What is your favorite videogame?

I haven't played video games in a long time, so my favorites are Super Smash Bros. Melee and Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. :3
My favorite video game is, and perhaps will always be is Halo 2. It was the first game I ever played for the Xbox, and my love for it has been reinforced by The Master Chief Collection.
I'm actually not sure. I haven't been playing too many games recently. But if I had to choose it would definitely be Sims 3 or 2.
*Clears throat*

Pokémon are my babies, love the games not the show

ASSASSINS CREED IS MYLIFE(I have two limited-edition sets and have the assassins creed tomahawk)

Dead Space OAO I hate horror games but this game...just gets me


Mount & Blade is by far my most favorite game right now. It's a solid medieval life simulator, plus a load of political intrigue. Playing as the Sarranid Sultanate is by far the most fun I've had with the game.
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1. Fallout 2

2. Rage

3. The Evil Within (weird right?)

4. Metro 2033/Metro Last Light Redux
My favorite game series is Gran Turismo. I think of all the games I've played, the one I've played the most over the years was Command & Conquer Generals; for the longest time, that was my go-to game for unwinding and doing nothing. My favorite fictional universe in a game series is Mass Effect (it's actually made me kind of depressed that we won't manage interstellar exploration within my lifetime).
Smaaaaash Brothers. Sank 3000 hours into Melee the last time I checked, and that's after a few save wipes so I wouldn't be surprised if it was over double that in total. Been playing the new one like crazy, most people can't deal with Wii Fit Trainer and the Pac.

Also been on a real visual novel kick lately. Zero Escape and Danganronpa in particular. Can't wait for ZE3 since it sounds like it may actually happen in 2015 despite the initial publishing trouble the producer expressed before. Then there's Stein's;Gate coming to PS3 and Vita this year. Good stuff. Could just be the fact that they're recent to me but I have a feeling those will stick with me for a while.

Mockingbird said:

Seriously, went through most of Critical Mode ten levels below the recommendation and still managed to beat all of Org. XIII, including the CoM optional fights. Then stumbled into those blindly searching for Terra. Oof.
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I really like Fallout New Vegas and I think ,overall, it's my all-time favorite. The thing that I love the most about it it's that you can mod it to even be a totally different game. I,myself, enjoy immersive mods. I don't really know how many hours I've played this game,but if I were to estimate there are probably 300+ hours.

Second favorite would be Garry's Mod. Why? Because it's a sandbox game that can combine all other Source engine games and it's a very powerful tool for making machinimas and sketches and I could go on forever. In total,I think I clocked 450+ hours.

Third favorite is Team Fortress 2. I can say that along the years,the game lost some of its amusing nature,but nonetheless it can be great fun. 400+ hours

Fourth favorite is probably Battlefield 3,though I don't play it much anymore. I've sunk 250+ hours in it.

Fifth,which is recent. is Payday 2. It's just something about it that I like very much. I picked this one over the first game because of the things it constantly adds.

As for oldies,the list is:

-Mortal Kombat 1 and 4

-Quake 3 and Quake Arena

-For some reason my old PC had an emulated copy of Commander Keen which I really enjoyed. I'm not sure how that got there,though.

-There was this one Toy Story game that I think was made after the first movie. I liked that. Might just be my nostalgia speaking.
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Bioshock and Skyrim, hands down. Everyone can go home now. Kidding, kidding; you guys are great.

I'm a serious sucker for detail.
That's a tough one. I love the Persona 3 and 4 games, but there's pokemon...and .Hack...And Skyrim. Why are there so many!? I think about my main favorite one though is Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis.
Okami will always be my top favorite, I think. I really love Dragon Age: Origins and Assassin's Creed: 3, too ^^

It's conflicted between two games, but one that really remains in my heart as a game that influenced me was KOTOR 2. It makes you feel things. Awful things ;_;
[QUOTE="Air The Sunbro]It's conflicted between two games, but one that really remains in my heart as a game that influenced me was KOTOR 2. It makes you feel things. Awful things ;_;

Never got around to playing the second game, though the first certainly had that effect on me. Was a bit disappointed to hear that virtually everything that wasn't a mainline movie prior to the Disney acquisition was deemed non-canon. Then again, with how horribly TOR poisoned the memory of those characters it may be for the best. ~_~
I'm a fan of Assassin's Creed. All of them, but the first one is my favorite because you're an actual Assassin. Other than that, Legend of Zelda comes to mind, as well as Batman: Arkham City, and Fire Emblem anything
It depends on the day you ask me honestly, haha. Lately I've been really into Twilight Princess and the Paper Mario games though. (Except for you Sticker Star! Your music may be fantastic, but that sticker system of yours is for the birds.)

I'd really love to get Fantasy Life though since it seems like the perfect blend of Animal Crossing and a classic RPG though. I can easily see myself wasting well over 80 hours with that one.
Fallout 3.

No other game (except maybe Dark Souls.) has truly pushed me into such a cold and harsh forgiving world and taken my breath away since its release.

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