What region do you base your games in (and why)?

What region do you base your games in?

  • The Blessed Isle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The East

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The South

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The West

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The North

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alternate Plane (Underworld, Yu-Shan, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
Granted, not everyone bases all of their games in one place, but I have noticed that some people tend to favor one region over another, for various reasons.

I tend to run things in the South and Southeast a lot. The landscapes and climates appeal to me. However, I've only run a few (long running) games, so perhaps next time I'll pick something else.

I think next time I'll base a game in the North, when the climate in which I live in real life isn't so depressingly similar :P

Vote in the poll, but please also explain your choice.

Well, I haven't run a lot of Exalted but, as you might already know, I'm going to be running one set in Halta very soon.  The primary reason for this is that I want to ease a couple of new roleplayers in gently, and Halta seems like the sort of place three newly-Exalted Solars could believably have time to "smell the roses" before getting sat on by a Juggetnaut.  I know it's still a kingdom fraught with peril, but at least they won't have to worry about the Wyld Hunt.  Well, probably  :twisted:

Also, I like forests.  They're cool  :wink:

I've run games in every direction, much more in the Threshhold than the Realm, but I've run one or two set there as well, including one Arjuf based school game... So far I've not used any of the other dimensions, i.e. Malfeas, the Underworld, Yu-Shan, Autocthonia as a primary game location, more as places to visit...though I'll likely be doing a game that spends some time in Autocthonia in the near future. As for a favorite location or direction... Hmmm... I dinna really have such... lots of nifty places... I really want to run a Lookshy based game sometime, but I want the right group of players for it...or at least everyone to be in the right mood.
Have run games (none long-standing yet, but hoping to change that with this one I've got in planning) in the East and North. I'm currently working up one in the West.
The game I am going to run is going to be in the East becasue I want to deal with Nexus, and Mask of Winter
With the game I'm running at the moment I've run two games in the north. Both have been nordic theme games - you know: grim vikings in frozen, backwater villages that seldom talks or smiles, and when they do say something it's usually about honor or vengeance... or the weather ; )

I'm also running a half-demon campaign in the west, which, of course, is a pirate story.

Else I've played in and later run a solar campaign in the east. But I'm a little tired of the east. It's kinda the most well described part of Creation and I can't help being inspired by it, when creating my settings.

So: hooray for the north!

I tend to default to the East just because its one of the areas that I feel most comfortable with in terms of geography.  I have run and enjoyed games set in both the North and the West and played in games set in the South and the Blessed Isle but I think that for sheer variety and intricate alliance networks the East wins.  I have yet to play a DB game, if I did it would likely favour the Blessed Isle
My games are usually based on the East, but the palyers tend to travel a lot, visiting each of the directions. Still, my favourite region is the Northeast.
I said Alternate Planes, because I enjoy games based in Autochthonia and the Underworld, and would like to run a game or two in Malfeas as well if I could come up with a compelling reason for Exalts to spend a lot of time there and actually be able to survive.

The West is my favorite after these, simply because I like sea-faring adventure.  The North is also quite cool.

The East and South can fuck off.
Joseph said:
I said Alternate Planes, because I enjoy games based in Autochthonia and the Underworld, and would like to run a game or two in Malfeas as well if I could come up with a compelling reason for Exalts to spend a lot of time there and actually be able to survive.
I ran a game where the PCs entered and traversed Malfeas, seeking an item which had been brought there from Creation by a demon.

They weren't wholly successful, as a group, in the survival department, though having a Second Circle Demon bound to them as their guide did help them immeasurably.

Their presence was also noticed (unbeknownst to them) by several of the Yozi, who tolerated them for the sake of various vested interests.

Some sort of Pact or negotiation might restrict some of the death by sick and wrong things in Malfeas.  Depending on how you want to set it up since as i understand it deal and ancient pacts are what keep the primordials locked up.
The game I've run took place in the south, the game I'm in currently is in the eartern threshold that has gone up north and to the realm... so... ^_^ ;;;
Most of the games I've run have been set in the North, at least initially.  Why?  I...don't particularly know, I just think the North is awesome.  I live in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, by choice, for the winters and all the snow that comes with them...I guess I just carry those same opinions over into my games.  That said, I've also run three games set in the West, because Exalted + seafaring + super-powered Pirates = fun for the whole Circle.  I've run a game in the East, but never the South.  Had a couple DB games set in the Realm, two games in the Underworld...one that started in Yu Shan, stayed there for about five minutes and enjoyed the scenery, and then left for some more high-seas adventure and eventual Northern goodness.

Yeah, the North and the West rock...I think I enjoy the Underworld third most, but I suck at running games set there...I leave thsoe to the other people in our group when the ST.
I live in Michigan's Upper Peninsula' date=' by choice, for the winters and all the snow that comes with them...[/quote']
Wow... you're like the bizarro me. I detest all things wintry. I'm leaving the Canadian-border region specifically to avoid such nasty, horrible shit from this point forward.

I wish I could be happy for you, and let you like the things you do in peace. Unfortunately, my hate for the cold makes me unreasonable, and I feel nothing but bitter contempt for you, asshole.

Stillborn said:
Wow... you're like the bizarro me. I detest all things wintry. I'm leaving the Canadian-border region specifically to avoid such nasty, horrible shit from this point forward.
How can you dislike Winter?  Muggy heat waves are terrible, while cold is actually fairly pleasant.  Snow is also quite lovely, while ugly people jogging with skin-tight clothing covered in sweat stains is disgusting.

I don't even see what's to think about.  Winter reigns amongst the seasons, clearly possessing real ultimate power.
Stillborn said:
Wow... you're like the bizarro me. I detest all things wintry. I'm leaving the Canadian-border region specifically to avoid such nasty, horrible shit from this point forward.
I wish I could be happy for you, and let you like the things you do in peace. Unfortunately, my hate for the cold makes me unreasonable, and I feel nothing but bitter contempt for you, asshole.

Well, that's ok, as I harbor the same blinding contempt for summer and all the horrid things that come with it as you do for winter.  You go enjoy California and all its nasty heat and humidity and earthquakes, and...whatever the hell else is out there, and I'll stay here and revel in my long winters.
Stillborn said:
I live in Michigan's Upper Peninsula' date=' by choice, for the winters and all the snow that comes with them...[/quote']
Wow... you're like the bizarro me. I detest all things wintry. I'm leaving the Canadian-border region specifically to avoid such nasty, horrible shit from this point forward.

I wish I could be happy for you, and let you like the things you do in peace. Unfortunately, my hate for the cold makes me unreasonable, and I feel nothing but bitter contempt for you, asshole.

You should come to BC... we have nice mild winters compared to the East. And our climate at all times is similiar to California's... that and I think we're the only place where you can get a political party whose platform is based on Marijuana. ^_^
Haku said:
that and I think we're the only place where you can get a political party whose platform is based on Marijuana. ^_^
Nah. We have those dipshits in Vermont too.

Haku said:
You should come to BC... we have nice mild winters compared to the East. And our climate at all times is similiar to California's... that and I think we're the only place where you can get a political party whose platform is based on Marijuana. ^_^
Please come to B.C., and get Haku out of my province. He's RUINING it. Just the other day, I saw him cutting down trees using saws made from the bones of children in a marijuana fueled rage while shouting, "Stillborn don't make the world work!"
Oh, and to be topical . . . the East. It's got a lot of different kinds of people and many large cities in close proximity. I think the Tomb of Five Corners is pretty close to Nexus and Great Forks.
I currently am playing in the east, but wouldn't mind having a game set in the North.

Why the east? When half my players wanted to be Nobles, I thought the 100k might be interesting.

So Andrew02 you're in Duncan? The world is a small place. My family lives in Victoria but I currently live in Abbotsford. (hence the locale title.)

I'm guessing Haku lives in Vancouver, but I could easily be proven wrong.
I currently am playing in the east, but wouldn't mind having a game set in the North.
Why the east? When half my players wanted to be Nobles, I thought the 100k might be interesting.

So Andrew02 you're in Duncan? The world is a small place. My family lives in Victoria but I currently live in Abbotsford. (hence the locale title.)

I'm guessing Haku lives in Vancouver, but I could easily be proven wrong.
I live in Burnaby... right on the boundary with Coquitlam and I used to live in Nanaimo until I moved back east to the Mainland.
Haku said:
I live in Burnaby... right on the boundary with Coquitlam and I used to live in Nanaimo until I moved back east to the Mainland.
:x Good thing too  . . . otherwise I'd drive up to Nanaimo and punch you right in the face!
Andrew02 said:
Haku said:
I live in Burnaby... right on the boundary with Coquitlam and I used to live in Nanaimo until I moved back east to the Mainland.
:x Good thing too  . . . otherwise I'd drive up to Nanaimo and punch you right in the face!
Nig words from a little man... also note that I currently live in Burnaby... which is closer to you then Nanaimo.

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