What is your Biggest Pet Peeve and How Big is it?

How Big is your Biggest Pet Peeve?

  • It's, like, big as the Eiffel.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's a bit big. Maybe like a car.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's medium, which also happens to be the perfect drink size.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's just so-so.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's intangible, and does not even have a physical form to measure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's intangible, but I think I could measure it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's rather small.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Itty bitty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please elaborate)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My pet peeve is very likely the size and quite possibly the relative shape of a 6' person standing next to a 32 ft orca whale.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/orca_human-copy-from-jv-600x356.jpg.99090c829886972e49e2dd840dc5d127.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68652" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/orca_human-copy-from-jv-600x356.jpg.99090c829886972e49e2dd840dc5d127.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

THAT PET PEEVE JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE DULL PENCILS. Not even like, all dull, even mildly dull will not meet the prerequisite Gabauchi requirements.



  • orca_human-copy-from-jv-600x356.jpg
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Chewing with your mouth open.... it annoys me so much that it brings instant and extreme rage to me. If you are by me and you chew with your mouth open, I will most likely explode at you. Sorry. Hehehe
In movies, video games, or any type of media really, when the motivation of a character is to save his wife/daughter/ect. It's such a cliche and almost never done well.
Got really bored at work so I was browsing the discussions and stumbled upon this thread and I have to say..

A pet peeve of mine is when people call me short.

5'3" is almost average, people. ( >:( )
I have many, unfortunately, but my largest by far would be when I'm not wearing my glasses or contacts, and someone asks how many fingers they are holding up. Or, when I'm wearing my glasses, someone takes them off to see if they can view things clearly through them. Don't. Touch. They're practically my second pair of eyes!

Also, hearing people chew. I tend to avoid eating around people because I just... I just can't deal with that.
People passing off luck as pure skill.

ex. Being missed by a bullet when having no idea they were being shot at and then saying they are really good at dodging bullets.
Ghosts, I absolutely despise ghosts. Acting all creepy and crap, trying to be vague while they're whispering at you behind you're back. You know they're just talking smack about you, but you can't figure out what it is unless you can teach it to manipulate cleverbot or go buy some janky ghost hunter device so I can barely hear them talk. Then they stalk you on some sort of forum website dedicated to roleplaying. Freaken' ghosts.

Just kidding. Sort of.

My biggest pet peeve is probably people who are full of themselves. Like on the huge basis, everyone gets a little full of themselves, it's just human nature. I'm talking the ones who think they know everything, are better than everyone else, and are just destined for greatness. Take my cousin, who I complain about often because she is a magnificent writer yet has the kind of ego that makes me want to smash boulders with my 'bear' head, then forage for berries and take a nap.
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Alright I feel kind of bad saying this because I realize that when this happens it's just someone trying to be nice but idk it just pisses me off. Consider this my asshole confession.

Alright, I don't know how many people can relate to this, but I like to roast myself for the entertainment of others. It's not that I hate myself or anything. I'm rad. It's just that I also know what my flaws are, and I've come to terms with them, and I can laugh at myself. Other people seem to enjoy it, too.

That being said, there is nothing I hate more than someone stopping me in the middle of my roast to tell me things like "oh no sweetie ur bootiful plz love urself!! <3". Well, yeah, man, obviously I am, or else I'd be crying instead of laughing at myself. And let me tell you, it took me a long time to learn to laugh at myself, and I'm pretty proud of that achievement. I love the fact that I can laugh at myself. In other news, I'm not a frail little flower princess, and I don't have self esteem issues. If you knew me in elementary school, I can understand if you still think I'm the shy, teary-eyed little teacher's pet, but that was years ago and I've changed as a person. If you weren't around to see me become strong and smart and independent, then that's no one's fault but your own, and you have no business treating me like the person I was because you couldn't be bothered to know the person I am now before interrupting me. And chances are, your comment is going to do approximately jack shit for my self-esteem, because it was never broken and it doesn't need fixing. All you're doing is being a buzzkill so that you can say you did a good deed today.

I mean, when this happens I'm more likely to respond with "chill fam I'm laughing at myself" but all this is in my head and sometimes I have a hard time not saying it out loud.
people who prepackage an apology in with their opinion, which makes them seem less sincere about their apology so as to cover their tracks, or unsure about their own personal opinion.

or both.

it just comes off as being tepid and fearful of dissent more than it does proving tolerance.
I have 4 really ... impeding ones.

One is galactic,

one is universal,

one is national,

and one is municipal

on a scale of how Nerve rackingly big they are.

I don't even want to share. I just had to put that out there.

and one which is mythical,

and by that I mean my schizophrenia.
People who don't flush the toilet after they're done their business.

Nothing is worse than when you have to piss so bad, rush into the bathroom, only to find the toilet has a big dump in it, piss, vomit, or whatever. It takes literally a second to turn around and push down a handle/button. Come on now. This is why I rarely use public restrooms unless I know for sure they're automatic flush, but even then.
Legit I agree - TIP : when you take a shit at home, or at a friends, or maybe even at work,

It is just ass easy to wipe the toilet bowl as it was to clean your ass
. The poop wipes clean when it is fresh, It stains and sticks and gucks up when it dries. Be courteous to your wife, family, friends and co-workers.***

no one else should have to clean that.

BRO CODE 5:51 The real rules of life.
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Being promptly ignored with lies and excuses added afterwords. It does not happen often, and I am sure it has happened to others. But say you have plans to do something with a friend, they claim to be sick or not feeling well or not in the mood to hang out. Only to upload photos of their 'bomb night' with another or other friends. Or when someone is supposed to come to their shift, claims they have some sort of family emergency then you spot them at the mall. Awkward. Or when someone says they don't have time to respond to your pm but they are clearly around the site, chatting it up with their friends. Rather un curt I feel, and it truly bothers me.
Biggest pet peeve: things that force me to leave my bed. It's about as big as a supernova.

Okay, more seriously: My biggest pet peeve is when people say "that's my opinion" when it's not an opinion but a fact. Like "in my opinion, this red shirt is green" or something. Usually they do it to justify conclusions to wrong premises by saying that the premise is their opinion.

Size of that pet peeve: size of a baby mammoth.
My biggest pet peeve? Throwing to go cups in the trash with the beverage still in them. It drives me up the wall when I'm taking out the trash and suddenly my leg gets sticky with Dr. Pepper!
True! Happens all the time, like you're in the bathroom already. Why not take that time to put a fresh role on the holder. It'll make it easier and faster to get your toilet paper because the thing spins! Make it easier on yourself!
People insisting to call me by nicknames after I've asked them not too, it shouldn't be a big one but every time someone calls me by something I have asked them not too I want to destroy them and every hope and dream they've ever had and everyone they love.

Also someone correcting you on a use of a word in the most nitpicky of ways, not in the 'trying to inform you' way but in the 'I know exactly what you mean but I want to pick apart your sentence in order to make you look stupid and make myself look smart by comparison' way. I drown widows and orphans over that annoying bullsh*t, along with the destroy everyone they know and love deal.

Something not being symmetrical.

I am not Death the Kid however I do have a case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and I have to go about my room straightening things up until they look how I want them.

I also despise when people tell me to slow down, I have a knack for walking around my house and pacing quite a bit so my mother often tells me to stop.

I believe it is due to the feeling of being pent-up and seeing as I am 5'10, I need to stretch my legs.

Another pet peeve is an egotistical person, can not stand someone who thinks they're the equivalent of Morgan Freeman.

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