What is your favorite videogame?

This isn't even a fair question, because I have a myriad of favourites based on different aspects of gameplay. Last of Us was brilliant but the mechanics could have been done better. Dragon Age is definitely up there. Max Payne used to kill back in the day, if you can get over the shoddy graphics of the earlier games and consider what it was back in the day.
Endgame said:
Last of Us was brilliant but the mechanics could have been done better.
I'm guessing you mean the story telling aspect, which yes it was really good. The gameplay mechanics weren't bad themselves, just a pain to work with sometimes.

Endgame said:
Max Payne used to kill back in the day, if you can get over the shoddy graphics of the earlier games and consider what it was back in the day.
I actually don't mind the bad graphics (to an extent). Funnily enough, the short draw distance and dull colors add to the atmosphere. Although it lacks the bullet wounds that were added in Max Payne 3, which were pretty cool.
augmentedspartan said:
I'm guessing you mean the story telling aspect, which yes it was really good. The gameplay mechanics weren't bad themselves, just a pain to work with sometimes.
I'm late to the PS4 bandwagon, but I hear through the grapevine they have improved the stiffness of Last of Us in the remastered version. Although, naughty-dog has a habit of having rigid motion in their games. Hands down the only game that has brought me close to tears.

augmentedspartan said:
I actually don't mind the bad graphics (to an extent). Funnily enough, the short draw distance and dull colors add to the atmosphere. Although it lacks the bullet wounds that were added in Max Payne 3, which were pretty cool.
I feel like that was their original intention to give it more of a modern film noire appeal, but don't quote me on that.

I'm also incredibly late to the Mass Effect hype train. Got the trilogy a few months ago for the PS3, but didn't get into it until this month. Worked my way through the first game and came across some horrible game glitches. First on Feros, then took me 6-tries to get through the gameplay and final cut-scenes for the final boss, because it froze mid-fight or right after the last cut-scene. Brutal. I shouldn't be surprised because it is made by EA, who are notorious for half-assing games. Thankfully, ME2 restore some of my faith thus far and the 'battle' system has vastly improved from the first.
My favourite video games? Oh,dear. Don't make me choose. There are just so many. The entire Mass Effect trilogy is a solid contender,as is Dungeon Keeper,and Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. Then there's New Vegas,and Skyrim. Dark Souls and Dark Souls II occupy this list,too.

Seriously. I don't have ONE favourite game. I have MANY.

Mass Effect: It tells a beautiful story about unity,perseverance,and crushing the odds. The gameplay improves in each installment,too. Also,Team Dextro. I'm Commander Shepard,and this is my favourite store on the Citadel.

Dungeon Keeper: My first game,but I still play it,to this day. An excellent RTS/God Game with incredibly tight gameplay for its age. Beware! The Lord of the Land approaches!

Supreme Commander: The original,and the expansion,Forged Alliance,are what I'll point you to if you want a strategy game done right. It's big. VERY BIG. Wanna see a thousand nukes going off? All at once? It can happen,in SupCom, No,this is NOT an exaggeration. STRATEGIC LAUNCH DETECTED.

New Vegas:
Mods. Mods,mods,mods,MODS! If it has the Bethesda Softworks stamp on it,then you WILL play it on the computer,because that way you can mod the PISS out of it. Primarily to deal with the crashes,but plenty of other good mods exist. That,and the stories it tells are stellar. The questions it asks,for the most part,are difficult. A democracy,drowning in red tape? A totalitarian dictatorship that values security,unity and principles above all else? Or an autocracy,where the rich get richer,and the poor get poorer? Or,perhaps,something else entirely? There is no right answer. The Karma Meter's a lie. Even evil leaders can create great things. If you want to see the fate of democracies,look out the windows.

Skyrim: MODS. Seriously. Mods are a powerful game enhancement tool. Wanna know why people still play Dungeon Keeper? Keeper FX. A mod. Supreme Commander? Mods. Total Annihilation? Mods. Morrowind? You guessed it. People will still be playing Skyrim twenty years from now,because of mods. Yeah,the game's pretty damn easy to break,but it's still so damn FUN! And,when you get bored? New mods! New character! Let's go and become a Lich! JOOR ZAH FRUL!

Dark Souls I & II: Difficult. Unforgiving. It will take a pound of flesh for every misstep,no matter how minor. She's a cruel mistress,but you'll keep crawling back for more,and you wanna know why? A rich world. A lore mostly lost to time,allowing your theories to run wild. Gameplay so tight,I'm surprised it doesn't have a wedgie. It will break you. But,afterwards,it'll mold you. It'll make you a better gamer. You'll learn to understand why you failed. Not some random throw of the dice,but because of your personal shortcomings. And it will demand that you improve,or find another way. In a way,the games are not about themselves,but you,the player,holding the controller; You start as a pathetic,frail thing. You struggle,die,and struggle again. You fight. You grow stronger. Faster. Smarter. And,in the end,you do more than simply beat the game. You conquer it. This engine of suffering and misery has become a jewel in your crown. And very few things can match that sense of victory. Bearer of the Curse,seek misery. For misery will lead you to greater,stronger souls.
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Dwarf Fortress. After making a strong enough fortress, you'll be playing Dark Souls for the jovial atmosphere.
From most favorite:

Metro Franchise: Atmospheric, excellent immersion, a unique setting, and interesting lore. If it was open world I may never play another game again.

Fallout 3 & New Vegas: Good games by themselves, but the range and quality of mods can turn it into basically whatever you want. Plus, I have a thing for the dark humor and post apocalyptic settings, not to mentions the American culture of the 40's, 50's.

Skyrim: I'm big on Norse mythology and viking culture, so when you have a roman-like culture invading the place it's almost an obligation to play.

Most played:

Chivalry Medieval Warfare: It's like counterstrike with swordfighting. Besides, the idea of going to war and slaughter only to be resurrected soon after and fight again is basically what happens in Valhalla after vikings die in battle. It's like a damn religious experience playing it lol
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Valfyr said:
Metro Franchise: Atmospheric, excellent immersion, a unique setting, and interesting lore. If it was open world I may never play another game again.
Yes yes yes. I love Metro. Which one do you prefer, 2033 or Last Light?

Valfyr said:
Fallout 3 & New Vegas: Good games by themselves, but the range and quality of mods can turn it into basically whatever you want. Plus, I have a think for the dark humor and post apocalyptic settings, not to mentions the American culture of the 40's, 50's.
Even without mods, I keep finding things to do in those games. And yes the 50s style is a really nice touch to the game. It helps to separate it from other post-apocalyptic games.
augmentedspartan said:
Yes yes yes. I love Metro. Which one do you prefer, 2033 or Last Light?
Hell yeah man. This is a hard one though, they're both almost flawless to me. The stations and non-combat bits have always been one of my favorite part about the games, and those in last light are just amazing. Theater and Venice are especially awesome for getting drawn into the world. Apart from that the overall story and experience of 2033, especially the redux, well, I'm sure you can agree it's an instant classic.

augmentedspartan said:
Even without mods, I keep finding things to do in those games. And yes the 50s style is a really nice touch to the game. It helps to separate it from other post-apocalyptic games.
Yeah, that the thing isnt it? I always end up doing what I'd do in real life and never see other sides like caesar's legion, but there's always one more place to explore and new people to meet. Please tell me you've tried the Willow follower mod for new vegas. If not, well, you'll fall in love, guaranteed.
Valfyr said:
Hell yeah man. This is a hard one though, they're both almost flawless to me. The stations and non-combat bits have always been one of my favorite part about the games, and those in last light are just amazing. Theater and Venice are especially awesome for getting drawn into the world. Apart from that the overall story and experience of 2033, especially the redux, well, I'm sure you can agree it's an instant classic.
My favorite part has to be the Library in 2033. The Liberians are just really cool enemies, and actually really dangerous even on Ranger Hardcore. I have to admit I prefer 2033, it had more of the small details that made it my favorite game, plus I hate what they did to Ranger mode in Last Light. I haven't played Redux yet, but I'm planning to, however I saw that they changed a lot of the small things about 2033, and while it isn't that big a deal, it was the small things that made 2033 my all time favorite game.

Valfyr said:
Yeah, that the thing isnt it? I always end up doing what I'd do in real life and never see other sides like caesar's legion, but there's always one more place to explore and new people to meet.
I try to keep things interesting. I've tried both the legion and the new republic, which are both really interesting. I also like to make different type of characters (you know, sniper, heavy, super-nerd, etc...) My favorite is to make a caveman, with minimal intelligence, wearing rags as clothing, eating/drinking anything I find, use only melee weapons, and attack anyone who uses words longer than three syllables. Sure it makes it almost impossible to beat the game, but it is always fun to do.

Valfyr said:
Please tell me you've tried the Willow follower mod for new vegas. If not, well, you'll fall in love, guaranteed.
Nope, I haven't tried any mod yet. Mostly because I started in ps3 and my computer can't run New Vegas without having a cardiac arrest, but partly because I still haven't run out of things to do in it. Plus I don't like companions, I prefer to do my own thing.
I've always kinda thought that this question was really unfair for a lot of gamers. Or maybe I'm just too indecisive . . . It's extremely difficult for me to label one game as a clear favorite. Still, I'll make a forward effort to promote one of my lesser known favorites as many of my more popular likes are already present.

Valkyria Chronicles

What a fantastic game. Everything from the storyline to the gameplay to the art was spot on. The characters were all unique and likable in their own right, the strategy was perfect and every loss of an ally had me restarting like it was Fire Emblem.
Skyrim is awesome.... but so is Pokemon... And Super Smash Bros. Brawl is fun... And league of legends... *can't decide @_@*
I don't really have a favorite, more like I just have a lot of games that I think are fun and play often. These include CS:GO, World of Warcraft, GW2, and also I'm really enjoying the new Call of Duty on PS4 even though I had lost all hope for the franchise. :D
I have more than one. I LOVE the Harvest Moon series, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Grandia II. (Stealth games like Tenchu are also loved)

I just recently bought Fantasy Life for the 3ds, and I'm so excited to play it <3
Mirror's edge, I know a lot of people think it has a lot of leaps of faith but its meant to be that way! ;) Character's name is spot on xD

Harvest moon new beginning

Halo, CoD4, Titanfall, TF2, Portal (1 and 2)

But I really do love telltale games : Walkingdead, Wolf among us, Borderlands etc

Ni no kuni is also fun, pokemon on the whole,

Love child of light and Brothers : A tale of two sons :)

So really, can't say I have one particular game I love but a whole range xD

OOOh Starwhals for a laugh :')
I'd have to say Battlefield. Specifically, Battlefield 3. I've sunk so many hours into that game, yet I still find it enjoyable every time I play.
McFacePunch said:
I'd have to say Battlefield. Specifically, Battlefield 3. I've sunk so many hours into that game, yet I still find it enjoyable every time I play.
Battlefield 3 is awesome.
I loved the story in Battlefield Bad Company. That gang was way too fun!

Radient Historia for the DS is one of the best games I've ever played

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