What is your favorite videogame?

The Zero Escape series has a very special place in my heart for its writing. (But visual novels feel a little like cheating.)

Gameplay-wise, I really enjoyed Dying Light, especially during early game. By end-game, it's not very scary because you've better equipment and mobility. Thematically, it makes me gigglesnort: Left 4 Dead meets Mirror's Edge.
Favorite video game... hm.. there's so many to choose...

But if I had to choose... it'd be Fatal Frame series or Resident Evil series.

Horror games are awesome. ( ´ ▽ ` )
Its hard to pick what my favorite games are but I guess its a guilty pleasure of mine when metroid prime hunters online was a thing i would spend hours playing against people wifi it brings back so many memories but like I said I like alot of video games its hard to choose ^^ Animal crossing has always been a guilty pleasure of mine..
Talk about hard to pick a favorite... I grew up on FF7 & 8 (more in part due to my older brother) and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64. Though, I think if I had to pick it would LoZ:OoT moreso because it was the second video game I'd ever played (Mario N64 being the first), it opened my eyes to a world of wonder. It's also what got me into writing, for some reason.
Chrono Trigger - SNES

Final Fantasy 7 - PS ( Cliche, I know )

Shadow of the Colossus - PS2

The Walking Dead Game - Xbox 360

All time favorites that I'll play over and over again.
Dragon age: Origins is love

Dragon age: Origins is life

I'm not saying that it's the only game I play, but I play it the most and it's the best.

I'm about to finish it and once I do I'll probably get DA2 and then Inquisition.
Honestly, I just simply can't have one favorite game. But my top 5 would probably be (and in so specific order since i love them all so much);

  1. The Sims 1-4
  2. Fallout 4
  3. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  4. World of Warcraft
  5. Terraria
The list is pretty extensive, and depends on the system and what's going on that year. Right now, I'm looking forward to the PC port of Phantom Brave, for an example, though I have enjoyed games like Coin Crypt, Age of Wonders 3, Gnomoria, among others.
Even though the community is super toxic, and some champs are broken. My favorite game would have to go to League of Legends, and that's only cuse I'm still building my pc, to play overwatch.
Hmm Kingdom Hearts, Jax and Dexter, Sly Cooper, Dynasty Warriors, and Ratchet and Clank.
Both Metro's.


And the Rainbow Six games. Obviously.
oh boy oh boy where do i begin?

all the dragon age games are definitely my favorites, ever, period.

but other than those? hm. time to just list 'em all!

unravel, little big planet, skyrim, world of warcraft (if i just...ignore the really gross fandom...), all of the sims games, vampire the masquerade: bloodlines, fallout: new vegas or fallout 4 (can't pick), catherine, literally anything guitar hero, undertale

i could go on for ages it's unhealthy how much i game
I have so many, but i think final fantasy 8 for the story line, final fantasy 9 for the character design and dragon age for the character relationship development. x
I have tons of favourite games, and it's hard to choose one lol. League of Legends, Lord of the ring online, skyrim, The Sims and millions more.

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