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Fandom What Remains (Survival Multi-Fandom)


Fixit sighed, "A Cinematic --<FZZT>-- Acrobatic --<FZZT>-- Diplomatic meeting between the Butterfly Family and the High Council, but apparently she had to cancel due to the trial of Eclipsa Butterfly."
Fixit rolled his optics and said, "When is Ratchet going to find the parts to fix this ich --<FZZT>-- hitch --<FZZT>-- Glitch!"

Penny was then greeted by three very similar looking robots, in fact two of them look almost identical if it wasn't for the chipped paint on his chassis.

"Welcome to Swindle, Swindle and Swindle! I'm Swindle! Wanna make a Deal?" the Gaudy Swindle greeted Penny.​
"We have cosmetic armor that will make you the envy of every bot in IaTowa!" A Swindle said as he showed off a samurai helmet.
"We also have them in puny organics size! And a discount to match the size!" The other Swindle spoke as he showed off a small crown to Penny.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
-Minato Arisato-
Fixit( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )

Family matters. That much Minato can tell. He noticed how much the Orange bot has been glitching out; mainly in his speech. It's usually just a habit for humans, but perhaps it could be fixed.

"For the time being, mind if I stay here?" Minato asked, his hands shoved at his pockets. "I have no idea what's the currency of this place, and I don't expect me you to give me a job or something." He put it in his usual blunt manner
James Gordon
Mos Eisley

Jim wakes up in a bloody headache after his ex-fiancée Lee, who is infected from the modified Alice Tetch virus hit Jim's head using a baseball bat and got knocked out as the weaponized bomb of the modified virus was released through the air. He knows that Gotham is now in a warzone again because of the modified virus spreading throughout Gotham City. The warzone is much worse than Jerome Valeska's campaign of terror three months earlier. To regain his consciousness, his dark eyes appear and seconds later, his dark eyes disappeared. "Much better." Jim said as he exhales his breath out to the air. So far, his suit is still perfect. He chuckled because of that.

Jim lifts himself up and stretches his body, he checked his Beretta pistol and it is still intact, his handcuffs are on his waistline including his GCPD police badge. He sigh with relief but something weird is going on. He is at the middle of a desert town, it reminds him his military days during the Iraq War. He was so confused and even the people that looks like criminals, lowlife scums, and other related type were just looking at him. He removes some of the dust in his suit. So far, he doesn't even know how he got here. What's going on? Was he kidnapped by the Talons of the Court of Owls and put him in this unknown desert? That's what he was thinking right now. However, a group of thugs, five of them to be at least, approached Jim and began to mug him.

"Give me your credits, now!" The thug said as he swirl his crowbar, looking at Jim's eyes.

"Or else, we beat you to death." The other thug replied, crackling his fist.

The other thugs laugh. Jim is thinking about a fight which fuels his strength coming from the virus and then something voiced out to him, it was a whisper and it was his own voice but the darker version of it. "Detective James Gordon. Kill them. Kill them. Kill them. Kill these criminals in the good for Gotham. That is what you want, right?!" the darker version of his tone was laughing at him which Jim decides to temporarily succumb the virus in order to use his superhuman powers to eliminate these lowlife criminals. His dark eyes began to appear again but this time it didn't fade, his face also reveal some of his veins, he looked at the criminals as he smirked. The criminals were looking at each other and attacked Jim.

The first thug would raise his fist to punch Jim on the face however with Jim's superhuman endurance coming from the virus. He quickly grab the thug's arm without the first thug realizing it. Jim twists the thug's arm completely which cause the thug to scream out on pain as the thug's bones of his arm were completely motionless. Jim would kick the thug's leg which cause the thug to fall down. He would kick the thug's face which results on a knockout.

The second thug grab his knife to stab Jim on the chest however Jim twists the thug's right hand upon the thug's attempt to stab him which cause Jim to grab the knife quickly and brutally stab the thug on the chest on a fast speed, killing the thug instantly. As the lifeless body of a thug fall down on the ground. He throws the knife to the unprepared thug which hits the eye, causing the thug to fell down on the ground as Jim approach him. Jim grab his M9 Beretta pistol from his waistbelt, clicked safety off and pulled the trigger on the thug's head instantly.

The thug who has the crowbar hit Jim's head which cause Jim to feel no pain because of the superhuman endurance coming from the virus. He looked at the thug, grabbing his collar using his one hand and throws him into the bar which the thug landed on the counter. The other thug retreated to the bar to help his comrade. As Jim entered the bar, he aim at the running thug's head and pulled the trigger, killing the thug instantly which the lifeless body fell before Harleen Quinn. The thug who was on the counter was able to stand after he got thrown across the bar, he saw Jim approaching him. The thug have finally feared him, especially to Jim's appearance at this moment.

"Please-... don't kill m-.." the thug would fell down on the ground after Jim shot him on the head. Most of the people from the bar looked at him as he observes his surroundings.

He looks at the bug lady, an Eastern European woman, an anime-looking woman and a clown lady as his dark eyes began to fade which Jim goes back to his normal stage moments later.

"Now, does anyone still wants to fight me?!" Jim yelled across the bar as he grips his M9 Beretta. When no one was answering to him, he replied back.

"Good." Jim put his M9 Beretta pistol on his waistbelt. He look at the four ladies, especially at the bug lady which he assumed that the bug lady was one of the many freaks who escaped from Indian Hill but before he wanted to question this bug lady, first, he wants to speak with the ladies.

"I am Detective James Gordon of the GCPD." He would show his Gothamite police badge to the ladies before putting his badge back to his waistbelt. "Now, could you all please tell me what is this place? Or let's just say, where am I?" Jim waits for their response.


His dark eyes whenever he use his powers coming from the virus.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen @RoxanProoxicus Particle9 Particle9 Fran DeArc Fran DeArc
Locking the door did not help the young and boring girl... The Monokuma's claws tore through the door.
"PUPUPUPUPU!" The Monokuma laughed as it slowly approached the girl.

"KYAAA!! St-stay away!" Komaru screamed. She ran deeper into her bedroom, but this was the end of the line—she was cornered. She ran behind her bed, trembling as the bear creeped menacingly towards her.

"F-f-fight him?! That's suicide!" Komaru thought, her mind racing as she cowered behind her bed. She couldn't peel her eyes away from the bear.

"M-maybe he's slow...maybe you can outmaneuver him!"

Thinking this was her only option, Komaru waited for the bear to get closer. She thought he'd have to either go over the bed or around it, and she'd use that chance to bolt out of here! Her heart pounded, her muscles twitched, her teeth chattered...but it didn't matter how unprepared she was—this was life or death.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Aboard the Reborn
Above Gladius-I

To the Sith Conglomerate perspective, the arrival of the great and feared Chiss admiral; Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Chiss Ascendancy shocked the Sith as Thrawn ordered them to stand down. Grand Admiral Yularen himself, was shocked too, as the Chiss Ascendancy backed the Sith Conglomerate against the Galactic Empire and it seems Thrawn have just broke a military alliance between the Chiss Ascendancy and the Sith Conglomerate. If Grand Lord Yoda was here, he would be furious and he would bow to invade the Chiss space and subjugate their species under their rule.

"Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Chiss Ascendancy. How unpleasant of you saying this to your allies. You have just destroyed the relationship between the Ascendancy and the Conglomerate." Grand Admiral Yularen replied to Thrawn via holocommunication.

He would proceed to contact Lord Vader first and later Lord Kenobi via holo communication.

Lord Vader
Aboard the Shuttle
Above Gladius-I

Lord Vader would just nod at his other self after his other self replied. When his other self talked about Grievous, he would began to speak.

"Decades ago?" Lord Vader was confused for a second as the Clone Wars have ended several years ago just before the Second Great War occurred, however, he decides to scratch that question. "He is on the planet right now fighting my men including Lord Kenobi. Kenobi killed him back at Utapau, the last battle of the Clone Wars. It makes me wonder about Grievous' revival."

Lord Vader's holowrist would turn on, showing the appearance of Grand Admiral Yularen (which is very identical to the original Yularen). The Grand Admiral's expression wasn't pleased with all after the Chiss Grand Admiral Thrawn ordered them to stand down.

"Lord Vader. Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Chiss Ascendancy arrived on the scene. He ordered us to stand down, my lord, despite the fact that we are allies with the Chiss."

"What?! Is that Chiss fool out of his mind?! Is he trying to destroy the relationship between the Chiss Ascendancy and the Sith Conglomerate?!"

"I believe so, my lord, the Chiss are too many and they have great numbers than the Separatists nor the Imperials. We are outnumbered, my lord. We have no other choice but to stand down but what are your orders, my lord?"

Lord Vader slowly facepalms himself, he can't believe that the Chiss betrayed them despite the fact the Chiss backed the Sith in the Second Great War against the Empire. It finally shows the true ambitions of the Ascendancy as they show a threat against the Imperials, the Separatists, and of course their former allies, the Sith but Yularen was right, they are outnumbered. Lord Vader would shake his head before he would speak.

"Order the man to stand down as we have no other choice. Tell that to Lord Kenobi and the armed forces too, Grand Admiral. Grand Lord Yoda wouldn't like this."

"Yes, my lord." Grand Admiral Yularen bowed to Lord Vader before the holo communication stopped.

Lord Vader would look at his other self as Vader's eyes turns yellow, his expression wasn't happy at all. He was angry and disappointed about Thrawn's actions at this very moment.

"I don't tolerate traitors, my other self. This Chiss Grand Admiral, for example, is a traitor as he just destroyed the military alliance between the Ascendancy and the Conglomerate without hesitation. I will kill him as soon as I met him personally. How about you? You don't tolerate traitors too, right?" Lord Vader would ask and he would wait for his other self's response.

Lord Kenobi
The Wasteland: Outside New Vegas

Kenobi would perform defensive Soresu stance which he mastered very well to defend himself against Grievous' unorthodox attacks. He already knew Grievous' techniques as he has encountered him many times back in the Clone Wars.

When Lady Sai attempted to use Force lightning against Grievous in order to help Lord Kenobi, the Separatists got their holo communication which the Sith also got the same. As the droids were commanded to stop, the Sith does too under the commands of Lord Kenobi. Lord Kenobi was looking furiously at General Grievous.

"How are you alive, Grievous?! I've already killed you back in Utapau several years ago!" Lord Kenobi would yell at the cyborg although he would wait for his response.

The Sith Knights and the 501st Legion would be very cautious of their surroundings and they will fight if provoked. After the "battle" ended, most of the stormtroopers would go to the IM-444 garrison base to take shelter. Sith transport ships would begin to arrive as they land near the garrison base, they would take wounded Knights and stormtroopers and would head straight back to the Reborn. Meanwhile, the V-Wings would fly around the battlefield and some of the V-Wings would discover New Vegas and would head straight back to the base to inform their superiors.

The V-Wings above Gladius-I would stop attacking the Separatists however they would heavily defend the Reborn after the commands coming from Grand Admital Yularen to protect the Venator against the Chiss in case the Chiss attacked them.

Donder172 Donder172 The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
"I was never on Utapau, Jedi. We were about to start the ground assault of your pathetic capital of Coruscant when we came here." Grievous said to Kenobi. His bodyguards surrounding him as he stares at Obi-Wan. The droid army starting to withdraw from the battlefield. "I am needed elsewhere. Next time we fight, it won't be ending with both sides alive." Grievous said as he turns around and walks towards his shuttle and made his way to the Invisible Hand.

Darth Vader listens to the conversation "Grand Admiral Thrawn is an Admiral of the Empire. This is certainly a bad move for him. Yet as a Grand Admiral, he has the authority to make that demand. But if he brings treason, I will break his neck." Vader said.

The remaining soldiers of the Empire's 501st start to regroup and recover, starting to attend the wounded as they are started to be transported off the planet and towards the Executor.

Aboard the Executor
Piet looked with a confused expression for a moment. Imperial remnant? They were still the Galactic Empire! "Grand Admiral Thrawn, care to explain why you said 'Imperial Remnant'? We're still the Galactic Empire, the rebellion hasn't won." he said, not willing to tell classified information about the Death Star's existance over comm to Thrawn. He couldn't just tell.

As Komaru bolted past the Monokuma, it attempted to slash at her only to fail due to it's slow plodding movements.
Once Komaru managed to get outside of the room she was greeted by a horrific sight. Hordes of Monokumas slaughtering people.
Such a sight was scaring yet it very familiar.

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

Fixit turned around and shook his head at the human's request, "Sorry, I can't let you stay in that boom --<FZZZT>--
plume --<FZZZT>-- Room. but I can provide you with some shanix for you to stay in one of the less extravagant rooms."
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Cortova manages to patch up some aspects of her ship after some work and some luck. “Right... now how bad of an idea is a distress beacon…” She mutters, considering her options as she checks the systems again.

“Scanner’s still out, no clue how close the nearest settlement is. And as much as I like to think I could survive by myself, I certainly won’t have enough food to support you guys.” She groans, hating this. “I mean, let’s just hope whoever finds us is either friendly or stupid.” She decides, and activated the distress beacon.

She checks the sensors on her exosuit. “They’ll probably want me to take this off. Better start depressurizing.” She hits the button, hearing the telltale hiss of air. She sits back in her chair, waiting. This can make her a bit sick for a bit.

@ anyone a radio that would pick this up.
Lord Kenobi
The Wasteland: Outside New Vegas

What Grievous said makes Kenobi confused. Is he talking about the Battle of Coruscant from the Clone Wars or the Second Great War? When Grievous mention about Coruscant is their 'pathetic capital', Kenobi was confused more. Is he talking about the once Republic or the Empire? Nevertheless, Kenobi was going to reply back at Grievous' confusing statements however he already went to the shuttle and straight head to his personal flagship, the Invisible Hand.

Lady Sai approach Lord Kenobi, looking at him with a confused expression.

"What is he talking about, Lord Kenobi?"

"That Kaleesh cyborg is deluded. I don't know if he is talking about the attack on Coruscant from the Clone Wars or the Second Great War-.. our war."

Lady Sai was quiet as she looked at Grievous who have already went to the shuttle and takes off to Grievous' personal flagship. Meanwhile, Kenobi's holocommunication receives a live message coming from an pilot.

"Lord Kenobi." the pilot's head would bow down before him.


"Me and my boys have found a city nearby to our position. It is a ripe for the taking, my Lord."

"Give me the coordinates and the structures of this city." Lord Kenobi replied.

The pilot gives the coordinates and the structures of New Vegas via holocommunication. Lord Kenobi saved the city's coordinate and observe the city's structure. To Kenobi, this looks like a city that is originated from one of the underground levels of Coruscant. Neon lights and other related lights however Lord Vader must know about this before storming to this medium-sized defended city. Lady Sai was listening and looks at the scene which she was a bit amazed.

"Thank you but we will not attack the city first. You can continue your patrols, dismissed."

The pilot's head bow before the holocommunication fades. Lady Sai looks at Lord Kenobi after that.

"Interesting." Lady Sai smirked at him.

Lord Kenobi chuckles. He would contact Lord Thrax via holocommunication.
"Lord Thrax."

"Lord Kenobi! What's the talk, eh?"

"I want you to stay here with the men. This position is ours and we all know that we don't want to lose this position. We have another task to do on this planet."

"Alright." The holocommunication would fade.

Lord Kenobi and Lady Sai turns around and went to the shuttle with a bunch of stormtroopers and Sith Knights. They would head straight to the Reborn.

Meanwhile, Lord Thrax, a bunch of Sith Knights and the remaining stormtroopers stays at the captured IM-444 garrison base and it is now declared that the garrison base is now a base-of-operations for the Sith Conglomerate on this planet.

Lord Vader
Aboard a shuttle
Above Gladius-I

Lord Vader was confuse at what his other self said. Thrawn working for the Empire as a Grand Admiral? To Vader, this was a joke as Thrawn hated the Empire for their specicist ideals. He looked at his other self with a confused expression.

"I don't know what you are talking about but Thrawn clearly hated the Empire because of the Empire's specicist ideals, that is the reason why he wants to ally with the Sith Conglomerate including the mysterious forces [Yuuzhan Vong] beyond the Unknown Regions so Thrawn as a Grand Admiral of the Empire doesn't make any sense." Lord Vader said.

When his other self mentioned that he will break Thrawn's neck. Vader chuckles at him, he appreciates what his other self said.

"I guess we are not that different after all, Lord Vader. We are the same, obviously. I will do the same as you do to the traitors." Lord Vader winks at his other self as he smirked.

Minutes later, the shuttle arrived on the Executor however the shuttle's door isn't open yet.

"After you, I'll follow you." Lord Vader said.

Aboard the Reborn
Above Gladius I

Grand Admiral Yularen was confuse from what Thrawn have said to him. To Yularen, he sounded a bit crazy. The Grand Admiral decides to question him.

"You sound a bit crazy, Grand Admiral Thrawn. Clear to explain what world are you exactly talking about? Are you talking about planets?" Yularen waits for Thrawn's response.

Donder172 Donder172 The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Side: Despair
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
-Minato Arisato-

"That works." Minato nodded, soon looking out the window for a bit. This city's a bit odd, if not, quite advanced. It's like the world had made a scientific breakthrough while he's still dead. "So can I have the money now or...?" He asked, his palm open in order to receive the money he needs...

-Penny Polendina-

"It looks lovely!" Penny said in awe as she marvelled upon the small crown and the seemingly large helm, still, she doesn't know much about this city and it's inhabitants, so she's not sure if Lien would be considered as a currency here. "But, uh, I'm not here to shop though." She shook her head as a sign. "If you wouldn't mind, can you tell me where this place is? I'm sort of lost." Penny asked in a polite manner, hoping that the three Mechanical shopkeepers would understand...
Rush Valley
Taking on Jason, or more realistically surviving Jason was quite the challenge, and it was exhilarating. The first time Noodle saw Jason turn his head around to head for her specifically instead of the coroner she got pretty nervous, however Jason seemed to be quite distracted and he was slowed down considerably by everyone.

However this cycle ended once a voice filled the room, that seemed to stop Jason in his tracks, that made the serial killer docile. Taking the cue Noodle wearily lowered her weapons but did not completely lower her guard, narrowing her eye's in some suspicion. This was confirmed shortly after once a crossbow bolt flew into the coroner's skull.

Noodle prepared for the scenario where fighting would break out again, but in the interest of not getting everyone killed, she held back that, gritted her teeth and glared coldly, she immediately caught onto the fact that the woman was the elf she encountered earlier on, something only she would truly know.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Morbuskid Morbuskid Sleek Sleek
Lucina: Metro-Gotham
"My homeland is the Halidom of Ylisse," Lucina replied, "but how will we get there?"

The Ylissean princess had her doubts, but if Rachel was this powerful then surely she could transport them to their intended destination. Also, she'll need all the help she can get when the time comes to face Grima and having Rachel onboard will surely change the odds in their favor.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Akira Kurusu: Metro-Gotham

Akira nodded at the detective and continued to command Arsene. He did manage to land a few gunshots at the Guardian, but they were relatively weak. When the detective was shoved aside, Akira noticed the buzz-saw raised high in the air.

"Above you!"

He jumped right in front of the man in the bat costume and Arsene blocked the attack. The Guardian and Arsene clashed, but Arsene can't hold up for long. Akira knelt down, beads of sweat running down his face.

"Tell me you guys have an idea. We can't keep on the defensive forever!"

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts MainEventMan MainEventMan The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Nathan Drake: Diamond City
"Pirate Queen, huh? You know you and my brother would get along just fine."

Nate remembered his brother Sam and his obsessive nature towards anything pirate related. Sam would've had a field day with Karla. Sure, Nate was somewhat knowledgeable in pirate history, but it was Sam was the real expert on these things. Ah, well...

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Morbuskid Morbuskid
Bayonetta: Metro-Gotham
Bayonetta smirked as she rolled her eyes.

"You love to run that mouth of yours, huh? But I wonder what else it can do?"

She then flipped the suitcase around in her hand, "Look, darling, being shallow gets the job done and it's a more fun. Don't tell me you're one of those people who actually think that everyone has your best interest in mind or let me guess... someone close to you must have betrayed you, am I correct?"

Sleek Sleek
Morrigan Aensland: New York
Soon the fighting came to a temporary end. The area around the two seemed clear, so Morrigan thought it was a good time to celebrate. With a snap of her fingers, the mirrored image vanished and the succubus flipped her hair as a swarm of bats appeared behind her, acting as a seat of sorts.

"Ah, I didn't even break a sweat!" Morrigan said as she crossed her legs.

Her eyes then shifted to Ash and a devilish smile curled across her lips.

"You had some impressive moves there, hon. I hope you can keep that vigor up."

He was significantly good at fighting for a human. Ash's soul was worth taking, but now wasn't the time for that. But Morrigan became increasingly curious about the book he possessed and his attempts to hide it.

"No need to hide it," she continued, "I know that book contains a great amount of evil. Do tell me how you came across such a damnable book?"


MainEventMan MainEventMan
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As Komaru bolted past the Monokuma, it attempted to slash at her only to fail due to it's slow plodding movements.
Once Komaru managed to get outside of the room she was greeted by a horrific sight. Hordes of Monokumas slaughtering people.
Such a sight was scaring yet it very familiar.

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

Komaru Naegi - ???

Komaru managed to slide past the killer bear in her room, making it out to the hallway outside...
She panted as she looked quickly around the drab and dim corridor, only to find a horrific scenario playing out in front of her eyes. As she looked onward in shock, her eyes widened, and her pupils shrank to the size of peas. People were...being slaughtered left and right...blood and guts, just strewn on the carpet and walls...

"God--oh, God--please, no!!!" A man's scream echoed from down the hall. As soon as Komaru turned, she witnessed one of those black-and-white bears hop onto its victim and swipe furiously through his exposed face with its razor-sharp claws.

"I'm sorry..." Komaru whimpered pitifully.

The innocent school-girl wasn't prepared for the cold slap of reality. She suppressed the urge to vomit and averted her eyes from the gruesome image—regardless, the least she would leave this place with now was permanent mental scarring. Déjà vu came in like a freight train crashing through the walls of her previously forgotten memories, causing her to recall additional trauma from her past that she frankly could have done without.

Realizing that the bear in her room was still after her, Komaru quickened her pace around the corner, praying that there was still some way out of this dark building. Her splitting headache caused by her sudden memory recall made her hold her fingers up to her temples, cringing all the while.

As she reached the end of this hallway, Komaru searched for a stairway, or an elevator, or a window...anything!

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
What luck! Komaru found an elevator! Too bad her brother's the lucky one as the Monokuma that hounded her finally cought up to her.

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

"Ylisse," Rachel muttered as she pondered where would that be, "I do believe you are referring to the Kingdom of Ylisse of the land of Mewnisse?"

"Why yes, I do believe she is!" Nago interjected, "How exciting!"
"If it's Ylisse is where you wish to be, then I may take you there," Rachel said with a smile, "Consider it as a token of my thanks for the entertaining duel we had earlier."
Fran DeArc Fran DeArc


Anna smiled back at her new found employee, "You're going to be my personal bodyguard!"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
What luck! Komaru found an elevator! Too bad her brother's the lucky one as the Monokuma that hounded her finally cought up to her.
Komaru Naegi - ???

"An elevator!"
Komaru exclaimed upon finding a potential exit. With a push of her finger, the 'down' arrow glowed a dull blue. The elevator was on its way now, so if she could just stay safe until...

Komaru's heart skipped a beat as she heard the unpleasant but familiar footsteps of one of those bears. It was at this moment that Komaru began furiously mashing the button.

"Come on.....hurry!!" She cried as she looked behind her. In just a moment, she was going to be nothing but a lump of mince-meat for the killing machine. Komaru pressed her body against the metal doors, keeping what little distance was left between her and the monochrome bear as wide as possible.

The elevator doors slid open, causing Komaru to fall back and bump the back of her head on the floor. If the doors were opening just now, it was already too late...

Just as she had accepted her untimely death, a ball of blue light flew from the corner of her eyes and struck true against her would-be murderer, causing the bear to topple over with its circuits fried.

Komaru's eyes raced up to find a young woman with lavender hair staring back down at her. There was a sudden glistening in her eyes, but it had quickly faded.

"It can't be..." she muttered quietly.

The woman shook her head lightly and focused on the area around the elevator instead. She wore an intense expression as she pointed around a...megaphone?

Komaru was dumbfounded by this recent turn of events and didn't know what exactly to say. She needed to thank this woman for just saving her life!

"Th-thank you," was all Komaru could muster as the woman kept the elevator door from closing with her other hand and looked around.

"Were there any others who made it?" she asked.

"No...I didn't see anyone who did," Komaru said with a sorrowful cadence.

The woman with lavender hair paused briefly after hearing that.


She turned to face Komaru.

"Here, take this. You're going to need it if you want to stand a chance against these Monokumas," she said as she pulled out an extra megaphone from her waist and handed it to Komaru.

"Here's the trigger, and here are the switches to change your type of ammunition. Just point this hacking gun at those bears and shoot them with it," the woman briefly explained as she pointed out the functions of the remote hacking device to the confused teeanger.

"Huh? But I've never--" Komaru began, only to be cut off by her rescuer.

"You'll get the hang of it eventually," she snapped, preventing Komaru from commenting any further.

"Follow me. Sticking together is only going to increase our chances of survival."

And with that, the mystery woman punched the 'Floor' button, allowing the elevator doors to start closing on their own.

Holding this megaphone-shaped weapon was bringing about a strong sense of déjà vu for Komaru.

"Again, thank you for what you did back there..." Komaru said.

"M-my name's Komaru Naegi. What's yours?" She asked, trying to be polite.

"...I suppose I'll have to introduce myself."

"I'm Kyoko Kirigiri, a friend of your brother's."

"My brother?! Do you know where he is?" Komaru eagerly asked.

"I don't. I came here in the hopes of finding him and any other survivors of the attack, but when I arrived here, everyone on the lower floors was already dead."

"Oh..." Komaru whispered, clearly distressed by Kyoko's answer to the question.

As the two girls emerged from the elevator in the lobby, they quickly and quietly left from out the front door with no resistance along the way. The street outside was just as barren, it seemed.

The way that this girl, Kyoko, had handed Komaru the hacking gun was making her remember something fuzzy from her past. In her mind, there was an image of a blonde-haired guy in a business suit and glasses handing her a 'gun' just like this. When was she remembering these things from, though? For Komaru, these recovering memories of hers felt like a bunch of fragmented nonsense.

Kyoko led her along an empty sidewalk, remaining on the lookout for Monokumas. Despite Komaru's current confusion, she also had her megaphone out and ready to fire, ready to help Kyoko if need be. It really seemed like she had done something like this before...but that didn't make sense!

Kyoko cautiously entered into a well-lit restaurant. As Komaru searched around while Kyoko moved on to talk to the hostess at the front counter, she was relieved to find out there were some actual people in here.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
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Star and Marco sat by their table just as two girls entered the restaurant.
"See, I told ya they serve burritos here!" Star said excitedly as the waitress served them their food.
"Yeah, I guess you were right about IaTowa, Star," Marco said as he took a bite out of his burrito, "This place is great!"
Star nodded as she ate her share.

A Waitress approached Komaru and Kyoko, "Welcome," she greeted oblivious to what is about to come next.

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo
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Town near the Ylissean and Mewni border

Alm sat on the border of the Village he called home. He was watching the Forest that was facing the village. He hardly knew much about it outside of it's name. Which unnerved him. "So long as the villagers heed my warning we should all be safe. Who knows what beasts lie in there. But that's what I'm here for. My world or not this is my home now. And I will continue defending it, isn't that right Falchion?" Alm spoke to the sword almost like it's master would speak up. But in truth he knew Mila was gone. No chance she and Duma both died on that day. But he always spoke to it as though the smallest bit of Mila was still there. "Yeah I need to stop doing this."

(Open for interaction)
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts (Anna)

"A bodyguard, huh..." Stella pondered, rubbing her arm a little. She processed what she knew about the term; It means someone who has been hired to protect a certain person. Judging by those odd looking humans she shot earlier, Stella guessed that they're what she's protecting the Bartender from. It's not like she can refuse. After all, she didn't pay her meal after all. "I see...So all I need to do is to protect you from those 'Enemies'?" Stella asked, pointing to one of the dead carcus of the Lost.
Fixit sighed and handed the blue-haired human 350 Shanix, "This would be enough to get you clover --<FZZZT>-- dover --<FZZZT>-- over to the human district."

The three Swindles looked at each other then the gaudy Swindle spoke, "You're at the commercial district, we see a whole bunch of humans from the other district visit here, and especially here! Since We've got all the killer deals!" he then offered the small android a map, "And if you want a map you better fork over some money."

Then another Swindle spoke, "We've got a reputation to keep!"
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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~laTowa: Despair~
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

-Minato Arisato-

"Thanks. Pardon the intrusion." Minato nodded, soon heading out of the room. He didn't bother asking for directions knowing that he'll figure it out eventually. As he headed out of the room, he was greeted with a familiar corridor. Not that he knew where he is, but it felt familiar nonetheless.

Minato walked along the hallway, finding an elevator and going down. And without a second thought, he casually walked out of the hotel, not bothered with the robot cashier. It's true that he met a robot before. In fact, he even dated one...Don't ask why. He's not overall surprised on how much the world around him evolved. Especially with the giant robos walking around and all.

"Welp. I guess this is my life now." Minato sighed, plugging in his headphones and started blasting a different music to his ears...

-Penny Polendina-

"Uh...I dont know if this country accepts Lien..." Penny accepted as she patted her blouse in search of some Lien the General had given to her. Luckily, there was a few of them on her blouse's pockets...


-Gong Draco-
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi (Alm)
It's been a few hours since Gong had woken up in this weird planet. He had encountered strange things in this place that are sort of similar to Pokemon back before the war...Well, even more different, I suppose. Various swamp creatures, fairies, and other stuff. Gong needed to find a town and ask directions and stuff. Plus, he might be getting a little hungry. Making his way through the forest, he soon spots a set of wooden cottages, making Gong sigh in relief.

"Oh thank Arceus, a village!" Gong said as he immediately headed into the village, spotting an blue iron clad man with green-ish hair. Kind of similar to his dear friend Damian, but more 'knight-ish' than what a Dartrix is supposed to be. Well, he can't be that bad, right?
Captain Cold: Metro-Gotham
Snart stumbled as he ran, large balls of fire energy striking the ground around him.
"You can't run from your past, Leonard!" A voice from the abomination spoke. It was made up of his father, Cronos, Lisa and multiple other voices Snart recognised. They droned out Batman's calls for Snart to use the antidote.
"You can't run from the things you've done!"

He turned around and fired a blast of cold energy from his gun, striking the creature but seeming to nothing more than slow it down. As he prepared to fire another shot, it twisted and contorted once more so that the face of his sister was at the front. Snart hesitated and was struck by one of it's inky black tendrils. He was pierced in both shoulders before he was thrown through the window of a nearby shop.

He panted as he stood to his feet, pushing one of his shoulders back into place and continuing to run, leaving a trail of blood drops behind him.

Snart was grabbed by one of the creature's clawed hands and lifted into the air so that his face and and Chronos' faces met. Snart struggled, reaching for his Cold Gun as the creature's grip tightened, sticking it's claws into Leonard's sides and back. It applied extra pressure to Snart's dislocated shoulder, causing him to grit his teeth to avoid yelling in pain.

"You left me to die..." Chronos spoke, his voice both a mixture of Mick's and the distorted voice of the Time Assassin.
"You're not the real Mick." Snart replied, wincing from the pain
"Oh I'm real, alright. I've waited a long, long time to kill you. Crane just gave me the tools for this job. If I have to become this monster just to kill you, it's worth it."

It raised one of it's other arms, preparing to slice Leonard apart.

Snart managed to grip the side of his Cold Gun and raised it slightly, pulling the trigger and freezing the clawed arm solid. The creature screeched in pain as Snart shattered the clawed arm with a well-placed kick and ran for cover, clutching his still wounded shoulder.

With the creature distracted, Snart fired a few more shots to slow it down and ran down a nearby alleyway, taking cover behind a dumpster.
"C'mon Snart..." He muttered to himself "That thing's just nightmare fuel dreamt up by some Freddy Kruger wanabee. You can beat it."

Barry had taken down both himself and Mick by getting their beams to cross, cancelling out the blast from their guns. If he could do the same with his cold gun and the creature's fireballs, he might stand a chance. The blow-back would hurt, a lot.

But he was counting on it hurting the creature just as much.

Snart took a deep breath, pulled his goggles over his eyes and limped out of cover, walking up on the creature from behind.
"Hello, dad." He said with cold sarcasm and a slight tilt of his head "Why don't we have that long talk you mentioned?"

The creature slowly turned around, Lewis' face at the front. He was smiling from ear to ear, something Leonard had hardly ever seen in his father.
"You're right. Despite knowing a guy with a time machine, I really can't run from my past. Perhaps it's time I accepted that."

He lowered his cold gun, causing the creature to tilt it's multiple heads to the side
"Go on." Snart spat through gritted teeth "Do it! Kill me!" He shouted
"How do you want to die, Snart?" The voices asked
"Well, last time I blew myself up...So let's go with something explosive." Snart replied "It would be a shame to break that record."
"Fire it is."

The creature charged up fireballs in each of it's hands, preparing to throw them at Leonard. As it threw a beam of fire towards him, Leonard quickly raised his cold gun and while backing away, returned fire. The beams crossed, creating a large explosion of energy that threw both of them back.

Snart was preparing for the explosion and braced himself as he flew through the air, striking against the hard concrete with his back but managing to hold onto his Cold Gun. He grunted in pain and stood to his feet, crawling away as he watched the creature fly into the side of a delivery truck with a smiling clown face painted on the side.

Before Snart could crawl to safety, he felt an intense warmth as the creature was already on top of him. It's skin, including that on it's faces was burning.
It brought one of it's claws to Snart's face and stopped instead, going for his left leg, digging it's claws into his knee. Leonard yelled in pain and reached for his Cold Gun only for another tendril to pin his arm to the ground.

His goggles were ripped off and thrown to the side, allowing him to stare directly into the eyes of Chronos, his father and his sister.
Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Snart grabbed onto the Cold Gun and fired, freezing one of it's legs and breaking it into shards of ice with a kick. The creature maintained it's balance but howled in pain, loosening it's grip and and allowing Snart to fire a few more shots into it's chest.

He stumbled to his feet and started to limp away.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts MainEventMan MainEventMan Fran DeArc Fran DeArc
Mewnisse- Village across the Forest of Certain death

Alm was almost ready to call it a break when some man stepped out of the forest. Alm had to take a moment to see if the man intended to harm the village but in the end the man's joy at seeing the village could mean that he was lost. "Gods I thought no one came out of that forest alive. You OK? If your hungry I got some spare bread if your interested!" Alm shouted as the man was a good distance away.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Meanwhile on the other side of the infested city, there is a battle that is currently taking place. A large horde of Symbiotes are being held off by an army of WWII-esque soldiers guarding a building that has a communication tower on the top. Faces covered by gas masks, they bear pseudo-Nazi imagery on their uniforms, and armed with the most dangerous of guns. They are the Black Egrets, and they are currently holding themselves off from the Symbiotes as their Communications Officer, Molly, is on the tower to try and send a distress signal to any survivors.


Parasoul Renoir
-New York-

"Keep holding them off! Don't let them touch you no matter what!" The redheaded princess tells to her army as she joins the front lines with her Luger out and shooting the incoming horde of Symbiotes. She could have used her Living Weapon Krieg, but yet she would have to go up closee to the horde and hope to never get either infected or get shot by one of her own men. Adam, the high-ranking officer, and Panzerfaust, the powerhouse of the army, are also among the lines of defending the building from the horde.

Inside the building, the ace engineer Roxie had just finished bringing the electricity back into the building and now she is currently slacking off and eating a sandwich, not minding the situation that is happening right now. On the roof, Molly is doing the best she can to try and deliver a signal to any survivors (or at least SHIELD could ever receive it). As she is making her best efforts, she suddenly heard a noise right behind her. She turns around and saw a bunch of Symbiotes that had already climbed up the roof through a blind spot. Molly screamed as they all went for her, only for someone to suddenly make an appearance and cut them all down swiftly with her bonesaw.

Molly, shaking in fear, looks up to her savior.


Valerie "Valentine"

"Keep doing what you're doing. I'll hold the rest off here." The ninja nurse says as she gives the rest of the remaining Symbiotes a death stare. Molly nodded before going back to give a distress signal to any survivors who could pick it up. As the Symbiotes charge towards her, Valentine goes into action, throwing deadly syringes and use her bonesaw to back and slash the infected in a cold fashion. "Its been so long since I have stained this saw with blood." Valentine thought.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

-Gong Draco-
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

Hearing the man shout at him about the forest he came from made Gong consider how lucky he was. It would mean that the forest he woke up on happened to be SUPER dangerous...Nothing a Druddigon can handle though, he's trained for that. And the only injuries he got are a few backlashes of Dragon Claw on his wrist and a few knee scrapes from the various thorny vines and or bushes...He may have tried to eat the berries there but his gut insisted not to.

"Yep! No missin' limbs or anythin'!" Gong waved at the man in response, soon approaching him in a jog. "You don't KNOW how long I've been looking for someone out there...I almost thought I'd have to eat those strange lookin' berries back there." He seemingly joked, scratching the back of his head with a grin. The man seemed kind enough, but then again, something tells me he's not exactly a Pokemon either...He smells different than the average Pokemon Species, and he seems to have more armor than anyone he knew would've needed(Even Riff, a Dewpider girl with a tentacle-bubble mask)...Could he be a human, perhaps? The question lingered his mind as he placed his hands on his waist.

"Anyway, I'm Gong Draco. Pleasure to meet ya." Gong introduced, hoping to grab the armored man's name as well.

Alm offered his hand as well. "Albein Alm Rudolf. But everyone calls me Alm. Pleasure to meet you Gong." Alm was a little curious about the mans appearance. But with all of the weird in this world he viewed this man as normal. In comparison to the fairies and Talking Pigeons this was normal. So long as he didn't try anything.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

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