Experiences What is the most intriguing Roleplay concept you've ever come across?


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Hello, Nation.

I've noticed that, over the years, I've seen a lot of similar Roleplay concepts be recycled again and again, no matter where I go. I'm not here to gripe about that (first and foremost, everyone's Roleplay is valid— Barring the exception of offensive, inappropriate material, that is), but the opposite! I want to know what is the most intriguing Roleplay concept that you've ever come across, either as a Roleplay itself or an interest check? Did you join it? Why or why not? If you know, what was its ultimate fate?

Very curious to see what folks have to say!
I think around 8 years ago, I took part in a pretty fascinating roleplay that hooked me to the community.

The concept appeared generally simple, the only twist was that our characters could die and when they did, they continued along as ghosts. I assumed that was to keep roleplayers invested even when their characters were no longer alive. When our characters were injured and teetering between life and death and clearly about to die, the host would say our character hear a voice, and them dm us a question.

That voice could be the voice of God, the voice of a loved parter, the voice of a child, it depended on the character. And we had the option essentially to continue along with the surviving characters or not. The roleplay was set up so well, we didn't know if our characters would be revived in the future or if the remaining ones would survive, so literally all of us chose to stay.

Turns out, there was a Matrix twist. If one of us had chosen to leave, they would have awoken to reality. We had made our characters agree to stay in a false reality, and one where they lived in grief. As a 12 year old writer, I was freaking out!

Before this, I had done very casual roleplays and I wasn't feeling it. After this, I realized I loved deep, unique, immersive plots. It changed the game for me.
i've roleplayed in a lot of different spaces, and each one is really unique (except for probably tumblr) in how they keep things fresh for players involved, or how the roleplay itself is set up. spaces where characters act as if they were in an online chatroom were a fun and more laidback form of rp, i've also been in groups, and have used this tool myself, where you allow a dice roll to determine the outcome of a situation your character is in instead of having it be totally plotted out beforehand. i've seen there be a point system for active roleplayers to earn in-roleplay rewards whether it be a small personal item or a bigger plot opportunity, which i thought was a really good incentive to keep activity up.

Post war Madoka inspired magical girls. Slice of life turned psychological turmoil turned expendables. All charries are in late 20s, early 30s and have moved on and repressed their experiences and memories so they can live as normies. Some are married now. Some even have kids. Some didnt do too well.

Anywaaaaays. Bare minimum cs. We buillt background and revealed Powers as we went. So like the RP was solo styled Slice of life where charries would go about daily routines from pretty much all over the world. All interaction btwn charries was all in flashback as teens. So there was a dual charrie posting style to the rp. One currently as grown ass women and one as a teen magical girl. What triggered memories is that the ladies are seeing glimpses of their talking magical girl animal guide. Its.because the war isn't over.

But so like their magical girl time was like Madoka where girls are dying or being possessed by demons. Or even betrayed by their own. And so like they have repression issues, emo anguish and severe post trauma and have to deal with it as they start to remember.

We only got as far as the ladies agreeing to group call to figure things out. Aaaaaand like whether or not they wanted to rejoin as magical girls or go as Mercs or take out the whole recruiting of magical girls altogether.

AMAZING excecution cuz of gm and amazingly creative writers. It was a perfect storm of styles, engagement and collab that ended faaaar too soon. In a time when I took the plunge into adv | lit. Like I reeeeeally wanted to see where this went.

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