What region do you base your games in (and why)?

What region do you base your games in?

  • The Blessed Isle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The East

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The South

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The West

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The North

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alternate Plane (Underworld, Yu-Shan, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
'Nig' words, Haku? Is this some sort of racist slander?

The only thing protecting you at the moment is my geographical ignorance and my white middle-class apathy. Those could very well change.
Andrew02 said:
'Nig' words, Haku? Is this some sort of racist slander?
The only thing protecting you at the moment is my geographical ignorance and my white middle-class apathy. Those could very well change.
Darn tooting right it is. the deadliest sort of slander - El Typo style!

Mhmmmmh... wuss... that's what you are.
Andrew02 said:
Oh? If . . . IF I am a wuss . . . what does that make you?
A Jakk Bey loving puppet man!
But you are... as for me... I am not a Jakk Bey loving puppet man... far from it.

I'm the guy who likes to hang out in the fringe, and that makes me a step up from the puppets and sheeps in general society.
Does it, Haku? Or does it make you just another member of an empty attempt at contemporary counterculture has merely eschewed the mainstream in favour another broad group that is equally regimented and conducive to conformity in outlook, fashion, and values?

The 'fringe' does not exist. It is just an empty morass of ultra-leftists and stoners with nothing better to do than pretend to be independent, politically concious outsiders with genuine compassion for their fellow living beings.
Andrew02 said:
Does it, Haku? Or does it make you just another member of an empty attempt at contemporary counterculture has merely eschewed the mainstream in favour another broad group that is equally regimented and conducive to conformity in outlook, fashion, and values?
The 'fringe' does not exist. It is just an empty morass of ultra-leftists and stoners with nothing better to do than pretend to be independent, politically concious outsiders with genuine compassion for their fellow living beings.
I use fringe in its proper context. Which means, I dress how I want to, eat what I want... so on and so forth.

I can care less about the other people who claim to be 'fringe'.
Andrew02 said:
Poser. I'm the TRUE fringe . . .
I dress other people as I want to dress them, and I eat WHO I want to eat.
I see... I never knew you were into oral pleasuring of others... but whatever turns your kink.
Oral pleasure is an integral part of being a satisfying sexual partner, Haku. Quite frankly, I am appalled that you would suggest the oral sex is as reprehensible and disgusting as Jakk Bey's bizarre brand of neo-hippy polyamory.
Until very recently, the circle (Solar) has been in Nexus for almost a year of our game time.  So, the Scavenger Lands.  My next choice would be the East as it is a LONG way from the Realm's power aside from Greyfalls.

Forgot to add the obvious - Nexus is a safer place than others for Solars in hiding from the Realm.  The Wyld Hunts that get sent there tend to be a lot smaller and much less showy and without a great deal of their resources.
Joseph said:
Stillborn said:
Wow... you're like the bizarro me. I detest all things wintry. I'm leaving the Canadian-border region specifically to avoid such nasty, horrible shit from this point forward.
How can you dislike Winter?  Muggy heat waves are terrible, while cold is actually fairly pleasant.  Snow is also quite lovely, while ugly people jogging with skin-tight clothing covered in sweat stains is disgusting.

I don't even see what's to think about.  Winter reigns amongst the seasons, clearly possessing real ultimate power.
Human beings are clearly adapted to warm, tropical climes. The cold, dry air of the north threatens our very survival in ways the warmth of Florida does not. Cold is not pleasant. Snow is not lovely. Sweat is a wonderful thing - shows how supremely adapted to this environment the human body is. It's pretty damned sexy, too. When humans develop the ability to grow thick winter coats (and look sexy whilst doing so), then maybe I'll be able to enjoy the cold.
Haku said:
I'm the guy who likes to hang out in the fringe,
There is no fringe. Even rugged individualists are playing into conservative social views. America practically INVENTED rugged individualism. By being an individualist, you are in fact conforming to the most central social ideology in America - individualism.  

Haku said:
and that makes me a step up from the puppets and sheeps in general society.
Like hell it does. All it does is make you a deviant. That's not a step up at all. At best, it's a step sideways. Why do fucking individualists always have the utterly false belief that being individualist somehow makes them superior to conformists? It doesn't. In fact, it makes you LESS survivable than they are, which probably means you're INFERIOR.
Haku said:
I use fringe in its proper context. Which means, I dress how I want to, eat what I want... so on and so forth.
Thus conforming to the mainstream capitalist mantra, "Do what you wish, as long as you don't harm others in doing so." If you were really on the fringe, you'd dress how you want, eat what you want, and so forth, even if it murdering, raping, and stealing from others. THAT would be fringe. What you're doing is perhaps the MOST comformist thing you can do in America.

Haku said:
I can care less about the other people who claim to be 'fringe'.
What a typically American thing to say. More proof of your comformity to American ideology.
TheScreenJockey said:
Haku said:
I use fringe in its proper context. Which means, I dress how I want to, eat what I want... so on and so forth.
Thus conforming to the mainstream capitalist mantra, "Do what you wish, as long as you don't harm others in doing so." If you were really on the fringe, you'd dress how you want, eat what you want, and so forth, even if it murdering, raping, and stealing from others. THAT would be fringe. What you're doing is perhaps the MOST comformist thing you can do in America.

Haku said:
I can care less about the other people who claim to be 'fringe'.
What a typically American thing to say. More proof of your comformity to American ideology.
Only one small problem TSJ... I'm not a citizen of the United States, I'm NOT living in US... I'm north of california, in lovely British Colombia.
Everybody knows that "doing what you want" and "not caring what other people think" are in vogue in the US, and have been for as long as there's been a US. Any American who makes claim to such an ideology is the epitome of comformity.

The TRUE fringe in the Us would be caring ONLY about what other people think, and pursuing THEIR goals at the expense of your own. Not doing ANYTHING that YOU want to do, and ONLY doing what's expected of you by others. THAT would be truly fringe.
TheScreenJockey said:
Like hell it does. All it does is make you a deviant. That's not a step up at all. At best, it's a step sideways. Why do fucking individualists always have the utterly false belief that being individualist somehow makes them superior to conformists? It doesn't. In fact, it makes you LESS survivable than they are, which probably means you're INFERIOR.
I agree with this.  

I eschew a lot of societies bullshit, and to that extent I suppose I don't conform much (particularly given I don't eschew it for other alternatives that seem to be popular), but I don't think this involves "moving up in the world" in any way.  This comes with quite a few penalties and nothing you'd really call an active benefit (other than not having to put up with excessive bullshit from people), and to that extent I don't see how it could be called superior.
TheScreenJockey said:
Thus conforming to the mainstream capitalist mantra, "Do what you wish, as long as you don't harm others in doing so."
I would actually say the mainstream capitalist mantra is, "Do what you wish, as long as you don't harm others in doing so.  By the way, here are some things we're sure you wish to do, and not doing so means you don't fit in (insert various social activities here)."

Mainstream capitalism in America right now is all about the APPEARANCE of doing what you want, while coincidentally "wanting" exactly what they're selling.
TheScreenJockey said:
The TRUE fringe in the Us would be caring ONLY about what other people think, and pursuing THEIR goals at the expense of your own. Not doing ANYTHING that YOU want to do, and ONLY doing what's expected of you by others. THAT would be truly fringe.
The US Military is America's "true fringe?"
I'm afraid to post on-topic at this point, considering the huge nose-dive into other subjects this thread took.  But here goes.

Unless the game is a Dragon-Blooded game (Blessed Isle), Abyssals game (Underworld), or Sidereals game (Yu-Shan), most of the games I run take place in the East, particularly Nexus.  I'm very into large cities and a lot of my inspiration comes from my experiences in Atlanta, as well as books/films that take place in large cities (see "Blade Runner" and read "Dreams Underfoot," two of my biggest setting inspirations).  I've run a series in the South once, but I've rarely touched the North or the West, except in games where the characters travel a lot.  I would like to run/participate in a West/North "Exalted" game at some point, though, because I think I'm definitely missing out.
Generally, I run in either the Scavenger Lands or the North. I like using the North to have it be a setting for horror. I tend to run horror aspected games of Exalted. Yes it can be done. Right now I'm getting ready to run a game under the Inner Sea in a long forgotten Manse. Can anyone say, H.P. Lovecraft?
I'm currently running a game in the South, but originated in the Scavenger Lands, and about to start a Solar game in the North.  But, would have to choose Scavenger Lands 'cos i've spent longer in the area.

Currently running a DB outcaste game based in the south, but the PCs are on a whistle-stop tour of creation via the deus ex machina that is the plot, as it involves recovering a series of ancient artifacts that were hidden all over the place. Travel is courtesy of a level 5 air manse hearthstone owned by their mentor, which can send and recall them to various previously scryed locations. This is a 'first-time players' campaign, designed to show them all the cool and funky bits of the setting and get them used to the mechanics.

Also running a Solar campaign in the scavenger lands, springboarding from TO5C and headed towards nexus, with a view to using the city as a base of ops whilst visiting the surrounding areas, before a showdown in one of the local shadowlands.
I only play DB games, and so, blessed isle is the most popular region for me. But, they will be venturing south in my main ongoing campaign, as you can read about in the other forum ;) I can't get enough of plugging my own work! or something =D

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