Experiences What RP sites did you use to roleplay in?

I've been roleplaying since the late 2000s, so i've been on over a dozen sites. From my very first forum/message board of KHinsider and Final Fantasy Forums to a few smaller but similar sites friends would make. It wasn't until I found RoleplayerGuild in early 2011 that I would move there until the Guildfall and then back to it when it came back. It's a deadzone now, so RPN has more or less become my new home for roleplaying since last year.

I've also dabbled in some NSFW rping sites here and there, i've done a few discord sessions, but I think I'll always be a play-by-post roleplayer until I either keel over or officially retire, but I don't see the latter ever happening 😂
Mostly fandoms/animanga panfandoms during the Proboards golden era of the 2000-2010's.
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