What is your favorite videogame?

In this day and age? Undertale, Starcraft: Legacy of the Void and Dark Souls 3.

I'm looking forward for the remastered Battlefield, Mount and blade2: Bannerlord and battle Fleet Gothic Armada...
My favorite video game is Dragon Age II, though most Dragon Age fans I've spoken with say that's their least favorite game in the series. I don't understand why it's their least favorite. In fact, I'm playing though Dragon Age II yet again in-between posting on this site.
Planescape: Torment is one of the best games of all time! Favorite MMO is probably The Secret World.

For social-roleplaying purposes, though, my current obsession is Velvet Sundown.
I'm always conflicted by my 'favorite' of anything because I cannot decide whether or not it means 'the most happiness derived out of an experience' or 'amount of time spent'. Bioshock: Infinite is the game that I enjoyed the most of all the ones I've played, but the amount of time I spent on it is nowhere near what I spent on Morrowind and Skyrim. So, I don't know which of these is my favorite, but it's one of them for sure.
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The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. Doesn't even have to be modded.

Sure, Skyrim looks a lot better than it and combat was brushed up upon. And Morrowind has more customization when it comes to the RPG side of things, but Oblivion has that sweet spot in between it all that's just sweet divinity. Combat's polished enough to make it not a chore but what I can do is limited just enough so that roleplaying doesn't end up making me a demigod with 100s in every skill.

Oblivion Gates are one of my favorite things about the game and rightfully so. The contrast between the stygian hell that is the plane of Oblivion and the lush, green landscape of Cyrodiil still gives me quite a culture shock to this day. That's the number one thing about I enjoyed about Oblivion is the atmosphere. While not as interesting as Morrowind and not as gritty as Skyrim, Oblivion gives off that real sense of adventure. Sleeping in the boat inn and then fighting off pirates was really cool when I was a young lad.

I could go on for hours about how great I enjoyed the game WITHOUT any of the addons or mods. It's just that good.
That is a tough one, I've currently been trying to finish playing Oblivion and New Vegas, will be starting to play Pokemon Moon or Sun when it comes out too
My absolute favorite has to be Dragon Age: Origins. I've played it so many times and it never grows old! Animal Crossing is also up there. I was so obsessed with it.
mephistopheles said:
Animal Crossing and basically any Harvest Moon game
I love animal crossing/harvest moon! I also love Fantasy Life and the Sims. Alice madness returns is amazing too! And Dantes inferno... I love to many to pick just one... O.o
Good Ol dark cloud.

Loved the game so much. And I still do today. I kinda want to play it again. So many memories, and Nostalgia.

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I'm a pretty big fan of the Megaten franchise. I'd have to say my favorite of those are either Digital Devil Saga or Persona 4, though Nocture is fun as well. I highly recommend them to anyone, especially if you're fond of JRPGs. The mainline games in particular if you're a fan of, say, Dark Souls, because of the crypticism and the like.
I have alot of favorite video games but some would be the F.E.A.R. series, Mass Effect series, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4, The Evil Within, Skyrim and The Battlefield Series

The Legend of Zelda series, hands down;

Twilight Princess was by far the best entry in the franchise.

I also really enjoyed the Professor Layton series and the Ace Attorney games.
Dragon Age. The trilogy is great as it stands but my favorite would have to be the most recent one, Inquisition. I was never so hype about a game until I heard Inquisition was coming out, let me tell you lol.
Warhammer Online, easily. The game is dead (shut down 2013) and lots of people will tell you lots of bad things about it, but it remains my best and most memorable MMORPG experience. I never had so much fun, especially playing all kinds of silly Goblins :)
Mass Effect (the original, or, as I like to call it, Mass Effect Prime)

Fallout: New Vegas

Jade Empire

Sid Meier's Pirates

Civilization III
Super Mario World is probably still my favorite. But Fallout: New Vegas is up there. Something has to be said for the fact that I have nearly 500 hours in Bejeweled 3, though. And for a while TF2 was my favorite but around 2011 I stopped playing. I also loved Oblivion--but I can't get into Skyrim, I think my tastes have changed.
My all time favourite game is Final Fantasy VIII. I love the story and it brings me feelings of nostalgia from the first time I played it. I think it was one of the first RPGs that I played and it is why I love the story driven genre.

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