What is your Biggest Pet Peeve and How Big is it?

How Big is your Biggest Pet Peeve?

  • It's, like, big as the Eiffel.

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  • It's a bit big. Maybe like a car.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's medium, which also happens to be the perfect drink size.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's just so-so.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's intangible, and does not even have a physical form to measure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's intangible, but I think I could measure it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's rather small.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Itty bitty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please elaborate)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The biggest pet peeve I have right now is the sound of screaming people destroying my eardrums.
My pet peeve is pet peeves. Which is like the size of a pine tree, but then not really cause I can cut the tree down and the tax is just killing me. Man, I'm feeling you but then I'm not really feeling you, you feel me?
When someone mistakes how they prefer to do things, as the only way to do things.

A few outlandish examples to make the point:

  • "You're supposed to eat rice with a fork, not a spoon."
  • "You have to look 6 times, before you drive across a street. Three times each side. If you don't, you're doing it wrong."
  • "I want you to write these things down three times. That's the only way you'll remember them."
  • "No! Stop it! You never put chocolate frosting on a chocolate cake. It has enough chocolate already."
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]

  • "You're supposed to eat rice with a fork, not a spoon."


Never heard of that one, and I eat rice almost everyday.

Pet peeve of mine is when people don't finish their food. Or especially when there is leftovers and someone takes most of the food and just leaves a little bit in the container that is barely a spoonful.
The things that bother me always seem to be changing, which is ironic considering the example I'm about to give ( :P )

One thing that will always bug me a lot, though, is inconsistency. I mean, changing your mind once in a while is fine and all, and even going back and forth is okay as long as you don't do it too quickly. But it does and always will bother me when somebody changes from one thing, to something completely different, to something different from that, and so on in a very short timespan. Waffling is okay, I do it all the time. But you're making decisions/opinions/etc and constantly changing them all the time. Make up your mind and tell me what you really want! I'll wait, really!

...No, really, I'm actually a pretty patient guy. Most of the time.

I suppose the easiest way to demonstrate this is through a driving example. Sure, you can annoy me bit by bit by driving slowly, but the easiest way to get under my skin while on the road is to speed up... Then slow down. Then speed up, then slow down. Over, and over, and over again... I think you get my point.
You know what really rustles the old jimmies? People who demand that something be banned because they don't like it. It happens on both sides of the political aisle - the Confederate flag, gay marriage, guns, sexy women in video games, crude jokes, and so on. You know what? Screw your sensibilities. The world isn't a big hug box where you're protected from people who aren't like you. This is America (or whatever first world country), if you don't like something or someone, leave it be and go on your merry way.
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