Viewpoint What Are Pairings You Don't Care For In RP

Another thread inspired me but the whole OC x Real life celebrity thing example Henry Cavill, Natalie Portman, etc.
Gojibean said everything best.

Personally I don't mind the troupes but I don't play them in RP. I would rather read them in my books or mangas/manhuas.

OCxCanon/RL people though is the main one I don't care to see and there's soooo many OCxCanon :|
straight pairings. i’m not completely opposed to them but the plot would have to knock my socks off in order for me to be interested. mundane straight romance won’t do for me.
You know, I'd expect this to be the case for me, but 2/3 romances I've RP'd have been m+f.

But then again, one of those is two bi people one of whom is trans, and the other had some queer coded werewolf angst.

I only do romance as a subplot, even the romance itself is more fun for me when surrounded by other Stuff going on.
I genuinly do not nor ever will understand the appeal of vampires and or warewolves yet it seems almost a given that if you like anything touching upon the supernatural that you'd list those two in the pairings. I know it's just a me thing but for something so ubiquitous I just fail to understand it's appeal.
Trying to ship a character who is shown to be asexual is annoying it goes against their canon self.
In addition to this: imposing any sexuality upon a character that is canonically not that sexuality.
I mean, far be it from me to stop these folks from doing what they want, it's a free internet lol. But I would be lying if I said it doesn't grind my gears, 9 times out of 10.
In addition to this: imposing any sexuality upon a character that is canonically not that sexuality.
I mean, far be it from me to stop these folks from doing what they want, it's a free internet lol. But I would be lying if I said it doesn't grind my gears.
I agree! I can name two on is mistaken for his older brother who is canonly a womanizer a terrible one at that but still they’re nothing alike.

The other.. rejected the woman’s feelings so many times as well as a marriage proposal he thanked her once for her help for helping trying to rescue his brother. He did help her and her sisters in an earlier arc that’s it he never led her on. She simps and has fantasies of their relationship. That’s it and the original creator emphasized there’s no romance for him or among his friends. And the age gap with the woman him is… iffy enough. He has bigger goals than marriage and romance. And where the story is now it’s a shit show
I genuinly do not nor ever will understand the appeal of vampires and or warewolves yet it seems almost a given that if you like anything touching upon the supernatural that you'd list those two in the pairings. I know it's just a me thing but for something so ubiquitous I just fail to understand it's appeal.
One of the reasons why I don't really dabble in those types of RP's much. Supernatural means so much beyond just vampires and werewolves, yet so many people just want vampire or werewolf romances. I'm guessing because the "Twilight" series popularized that genre.
teacher/student and softspoken shy girl/spunky hero guy for me. I've been in school so long that I couldn't possibly spend time writing about school in my free time :-_-lines:
Serial Killer x Victim with romance. I can't even with this because there's nothing more romantic than being stalked and possibly murdered.
Outside of the obvious picks, I'm beginning to really dislike OC x canon ships. Used to not mind them as much, not sure what happened.
Serial Killer x Victim with romance. I can't even with this because there's nothing more romantic than being stalked and possibly murdered.
I think most of the appeal people see in it comes from the whole Stockholm Syndrome aspect and the psychology behind that.
Any fandom.
I also cannot do love triangles or poly - no matter how hard people try, one character is always the favorite in these types of relationships unless, otherwise stated, someone is a side piece, and I can't do that to my babies.

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