Dalamus, are you like secretly me? This is like completely me and my opinions!What do I hate? Let me count the things!
Extremism, because they're loony morons, and the simple fact that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every extremist group, another extremist group on the opposite side of the spectrum is formed.
Neo-nazis, white supremacists, the KKK, and all their ilk. Bloody domestic terrorists
On the flip side, the crazy groups of BLM. The entire movement isn't bad, but it's an apple that's half rotted, especially when you see crazy fuckers screaming "Kill the Whites" running through the streets
Antifa. The fact that it sounds like something Orwell came up with is enough to make me dislike it. The fact that they're domestic terrorists as well dosen't help, either.
Communisim. It's a fragging lovely idea on paper, but that's where it should stay, as it's the only place where it works. On paper. Utopia's are impossible, because humanity's to stupid to try without instantly corrupting it.
Fascism. Same argument as communism. Hitler didn't help.
The crazies in the Alt-left. Those annoying buggers. The ones who take the rather nice ideas of trigger warnings and safe spaces and make everybody hate them.
The crazy section of the Alt-right. Slightly worse than the Alt-left, as they tend to tack on the amazing wonders that are extremist religious people, the KKK, and Neo-Nazis.
Extremist Religious groups. Westburo baptist church, any muslim terror cell, and those crazy terrorist jews. Yes, there are actually terrorist jews. I was probably as surprised as you are learning that.
Asshole Atheists. The guys who go around telling every religious person they're stupid, those kinds of assholes.
People who say they want to have a serious debate, then just drone on and on never letting me put up my points until it's taken so fragging long I can't remember anything beyond your last point, and THEN have the fragging gall to interupt me when I'm speaking!
People who keep telling me I'm going to Hell for being agnostic. If that's true, then all the cool people are in hell. Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, H. Beam Piper, Franz Kafka, Anne McCaffrey, etc. etc. So, if anything, I'd be quite happy in Hell, if it even exists.
People who keep telling me to "let Jesus into my heart". Frag that noise.
Ooh boy, still a ways to go.
Milo Yiannopoulos. He advocates pedophilia. That deserves a hard fuck you.
That fucking terrorist who did the Charleston attack. Sub-human filth, should be bloody killed.
Anti-Vaxxers. Fine, go ahead and die from an easily curable disease. But not the fucking kids. And if I hear one more bastard say they can "pray the sick away", I'm gonna go kick some ass.
Anti-Gun people. Gun's don't kill people, people kill people. Blaming guns only causes people to ignore the underlying social problems. Also, have you SEEN Britain lately? Fuck those acid attacks. I'd rather be shot then be attacked with acid.
Big Businesses. They stifle the economy, take jobs from those who need them, and just ruin everything.
The current head of the FCC. Bastard trying to let big business do whatever the fuck it wants. Fuck that guy. He's a bought man.
There's a ton more, but I'm to lazy to continue.
EDIT: Oops, nearly forgot to add this. People who cut me off. ESPECIALLY those who I have allowed to speak their entire schpeel about how Pizza-Gate's totally real, and other crap along those lines