website introduced by my friends lol. Got tired of the same old shit and just, it was like finding a needle in an ocean. At one point it's just the same old ppl, with like, 6/10 of the people are ones I had issues w/ in rps before. (interestingly, Everyone on there basically all migrated from gaiaonline and especially chickensmoothie)

Jumped to toyhou.se and just rping w/ old friends or disboard on discord. Still use toyhou.se for characters and stuff. Found this site because I want to settle somewhere more rp oriented too, since toyhouse is more character and adopt oriented.

Sometimes I go back to flightrising for nostalgia and browse through the forums in hopes of new people. There are definitely new blood there now, but nothings "really" changed that much imo.
hm, I actually can't remember which site had done the deed and introduced me to roleplay, but I think it was some sort of blogging site, like LiveJournal or similar.
And then I had my own forum where there was a rp section. I'm not sure if my forum was the first place where I roleplayed or the blog was, because they were more or less simultaneous. But the forum was the place where my first (and last) group roleplays happened, and also where I started to branch out in 1x1 (and enjoyed it a lot more than groups so I never looked back).
So I'm more used to forum roleplaying than any other platforms.
I came from Hex as well, still around. Just a lot of dead threads, right now.

Meh. It's still relatively active. I was into it in middle school and beginning of hs. I forgot my account and everything so I made a new one but then got harrassed by a mod (apparently making a new acc is "cheating" even tho I haven't accessed or even have access to that acc anymore lmao) so I deleted that acc ;)) not dealing w/ that. I use wayyy too many different usernames/pass to remember a stupid acc I made ages ago before I started using a password manager. Like, damn im not a machine, I can't recall every account ive made on every site I've been on:neutralteeth:
I came from gaiaonline originally, which seemed to die back in 2013! So I stopped roleplaying for a while - but now its starting to liven up again.
There were two forums I remember RPing on that never got many people. The first had a decently complex backdrop, but not much effort from the mods. I actually became one for a while but I was young and made a few social misteps and lost the mod privilege. Vampires, werewolves and mages. Very freeform otherwise. The second site had two of the mods from the old site, and several others that played high impact characters that sometimes came in and mattered, and also gave rulings on various aspects of the story. Only two of the mods were actually still active during that time, though, and while the writing on the site was excellent the two mods basically ruled with an iron fist. It's what got me off Forum RP almost completely and got me into RP where I had a bit more say in my own characters.
I came from gaiaonline originally, which seemed to die back in 2013! So I stopped roleplaying for a while - but now its starting to liven up again.
Fellow Gaia player! I moved sites in 2015. I fell in love with the instant alerts here.
Fellow Gaia player! I moved sites in 2015. I fell in love with the instant alerts here.
I went back to Gaia first, last year. And it was fun going through some of my old stuff - but I find they police it too aggressively now lol

SO I branched out.
i started on scratch, the kids coding website. there used to be a big rp comunity that reached its hight at the start of covid, and then in 2021 they updated to make the site much more inhospitable to rps, and the rp scene is dead. i havent logged on in forever, i dont even know what's going on.
Skimmed through the whole thread to see if anyone had mentioned mine - a virtual world site called Meez which was available from 2006-2017. It was VERY much not designed for the kind of high fantasy stuff I was interested in, but I just jumped in feet-first and made it work. Customizeable avatar sites were a fixture for me; I was on Gaia, of course, but also one called Roliana which, IMO, had much better avatar art. Smaller player base, though. Looks like they went offline around 2019.

It sounds like I dropped Gaia (and the others) around the same time most of the RP userbase did, around/before 2013. I actually don't remember when I deleted my account but it was probably around 2012, within my first few years of college.

I also used to look at a lot of Dragonriders of Pern MUDs back when those were a thing (honestly they probably still are?) but never liked the 'forums arranged by physical location' structure, so I didn't join any. Also, some of them made absurd canon divergences that I couldn't stand.
GaiaOnline. I remember joining this very popular Final Fantasy 7 rp group. But I was so bad, I probably made everyone in there cringe every time I posted
So, my first experience roleplaying would be from playing DND. However, my first actual taste of online roleplaying was in a lot of chatrooms. I then moved from chatrooms to forums here and there before eventually going on Quotev where I stayed before they shut down groups. Now, I use Discord, this site, and Roleplay.me however, it is a bit hard to look for rp-partners on Roleplay.me because it's kinda...dead there.
In order list!!

- Discord
- Quotev
- Tumblr
- Roleplay.me
- Twitter
- Rpnation

This is the best site I've used to so far, there are so many amazing people that I've met on here, and I can't wait to meet more!! <3
I've been roleplaying since the late 2000s, so i've been on over a dozen sites. From my very first forum/message board of KHinsider and Final Fantasy Forums to a few smaller but similar sites friends would make. It wasn't until I found RoleplayerGuild in early 2011 that I would move there until the Guildfall and then back to it when it came back. It's a deadzone now, so RPN has more or less become my new home for roleplaying since last year.

I've also dabbled in some NSFW rping sites here and there, i've done a few discord sessions, but I think I'll always be a play-by-post roleplayer until I either keel over or officially retire, but I don't see the latter ever happening 😂

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