What is your favorite videogame?


These are must play series. If you never played them and are missing out of awesome stories. One is a FF and Disney crossover fan fiction that you can play and the other has Batman so yeah, Getting to dress up a bat and punch people sound fun.
I love kingdom hearts 2 but i have the ps2 version...but now the 2.5 version is coming to PS3 so i can't wait.
Oh oh oh! I don't even have to think about this one!

My absolute favorite game is the Dragon Age Franchise. Though I haven't read the novels, I love the story of the game. DA2 gets a lot of hate, but I don't really see why. Yeah, the dungeons were repetitive (they used the same maps over and over and over again), but the story wasn't all that bad.

Though in variety of dungeons, DAO is definitely better. DA2 also had more of a "just hack your way through the game" kind of thing. What you said changed the atmosphere a little, but there was little variety in choices of what to do. Your path was predetermined. While in DAO, you had more choice. So although DAO is better than DA2, I still enjoyed it. And I am VERY much pumped for DAI (Or DA3, if you prefer)(Dragon Age Inquisition, for those who don't know the game)/ Lots of choices that influence the game more than it did in the earlier games, if I have to believe the interviews, previews, and all those things.
The Elder Scrolls series and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Oh, and Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter.
[QUOTE="THE J0KER]Arkham Knight might just win the "best game ever" award for me...

Its not even out yet though....
For me my favorite game would probably have to be:

Humor: Bard's tale hands down, I just loved that game.

Strategy: Crusader kings 2. Because ya' know, all the intrigue.\

Rpg: Morrowind with overhaul mod. I still liked skyrim, it's just, morrowind, game of my childhood ya know?
I'm going to say my all time favorite game is Modern Warfare 2 (Multiplayer) because I have 476 hr (roughly 19 days) logged on that game alone and none of my other games come close.
Today I finished The Wolf Among Us and I have to say it completely kicked The Walking Dead out of my Top Ten list. Damn I can't wait for Season 2.
augmentedspartan said:
Today I finished The Wolf Among Us and I have to say it completely kicked The Walking Dead out of my Top Ten list. Damn I can't wait for Season 2.
Um. This video games, not TV shows Spart.
Both games go by Seasons. Currently The Walking Dead has 2 seasons, and The Wolf Among Us only one. Each season is 5 episodes each. Its a story driven game, so its not that weird that it is ordered like a TV show.
I have a few favorite games/game series:

The Diablo series (I have been of fan since since about 7th grade. Rarely find games with an atmosphere like the first Diablo)

The Metal Gear Solid series (Another one I've loved since about 7th grade)

The Dead Rising series

Majority of the Mega Man games (R.I.P.)


The Elder Scrolls
augmentedspartan said:
Both games go by Seasons. Currently The Walking Dead has 2 seasons, and The Wolf Among Us only one. Each season is 5 episodes each. Its a story driven game, so its not that weird that it is ordered like a TV show.
Wolf Among Us is going to have a season 2 just nothing close to actual announce date
genestarwind34 said:
Wolf Among Us is going to have a season 2 just nothing close to actual announce date
I really hope so. I haven't seen anything announced either, but with how well it did I would be surprised if they didn't try to keep it going for as long as The Walking Dead.
I love the sims 3 but currently my dumb computer won't support all of my packs D; boohoo! I can't wait until Black Friday comes around!

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