Viewpoint What fandoms do you miss, or what are some you can't find partners for?

Apparently no one knows what Valve games are anymore.
Half Life series, Portal 1-2, TF2, L4D 1-2, and many more games that most of the population overlook, and fail to understand their beauty. I agree

also, I’d love to see someone who wants to talk Dead Cells, Mass Effect, and Borderlands 3
I miss roleplaying fandoms themselves haha. I felt like many years ago, a RP forum would be not only very popular, but everyone knew where to go for RP. Now RP can be found on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, Forums, Live journals, emails, and I'm sure other places as well. It's spread out to so many different platforms that it's hard to get everyone in the same spot and connect now.

For example, I have seen one fandom do exceptionally well on Twitter, but get barely any activity on Tumblr. I miss when there was a dedicated space that everyone would stick to and make it easy to find others on. Especially for group things.

Omegle RPers were hilarious trying to find each other back when I joined them around 2012. You were constantly getting disconnected with your partner and losing them to the void, never to connect with them again. Otherwise you would desperately try and find your anonymous partner and rejoice merrily when you could confirm it was them. The sheer chance and randomness of it all was something particularly special.
For me it’s Steven Universe and Genshin. SU ended awhile ago so there’s not really many good roleplayers interested in it now. As for genshin, I’m not quite sure why that’s the case. Maybe I haven't looked on the right platforms.
I love roleplaying in the Sonic fandom, and I've had a huge craving for a Sonic RP for a while now, but I can't for the life of me find a partner for a Sonic RP, and it's driving me nuts.
Sailor Moon and Trinity Blood definitely!
Arcane and Blue Eye Samurai. I don't know why - they seem really popular - but I haven't run into any BES RPers here, and nobody in the Arcane fandom seems interested in my favorite character. ):

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