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Active [Western Ryke Near the Fae See - The Silk Road, Part 1]

Wu’Faan Liewuun
Equipped Titles: Fae, Elf
Mentions: Renny Renny revior revior CrackCauldron CrackCauldron RavenSong RavenSong

Faan smiled at Lucianus as he was the first to volunteer. “That’s perfectly alright, I’d like to get to know you better as well, Lucianus.” A tiny bit of her canines showed as she pressed her tongue against her teeth. Ooh, you wicked flirt. she scolded herself. Faan wasn’t sure if she was reading the same subtext in the tall man’s demeanor, but she certainly hoped so. While she was a little disappointed that Lucianus didn’t want the job, she realized that was likely for the best. After all, how could she hire just one of his entourage? Also, her own personal feelings would have immediately muddled any employer-employee relationship.
Faan enjoyed the bespectacled man’s trip down memory lane. The snippets of adventures, theater, performance, and travel stitched together a comfortable quilt of good feelings. She detected not a hint of complicity in the man’s thoughts, and she was careful not to delve into anything he seemed reluctant to show. She had the impression that Lucianus held some resentment toward family and so she steered their shared thoughts away from such matters.

Thank you for sharing, Lucianus. Faan’s words were as clear in his mind as if she had spoken them. A bit about myself, then. Faan thought, and then broadcast a few memories of her own; tidying up around her sun-dappled forest homestead, gardening, animal husbandry, and long quiet hours cutting, sewing, and fitting fabric on her well-worn dress form. There were images of her hands carefully folding and packing the pieces she was selling into her travelling trunk and closing the lid with a sense of excitement to be leaving home.

Faan was practiced in filtering her thoughts, so the images and feelings were clear and simple. Still, though she selected her most human of memories, Lucianus would feel an alienness to them; a sense of gravity of years--decades and more--rolling peacefully but inexorably by. Even the simplest memory would hold the sense of a changeable world swirling around the observer with creatures and people coming and going as their ephemeral lives were spent, while she remained unchanging and unaging. There was a weight and a melancholy underpinning it all--until there wasn’t--until Faan’s fingers left the back of his hand, where they had rested, and she closed their connection. Just before she did so, one last memory slipped through; so fast and subtle that it would only be perceptible as a buried subconscious image--Faan was a talented and practiced telepath after all, and she was not beyond impishly placing suggestions (especially with a few drinks in her). Perhaps Lucianus might half-remember or dream it later; the elfmaid, fresh from bathing, looking over her shoulder at a mirror with a wide-eyed expression halfway between shock and delight.
What that man would see now, as he opened his eyes, was Faan gazing at him with perhaps just a hint of mischief in her gentle smile. “Thank you, Lucianus. I’m sure we will make delightful company for each other.” She patted his hand--without telepathic connection this time--and gently shooed him away so she could conduct her other interviews.

Next up was the armored knight, who first protested that she could not lie, and then warned Faan that her memories might be disturbing. “Dame Joanne, I’m honored by anything you choose to share.” Faan reassured her.
The knight had not lied; her memories were violent, disturbing, and filled with anguish and despair. Faan found herself gripping Joanne’s shoulder tightly at times as she filtered the powerful images and emotions streaming through their telepathic link. The woman had seen suffering that she was powerless to ease, felt anger she was helpless to vent, and faced foes she could not defeat. The elfmaid felt a knot of empathy twist in her chest even as she noted the vow and the quest with which the knight was still charged.

Faan was impressed with Joanne’s healing and martial skills, and more so with her strong sense of duty and honor. The seamstress very much wanted to hire the knight, though her own quest was trivial in comparison to Joanne’s. Can you work for me on this journey without conflict with your vows? Faan wondered, aloud. She believed so, and if Joanne likewise felt this to be the case, Faan wanted the powerful warrior in her employ if she could afford her.

Faan shared her own thoughts and memories with Joanne. Like those she had broadcast to Lucianus, they were bucolic scenes of domestic life in the depths of the forest--of creating clothes between the duties of the homestead, and of long lonely years spent without seeing another soul. Perhaps intentional, perhaps not, Joanne would have the sense that Faan wanted to share more with the knight; that the elfmaid was holding back a flood of empathy behind a dam of self-control. It did not feel disingenuous, but rather like the respectful caution of a subject of the queen in the presence of a warrior of allegiance to that same monarch.
Breaking the connection between them, Faan made a point to walk with Joanne back to her seat at their common table and spend a little time with her. The empath wanted to make sure her influence and the dredging up of painful recent memories had not too greatly unsettled the knight. She could, if asked, influence Joanne’s mood and soften the pain of the memories with her telepathy. Faan did not offer as much; she really only wanted to keep mundane company with the knight just a little longer. “Dame Joanne, what you shared with me was painful and personal. I am truly honored. Thank you.” She said simply, and would relay any want of the woman for food or drink to their server before proceeding to the next encounter.

Faan grinned and even giggled at Conner’s scatterbrained start to their encounter. Please, Mister Erland, relax. He would hear her thoughts cutting through the dismay at his cluttered stream of consciousness. I can sort whatever I need. She reassured him, reveling in his memories of finding lost pets and sawing away at his fiddle as revelers stomped a lively jig in some unnamed village tavern. Such memories were a welcome relief from the weighty experience with the knight.
Like the others, Faan was pleased that she detected no obvious signs of duplicity. Every person carried the seeds of good and evil, but those who cultivated evil while pretending good had a hard time hiding it from empaths like Faan. The elfmaid had ordered herself another drink when she’d sat a little while with Joanne, and now she sipped at what little remained while she connected with Conner. The elfmaid even found her toe tapping in time with the remembered tunes. Her heart lifted as lost pets were reunited with their owners and threatening monsters were dispatched with a sword that sang just as adroitly when fiddling as it did when flaying fiends.

Conner felt fun; a kind of carefree weightless spirit that Faan so wanted to share, join with, and adventure alongside. Forgetting herself a little, she leaned back laughing at one delightful memory. This man’s world seemed one of music, laughter, and derring-do that

had once been



Faan froze, the laughter stilled in her throat. A thought, a single thought came--unbidden--and blew into the shared connection between elfmaid and man, like an icy draft into a sun-warmed room. Music fell silent, light dimmed to darkness, and the great pale airless disc of the moon was the image that supplanted all others in their shared consciousness.

Faan’s fingers lifted from Conner’s shoulder and that desolate alien landscape vanished. Before the man could open his eyes to look at Faan, the stricken expression fled from her face.
It was a smiling elfmaid that welcomed Conner back to reality, her bi-colored gaze darting to the side only for an instant. “Conner! What a life you lead!” Faan laughed, and the sound wasn’t hollow in the least. “It more than suffices! I see you’re well-qualified; whether we work together or not, I hope our little adventure will be as enjoyable as those you shared with me! Thank you.”

Faan took a deep breath and then a deeper draught, draining her glass, as she looked expectantly at the bandaged construct that took Conner’s place. “Mister Garret, before we begin, I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Faan whispered, conspiratorially. “My other escort, of whom I spoke but you’ve yet to meet, is also a construct; I made him, myself. I hope you can meet him on the morrow.” She suggested, and then touched the golem that held a soul.

It was strange, to connect telepathically to a soul within a lifeless vessel. Robespierre, Faan’s guardian, was a soulless automaton--much different from Cass. The bandaged gunslinger’s thoughts and feelings seemed muted to Faan--perhaps by alcohol, perhaps by something else. The man felt hollow, his thoughts echoey--like ghosts haunting the halls of an abandoned mansion. Haunted seemed the right turn of phrase for Cass, for the memory he shared might have come from another world--from another life, certainly. The elfmaid had not expected to share in something that seemed so deeply bound to the construct’s core. Though the memory was blanketed with unconcern, Faan thought she detected remorse and pain swaddled in layers many times thicker than the construct’s bandages. What she did not feel was duplicity. Nor did she feel that he was concerned she might deceive him; the gunslinger seemed to completely disregard his own life, and the elfmaid did not think her own pastoral memories or reassurances appropriate to share.

Instead, Faan leaned forward, her eyes still open as she looked at the construct. Is there aught that I might do for him? She wondered. She had already decided that she would not hire Mister Garret, though she welcomed him as a travel companion. Instead, she wondered if she ought to try to unwrap his bandages of denial and wash away the salve of alcohol with which he swaddled his memories. What, then, would I find? Would anything remain of the man? The elfmaid thought it best not to try, knowing so little about Cass. What came across the telepathic connection between them, then, would be only vague concern and a sense that Faan wanted to help him, if she could.
The elfmaid watched Cass stagger off after she thanked him. Like she had with the others, she indicated to the server that she would cover his food and drink for the night, though it seemed likely he would order only the latter.

Speaking of which, Faan’s three (four?) drinks were catching up to her--as well as the mental strain of so many rounds of [telepathy F]. She returned to the shared table and took her seat, listening to--and making her own small talk for a little while longer. If Lucianus’s troupe was willing, Faan would make introductions to all of them--though she would not offer any more telepathic connections tonight.

Afterward, the elfmaid asked for a moment of Joanne’s time. She had come to a decision in the interim, and extended an offer of employment to the knight. “Dame Joanne, if it pleases you, I would like to hire you as my escort and guardian at least as far as Celenmar, on the shore of the continental lake.” She offered. “I am told the journey will take about a week’s time.” Faan detailed her further travel to Aslan--the capital of the Grand Duchy--but as the intermediary legs of her journey were--as yet--uncertain, she suggested they leave it an open question as to whether they would continue to travel together past Celenmar.

The elfmaid was delighted when Joanne accepted her offer. That delight was tempered only slightly by having to decline to hire Conner, which she did in a subsequent private conversation. “Conner, I am sorry. I am retaining Joanne as my escort.” She informed the swordsman bard. “If I were a rich merchant carrying the goods to justify it, I would hire you both, and I hope you will choose to journey with us, even if you won’t be able to enjoy me bossing you around.” She winked at him. [color] “I mean, I can still be bossy, if you like--you just won’t be getting paid to listen to my complaints.”[/color] She offered, before they returned to the rest of the group.

The evening had deepened close to midnight and the tavern was quieting and emptied except for their rather-large party. The fire was burning low in the hearth and the tavern wench had gone home--only the innkeeper remained, dozing behind the bar when not summoned for some task.

“Friends, I fear I must call it a night, for I travel on the morrow.” A tired Faan announced, at last. “I hope that I can call you all companions when I set out, for I wish this isn’t our final parting. If you would journey with me, meet me at the sawmill tomorrow; the lumber wagon departs two hours after sunrise. My, and Joanne’s luggage will be on it, and we will be walking beside it.” With that, the elfmaid wished them all a good night and retired to her room.

Faan’s Room With a inn full of friends in this familiar town, Faan felt no need to set a guard, and she was too tired to speak to her mindless automaton--as she sometimes did to organize her own thoughts and recap the day. Instead, she opened her bedroll upon the straw tick and then went facedown on top of it. It was not particularly elvish or ladylike, but the empath was wholly spent by the day’s activities, the stress of telepathy, and perhaps a little over-indulgence in drink.

You will need to be more careful from now on. was the last thought that crossed her mind before she fell into the trance that passed for sleep among her kind.

The Following Morning at the Sawmill Faan’s trunk and her travel bag were loaded atop the stacks of rough-sawn lumber on the large wagon. A pair of oxen were hitched and their driver was just climbing aboard, having finished preparations.

The elfmaid was conversing with Ivan, Hunt’s End’s oldest guardsman while she awaited her companions and the wagon’s departure. She would warmly greet any who came along.

Eventually, the wagon set off and Faan accompanied it, walking beside the slow-turning wheels. It cost a handful of coins to have your luggage hauled by the wagon, and a few more to ride. Payment could be rendered to the sawmill foreman, or to the driver, himself (though one might suspect not all the coins rendered to the driver necessarily made it to his employer).

Faan had paid for her and Joanne’s cargo and seats, but the Elfmaid was resolved to walk most of the way. The wagon set a slow and steady pace down the well-worn trail that led into the woods, and it was easy for any to trot ahead or catch up to the caravan. Riding on the rough wagon was a boring jostling affair best reserved for those who had no choice.

The wagon rolled through the midwinter-sun-dappled clearings around Hunt’s End and then into the cool quiet dimness of the old forest road that wound its way through the stately trunks of the ancient climax forest.

After sitting down a few moments, and being offered the food. Joanne gladly accepted. Having only just awakened to normality after a long and arduous journey, the knight crusader ate her fill. Part of her wondered where Faan was from, her humble beginnings seemed like such a a wonderful life to leave behind. Perhaps, her kind were simply more about seeing and observing the world rather than staying put in a comfortable place. She could only speculate.

The night began to grow old, and the attendees started to retire for their homes. Some staggered, to which Joanne helped to the door. When she returned to her seat Faan would arrive shortly after with a proposal. Joanne would bow her head a bit, her hands softly entwined together. "I'd be honored to serve, lady Faan." It was a surprise to Joanne, considering the obligations she revealed about herself. However, to the knight this was more than a proposal or a job offering it was a sign from her goddess Dala. Calenmar seemed to be where her diety asked of her to go.

When Faan would then retire, she wished the elf a restful sleep. Joanne herself would have a hard time getting any sort of rest. Especially having only recently woken, but before long, the sound of the owls soothed her mind and found herself closing her eyes.

She would wake and prepare swiftly the following day, washed her face in the small basin and set out to meet with her now employer. As she walked, she fiddled a bit with her veil as she put any stray strands through the band which held it on her head. She didn't have much else besides her sword and a small knapsack which was arranged for her by the locals when she arrived. Perhaps it was her title, or the terrible state she arrived in; she was grateful to the locals of Hunts End nonetheless.

As Joanne came closer to the saw mill, she'd greet Faan and Ivan, thanking the old knight for his help. "I'll keep you and this town in my prayers sir Ivan." A brief bow of respect before setting off. Unable to help looking back at the town that gave her shelter she wondered what perils lay before her.

Like Faan, Joanne was also on foot, the familiar clinks and clanks of her repaired iron armor every step contrasted the oxens hooves upon the forested path. The crusader would glance at the driver a bit then at the others who came from the night before. It was strange traveling alongside with others, but the crusader, for once was relieved. "I haven't been to Calenmar, and I've only heard stories in Ruaan about how places along the lake has boomed because of the discovery of precious ores." Somehow, her mind was always on duty. Precious ores usually attracted dragons, and if that was so perhaps Calenmar wouldn't be a bad place to begin her search.

Irihi Irihi RavenSong RavenSong

Connor woke up atop his bed within the room that he was renting. Groaning, he gave his body a good stretch as he sweeped his eyes over the room, slightly illuminated by the faint sunlight seeping in through the cracks in the closed windows facing outside. His equipment was kept close, with his sheathed katana particularly being right by the bedside and within arms reach. Connor thought it was a good habit to have, especially when one travels a lot. Even more so when his livelihood actually depended on his equipment and bringing them wherever he goes to.

Moving quickly, he started preparations to leave, though it largely consisted of just putting on his gear. Most of the actual work was already done the night before, as he had plans going on a new trip today. With his belongings gathered and room tidied up, he opened the door and started moving out.

It took a bit of time, but Connor eventually reaches the meeting point that Faan decided on for the journey. He bid his farewells to the folk at the inn, and had to ask around to confirm his directions navigating the town. There was still some time to spare before departure, and he saw Faan all ready, talking to a guardsman, and Joanne who has already arrived before him. The knight was technically the one appointed with the role of escort for this journey. Faan did not have enough resources to also officially employ Connor, but he has to admit a knight in armor does fit in better. He announces his arrival shouting a “Hey!” with a big wave.

“As I said, I’ll still be tagging along of course.”

Connor bows his head, smiling at the group that has gathered. With people as intriguing as this, he felt like this was going to be a very interesting journey. What he was somewhat hoping for, really.

“Glad to accompany you all on the trip.”

Eventually, the wagon and accompanying group would begin its slow journey down the road and out beyond the borders of Hunt’s End. Amid the sounds of the lumbering wagon and their footsteps, he begins humming softly to himself, and Joanne speaks up, sharing her thoughts on their destination.

“I haven’t been to Celenmar myself either. I do want to see it for myself."
Connor chuckles as he recalls something mentioned just the day before. "I do remember that there's some more extraordinary rumors about it.”

Location: Hunt's End
Mentions: Irihi Irihi RavenSong RavenSong Renny Renny

First to greet Lucianus in the morning was a chilly winter breeze brushing by his cheeks. As if in response to the cold touch, Lucianus playfully blew a puff of air which turn into a white cloud upon contact with the cold. Nearby, his entourage could be seen already ready and waiting, him being the last one to get prepared for the journey ahead.

"Best get a move on already, else the friends you just made last night might just leave without you," one of his friends teased.

"Oh please, I caught a glimpse of Miss Faan just a moment ago. She shouldn't have gone far," Lucianus retorted while lazily stretching his body. Inadvertently, a yawn escaped his lungs as he did so.

"Still sleepy? Were you too excited to sleep last night?"

"That's one way to put it..."

"Hm? Pardon?"

"Never you mind! Now let's catch up before Miss Faan leaves us behind."


Joining the wagon, Lucianus went around greeting those that he would be traveling with. Though most of them might be strangers, as far as Lucianus was concerned, so long as they were journeying together, they were companions. However, when his eyes eventually landed on Faan, he reflexively averted his gaze. Although he was able to speak so openly with her the day prior, on this morning he found it difficult to face her.

The cause was the strange dream he had last night. Strangely, unlike most dreams he had, this one did not fade into the fog of his mind. Even right this moment, the image was still clear in his head: The elfmaid, Faan, seated before a mirror. She must have been fresh out of a bath as he distinctively remember her fine, silver hair, not fully dry, her moisturized skin, and... and... there was the the look in her eyes, somewhat shocked, somewhat delighted. Why such a look? What was she looking at? Who was she looking at?

In a bit of a daze, Lucianus walked along the wagon as it set off, not paying much attention to the conversation happening around him. It took a while before he was able to pluck his head from the clouds.
Cass Garret

Turns out constructs can have hang-overs, who'd a thunk it.

The Automative man dry-heaved the contents of his barren stomach onto the floor of his hotel room, not even spared the headache when he awoke- on the floor(of course). Quite evidently having slipped out of his all too comfortable rented bed in time. Vague memories of the night before already reappearing themselves in his mind gradually, adding a groan in between all the empty convulsions of his prone body.

He had been a violent drunk, an religious drunk and even the elusive 'friendly drunk' but a sad drunk- that was by far the worst. It was unacceptable for him of all people to doubt. Doubt led to regret, regret leads to pity, pity into death and death to death. But that something he'd have to remedy later...perhaps with more drink. At the very least it seemed the only victim of the night being this once lovely room and Faan's coin purse after they'd all departed to sleep.

Cass eventfully got up, with a constant head thump but nonetheless he was up. The chill of the early morning air freely whistling through him as well his hung overclothes and wrappings. The latter left there over the night in front of a open window to 'dry'. Still those clothes would have to do for now if Cass wanted to arrive to the time set forth. Fortunately he packed light: the clothes on his back, boots, boot knife, bandages, a holster thrown on a coat hook, purse retrieved from its throne of empty bottles and his gun. Found nestled beneath his pillow then after a preliminary check was put back into his holster. He was ready. Then he stumbled through the door, only a little bit in a rush.

'How am I the only one who got blasted last night?'
Cass thought to himself while he walked behind the lumber wagon(like hell he'd pay to waste a good walk), nearer to the back than he'd like. The middle was usually the best spots in caravans.

Everyone from Faan to Lucinaus's whole entourage seemed unaffected from last night, leaving Cass's thumping head the exception. Barely able to scan the familiar' figures who were to be his companions. All recognizable from last night and in greater shape than he. Though the construct bore no facial expressions that spoke of his migraine, his marked silence interrupted by absent murmurs and winces at any loud noise certainly gave it away(not to mention his clothes though they were always rugged anyway).

One face he did fail to spot yet was that automation Faan mentioned hushedly yesterday. One of two things he'd learnt of. The other being telepathy, the whole thing a perversely personal experience that the less he'd pay attention to the better for his sanity. He didn't wanna think about the implications of her offered help- he didn't wanna doubt...god he really was a sad drunk now.

There was a conversation Cass overheard in the foreground, small talk, between the employed esteemed bodyguard Joanne and Connor. Clemency shown between the two past competitors. He'd like to join in, but honestly the prospect of hearing his own voice boom in his ears kept him silent for now like the other lad. The latter content to cloud watch through the morning while the former just chose to use the word ponder instead.

With gun to hip, Cass walked in step with the other members of the caravan into the forest. The sights penned into his mind as it wond-pondered.
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Wu’Faan Liewuun
Equipped Titles: Fae, Elf
Mentions: Renny Renny revior revior CrackCauldron CrackCauldron RavenSong RavenSong

Faan waved to Joanne as she approached, glad to see that her escort seemed to have come on time and prepared. The elfmaid smiled as Ivan objected to the title Joanne used.

“Ach, no Dame Joanne, I never reached so high a station.” The old guardsman bowed creakily to the knight, before winking at Faan. ”Though I suppose there’s always tomorrow. Mayhaps I’ll be Sir Ivan when yew return, lass.”

“I don’t doubt it, Ivan. Goodbye.” Faan said her farewells to the Hunt’s End guard, and then walked a while beside Joanne, thinking her own thoughts while the knight opined about lakeside commerce.

“I was brought into the world in another place, but I do not remember anywhere but these forests.” Faan said. “I’m excited to see Calenmar.” She said, then--a little sheepishly--admitted: “Truth be told, I’m excited to see Ashoc--or even just the edge of the forest!”

“I’m also happy to have you along, Conner.” Faan replied to the performer and swordsman. The prospect of hearing a tale of the lakeside city intrigued her, and she bent her steps to walk beside the man for a bit. ”Ooh, what rumors? Do tell!” She encouraged him to share what he knew.

As they walked, Faan noticed that Lucianus had greeted everyone in turn when he and his troupe had joined their little caravan. Everyone, that was, except her. Faan was in a fine and playful mood--especially when it came to the lanky bespectacled man. She was just about to try a joking question about why he was avoiding her, when she remembered just what sort of image she had impulsively placed in his subconscious the previous evening. I can’t believe I did that! Faan had to consciously stop herself from covering her face at the memory. She could feel heat coming into her cheeks and knew that she was blushing--probably right up to the tips of her ears. Suddenly, she found herself studiously avoiding Lucianus in the same manner as he was dodging her.

Faan noticed Cass had joined their party, and was glad of it. The construct seemed to have a little extra stagger in his steps this morning, and she wondered if he, too, was regretting any actions from the previous night. He’d certainly drank his share of the coin she’d afforded to her interviewees. Faan didn’t begrudge him the libations--she was hardly one to talk, considering what she’d done when she was a sheet or two to the wind.

To cover her embarrassment, after listening to Joanne and Conner, she walked with Cass a little, trying to engage him with small talk to take her mind off the previous night. “Good morning, Mister Garret. I’m glad to see you along with us.” Faan kept her tone low and quiet, just in case constructs were like creatures of flesh-and-blood when it came to the aftereffects of overindulging in drink. “I have mentioned I have a…” Faan trailed off as her thought was interrupted by what lay ahead.

Highwaymens’ Roadblock A large tree trunk blocked the wagon trail. The tree was clearly felled and not a deadfall, as its trunk bore signs of axe blows and sawn limbs and the ground beneath it showed that it had been dragged to form a barrier across the wagon trail. Thick brush covers one side of the wagon trail, while the other drops into a gully. Both sides are impassible to wheeled vehicles and the lumber wagon cannot proceed unless the tree is removed or an alternate path is cut through the brush.

A bearded man of medium height and build sat upon the felled log. He was clearly armed with short sword and dagger, and--from his appearance--it would not be surprising if he carried additional weapons. The man appeared to be pretending to relax, studiously paying no heed to the approaching caravan until they were quite close and the driver of the lumber wagon pulled his ox team to a halt. ”Well ‘ello there me lovelies!” The man pretended to just now notice the caravan. ”This log makes a keen seat to take in the morning air; but bad luck fer yew--my recliner seems ta be in yer way. He grinned and stood atop the tree trunk. “Never fear though; I’m joined on my morning constitutional by me mates.” He pursed his lips and let out a shrill whistle. At this signal, three more armed highwaymen stepped out of the forest to stand behind the log and the first.

“While I am loath to give up me seat, I kin see yer rich merchants on important business, an I’d hate ta have ye held up on my account.” He grinned without humor. Though his tone was light, the way he emphasized his words held a clear threat. “If’n ye’d spare us a small donation, we kin help shift this log wot has blocked yer path. I think a hundred gold outta dew the trick.”

”Yer outta luck, friend. Ain’t carryin’ coin, nor anything uv worth ta yew, an we kin shift the log ourselves, thankee kindly.”
The lumber wagon driver, the defacto caravan leader, replied.

”Have a care; they sees our number and still think they might try their hand at robbin’ us.” He spoke his warning to the party in a quieter voice, but one that could still be overheard by the highwayman. The four men didn’t seem much of a match for the caravan--especially with Joanne, the walking tank, escorting them. Perhaps they were just trying to intimidate the party into accepting their extortion, or maybe there were more robbers hidden in the brush.

“Well now, that’s a bit rude; assumin’ I’m willin’ ta give up this fine sunny seat fer free. The leader of the highwaymen snorted. “Why, I’ve got three archers in the brambles there, all waitin’ fer their turn at a nap upon et.” He said, waving to the brush and claiming to have ranged support hiding in the forest. “If ye can’t pay in coin, then how about ye pay in treasure…” He pointed to the trunk--Faan’s luggage--sitting atop the pile of fresh-sawn lumber. “I’ll have that chest then, an whatever’s inside. An if ye still don’t like them terms, ye kin pay in flesh--an leave us the elfmaid.” He leered at Faan, placing a hand meaningfully upon the pommel of his sword. ”Otherwise, I’m thinkin’ there might be blood what needs spillin’.”

Faan shrank back a little, but did not immediately flee to Joanne’s side. She had been warned about situations like these; and the need to project strength and confidence. Perhaps a show of force would convince the robbers to leave them alone. ”There’s nothing in there of any worth to you.” She said when the highwayman demanded her trunk of wares. “Nothing we have is worth you dying, trying to take it from us.” Faan said, loudly, trying to make her voice sound steely, though it might have held a quaver of uncertainty.

Though she paled at his words, suggesting that he’d make her a captive, her jaw tightened with resolve, and she dug into the satchel slung over her shoulder, pulling out a somewhat threadbare redingote. This she shook out and then dropped. Instead of falling to the ground, the redingote began to float in midair.

The coat was made of enchanted threads woven by the Weaver Witch, stitched and sewn together by her daughter, forming a fabric golem. Faan typically used hat, gloves, pants, and boots to conceal the unnerving sight of an enchanted floating coat. At present, she did not feel the urge to set anyone so at ease. “Robespierre! Defend us. The elfmaid gave the automaton a clear order in a tight voice as she glared at the highwayman.

Robespierre, the [Fabric Golem (?)] glided over to the wagon and retrieved, from among Faan’s wares, a [Rusty Rapier (F)] . Saluting its owner with the somewhat-decrepit weapon, it moved between the party and the robbers.
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The crusader knight would smile faintly at the bard Connor, "Pray tell, you wouldn't happen to know any songs about dragon slayers would you?" Spending most of her life in a monastery, cloistered away from the world she always wanted to speak to the travelers that would pass by. However, due to her duties as clergy, it was forbidden for a servant of the gods to initiate conversation with charismatic and enchanting company.

Before long, she would simply follow along and take in the scenery. The lush green trees shining beams of light through the canopy as the moisture of the earth evaporated. Nature was very much alive in such wild places.

As if to violently offend her serene thoughts the caravan would approach a fallen tree, the crown destroyed during the impact upon the ground. As the ruffian leader made his threats, Joanne placed her helm upon her head and sank her sword onto the ground in front of where she stood. She looked straight at the man, then towards his small forming band of robbers.

Joanne could tell a fight was imminent, and with that the sending of souls back to Miralis. The knight prayed under her breath for this to resolve itself through peaceful means, but when the threat of paying with Faan was proposed Joanne stepped forward. "You'd dare rob a member of the church of Dala?" The chainmail on her cuffs clanking against the hilt of her ground driven sword as she placed her hands upon it. "Let us pass, for it is the will of Dala."

  • Inquisitors Inquiry - Educated - Interrogation F - Insight F - Focus F - Religion F - Forces a target character to speak nothing but the truth or cooperate with the user to reveal potentially valuable information; plain cooperation. - F grade - 0 Cooldown
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Connor laughed as Faan encouraged him to talk more of what he knew about the city by the continental lake. “Eager to hear more? Haha, alright then. I’ll say it again that I don’t know what exactly is true, however.” He was in great spirits as he endeavored to entertain. As he’d hoped, this was a great way to stave off boredom while travelling.

“Dragon slayers? Songs of that nature does pop up frequently, people do love it. Hm, I’d love to play right now, but walking like this makes it difficult to mess with instruments… Aha! How about I practice just singing instead? Let’s see…”

And so Connor continues as the caravan trundled along the forest road, trying to fill the relative silence with his singing.

At some point, the wagon stops, owing to the fact that a massive felled tree was blocking the road ahead of the caravan. It was clearly no accident that it was positioned perfectly, as a group of armed men approached. They clearly weren’t here for a friendly chat as the men started threatening them for money. Highwaymen, of course…

Connor went into alert as the others started negotiating with the robbers ahead of them. It did not seem promising, the highwaymen were not budging at all, and they apparently had others ready and in hiding. Faan pulls out some sort of coat, which then promptly started to move on its own. Connor tried to see if he could pinpoint where they would be, but he lacked the confidence he’d be able to spot them in the dwindling time they had left before the situation grows out of control. He chose to step forward as well, busy keeping a close eye on the armed men and the brush around them, making his own weapon by his side visible.
Reconnaissance Unit I


Titles: [Construct], [Offworlder], [Businessman]
Languages: "Common", "%Analog%" - #2a60e8
RP Goal - Acquire Asset Mine Ryke F
Point Booster - Attentive Student E
Irihi Irihi Renny Renny revior revior CrackCauldron CrackCauldron RavenSong RavenSong

From one of the sides of the surrounding forest, a few ways before reaching the thick brush, a rumbling metallic sound could be heard. The sound of gears turning, treads rolling against the earthy ground. In tandem, the crushing of leaves, twigs and even larger branches followed suit, the materials not being able to withstand the sheer massive weight of the ‘metal box’. It moved at a rather fast pace, possibly challenging concepts of what speed something nearing 7ft of towering height should move. Behind its path it left a trail, subtlety not being its strong suit. The mechanical object arrived just in time, in the rather difficult situation, to be able to capture what was going on through its sound capturing apparatus.

Those who looked at its way could see a display near its torso. It shimmered with a faint blue light, every so often. The image, or painting as some of the natives might end up confusing it with, was crystal clear and extremely sharp. A man, human, in his mid-forties was shown. He was dressed quite sharply, in a suit, neatly combed hair and a mustache groomed to perfection. The image would change occasionally, not as smoothly as one would expect, but it was clear that the man in it was moving, maybe even alive and breathing!

And so, the man in the picture appeared to be surveilling the whole situation, through the display or some other manner it was uncertain still. He arched a single eyebrow, with an expression of slight interest present on his face.

“Ah yes, highwaymen, robbers, thieves. A place such as this would have no shortage of vagabonds, it was rather silly of me to expect any different.” Those words left a speaker, positioned right below the display, of a circular shape. There was a slight muffling to it, but still perfectly understandable. The voice itself was composed, formal, businessman-like.

The image of the man showed that his attention had turned somewhere else. “Leave a batch of military-grade securitrons ready for deployment whenever we can get the link stabilized, for future plans. That place seems to have no shortage of problems that need a more direct solution, and we can’t let our assets vulnerable.” To whom or what he was speaking to was anyone’s guess, but it was clear it was not aimed to those present in the extortion attempt.

The painting of the man shifted, towards the ongoing situation once more. It was then that the mechanical being lifted one of its arms, aiming directly at the bearded man. The arm, in its ending, had a visible exit and the fingers retracted into the ‘wrist’, moving out of exiting path. “Any proper businessman ought to gauge the of the risk and return of an investment. And, from what I can see, the value of this ‘venture’ is dwindling with each passing moment.” There was a sound of something shifting in the inside of the extended arm. “I would even say that this ‘asset’ became toxic. Are you certain that this acquisition is sound for both you and your partners?” The man’s face changed to one of amusement as he waited, yet the mechanoid’s aim was already set.

1 - Roll over to the scene
2 - Take aim at the bearded man
3 - Sprinkled some Persuasion F [Educated] during the talk
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Location: On the road
Mentions: Irihi Irihi RavenSong RavenSong Renny Renny CrackCauldron CrackCauldron Maxxob Maxxob

It looked to be a fine for traveling, the weather mild and companions plenty. With a knight such as Joanne along with them, Lucianus found himself not having to be at the front for once. And with two other (seemingly) capable combatants Conner and Garrett, the trip might just be a relaxed one. Lack of sleep aside, Lucianus was in a good mood. Sadly, good things rarely last as an obstruction was soon encountered on their merry way.

There he sat, the bearded man who seemed to enjoy theatrics as much as he does goods ill-gotten. Were he not trying to rob them, Lucianus thought that perhaps they might just get along swell. Still, for a highwayman, he sure was compromising, demanding first money, then treasure, and finally, lovely Miss Faan. He'd gain all three if he would just attack them, no? Perhaps he's trying to avoid conflict, lessening his profits in exchange for lowering the risk of losses. Or perhaps he's simply bluffing about his forces and has no sure way of securing victory.

"He said three archers. You see anything?" Lucianus whispered as he leaned close to one of his companions, the one with bearing a unique sense (Sixth Sense [Aura Perception] F).

Meanwhile, he himself began looking around, trying to see if he could spot anything useful to the rest of his compatriots on this road.

  • Analysis - Academia E, History F, Insight F, Investigation F, Perception F, - Lucianus makes an attempt to read a person, object, or situation using the knowledge at his disposal, gaining insight (which may be true or false) at the narrator's discretion - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
But in the midst of trying to gain some bearing on the situation, an unexpected development occurred. Emerging from the bushes was a construct that Lucianus had not seen the likes of before. Neither humanoid nor bestial in form, this one was a tall block of metal on threads ( Maxxob Maxxob ).

"Whoa! Is that one of their archers!?" Lucianus cried. "They're not playing around!"

For a moment there, Lucianus was in a bit of a panic. They say one should not judge a book by its cover, but the cover of this book seemed to be made of a thick layer of metal and there might be two more to boot. Warriors they have on this side, but Lucianus found it hard to imagine a fight with minimal losses. But once more, the wheel of fortune turned the situation on its head, or perhaps it had never turned at all. In spectacular betrayal, the newcomer turned his hostility towards the bandits instead.

"Huh? Or maybe not..."

Confused but feeling less threatened in this strange place he had found himself in, Lucianus decided that he best resume watching their surroundings and not delve too deeply into this strange turn of events, regardless of his many curiosities about this strange newcomer.

"GAH!" Cass yelped back from the 'sudden' soft spoken voice in his ear. Drawn away from his hunched over meandering (migraine induced scoffing at the lovely scenery), taking a moment to reorient himself before answering Faan back: "Oh-uhm, ahem. A gracious morning to you as well Lass."

Course, the barricade down the road silenced whatever conversational elements were at play. With the felled tree blocking passage, enough brush to hide men and a gully(probably trapped) the highwayman's words of extortion had some weight behind them; not that the man's mouth needed any more reasons to run. Cass's fingers thumbed his holstered gun and straightened himself towards them, migraine fading for the thumping pressure of a prelude to violence.

Surprisingly enough her ladyship herself had stepped up to the slights. Her words quite a bit more to the point and blunt than the bandit, of a hardiness he'd not expected of the Lass even if it seemed still to be tempered fully. A clear sign that their leader would afford no concession which meant she weren't a fool and had some bollocks. An effect helped by her summoned fabric homunculus 'Robespierre'. The most fashionable piece of armed fabric he'd ever seen, alas he'd have to save his wonder and questions for later.

Next came the crusader's hefty steps rang out, stepping to the front with an fierce iron weight that she certainly knew how to throw around. Her devotion to 'Dala' granting her strength to front and center, adding to this little bulkhead facing the bearded man and his posse. Her words of the same stern reasoning that Cass could both admire and doubt would work.

It would've been an hell of a task creating such a well positioned extortion. Days at the very least. Work that Cass could imagine they wouldn't abandon easily, meaning the archers in the brush were probably real, probably even more than what was said from their swagger and negotiations beyond surrender(which probably just meant backstabbing) were probably for naught. Not that Cass needed further reason to draw his gun from its holster. It's familiar rust in his finger's and familiar weight in his palm.

Cass briefly turning around to tilt his head at the Faan, Jooane and Robespierre then towards the bushes, hoping to signal his intent to focus on the bushes without painting a blatant target on his back for eavesdropping foes. When the fight starts it'd be vital to remove the flanking elements or at least not let them freely fire at them and possibly crossfire against the oxen. Robespierre, Joanne and possibly Faan can hold th- An metallic shrill sound broke through the air.

"The hells that sound!" Cass turnt around, despite his screaming instincts, to see the queer sight behind him: There was stalwart Joanne, musician Connor, a giant construct and far Lucianus- Wait, a construct? with a man's face magically plastered on it? That was...certainly something. It's words sounded prototypical of its face, which resembled that of a money-hungry rich man or a Banker. Big words and valuations of the bourgeoisie who devalue the lives of others which he'd scoff at if the construct didn't have the barrel of a gun aimed at their mutual enemies. "Psst..." He 'whispered' to the close by Faan and Joanne. "Is he one of yours or the lads?"

At the very least the other construct's presence was a greater safety to the non-combatants. Cass didn't know of Connor and Lucianus's (his posse included) fighting prowess but hopefully they defended themselves accordingly and got that the time for words were past. In Cass's mind there was no point further negotiating, these men had made their choice well before today. He doubted the prospect of death would sway them, it hadn't for him-

Cass quickly shook aside that sapling of a thought, this wasn't the time for deeper thinking or moral quandary's. Then he resumed pacing back and forth, back to caravan and gully to his right, facing the highwayman he could see and trying to side-eye the bushes for movement to. Gun to hip. Ready to respond arrow fire with gunfire.
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Highwaymen at the Roadblock

The leader of the band of robbers laughed at Joanne’s demands. So long as he stood well back from the knight, behind the barrier of the tree, he figured he was safe enough. His compatriots were more intimidated by the knight, but not so much that they were willing to go against their leader or flee into the woods.

His attention was drawn by Conner when he moved forward, as if readying himself to defend the little caravan. ”Oh, care ta try yer luck too, boyo? He growled at the swordsman bard.

When a rusty metal automaton rolled out of the woods, the robber’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, though not much else changed in his demeanor. “Buck up, lads.” He muttered to his less-stalwart companions as they shrank back from Reconnaissance Unit I. “It’s just some Widersean junk. Don’t look like it kin roll over the log any more than that lumber wagon can. If it makes a move, go for them fancy gears and wires.” He coached his fellow highwaymen with [Leadership E]. Then he answered the image displayed on the screen. ”I don’t think yew understand the odds against yew, friend. Mayhaps yew want ta come on out of that fancy picturebox and join our negotiations in person?”

Lucianus and his compatriots were too far from any of the ne’er-do-wells to perceive anything of their auras, but the bespectacled man might notice, through his [Academia E] that the bandits certainly were not taking advantage of surprise. In fact, they seemed to want to pull the attention of the group forward. From his position at the rear, his [Perception F] might hint at the presence of something (or someone) lurking in the woods behind the caravan. Or perhaps the appearance of Recon I would prove too distracting.

Cass’s quiet readiness--and his ranged weaponry--were the lead bandit’s greatest concern. Whatever trickery the elfwitch was pulling with her cape and its rusty old sword hardly bothered him. He had some experience with golems, and Robespierre seemed the weaker of the two. The bandage-wrapped gunslinger was a different story, altogether. The bearded highwayman made an inscrutable hand signal.

Hidden Archers The hand signal was inscrutable, but its results were obvious. A single arrow--not three--came winging out of the brush, aimed straight at Cass. The shot was unfortunate in that there was little time for the gunslinger to react. It did, however, provide a obvious vector for him to return fire--provided the barbed shaft didn’t strike true enough to put him out of action.

Hidden Marauders The bearded man’s lies were quickly unmasked as, rather than 3 hidden archers, the rest of his forces turned out to be 1 hidden archer and 4 lightly-armed marauders. The marauders came swarming up and over the stream bank behind the wagon while the company was distracted by the goings-on up front. The bandits had marked the likely fighters as Recon I, Cass, Joanne, Robespierre, and Conner. They had been listening to their leader’s words, and were determined to seize as much of the spoils he had listed (Faan’s Trunk, The Elfmaid, and any loose coin or equipment they could carry.) They made as little sound as possible, but as they came running at the wagon in broad daylight, the strong-arm robbery was not going to stay a secret for long.

The robbers ignored Lucianus and his crew except to shove them aside if any interfered. The marauders appeared to be three humans and one canine beastman. They were armed, but needed their hands free to pilfer the wagon. Only the caninoid would present much threat of injury, snapping at anyone who tried to stop them.

The wagon driver turned when he felt the conveyance shift under the weight of the raiders. He shouted a warning and tried laying about the scoundrels with his whip, but since he was caught unawares and seated, he didn’t manage to do much to slow them down.

Two marauders seized Faan’s trunk--which turned out to be lighter than anticipated. They were able to pull it off the wagon and began to abscond into the woods with it. Despite the trunk not weighing a great deal, running with it was awkward, and it would be easy to catch up to the robbers.

Wu’Faan Liewuun
Equipped Titles: Fae, Elf
Mentions: Renny Renny revior revior CrackCauldron CrackCauldron Maxxob Maxxob RavenSong RavenSong

Faan “N-no… I do not know i-it? Him?” Faan stammered a response to Cass, clearly just as surprised by the metal picture man/thing as anyone else.

An empath, the elfmaid might be, but--at present--she needed to touch to sense the intentions of a person. She was not about to go feeling up the highwaymen on the other side of the roadblock, and so she was taken as unaware as the wagon driver.

The seamstress was no mistress of war stratagems. She did not know the best way to face down this two-sided threat. She did not have time to count, but it seemed that the caravan had parity or better against the raiders--who were mostly lightly armed. She decided to leave strategy to her Knight-at-arms and turned to secure her wares. “HEY! Drop my trunk!!” She demanded, wheeling and then darting after the robbers.

Faan was a fleet-footed forest childe and easily caught up to the men hobbling off with her trunk but, once there, found herself perplexed by what exactly she could do to stop them. This problem was quickly solved by the two other marauders. Finding nothing else of apparent value aboard the wagon, and not enjoying the ministrations of the wagon driver, nor his buggy whip, the beastman and last human robber had departed the wagon post haste. As they fled, they scooped up the elfmaid and made to follow their trunk-bearing compatriots into the woods, ignoring her shriek and demands to be released.

Action and combat is going to be mostly narrative loosely based on advanced rules action economy. (3 Actions per round including movements), but I’m happy to work with whatever each writer wants. Let me know on the discord if you have questions or desire a certain outcome. No OC can die or be maimed unless their writer wants it. There isn’t a win/lose to this RP, but the overall outcome might drastically change based on responses, dice rolls, or if I get a wild hair.

The actual count is 9 bandits to 11 in the caravan. Both groups are mixed with fighters and… less combat-oriented persons. The bearded bandit leader seems to have more experience. If you’re looking for ratings, he’s E+ class with similar skills. The others are F level. Thus F compulsions aren’t working, or likely to work, unless you have extenuating circumstances (like surprising, surrounding, or outnumbering a bandit).

The log is about waist-high. It can be vaulted by a reasonably agile person, but it makes a convenient minor fortification.

4 Armed Highwaymen at the fallen tree:
All four draw their weapons as their hidden archer lets fly at Cass. They are all standing behind the fallen log. None of them move to attack the stronger and more numerous party of fighters at the front of the wagon, but I wouldn’t turn your back on them.

1 Hidden Archer:
Shoots an arrow at Cass. Dice were rolled on the discord and the result was 4(Archer) v 12 (Cass).

4 Marauders at the rear of the wagon:
Action 1: Run 20’ forward out of the woods.
Action 2: 2 steal Faan’s trunk. 2 steal Faan, herself.
Action 3: Hobble 10’ back toward the woods.
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Titles: [Construct], [Offworlder], [Businessman]
Languages: "Common", "%Analog%" - #2a60e8
RP Goal - Acquire Asset Mine Ryke F
Point Booster - Attentive Student F

Irihi Irihi Renny Renny revior revior CrackCauldron CrackCauldron RavenSong RavenSong

“A meeting in person? I’ll have to decline that request. My time is a too precious to negotiate or strike deals with those who can’t even understand the most basic concepts of how fragile their position currently is.”
The expression of the man in the picture, who had been one of amusement, had turned a tad more serious. But the automata’s standing still wouldn’t remain for too long.

With the signal being given, and arrow taking flight, had sealed the deal on how negotiations would take place. “Barbarism it is.” The voice leaving the speaker was accompanied by gears whirring inside that metallic box. They were loud enough to be heard from quite a few ways from it and echoing from the extended arm itself. The results of what was being done would soon be revealed, as a spray of bullets left the opening of the hand, targeting the highwayman with the beard.

The opening of the hand flashed in a bright yellow and red color in quick succession, no casings were being ejected. Each shot made the arm shake infinitesimally, whoever the construct’s frame didn’t move at all. However, amid the sounds of successive gunfire, something else reached the unit’s sound capturing device. It was a female shrieks and complaints.

Stopping the barrage of fire, without really looking at the results, the ‘torso’ of the mechanoid would turn, so that the display could face what was happening. “Seems like I was also correct about the ‘thieves’ part earlier, but the kidnapping part was certainly unexpected.” The treads moved in opposite directions, allowing for the metallic box to turn itself fully towards the four marauders, who both robbed some contents of the wagon and were kidnapping some white-haired ‘native’.

Reconnaissance Unit I’s treads began spinning quickly, this time in the same direction. Dirt was thrown everywhere as the automata charged towards canine marauder. And, instead of bringing up the arm who it had used to shoot, it lifted the other one, which had been balled into a fist. “You are about to be audited!” The man in the picture said when it reached the marauder, while punching the beastkin in tandem.

1 - Basic Attack against the Highwayman Leader - Precision D (3) + Weapon E (2) = 5 Base Effectiveness
2/3 - Drive By Punch against the canine Marauder - Fast F + Basic Attack - Strength D (3) + Weapon E (2) + Ability F (1) = 6 Base Effectiveness

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When the bandits began to humor themselves, Joanne the maiden knight kept her gaze fixed upon the bandit leader. Her eyes keen on seeing the ruffian beg for mercy.
It was then that she muttered, "Dala temper your wrath upon the ignorant."

Then without another word, she raised her sword to her side, both hands gripped upon the hilt. However, just before she began to charge towards the bandits, an otherworldly automaton appeared out of the vegetation. "By the heavens.. what is that?" She gasped, part of her was beginning to wonder if these bandits had some otherworldly allies, to which regardless would have to quickly reassess her strategy. The only thing she could do was step between the mechanical construct and her objective to protect, Faan.

It was then that the bandits would immediately react just as surprised. From the words emanating from the construct it appeared it has chosen the caravans party in a bewildering turn of events.

Little did the knight or anyone for that matter noticed the robbery that was taking place at their flank. "Stay close miss fa-" but the elf maid went after the robbers taking her luggage with a shriek, Joanne reached out her hand to no avail. "Miss Faan! Wait!"

The knight gritted her teeth under her helm as she felt her lack of nimbleness. Heavy armor certainly had its limitations. It was here the knight would turn to the bandits leader, charging towards him as the amulet around her neck appeared to float with a faint but piercing divine glow, Joannes hand outstretched towards the bandit leader, "Pay your respects, bandit." A pair of radiant streaks would flow out of her hands towards the bandit leader, forcing him to kneel as his movements were constricted to only speech.

Forced Penance - Magic E - Holy Affinity F - Magic Incapacitating F - Focus F- Magic Range F - 30ft - Forces a target within reach to kneel if able otherwise immobilized for the duration of [Magic - Incapacitating F] - 1 Cool down - Grade E

Once casted, she'd point her sword towards the other two at his side. "If you value your life, flee before the might of Dala." And with that, the crusader would charge towards the bandits bringing her sword down at one of them with a mighty strike.

Action 1/2: Ability - Forced Penance E
Action 3: Basic Sword Attack to Bandit nearest to Joanne. Strength D + Sword E
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The situation took an unexpected turn as a large automaton suddenly emerged from the forest. Connor was surprised by this sudden development and briefly considered it to be potentially also be with the robbers, but noticing everybody else’s reaction, that does not seem to be the case. Nonetheless, Connor slowly raised his hands up to his sheathed katana as the automaton turning what seemed to be its weapon towards the highwaymen.

An arrow flew towards them from within the nearby brush, signalling the end of negotiations. He sprang into action as more men emerged from their hiding spots by their rear, using the element of surprise to start hauling away their cargo, and even Faan.

“No you won’t…!”

Leaving those behind the fallen tree aside for now, Connor quickly turned towards the four others steadily getting away from them. He charged forwards as he readied his own weapon while sprinting, hoping to quickly cover the distance just as much as he hoped that his movement will make it more difficult to get hit should the archer from somewhere in the nearby brush chose to aim for him.

He noticed the automaton newcomer moving with him to attack those currently carrying Faan. Connor chose to move for the remaining two that were fleeing with Faan’s trunk, wasting no time at all to swing at one of them with his sword.


1. Move towards Maurauders stealing trunk
2. Attack with Katana C

Unfortunately Cass was the recipient of the archer's ambush. An arrow struck from the bushes without a moment to react before it whizzed towards him, aim straight and true- too true. It whizzed into, then through him, striking narrow but the bandages against his flank, inches away from his mechanical rib-cage and instead sent into the gulley behind with only the torn fabric of his loose shirt and the formerly bundled bandages to show for it's efforts. Whether by dumb luck or as a result of pacing like a fool(Also known as luck.) he'd not been skewered yet.


Yet for a moments breadth it had revealed the archer's position enough for Cass to rapidly return fire. His gun as decrepit as it was, raised to aim where he'd been shot from, in between the brush towards the man hidden there, letting loose a [Spit-shot E] from the hip. Five other loud bangs echoed after Banker bot's gunfire. One magic shot towards the archer, another four fired into the four highwaymen Cass saw on the road ahead with a twist of a hip. Hoping to both take advantage of Joanne's charge and the automation's fire to finish the job on the frontline or at the very least keep the other bandits from surrounding Joanne. A task that shooting into the lowly fortification would do well enough.

Other sounds and yelps came from the wagon behind him, an attack from behind where Cass couldn't get a clear enough view to assess or assist matters regarding his gunnery. Obviously planned to steal the two most precious things- that trunk and Faan herself, well planned...Almost too well planned for some random thievery. Either they had good instincts and always stole the leader to ransom and a trunk filled with magic exclusive quilt or they'd gotten word ahead of time to position themselves in time, or the third option- Cass was just being overly suspicious of the bastards that'd just tried to shoot him.

Either way, as much as it twanged something in him Cass would have to leave the attempted kidnappings to the others for now. The four marauders- no three marauders- that Banker bot's punch sounded hard not to mention Connor's sword strikes looked well practiced, should be dealt with handily by them especially in the midst of carrying the bounties. Instead Cass would make get a handle on the front bandits.

"Lucianus, do the obvious! " Cass's barked at the bespectacled man, the most out of place here- or maybe it was just the glasses that made him seem an lover. For now they needed they needed a fighter instead.

Either way Cass went running to the bushes to meet the lonely archer and gain another angle on the held front. Just the one archer would be simple enough to deal with and then...He'd do something from there.

1- Split-shot at hidden archer & 4 northern highwaymen.
  • Split-shot E [1 post cool-down] - Magic Range F [30ft], Magic Targets F [up to 5 targets simultaneously], Magic E - A instinctual quick-draw and release of five shots into five targets. Bullets of magic shot from a gun-shaped catalyst. Guided like clockwork.
2 & 3- move towards hidden archer/bushes/north-western.


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Location: On the road
Mentions: Irihi Irihi Maxxob Maxxob Renny Renny CrackCauldron CrackCauldron RavenSong RavenSong

Things certainly have taken a turn for the worse. Not only did there turn out to be more bandits than they realized, Faan's cargo and even Faan herself had been snatched away right under their noses. Lucianus felt partially responsible for this situation. Had he spotted the marauder approaching from the rear ahead of time, things might have played out differently. Yet, there he was, being distracted by the blocky construct that suddenly appeared on the scene. No, even before then, there ought to be plenty of other things he could have done.

All around him, the others were already moving on their own accord, utterly lacking in coordination, and yet, they each seemed to be in control, knowing exactly what to do. The only one standing still, at a loss, was Lucianus. Under normal circumstances, he would have ran away at the first sign of trouble without looking back. However, this time, things were different. This time, he found himself unable to make a decision. Why? They were under no obligation to protect the way or Faan. They were just travelling together, that was all. Perhaps he really was smitten with the elfmaid.

Cass barking at him snapped Lucianus out of his wavering thoughts, telling him to "do his thing." Lucianus wasn't sure what that meant, he wasn't exactly a fighter. All he knows to do was run away, he had been doing that the day he left home.

"Whatever you choose, we're with you!" Perhaps feeling impatient about Lucianus's unusual indecisiveness, one of his companions called out. "Just make the call!"

Hearing that, Lucianus took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Fine! Just don't blame me if things go south!"

That's right, isn't it? It wasn't just him and his merry band of noncombatants this time around. There's Connor, Joanne, Cass, the blocky construct that spoke in a strange tone, and Robespierre too. Their options were greatly expanded. Even if he couldn't do it himself, the others could carve a path open for him. He just needs to raise the chance of success however he could, no matter how small.

Though he was the last one to act -nay- precisely because he was the last to act Lucianus had a good idea about everybody's movements. With this knowledge in mind, the quickly gave the rest of his companions instructions and began moving himself. No matter how tough things get, the six of them had always moved as one, even now, this had not changed.

The plan was as follow:
  • 2x of the companions would remain by the wagon and provide support to Joanne.
  • 1x of the companions would follow Cass to help locate the hidden archer.
  • 2x of the companions would follow Lucianus as he pursued the marauders into the woods.


"Lady Joanne, we'll provide support!"

Of the two companions left by the wagon, one casted Bolster [Vitality] F on Joanne, providing what extra protection they can. The other stood on standby, trying to look menacing in hopes of keeping the highwaymen at bay.


"Mister Garret! I-I'm here to help!"

The companion sent to support Cass timidly trailed behind him. Though they were scared to be in the thick of combat, their eyes were kept open, hoping that they would be able to spot the hidden archer with their Sixth Sense [Aura Perception] F before the archer initiates another attack.


"Alright, you know the drill! Lock them down!"

"Already on it!"

Catching up to the marauders, Lucianus had one of his companions cast a Barrier F around one of the marauders using the very ground beneath them as anchor, forming a dome of transparent light around them and temporarily locking them out of combat.

"It's five on four! You've got no chance, so why not drop the lady and the goods? Perhaps we'll just spare your life if nothing else," Lucianus proclaimed, trying to use Persuasion F to get the marauders to surrender.

Though Lucianus and the friends he brought along weren't exactly capable in a fight, they were more than capable of supporting Connor and Unit One, making the fight generally annoying for the marauders.


Minion A: Standing by near wagon.
  1. No action taken.
Minion B: Standing by near wagon.
  1. Cast Bolster on Joanna - Bolster [Vitality] F = + 1 effectiveness to Vitality
Minion C: Following Cass.
  1. Move to Cass.
  2. Use Sixth Sense [Aura Perception] F.
Minion D: Following Lucianus.
  1. Move to marauders.
  2. Cast Barrier on ground beneath a marauder - Vitality E + Barrier F = Barrier hp 3
Minion E: Following Lucianus.
  1. Move to marauders.
Lucianus: Supporting Connor and Unit One
  1. Move to marauders.
  2. Use Persuasion - Character Grade E + Persuasion F = 3
Last edited:
Highwaymen at the Roadblock
The leader of the highwaymen at the roadblock sensed the incoming attack from the automaton an instant before the hail of bullets erupted from Recon-1’s arm. He ducked behind the fallen tree trunk as the gunfire sent showers of bark and wood splinters down on him. The attack would have been wholly ineffective if not for being [teamed] with Joanne’s [forced penance]. When the leader tried to rise, he found himself forced to his knees, [incapacitated] by the power of the divine.

As the tracked robot wheeled away, clouds of gunsmoke jetted from Cass’s hip-fired [split-shot]. As the construct had not taken the time to aim, none of the rounds were effective against the robbers behind the tree. With the departure of Recon-1, Cass running into the trees after their archer, and Conner turning to try to run down the marauders, the three robbers were emboldened to take on Joanne, Robespierre, and the pair of supporters from Lucianus’s troupe. As they saw it, the odds were three-on-two, soon to be four-on-two if they could free their leader from the knight’s influence.

”Take this, yew tin-plated…” The three robbers vaulted over the tree and fell upon Joanne, combining their force of arms in a [teamed attack] against the knight.
Action 1-3: [Incapacitated F] 0/1 rounds, free next round.
3 Minions:
Action 1: Rush Joanne
Action 2-3: [Teamed Sword Attack F + Basic Attack] on Joanne - STR F(1) + WEAP F(1) + TECH F(1) + Basic Attack (1) + TEAMX2 (2) = BE 6
Hidden Archers Despite Cass’s [split shot F] at the archer being blind and unaimed, luck was on his side, and the round caught the archer right between the eyes, killing the man instantly. The construct and the minion following him would come across a body sprawled in the bracken, his bow fallen from his nerveless fingers.
Action 1-3: [Dead]
Marauders The caninoid beastman stopped and turned at the sound of approaching treads. Snarling, he snapped at Recon-1, attempting to catch it’s armored fist in his jaws. This proved to be a mistake, as the metal was stronger than enamel, and sent several teeth flying as the blow connected.

The second marauder also turned to fight alongside his companion, shoving Faan to the ground and pulling a knife with a flat broad blade from his belt. He attacked Recon-1, looking for exposed wires or hoses to cut with his weapon.

The third marauder found himself trapped and isolated by the barrier of minion D. He immediately began trying to smash his way free. The barrier shattered under his second blow and he fled for the woods, his resolve failing due to Lucianus’s [Persuasion].

”Come back here, yew coward!” The fourth marauder dropped the trunk and swore at his fleeing companion before turning and pulling a knife as Conner attacked him. With a short blade and only light armor, the man was no match for the katana-wielding musician, and was cut down where he stood.

Beastman & Human Marauder:
Action 1-3: [Attack Recon-1 F] - STR F(1) + WEAP F(1) + ABIL F (1) + 2 Actions (2) + Teaming (1) = BE 6 V 6 - Stalemate
Human Marauder with Trunk:
Action 1: [Attack Barrier F] - STR F(1) + WEAP F(1) + ABIL F(1) - Barrier Destroyed
Action 2-3: [Flee - due to Persuasion] - Runs 40’ into the woods.
Human Marauder helping with Trunk (attacked by Conner):
Action 1-3: [Attacks Conner F] BE 3 + 2(Actions 2,3) = 5 v 10 (Conner STR C(4) + Weap C(4) + Abil E(2)) [Weapon 0/1, Armor 0/1, HP -2/1 - Dead]

Wu’Faan Liewuun
Equipped Titles: Fae, Elf
Mentions: Renny Renny revior revior CrackCauldron CrackCauldron RavenSong RavenSong Maxxob Maxxob

Faan grunted as she was pushed to the ground, getting scuffed up but suffering no worse injury. After a moment of being dazed, she collected herself and regained her feet. Casting about the road that had suddenly become a battlefield, she stilled her urge to call for her guardian’s aid. She was unhurt and no longer under threat as the caravan’s forces began to overwhelm the raiders. “Robespierre! Aid Dame Joanne!” she called to her fabric golem. With the others at the fore of the caravan scattering, the knight was the only one fighting against overwhelming odds.

The enchanted redingote, bearing its rusty rapier, stood en guard beside Joanne, as commanded, ready to [team] with whatever defense she mounted against the highwaymen.

Titles: [Construct], [Offworlder], [Businessman]
Languages: "Common", "%Analog%" - #2a60e8
RP Goal - Acquire Asset Mine Ryke F
Point Booster - Attentive Student F

Irihi Irihi Renny Renny revior revior CrackCauldron CrackCauldron RavenSong RavenSong

A scoff left the speaker of the automata, as the man in the painting looked none too pleased with breaking even. “Are you recording the battle data?” He appeared to ask someone else, while metal from the construct struck against one from a blade. “You are? Good, good. We might find someone competent and trustworthy enough in that place to upgrade Reconnaissance Unit I, even if we have to aid them with every step of the process, after proper analysis.” ‘Cool as a cucumber’ would be the best way to describe his voice, one of the perks to having no real skin in the game in what was transpiring. However, when his attention was directed both the canine and its marauder companion, a flicker of worry could perhaps be noticeable in his eyes, if not for the hectic moment.

The silver lining was that the action had bore fruit with the white-haired, pointy-eared woman outside the pair’s grasp. “Let’s see if that yields acceptable dividends.” Musing, the optical lens of the construct caught the decisive act of the katana-wielding, white-haired man who snuffed the life of one of those vagabonds in a single slash. “This is not your first rodeo, I wager?” He asked Connor, metallic hand and flat blade finally moving away from each other.

A low hiss began leaving the shoulder and elbow joints of the machine, its punching arm reeling back and cocking itself. At the same time, gears whirred, shifting internally until it finally a loud locking CLANK resounded, like the hammer of a revolver getting ready to fire.

“I’m doubling down in this investment!” The animus contained in the man’s voice was followed by the arm, closed fist and all, shooting towards the marauder who had interrupted his ‘negotiations’ with the dog-looking one. Retrying the same approach, the punch was not fired a single time, or twice, but thrice, one after the other without interruptions. Maybe this martingale would pay off.

1 - Basic Attack - Strength D (3) + Weapon E (2) = 5 Base Effectiveness
2 - Basic Attack - Strength D (3) + Weapon E (2) = +1 combo
3 - Basic Attack - Strength D (3) + Weapon E (2) = +1 combo
7 Base Effectiveness vs Human Marauder

Irihi Irihi Maxxob Maxxob revior revior RavenSong RavenSong CrackCauldron CrackCauldron

The marauders are now at a considerable disadvantage, not just in power, but now also in morale, as one of the marauders immediately breaks easily swayed by Lucianus. Connor was thankful for the assist and will happily let go of those who disengage. The marauder being left behind shouted after his fleeing partner while drawing his knife, and was cut down before he could bring up an effective defense.

Faan’s trunk is now probably safe for now, and Connor reorients himself. The metal automaton seemed to be doing fine. It found an opportunity to comment on Connor.

“You get to experience a lot in my line of work! And thanks for the help!”

Connor replies as he tried to confirm the state of the fight. He still isn’t sure for what reason that this combat ready automaton was here, but with its actions resulting in Faan now free and able to provide orders to the floating coat, it certainly was helping give a boost to their combat power.

Hoping for a decisive win, Connor also attacking one of the marauders to support Recon Unit I. He is still vaguely aware of the group down the road that has stopped the caravan initially, and if given the opportunity, Connor would also grab his violin, letting loose a [Sonic Strike] targeting those fighting by the fallen tree trunk.

1. Attack Marauder with Katana C
2. [Sonic Strike] at Minions

Sonic Strike - Magic E, Range F, Performance F - Briefly play a note imbued with magic, generating a sound dealing damage to a target up to 30 ft away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

In the middle of all the fighting, Joannes mind was fixed on taking the bandit leader prisoner. However, it wasn't without the shortcomings of a divided party that proved to become the greatest obstacle.

After Incapacitating the bandit leader, Joanne was about to proceed but not without the bandits loyal subjects.

It was here Joanne would have to exchange blows, seeing as she was currently outnumbered Joanne would lift her sword and defend twice against two opponents. Then at the nearest opportunity take advantage of her perk.

Cleave - As long as you wield your melee weapon with two hands, all melee attacks can hit all creatures/objects within weapon reach without use of an ability.

The knight would raise her sword, and strike the two enemies within her swords reach.

Joanne wondered if Robespierre could hear her, or if it only responded to Faan's orders only. She felt it would be worth a try, "Robespierre, don't let the bandit leader get away!"

Action 1: Defend opponent 1
Action 2 : Defend opponent 2
Action 3: Basic attack containing [Anchor] Perk

Location: On the Road
Mentions: Irihi Irihi Maxxob Maxxob Renny Renny RavenSong RavenSong CrackCauldron CrackCauldron

With one marauder down and the another retreated, Lucianus judged it safe enough and rushed to Faan's side, dropping onto a knee to check on her.

"Miss Faan, are you hurt?"

On his two sides were his companions, one keeping watch just in case the escaped marauder decided to return and the other observing the ongoing battle between Unit One, Connor, and the remaining marauders.

"A bit reckless of you to try and stop the robbers on your lonesome isn't it?" he said with a bitter smile and a bit of a frown. "You're going to make Lady Joanne feel like she's not doing her job."


On Cass's side, the companion sent to aid Cass found themselves with not much to do as they discovered the body of the archer, the aura around him already fading.

"I- I'll keep watch for additional enemies, just in case!" they proclaimed nervously. "Y-you go ahead and do your thing, Mister Garret!"


Over by the wagon, the two companions left there was witnessing the two highwaymen ganging up on Joanne. Though relieved that the highwaymen seemed to be ignoring them, that left the knightess in quite a precarious position. Even so, they weren't so powerless as to be unable to do anything.

"Not so fast!" one of them cried as they cast a defensive Barrier F on Joanne, further strengthening her defense.

"You too beardy! She said stay put!" At the same time, the other companion cast Barrier F on the ground beneath the bearded highwayman that seemed to be the leader of the bunch in order to delay his action.



Minion A: By the wagon.
  1. Cast Barrier F (defensive mode) on Joanne - Barrier F (defensive mode) = +1 to defense effectiveness.
Minion B: By the wagon.
  1. Cast Barrier F on ground beneath the Highwayman Leader - Vitality E + Barrier F (standard mode) = Barrier hp 3
Minion C: Supporting Cass.
  1. Using Sixth Sense [Aura Perception] F to keep watch on the surroundings.
Minion D: Following Lucianus.
  1. Keeping watch.
Minion E: Following Lucianus.
  1. Keeping watch.

"You didn't see that." Cass blankly said to the guy Lucianus sent over, referring to his rather poor attempt at marksmanship, alas his eyes weren't the same as they were before- or his hands, legs or well anything that he could blame for that shameful incident. 'So much for a good first impression' he lamented. Already brushing aside brush and stepping on twigs in search for the hidden archer he'd missed, then lost track of, having shot first out of some boneheaded excitement instead of biding time and all he got for it was a smoking gun...at least until he found the archer lying there against the greenery with a new hole in the head.

"Damn. Did you see that!" Cass once again spoke to the companion, this time with no small amount of amusement in his voice. As it turns out luck was still on his side, ready to bail him out of the results of his own actions once again. Whatever doubts or possible self-reflection in that metallic head gone like a breeze(though the thought to practice later snagged still). Replaced instead by this grim amazement at the fellows death. Cass himself muttering to the companion and the dead body his own personal theories: " They must've broken so many mirrors, like at least 13 for this to happen. " Just stopped out of incessantly pondering on the subject of fateful bullets and unfortunate corpses when the shouts reminded him of the battle on the road.

Inside the bushes he was hidden for now. Able to look out as the situation developed where the archer once stood: Joanne was still up front joined by Robespierre, holding their ground against the three able-bodied men to some effect. The marauder's far side seemed to be handled well by Connor, Banker bot, Lucainus for now anyway, at least the shouting and sounds of gyros were dying down. Not to mention the various other resisting compatriots of the caravan. Leaving him not harassed and able to move.

Lucianus's companion spoke up beside him, offering to be a watchmen, watcher of many things. "Alright then, watch for any more bandits lurking and tell me if the tide turns on the road." The lad had sounded nervous, good he wasn't an idiot, following a strange robot in the bushes away from your friends should be nerve-racking stuff. Still Cass made sure to append some levity as he walked north: "Don't worry. Unless this is a double decoy, triple ambush or any other deviations of the same word I'll bet on us winning. After all I'm on your side today." Confidently remarked over his shoulder at them, a self deprecating grin across his face- at least his best bandaged impression of one. Knocking his gun barrel against his head with a 'clang' before turning back to face the bushes.

The gun in his hand had fired five times, leaving five empty casings to dispose of. All of them ejected out onto the floor while Cass walked up along the bush. Not noticing how the tiny metal cases dissipated behind him as he loaded another five rounds in. Taken from his pocket. Weight as light as a feather as if made of nothingness. Though he needed to put some effort into pressing them into the gun, it's chamber creaking as he turnt it one at a time.

His plan was simple. Move to attempt to flank while he was obscured/unimpeded, once there he would attempt another crack-shot, this time with careful 'aim', a sad affair that he of all people had to think before shooting people. But sadly he was around company at present and typically results beat methods despite how slick they were.

1- Move north in the bushes
Highwaymen at the Roadblock
Robespierre would, indeed, follow Joanne’s instructions. The fabric golem had intelligence sufficient to discern enemies and allies. While Faan’s orders would supercede those of her friends, in the absence of other instruction, Robespierre attacked the bandit leader.

The leader of the group of robbers had no sooner struggled to his feet than he found himself surrounded by a magic barrier and assailed by a magical redingote. The man was unnerved and dismayed by the unexpected strength of the caravan they had attacked, but he was made of stern enough stuff that he continued to fight on, even though his minions were dropping like flies.

The leader of the highwayman smashed the barrier, knocked Robespierre’s rusty sword aside, and bulled into the floating coat. He trampled the automaton and fled into the woods.

The three other highwaymen found themselves countered by the armored knight. They were surprised at their inability to overwhelm her by [teaming]. Sparks flew as Joanne knocked away their repeated strikes with the power of her two-handed swordsmanship.

The stalemate between three highwaymen and knight lasted only until Conner’s [Sonic Strike] came winging in. The shockwave of sound flattened the grass and kicked up a cloud of dust from the pathway before it struck one of the bandits. The hydrostatic shock of the magic was like slamming headfirst into a brick wall, pulping the highwayman’s organs from within and he fell to the ground, dead.

This was more than enough to break the resolve of the remaining fighters near the fallen tree. The two remaining would-be robbers followed their leader, fleeing into the brush. Running blindly, they would pass close to Cass and his companion and be detected by Lucianus’s minion’s [perception].

Result: Free of [Incapacitated] 1/1 rounds

Action 1: Attack Robespierre F[energized F] (5V3) - Robespierre Defeated

Action 2: Attack Barrier F[energized F] (5V3) - Barrier Destroyed.

Action 3: Flees 20’ into the woods.

Highwayman 1:

Conner’s E ability is on cooldown 0/1. His character sheet has a D Magic, which I will use instead. The sonic strike lacks [targets], so it will be applied to 1 Highwayman.

Result: BE 6 v 14 (Teamed Joanne and Conner) - Buncha damage, HP -?/1: Very Dead

Highwayman 2:

Result: BE 6 v 6 Joanne[anchor] - stalemate

Action 1-3: Flee 60’ into the woods. - Near Cass. Due to the minion’s [perception] any attack from Cass will be treated as an unopposed surprise attack and is likely to be deadly.

Highwayman 3:

Result: BE 6 v 6 Joanne[anchor] - stalemate

Action 1-3: Flee 60’ into the woods. - Same deal with the surprise attack/perception.

Marauders at the Rear of the Wagon
Beastman and marauder found themselves in a desperate battle against robot and swordsman. Conner’s powerful strikes cut through their teamed defenses while RU-1’s metal appendages battered the man senseless and sent the beastman reeling. The caninoid didn’t spare his fallen companion a second glance as he turned tail and fled.

The marauder who’s will had been broken by Lucianus’s influence needed no further [persuasion] to keep running, and the sound of him careening through the underbrush faded away.

Human Marauder 1:

Conner’s D and E abilities are on cooldown. I’ll assume his attack was F = BE 9 based on STR C and WEAP C + 3 from RU-1

Action 1-3: [Counterattack RU-1 teamed with Conner: F(Human)] - STR F(1) + WEAP F(1) + ABIL F (1) + 2 Actions (2) + Beastman[Ungraded Teaming] (1) = BE 6 V 12 - 6 damage: Light armor destroyed 0/2 - Knocked out: HP 0/1


Action1: Team with Marauder 1 - Light Armor Destroyed: 0/2, HP 1/2

Action2-3: Flee 40’ into the woods.

Fleeing Human Marauder:

Action 1-3: [Persuasion] Ended. 1/1, [Flee - due to self-preservation] - Now 100’ away in the woods.

Wu’Faan Liewuun
Equipped Titles: Fae, Elf

Mentions: Renny Renny revior revior CrackCauldron CrackCauldron RavenSong RavenSong Maxxob Maxxob

Faan accepted Lucianus’s aid in getting to her feet. There were certainly more important things to worry about than how her delicate-yet-callused artisan’s fingers rested on his warm broad palm, but Faan noticed, nonetheless. She felt a little flush start to climb her neck stop it, you idiot! Your companions are in danger! she chided herself. “I-I’m fine!” she said, with a little more vehemence than she intended. Picking a leaf from her long braid, she fought back the urge to play with her hair as the lanky human gently berated her disregard for her own safety.

Her embarrassment was short-lived. Though all the companions she could see seemed to be avoiding injury and prevailing in their own fights. The exception was Robespierre, her fabric golem. “Robespierre! she cried out in dismay as the floating redingote was torn and trampled by the leader of the bandits. She pushed away from Lucianus and ran back to the fore of the wagon and the fallen tree roadblock.

Though she was distressed by the demise of her guardian--the automaton was only fabric and magic. Joanne was flesh and blood, and Faan couldn’t be sure that she was as uninjured as she appeared. By the time she reached the pair, Faan regained enough control of her emotions to bend her steps toward the knight. “Dame Joanne, are you hurt?” she panted upon reaching her guardian’s side, and seeing that the knight had fought off the highwaymen. Turning, she saw that all the bandits were now in retreat. Raising her voice, she asked all present; “Is everyone okay?”[/spoiler]

Titles: [Construct], [Offworlder], [Businessman]
Languages: "Common", "%Analog%" - #2a60e8
RP Goal - Acquire Asset Mine Ryke F
Point Booster - Attentive Student F

Irihi Irihi Renny Renny revior revior CrackCauldron CrackCauldron RavenSong RavenSong

"Well, this was quite the something."
The voice left the speaker in an even tone, watching the fleeing canine marauder. The punching arm of the automata came down, while its shooting arm raised. It began triangulating the fleeing bandit, appearing that it would shoot the creature from its back. That alone made one thing clear: the construct or better said, the one whoever controlled it, was no Han Solo. "Never mind, that would be a waste of effort." The man said, sighing. "Start analyzing the data, let's see where things can be improved." Giving that order to someone, the construct would begin to turn around. "You mentioned your 'line of work'. Do you work in private security? Maybe a soldier?" The man asked Connor once more, using terms he was most familiar with to someone yielding a katana, without making the worst of assumptions.

"I can see why a strong sword-arm would be in high demand, even more if things are normally like this." The fingers, or metallic grippers, who had remained retracted in the automata's shooting arm would extend once again, accompanied by a whirring of gears and internal shifting. And, extending one finger, it pointed at the knocked-out human marauder to empathize the point. "We should have sent a military unit, rather than a reconnaissance one." There was a clicking of tongue and furrowing of eyebrows from the man in the painting. "No use crying over spilled milk, as they say." With his expression returning to normal, the treads of the construct began to roll towards the wagon and its front.

While it moved, the automata kept its torso turned sideways. The optical lens, above the display, kept turning at set intervals, adjusting its magnifier and trying to capture the current state of the caravaneers. "It seems there was no hu-... organic loss." The mechanoid kept rolling, until it reached the tree itself, peering over it and seeing the distraught Faan, a puzzled expression took over the man's features. "A needle and some thread can make your coat look good as new. It might be a good opportunity to take up on a new profession. I'm sure there is no shortage of work for one skilled with a needle." Totally unaware of Robespierre earlier capabilities, the man turned the mechanoid once more. "Say..." The man asked no-one in specific, a sound of woody shuffling leaving the machine's speakers. Soon enough, a cigar would be between the man's lips, already blowing smoke. "... where would be the closest mercantile metropolis?"

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