Other What made you smile today?

I helped a blind lady with her shopping today. It was a hoot. Most find her abraisive and barky I think she's adorable and incredibly smart. She was whipping out numbers and doing calculations all in her head about prices and grams. I was like woah and then the best part was when she started whipping out another language to another customer looking for something. I was like you need to work here lol I've helped her before and I enjoy it. I sort of love it when abrasive people show you there soft side.

Another thing which made me smile was some random co workers noticed I've been gone for a while. I don't really get personal with anyone. I keep to myself but I try to be cheery. It weirdly brings a smile to my face when I know I must be doing something right at my job if people notice when I'm not there. Not in a superiority way but like, hey I missed joking with you and laughing lol Like I like that. I obviously don't get out much. My work often becomes like family

MEH my smiles are endless today

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