• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Westbrook


She smiled at Stu as the Furby made weird gurgling sounds. Heh, cute. That distracted her long enough for an actual smile. She rose a eyebrow towards him. What? Of course she had to come. They were friends. She wouldn't just leave him hanging like that. Or herself to not know if he was okay or not. Grace shook her head and rolled her eyes. "What? Are you kidding me? You're my favorite guy. Of course I had to come." Man, she felt absolutely terrible for him. He got beat up pretty bad and anyone who wasn't blind could see it.

"I'm glad I came too. Maybe I'll come by later and we can play some board games or something." Grace seriously had nothing else better to do, but this sounded better than sitting in her room and replaying Wizard of Oz on repeat. The movie can sometimes get old.. but it's where she went for comfort. Jeez. Grace wasn't even interested in drawing, as soon as she opened her sketchbook there was just tons drawing of a certain blonde who had her eyes on her across the room.

Her eyes returned to Sawyer and she caught her breath when they both made eye-contact.

'I'm sorry.' Reading those words on her lips only made her feel worse. She knew she was sorry. She knew. Sawyer had said something else but Grace couldn't make it out, she turned around and walked out of the room, leaving Grace with a heavy sigh. The young boy who'd walked into the room moments before had said something to Stu, but she wasn't paying much attention to him.

Until she heard his name. Her eyes snapped towards Stu. "I'm... going to give you guys some space. It's kinda crowded in here." With a last smile towards Stu she reached out and squeezed his hand before pulling away and deciding to follow after Sawyer.

She really shouldn't.

Her eyes were trained on her and she wasn't paying attention, per usual. Grace bumped straight into someone. "Oh!" She backed up a few steps and looked up at the man. "I'm so sorry." It wasn't too hard to put two and two together, she figured it was Stu's father and it'd probably be rude to just run off without introducing herself, with a last glance towards Sawyer, she held a hand out towards the man.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm Grace. Uh, one of Stu's friends."

Dede Dede KingofAesir KingofAesir


For a moment, she was silent, watching as Vanden walked away from her down the hallway. Everything he had said to her had stuck and once he was out of eye shot, she leaned her head back against the cool metal of the lockers and closed her eyes. Maybe she should take a break, stop doing all the drinking, and face life as head on as she could, but... no. How was she supposed to get through the day to day with everything that was going on? When she got home, it was constant bickering from her mother, and constant questioning from her father. At school, it was sitting on the sidelines, watching as everyone moved on and had the time of their lives while Ash felt stuck in a rut. Stuck missing Grace, stuck missing Ryder, stuck feeling alone. How was she supposed to handle that?

And then her phone beeped. Ash's eyes fluttered open and she pulled her phone out, opening it up to see a message on Tinder. She bit her lip, opening up the app. A guy that she'd been talking to for a couple days, one that was twenty-one... Ash hesitated, then sent him a message. "Wanna get drinks?" it read. She stared at the screen, waiting until a reply came back, asking if she meant right now. She replied yes, waiting for a reply... and then the guy said sure.

Ha. It was a sign. She shouldn't give up day drinking.

Ash sent him her address, then pulled her backpack out of her locker and headed out of the school. There was no way that she would've gone to practice, anyway. Once she had been someone the others kind of looked up to (okay, so maybe most of them liked to pick on her except Grace), but ever since Belle had shown up, Ash had drifted away form the squad more. They gave her more eye rolls, ignored her more, and generally treated her worse, especially after her fallout with Grace.

Fuck them all. Ash was done.

She was quick to send out two Twitter messages, first one to Vanden, and then one to Grace.

And with a smile, finally feeling relieved, Ash slipped her phone back into her pocket and took off out of the high school with a huge grin on her face. Today was a good day.

Soap Soap Direct Timing Direct Timing

"Really? You like Maine better than California?" Granted, she had never been to California, but it seemed so much better than this stupid place. All this place had was cold air, ocean, and ticks. The air always smelled like saltwater and fish. There was nothing fun about any of that, although she supposed California was probably the same, minus the cold air.

What was her story? "Well, we lived here until I was like five and then we moved to Ohio. To a very conservative small town where I was bullied a lot because I was gay and they thought gay people were like, a myth like leprechauns." Keisha shrugged. "So finally my mom decided to move us back here and I guess that's good." She could just do without the smell of fish.

As they came to a stop by the gym, Keisha was tempted to head inside, too, but wouldn't that be weird? Plus she had her own class to find. So she smiled towards Valerie. "Volleyball is awesome and like, don't worry. Public school isn't that bad. And you got me now! So if anyone tries some shit, just find me and I'll protect you." She may have been a tiny freshman, but that didn't mean Keisha wasn't willing to fight someone. Especially to protect someone like Valerie.

Moonshadow Moonshadow
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Seriously? Wow. Okay. Yeah, Ash had been pretty upset after that whole Ryder thing, and she really didn't want to think about Ryder right now. And yeah, maybe she was a mess, but Ash would be damned if she ever sunk this low. To think that Grace actually thought that she would sink that low just made her sick. Maybe at the end of the day, Grace never really was her best friend. She obviously didn't know Ash that well if she thought she was capable of something like this.

She crossed her arms over her chest defensively, narrowing her eyes at Grace. "No. This isn't some petty form of revenge." Ash snapped. "And yeah, I may have been a little drunk, but I know what I saw. And I saw Sawyer kissing JJ." If Ash was anything, it was stubborn with a dash of refusing to admit if she was ever wrong. So she stubbornly stood by her claims and what she had witnessed.

"Don't you think it's a little strange that they're even hanging out right now?" She asked. "I mean, think about it. It's Sawyer talking to JJ. That doesn't seem off to you at all? If you don't believe me, why don't you just go over there and ask her for yourself?" Well, unless Sawyer lied to her, but Sawyer didn't seem like the type of person that could keep something like this a secret from Grace.

Soap Soap


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"Seriously? You let your mom tell you what to do?" Keisha asked, one eyebrow lifting up quizzically. Now wasn't that just crazy. "Guess you weren't as bad ass as I thought..." she mumbled quietly, mostly to herself, but definitely just barely loud enough for Carter to hear it. Apparently Keisha had picked the wrong table to sit at, with the wrong girl. That or if this was Westbrook's version of a "bad girl," then Keisha was going to lose her mind in this goody two shoes town.

"Mom moved back." She shrugged, not offering anything else. It was mainly so her grandparents could help out with raising Keisha, and so her mother could get her life back on track. But that wasn't any of Carter's business, nor was it something that Keisha really wanted to deal with it or think about. "Came from LA." Which was way better than here, obviously.

"What about you, Carter?" Keisha asked, putting emphasis on her name. "Have you always been stuck here?"

Dazzle Dazzle


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"Oh. Don't recognize you. Then again, I don't really keep tabs on people like you." She replied simply, turning the water off as she finished washing her hands, and then dried them against her pants. Westbrook, like other schools, was notorious for never having paper towels, and the hand dryers hardly ever worked, so Ava had gotten into the habit of always drying her hands off on her pants or her shirt, leaving them stained with water momentarily.

Ava crossed her arms over her chest, looking at this other girl with a calculated expression. She rolled her eyes, her facade of hating people falling easily back into place. "Of course I'm fine. Didn't know someone couldn't take a pee without getting the third degree, though. Good to know. Westbrook: nosier than ever."

Okay, so maybe it was less of a facade, and more of just her straight personality. JJ tended to calm her down, to make her behave at a little more civilly. But JJ was gone now, and Ava had blown her chance to ever keep her again. So she might as well turn back into the person she was before. The uptight, smart student that no one liked.

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler


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He decided not to mention the fact that he certainly wasn't trying to impress her. For one, she looked super young. Like stupid Petunia Pisser's age. Nothing but a mere child before him, filled with his infinite wisdom of having survived the last few years of high school relatively unscathed. Well, physically unscathed. Emotionally he'd been beaten and kicked every which way. And even physically, he did have a couple bruises that had now faded from his fight with stupid Stu.

Jace had now relaxed for the most part, lulled into a false sense of calm by the girl crossing the room to the piano, and then playing a song. It made him itch to play his own music and sure, Jace had at least dabbled with every instrument in this room, but the only one that truly made him feel something was a guitar. His guitar, now broken and fragmented in the garbage somewhere.

For a moment, his thoughts then drifted back to Nova. He remembered how he had given her one of his guitars, and normally he wouldn't care -- he'd have let her keep it, thrilled by the idea of sharing his music with the world. But now he thought about how she had ambushed him in his room, his place of sanctity, beside Theo and maybe for a moment he wanted to go and yell at her to give him his guitar back, but.... No. Despite everything, he still loved her. He knew he always would.

The song came to an end, and Jace's thoughts faded away. He blinked at the girl, coming back to the present, and forced a faint smile onto his face. "That was really good."



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It was weird to see Noah, but also nice. After everything that had happened over the school year so far this year, it was nice to see a familiar face, one that hadn't been part of the drama. Or had punched him. Mason wasn't proud of how many times he'd been punched, broken, and thrown throughout this school year, and luckily, Noah didn't know any of that. It was almost like a fresh start, aside from the fact that Noah already kind of knew him. An easy start.

Mason shrugged. "Same old shit. How are you doing after--" he stopped himself, shaking his head. "Never mind. Forget I fucking said anything. Uh, yeah. I was on my way over there. Just gotta take a piss real quick and then we can go, yeah?" Without really waiting for an agreement from Noah, Mason jogged towards the nearest bathroom.

He stepped inside and no sooner had the faint scent of blood hit him than he caught sight of the small, broken form of little Happy Meal laying on the ground. For a moment, Mason stopped, shocked and silent, and stared down at the boy to see if he was even breathing. His side rose and fell, and Mason let out a breath of relief he didn't know he'd been holding. Fuck. Who had turned his little Happy Meal into a fucking Bloody Meal? Anger washed over him.

"Noah! Get the fuck in here." He yelled out the bathroom door and then crouched down beside Stu, his hands hovering by the boy, but he was afraid to touch him with fear that he'd hurt him more. Fuck, Mason hardly even recognized his face anymore. Holy shit. "Who the hell did this to you?" He asked, the anger returning and drowning out any worry.

"Fuck. We'll get you to the hospital, Stu. I promise. You'll be alright." He reached down, ever so carefully trying to lift Stu into his arms. And maybe it would've been more difficult to scoop up a fourteen-year-old boy, but Mason was fueled by rage and adrenaline. And, well, Stu was a scrawny little shit and barely weighed anything.

He was going to kill whoever destroyed his punching bag.

Dede Dede mogy mogy


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She was exhausted, but she was here and that was what mattered. Adriane had shown up to school, and she was set to try and make a better name for herself. She no longer wanted people shouting Adriwhore at her or any other list of names, (Aidsriane, for example) and she didn't want to have as many enemies. A new league, if you will. No longer a mean girl... maybe.

Lunch time rolled around, and Adriane made her way into the cafeteria. She was talking to an old friend and turned around, laughing at a joke she'd just made, and didn't even notice as she happened to walk into someone. Adriane turned around quickly, apologies flashing across her face. "Oh, I'm so sor--" she was cut off when she stumbled back and noticed the girl's leg.

Or... lack there of. Fuck. This wasn't the way to turn over her new league, or anything. Adriane quickly turned her gaze away from it, meeting the girl's eyes once more. "I'm sorry. I should've watched where I was going."

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Jasmine had a rather rough day to say the least. But that was to be expected from first days at school. Sighing quietly as she walked through the cafeteria. Wearing her usual running prosthetic because she still didn’t have her other ones. Silently cursing not sending them sooner. She was pulled from her thoughts when she felt someone bump into her back. Stumbling just a little as she turned to see who it was. She knew the girl saw, as always she understood. It wasn’t everyday that people saw someone like jasmine. Smiling a little jasmine set her tray of food down.

“It’s alright. No harm done.” Jasmine said with a small chuckle as she brushed a bit of hair behind her left ear. She had always been awkward when it came to situations like this. Looking to the girl she gave her a smile. “I-I’m sorry I’m new here so. I don’t really know my way around. I’m jasmine.” She said softly to her​
June was a nice name. The girl seemed okay, and Argentina didn’t mind when June didn’t shake her hand. It was probably because her hands were wet, and there was also a possibility that she was a germophobe or something like that. It could’ve just been that the girl had an attitude, which wouldn’t be a problem for Argentina since she had an attitude herself, but that wasn’t really important right now.

Before Argentina could start some small talk, June was already ahead of her, asking if she was new.

“Yes, actually, I am new. Just transferred here from that other school. Are you new as well?” Argentina asked with a smile on her face. She put her back little backpack back on her back and turned to face the other girl, waiting for her answer. Tina had hoped this girl was new as well, or at least some kind of an outcast, so she didn’t have to go through this whole thing alone.

Interactions: Moonshadow Moonshadow (June)
Location: School cafeteria
Interacting with: Juliette ( Soap Soap )​

For a second, he thought the girl was trying to steal a quick bite of his lunch, not toss it away in the trash. He frowned at her with disapproval and some confusion—What the hell was that nonsense?

“Well, that was very asshole of you. Now you won’t know if it’s good enough for you or not,” Sebastian tsked, chiding Juliette like a child who sort of had a shallow perception of a 10-year-old. His muffin looked like any other homemade blueberry-oatmeal muffin. He didn’t even get to finish eating its wide, dome-shaped muffin top; that was his favorite part. God dammit...

He wanted to call her a downright bitch. He didn’t, not because he wanted to take the high road, but because it would probably have zero effect if this girl already knew she was a bitch and okay with it. If JJ had been a dude, Sebastian would’ve ended it with a quick punch to the face. If he had been in a worse mood or had less self-control, he might’ve used his skateboard instead.

Deliberately ignoring JJ’s hand, he got up for a moment to throw away his empty paper boat plate and three crumpled napkins. When he returned to the table, without missing a beat, he picked up JJ’s lunch and dumped her salad in the trash can, tray and all.

“I’m sure you can get more of it at home later,” Sebastian said mildly, brushing off the invisible crumbs from his hands. He glanced at the time on his phone—just a few minutes before lunch ends—and shrugged on his backpack after stowing away his textbook and unstrapping his skateboard. “You know, you’re lucky I decided to dump your food in the trash can and not on your head." Not that there's much difference, he mentally added. "Next time you think about pulling another douche move like that, don’t expect me to be a little nicer again, or the next person. Even if you do put on a pretty smile and introduce yourself afterward.

“Have a good day, JJ.”
He could’ve called her Juliette… But no. That name sounded like it was reserved for people who wouldn’t randomly waste strangers’ food like a jerk-off. Without waiting for a response from her, nor did he bother to introduce himself in return, Sebastian pivoted his skateboarding under his foot, draping his denim jacket over his shoulder, and rolled away toward the doors leading to the hallways for his locker. Rolled away from the potential drama that almost ruined the rest of his day or week. He didn't have time for that mess in his life right now.


It took Martin several circuits of the Westbrook Heights Medical Center to find a parking space. Apparently a lot of people decided that they would all get sick on the same day. So he dropped the vibrant Bisleys off at the main entrance, and the car suddenly became very, very silent.

He’d just been to pick them up at the airport when the school rang about his boy. Their whole visit was supposed to be a surprise for Stu. Tom was his best friend from St. Catherine’s, they played lots of football together. Tom’s father was a friend of Martin's — a grumpy old scholar who looked even grumpier in death. He supposed he'd be grumpy too if he spent his whole career writing about Roman public latrines.

Martin came as fast as he could to the reception. He’d barely opened his mouth when the lady behind the desk pointed him down the corridor, as if she’d somehow read his mind. Following her directions, he hurried along and his footfalls echoed off the sterile hospital walls. Finally he stopped in front of room 1302. A teenage girl was coming out through the door. It was a little surprising, since he wasn’t expecting Stu to have any visitors.

Slipping past the first girl, he suddenly bumped into another, who reached out for a handshake.

He reluctantly reciprocated the gesture. His expression was blank and he barely looked at her. Grace? Stu never mentioned anybody named Grace, which was probably a little suspicious, since he was always telling him about the kids at school. ’Yes— I’m his father,’ he replied, and with those cold words he excused himself and slipped into the already crowded room. Now wasn’t the time for chit chat.

Who, exactly, were all these people? There was like a party going on in here. He had no idea Stu had other friends, well, besides Casper.

In truth, he felt a little embarrassed. Everyone had arrived before he did, and he was supposed to be the father.

He spotted Elise talking to Debbie, and gave her a quick ‘thanks for coming’ nod. Then he headed straight to the bed, where Stu and Tom were sitting. Martin stooped down worriedly to inspect the injury to his son’s face.

Soap Soap Winona Winona mogy mogy KingofAesir KingofAesir

It seemed like the man could’ve cared less about her introduction, but Grace wasn’t blaming him. His child literally had gotten beat up and hospitalized, the last thing he needed was probably an over apologizing girl he’d never even heard of before. Shaking that off, her eyes fell onto Sawyer again. Despite the small distraction by Stu’s father, you’d think that’d be enough to make her forget about confronting Sawyer. Because she ultimately knew this was a bad idea.

But... Grace wasn’t in the mood to listen to rationality.

She walked over as she ignored all the thoughts in her head as they told her to walk away. She was the one who broke up with her, it was Grace’s fault. Not Sawyer’s. So what is she doing?

“Are you okay?” Stupid question, Grace. She’s obviously not okay. She hated this. She hated talking to her because it hurt so much. It hurt that this wasn’t any other normal conversation, that they weren’t Sawyer & Grace. They were just Grace... and Sawyer. Not involved with each-other whatsoever. Maybe it took a whole breakup to realized how attached they were to the other, but it’d take more than a decade to get over Sawyer. Except it was that doubt in the back of her mind that kept her thinking she never would. How could she?

She was Sawyer.

“I’m sorry.”

KingofAesir KingofAesir
“I mean, doesn’t everyone like a new place rather than a place they’re familiar with? New is exciting and keeps you on your toes.” She told her when Keisha seemed confused why she didn’t like California. She listened to her and her eye widened for a moment when she said she was bullied in her old town. She was so blunt about it that it surprised Valerie. It didn’t sound like a easy topic, but she made it seem like they were talking about scrapping a knee.

“Oh, I’m sorry that happened before. And I’m an ally myself, so it’s pretty courageous that you were open about it in that sort of environment.” She said with several nods, before realizing she probably looked like a bobble head. She calmed down and looked over at the gym area, then back at Keisha. She laughed a little when she said she would protect her. “Oh, will you now?” She said with a smirk. “Well, if so I need your number. Just in case I need to send a bat signal or two.” She grabbed a pen and before she could talk herself out of it, she wrote her number on the girl’s hand. Mostly because she’s seen it in movies and it made her blush whenever the girl did it. Hopefully it would translate well to a friendship and her looking cool.

Winona Winona (Keisha)

June seemed to sigh silently to herself at the fact she’s new. It seemed like a weight physically lifted off of her. It made her happy that people can move on and won’t continue to talk about her. She didn’t want to continue being known for her mistakes. She glanced over at the girl when she asked if she was new. That was a tough one. “Yes and no. I took a break, but I’ve been here before.” She said lightly. “But I just came back today. I hope I can start new.” She was only slightly lying. She only came back for one reason. “But, I’m learning to go with the flow and relax.” The opposite of how she felt a couple of seconds ago. “Hm, it was nice talking to you.”

She walked over and gave her hand a shake this time. “And word to wise. Be careful. This place isn’t like anything you’ve seen before. Something is always happening and it’s always best to stay far away from it.... if you can.” She told her before turning around. “I hope we see each other again.” She said and stopped. “Have you already been shown around?”

mogy mogy (Argentina)
593134Vanden wasn't surprised when he got the twitter message. But he held out hope that Ash would show up for practice regardless. He kept an eye out for Ash but never saw her. Before leaving practice he made one last sweep of the area while carrying his football gear. The girls were leaving in a group and Vanden knew everyone of them by sight. But Ash wasn't one of them. He shook his and sat his gear down. Pulling out his phone he sent a tweet to Ash. Damn her. Vanden put his cell phone away and walked home. He was going to have to talk with her. Yes, it sounded like she was having a lot of problems right now, but those could be worked out, couldn't they? Plus, Vanden had found his family in football, and he felt like anyone could find their family in sports too. When Vanden got home his dad was sitting on the sofa having his usual drink. He looked up at his son. "Food in fridge." His dad said and then went back to watching T.V.

"Ok." Vanden replied heading back to his bedroom. He tossed his gear bag down and then saw on his phone that got another twitter notification. Talk later. Yeah, they were going to talk later alright. Vanden was going to jump her shit. Try and talk some sense into her. Vanden didn't reply back to Ash's last tweet. He would catch up with her at school sometime. Vanden took a shower and got some left overs his dad brought home. Vanden went back to his room to eat. He seldom ate in the living room when his dad was home. It was just to...awkward. He never knew what might set his dad off. Tonight he was being really chill and it made Vanden nervous. After eating Vanden settled in for the night and went through his twitter feed. He wondered about his friend Jae. He had never gotten a text back from him. Vanden heard a truck come down the street and then stop with it's air brakes. It then started beeping as if it was backing up. Vanden looked out his bedroom window and saw that it was one of those large U-Hauls. He watched for a moment as people got out of the truck and then went inside the house. Someone must have finally bought the house. Vanden thought and then tucked himself into bed.

Mentions: Winona Winona @ Kipsy
Her week had been...

Okay, it had sucked.

Ash had hardly been at school. Instead, she had left early every day, heading off on a date with some random university guy on Tinder. And wow, was she glad for living in a university town now. They would get her drinks, they'd hang out, and have fun. Every morning it seemed, Ash would wake up in a bed she didn't recognize, with a guy whose name she couldn't remember. She was quick to put on her clothes from the night before and then sneak out before the guy would wake up, and head to school for a couple hours before she'd be sick of it.

Every ounce of her wanted to talk to someone, but who did she have left? Ryder was gone, Grace was wrapped up in her breakup and was always with Belle, Ian was always being followed around by Nova, and Mads was moving on from the pain that he felt -- or so it seemed. There was Vanden, but they weren't really friends, despite how worried he had seemed about her drinking. More so than anyone else, or so it seemed. But Ash was stuck in a pit of despair where it felt like nothing could go right, and like she'd never get out.

That feeling only got worse Friday night, when she was getting ready for a date. Ash was talking to her beloved ferret, Jeffrey -- the only friend she had anymore, mainly because he couldn't escape. Her best memories were being curled up with Jeffrey, watching movies late into the night while they ate snacks.

She went over to Jeffrey's cage, opening it up to pull out her little buddy and give him some attention before she left. Only problem... he wasn't moving. He didn't sit up, blinking sleepy eyes at Ash. Fear washed through her and she reached forward slowly, gently brushing her fingers across his fur. He didn't move, and he was cold to the touch. Ash froze.

Her worst fears were realized as she pulled the elderly body of her ferret out of his sleep sack, only to find him definitely dead. Ash's hands were trembling as she fell to the ground, wrapping his body tightly to her body. Tears fell down her face that she couldn't hold in and soon, she was full on sobbing with Jeffrey held in her arms.

Eventually, the tears subsided. Ash did what needed to he done. She got a shoe box, gently wrapping Jeffrey in his sleep sack and then slipped him in the box. She carried him out to the backyard, and quietly dug a hole for him and buried her beloved pet. The whole time, tears still streamed down her cheeks, and moment by moment, Ash felt like she couldn't keep going on.

Rain started to fall, just a light sprinkle, but it was enough to soak through her clothes. Ash finished up the burial and headed inside, crawling up to her room and collapsing on her pink bedsheets. Dirt and water smeared across them, but she was beyond caring.

Slowly, Ash rolled herself over, her gaze moving to Jeffrey's now empty cage. She had actually worked hard, doing chores around the house to earn enough money to even buy that for him when she first got Jeffrey. Now it was just a sore reminder of happier times, of easier things.

Anger started to fill her. Finally, Ash got out of bed and grab the cage, pulling it down so it toppled to the floor with a large clatter. She stood over it for a minute, breathing heavily, then Ash slowly lookwd up and her gaze fell on the pink mirror in her room. She remembered playing dress up with Grace, and showing off in that same mirror. Ash remembered checking herself over in that mirror for her first date, and for every dance she had ever attended.

Ash hated it.

She strode forward, punching the mirror with her fist so that it shattered. Some of the pieces cut into her knuckles as they sprinkled to the ground, and that just pissed her off more. So she grabbed the mirror and threw it to the ground.

Ash fell to the ground beside it and looked at the blood along her knuckles. The anger had started to subside, so she reached forward with trembling fingers to start picking up the pieces of broken mirror. Her gaze was still blurry from her tears, and the little pieces of broken glass dug into her skin, leaving behind more cuts and more blood.

She screamed, throwing it all aside, and stood back up. Ash started to break everything. Her TV, every little knickknack along her shelves. She ripped clothes, threw shoes at the wall. Ash jumped onto her bed, pulling down the stupid canopy that had been there forever and finally, with the canopy jumbled up in her hands, she stopped when she heard her phone beep with a message.

Ash sniffed, rubbing tears away from her eyes and smearing blood along her cheek as she pulled out her phone to see who it was. She was silent, staring down at it.

Her ex. Hey, what's up?

Everything in her screamed to not reply, but how could she not? So hesitantly, she typed out a reply to him and then fell into the sheets of her bed.

Sawyer was too busy forlornly staring at her shoes to notice Mr. French briskly walking by her. She didn't even hear Grace introducing herself or him breezing past her as well. In fact, Sawyer didn't even know Grace was there until she spotted a new pair of shoes in her vision and a familiar voice filtered into her head. Sawyer almost laughed at the question that left Grace's mouth. What was she supposed to day to that? Yeah, Grace, I'm doing just fanfuckingtastic. She couldn't help the sliver of anger that creeped up in her throat, poised and ready to strike at any moment. She hated this. She'd hated being mad at Grace while they were together but somehow this was so much worse because she didn't even think it was Grace that she was really mad at. No, Sawyer was angry at herself most of all. Angry and herself for hiding things. Angry at herself for ruining one of the best things that had ever happened to her.

Grace's next word fell on softer ears and Sawyer's anger sank back down into her chest and stayed there. What was she even apologizing for. None of this was Grace's fault, there was nothing to apologize for. Sawyer finally managed to drag her gaze up to meet Grace's. It took a lot to keep it there instead of just looking away again. She just blinked for a moment looking at Grace like she didn't know what to say before shaking her head and letting out a coarse laugh.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one that should be grovelling, Grace." Sawyer's eyes stayed trained on Grace's face in an attempt to memorize it, "But we both know I'm too goddamn stubborn for that. So all I'm gonna say is I'm sorry too. I don't know what else you want from me." She really didn't. Grace didn't have to come out here. Grace didn't have to say anything to Sawyer at all. Hell, she didn't even have to look at her nk matter how much that would hurt. So what was she doing out here?

Soap Soap
This was the perfect opportunity to make a new friend simply because of the fact both of them are new. Maybe they could bond about that until they found new things to bond about. Anyway, Argentina was thinking about the faraway future. She still needed to get through the rest of the day.
It had appeared that the conversation was over, and Tina was more than satisfied with it. The girl seemed happy, and Tina was more than happy. However, the conversation wasn’t over. At all.

The girl shook Tina’s hand before saying something that made Tina kind of scared.

Anything like I’ve seen before? Yeah I sure hope so.

“Um, okay…” That was all that Tina could mutter out. It really took her by surprise, considering that their conversation wasn’t going in that direction at all. It was clear to Argentina that Westbrook high wasn’t all that perfect like her mom and her sister told her it would be. Maybe that was for the better. At least it wouldn’t be as boring as it was in her old school.

The girl said her goodbye and expressed how she hoped the two would see each other again. Argentina felt the same way.
Tina now thought the conversation was definitely over, but the girl stopped once again and asked Tina if somebody showed her around school already. “Am I deaf, or did that sound like an offer?” Tina smiled at the girl.

Interactions: Moonshadow Moonshadow (June)

This was stupid. So stupid. She shouldn't of even walked up to her in the first place. Grace was just making it harder for herself. For what? "I..." She doesn't know what she wanted in the first place. To check on her? To talk to her again? What? Maybe she was looking for comfort from the one person who wasn't obligated to give it to her anymore. She sighed and avoided Sawyer's eyes.

"Neither do I."

It's only been a few days, but it felt like the longest they've ever been apart. Maybe she should just--

Grace opened her mouth to say something, for a split second she considered just forgetting about everything. Who cared anymore right? It was just a dumb mistake. Both of them shouldn't have to suffer without the other just because of it. "I just think that..." Her rationality had caught up to her by now, and Grace shook her head. Throwing her apologies and take backs out of window.

She made a choice for a good reason, Grace isn't going to cower out and just run back to her. Despite how much she wanted to. She wishes they never went on that trip in the first place. But who's she really kidding, this would've happened whether or not they went on the trip or not. Sawyer was just... stubborn, and secretive, hot-headed, and... impossible to ever hate.

She wished she hated her. That'd make everything so much easier.

"Never mind. I'll see you at school... I guess." Stupid. So stupid.

She decided she'll come back later to visit Stu when everyone else wasn't over-crowding the room. Once she got in her jeep, she pulled out her phone and her eyes widened at Ash's message. Quitting? What? Where did that even come from? After a few messages back and forth, Grace throw her phone to the side in a exasperated manner. Looking at her reflection the rear-view mirror, she pulled the necklace from under her shirt.

It wasn't Belle's BFF necklace, Grace had taken that off after the breakup. She fiddled with the ring across the chain, getting a bit too lost in her thoughts. The sound of a horn startled her. Someone was waiting for her parking spot and Grace didn't even bother to apologize for it. She tucked the necklace back into her cheer uniform and decided to go home instead of going back to school. She wasn't really interested in class at the moment.

KingofAesir KingofAesir

Aaron & Casper

When Drake looked to Aaron, he simply raised his eyebrow, waiting to see where he was going with this.

He continued explaining, and fuck, this meant he was serious about changing, didn't it? That wasn't good for Aaron, was it? He wondered how long he had until Drake kicked him to the curb, realizing the only time Aaron was any fun was when he was high.

Aaron kept looking at Drake, listening to him as he nodded, absorbing the information.

Casper did not, still looking down, until suddenly Drake was apologizing to him.

It came as a shock to Aaron as well, who turned to Casper as Casper turned to him, eyes wide. Aaron gave him a prompting look, and Casper bit his lip, hands fisting up as he looked down. He said nothing, and Aaron frowned.

"You should respond when someone is speaking to you, Casper," he said.

And that was it, at least for the day.

Casper looked up, a rare look of anger flashing across his face. "I don't understand. You get to-"

"Casper-" Aaron started warningly.

"-be friends with people like this but-"

"Casper," Aaron repeated, and Casper finally processed the anger on his face, hidden as it was, and, behind that, the fear. Fear of what? What Casper would say? What that would mean for him? What his friends would think of him?

All it served to do was make a fresh wave of anger hit Casper, and he opened his mouth to continue, but in that moment, a realization hit.

How would his father feel if Casper did this? Casper's anger wavered, and indecision crossed painfully over his face, eyebrows performing a ballet of sorts as he looked away and down, fists gradually loosening.

"Sorry..." he mumbled before glancing at Drake apologetically. "I accept your apology."


Graham threw an arm across his face, stating to feel aware of how weird it was for them to be this close. Who in their right mind let a guy sleep over in their teenage nieces bedroom. But he shrugged the ideas off rather quickly, after all, they were best friends. Waiting for Paisley to make her way back. Always willing to bring back food and coffee. Graham slowly started to think about the past evening, they really hadn't been productive but at least they finished up their homework so they wouldn't have to worry about that over the weekend. Graham ran his hand through his hair, his bed head was such a mess in the mornings.

As Paisley walked back into her room Graham pushed himself up off of the mattress, scooting backwards to prop himself up against the backboard of the bed. Squirming away as she tried to tickle him.
"Pais" He said breathlessly. "Don't tickle mee." He smirked reaching across her to grab one of the poptarts. "It's too early for annyy of this." He tore open the package and broke off a piece, popping it into his mouth. Picking up the mug beside him and taking a quick swig of it. "Thanks Paisley." He really appreciated that he hadn't needed to get out of bed to make coffee. "You always give the best service."

Graham pulled his legs towards him to sit cross legged, he leaned over towards Paisley still leaning against the headboard. "So," He popped another piece of poptart into his mouth. "What do you want to do today?" Taking another sip of coffee.

txlos txlos

Raven rubbed her eyes. She was so tired. She glanced up when a hand appeared on her shoulder, seeing Nancy with a small smile on her face. "You should go home." She told her and Raven could of rolled her eyes at the suggestion if it wasn't for the fact she was sure she would fall asleep right then and there. She shook her head. "No, I was supposed to meet Mason a little while ago. But I..." She didn't want to leave.

What if something happened while she wasn't here?

Raven wasn't stupid. She didn't think her grandmother was coming back from this. There was just a matter of time until...

"Go. He's waiting for you. She'll be okay." Nancy said, Raven opened her mouth to protest but the look on her face insisted. She stood up and grabbed her bag. "Call me if--" Nancy had just given her a nod and that was enough. Her mother still hasn't visited. What the fuck? How heartless can you be to not visit your own mother when she's dying?

Raven knows they went through a lot. But that 17 years ago, and hell, there's no way she even remembers in the first place. A last and hundredth phone call to her mother, she stared at herself in the mirror, grimacing at the small bags under her eyes and two day old eyeliner, after a quick touch-up... she still didn't look as... her as she should've. Oh well, it was just Mason. She didn't care too much about her appearance right now anyway.

It wasn't long until she made it to the cafe.

Looking for a certain boy who just so happened to share the same last name as her, which was still a weird coincidence. Surprise was on her face when she noticed Ari, but she couldn't help a smile from forming. A smile was something this tired-eyed brunette really needed right now. She approached their table, taking a seat next to Mason.

Lifting Ari and placing her on her lap. "Hiya, carrot-top. How's that toy treatin ya?" Raven tickled her a bit and placed her down as the waitress came up to take her order, after ordering the most caffeine heavy drink she could have, she turned towards Mason.

"Hey." Her smile went weak as she relaxed, taking a deep breath, she leaned further into the chair beneath her. So, maybe there was a few restless nights at the hospital where she texted him a bit. If anyone knew what was going on with her. It was Mason.
Winona Winona


Hmph. That's what she gets for attempting to be nice to someone. She wasn't trying to be upsetting, but clearly he'd thought she'd had other intentions in mind. JJ's eyes roamed around and rolled at the sight of another staring bitch. She was so done with this school and almost everyone in it. With a glare towards the boy, she strutted out of the cafeteria. Pulling up her phone as she texted.

To: Zach

'Hey, come over later? Parents have business so will be away, as usual.'

After her horrid school day, she went home. What she expected to be an empty house, it wasn't. To her surprise her parents sat in the living room. Juliette placed her keys on the counter and walked towards them curiously, an eyebrow raised at her mother. "I thought you guys had business." JJ said with a shrug, clearly bothered by the whole thing.

They didn't have to be gone all the time y'know.

"Well, Jules. We did. Imagine the surprise on our face when your father had gotten... 'tagged.' On multiple articles and online. Only to find out it was your doing." Her mother's words weren't in anyway civil, and from the echos in the villa. She might as well been yelling. Juliette didn't react and waited for them to continue, because had had no idea what they were talking about.

Her father didn't even look at her as he passed the phone to her mother. She held it up for JJ to see while she pressed play, oh god. She didn't think anyone recorded it! There was hardly anyone in the parking lot... Okay, so maybe there was like... seven people max. Who even took that video in the first place?

"Mom, that's not-- He deserved it! He-" Whatever words were about to come out of Juliette's lips were cut-short by a sudden smack. She raised her hand to the right side of her face, as if she was imagining the sting. But nope, not imagining. Her mother had never laid a finger on her... if you don't count the time she refused to show up to her fathers election, safe to say she went that night.

"I don't care if he killed your dog. Do you think this is a joke? You have no idea how politics work, Juliette. Your father isn't going to be able to..." As her mother continued, and continued. She had no choice but to sit there and listen. It went on for at least two hours. As soon as JJ had the 'okay.' To go to her room, she practically ran up the flights of stairs.

To her bedroom, and into the bathroom within a flash. The 'chicken' salad wasn't as a good a second time.


She wiped the corners of her lips and took a mint from the cabinet with a grimace. Wiping off her makeup and the mascara stains that'd found their way smeared across her face without her even trying to wash it off. Getting into bed and pulling out her phone.

To: Zach

'Change of plans. Not feeling too well.'

It wasn't technically a lie.


What was she even doing here? There was no way Ava was actually going to help her with anything in the first place. As if she even really cared about her, but... she's the only person she-- Juliette took a breath and rang the bell. It hasn't even been that long... maybe it wasn't possible! Maybe...

The maybes were probably wrong, but there was just this sinking feeling in her stomach that kept picking at her.

She waited until the door opened, and Ava showed up before she even spoke. "I need your help." Juliette ignored the tears in her eyes, and met her best friend's gaze with her own.


Winona Winona 0k_mang0 0k_mang0 Dazzle Dazzle
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Ian's eyes wandered around the room, taking it all in. Everything he saw made sense to be in Nova's room, it was almost as if it wasn't just her room but an extension of her personality. Needless to say Ian loved it. A soft smile grew on his lips as his eyes caught the bookshelf. There was only enough time to make out a few titles before his girlfriend began to gently tug at his arm. Future date ideas were already flowing in the Evans boy's mind with all this new information. He briefly wondered if this would be considered a date. He would consider it an unofficial date for now, and plan on what their first 'official' date would be later.

Green eyes watched as the petite brunette made her way under the covers of the bed. Ian could feel his nerves starting to bubble up inside of him at her playful invitation. He froze in place as his mouth opened to speak, before thinking better of it. Anything he would have said would not have been smooth with how nervous she was making him. Thankfully this was the good kind of nervous, the kind you felt when a pretty girl invites you into her bed.

After a deep, calming breath Ian finally made his way over to her. He climbed onto the bed so that he was over her, an arm supporting him on either side of her, and looking down into her eyes. He spent a few moments getting lost in his girlfriend's hazel orbs and then he leaned down and kissed her nose. The blonde then flipped himself to her side and made his way under the covers himself, allowing a comfortable distance between the two. He propped himself up on an elbow so he could face her and just looked at her for a while, smiling contently. When the brunette noticed the staring he moved in and planted a slow kiss on her lips. Ian had to admit he could get used to this kind of blissful feeling. For the first time in a long time the Evans boy felt like maybe, just maybe life could be good.

The rest of the couples day was spent watching romantic comedies together and just in general being close. Not much was said, but not much needed to be. They were content just being there side by side. Ian ended up leaving just before Nova's mom came home so the pair wouldn't have to do any awkward explaining. The rest of Ian's week went by pretty averagely. Nova didn't bring up what happened in the janitors closet and for that he was grateful. They would eventually talk about it again, it was inevitable, but he wasn't quite ready yet. For now going about life like normal was just fine.

Come Saturday morning Ian sat with Nova in her car outside the West household. His girlfriend had mentioned that she was going to be giving Jace his things back that day and the Ian had insisted on coming along for moral support. He was kinda hoping to avoid any awkward interaction with the brunette's ex or his sister, but wherever Nova needed him that's where he would be. The blonde reached over and placed his hand over hers. "Ready?" he asked gently, giving the petite girl's hand a supportive squeeze. txlos txlos Winona Winona

She wasn't ready for this. Absolutely not.

It had been a what felt like forever since Nova had seen her ex boyfriend, face to face in active conversation. Sure, she had caught glimpses of him in the halls, making his way to the music room as per usual, but never any blue to hazel eye contact. The feeling in the pit of her stomach must've said it all, the twisting guilt and worry flooding into every glimpse of her body, goosebumps rising on her arms underneath the petal blush color of her sweater. There was no denying that the brunette felt almost nauseous, but what could she do? Run? Drop it off and ding-dong-ditch the West household? Please. She liked to believe that she was more mature than such things, able to face a man she loved dearly and properly return his things. Though, the stinging threat of tears welling begged to differ.

"Let's go," Voice wavering, Nova pushed open the door of her burgundy truck, hopping out and averting her eyes from the mansion of the West's mansion. Not wanting help from her boyfriend, though appreciating his presence, she quickly grabbed the small duffle that was filled with Jace's clothes and slug it around her right shoulder, while her left hand was occupied by a loaded guitar case. It was going to be weird, not having a guitar handy, but then again it wouldn't feel right keeping it. Perhaps someone new would receive the honor of borrowing a guitar from the Jace West, a man who treats his instruments as children, a man whose passions lie in chords and drumlines. But enough of that.

With a deep breath, the petite brunette approached the door, the flowers budding in the front yard contrasting the looming feeling that invaded Nova's chest. Each step felt heavy, lumbering, though her feet seemed to find the door's front mat sooner than she was ready for.

Two knocks. They felt like earthquakes.

And now to wait for the aftershock.


The week had dragged on with Dani seeing very little of her friends, too busy with studying and getting her life in order for the start of the semester. College acceptance letters would be coming in soon, which meant she would be stressing about hers until the letters started flowing in. So, after a week of pulling her hair out to organize a planner and stuffing her face with kettle corn, the weekend had finally rolled around.

Saturday morning came with a slight overcast, the cold hair biting at Dani's feet the minute they dangled out of bed. The house was quiet, no one stirring or no one home, she couldn't tell which. Either way, a little bit of quiet was welcomed with open arms. Trudging out of bed, the petite girl hopped in a quick shower, lightly blow-dried her hair and brushed her teeth before throwing on a blue flannel with black jeans. Brunch on Saturdays with Milos and Noah were becoming a regular throughout this school year, but today was different. Today Dani wanted to know how the hell Noah of all people, having been gone in Italy for months on end, got wrapped up in all this Neck-Tie drama. Quickly grabbing her keys, a mischievous grin planted firmly on her lips, she slipped from her home and into the car, shooting the boys a text that she was late (as usual) but on her way.

Interactions mogy mogy Winona Winona
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She had been mildly aware of what was happening with the whole Nova situation. Her brother had discussed it with her this morning when he woke her up, looking around her room in puzzled shock, before he'd found out what happened. Jace had offered to cancel with Nova so that he could spend the time with Ash, helping her clean up and whatever. Ash had adamantly refused, instead wanting the whole family to be done with her as soon as possible.

Ash was now downstairs, getting herself a morning wake up concoction. Coffee, with a heavy amount of whiskey poured in. Per usual lately, Ash was a mess, and hadn't even changed out of her clothes from last night. Muddy jeans, old hoodie, and her hair was a tangled disaster. Ash had started to put on makeup for her date the night before, so now eyeliner was smeared around her eyes, darkening them, and smeared a bit down her cheeks. Her hands still had bits of blood from her failing to clean out the cuts from the mirror.

She leaned back against the counter, not even caring for a moment to try and clean herself up, gently breathing in the warm beverage... When the doorbell rang. Nova. It had to be. With a roll of her eyes, Ash headed towards the front door, her coffee still in one hand while she opened the door with the other.

"Well," Ash leaned against the doorframe, barring entrance for a moment as her eyes turned to Ian. "Had to bring your new boy toy? Did you want to rub it in Jace's face just how quickly you moved on?" She didn't wait for an answer, instead she took a sip of her beverage and then turned and headed back inside to the kitchen.

"You know where his room is. He's in there trying to find something." She stepped into the kitchen, past the very amazing water wall that you can see via West Sims 4 screenshots, and leaned back against the island, coffee in hand. "Go ahead. Hurry up so you can the fuck out of my head." Ash said, waving his hand dismissively at the two of them.​

txlos txlos PenguinFox PenguinFox
As the situation grew in different directions more and more, it had appeared to Noah clearer and clearer that he wasn’t needed any longer. Truth be told, Noah didn’t need to stay with Stu at all, and wasn’t really needed for anything more than the car ride to the hospital, mostly because the boy was more than capable of staying with Mason until his parents came, and now that both of them were here, Noah headed out. He slowly creeped towards the door of the already crowded room, and before he knew it, he was outside of the room, outside of the hallway, and outside of the hospital in matter of minutes.

Not saying goodbye to Stu, or Mason, or Sawyer, or anybody really, didn’t mean Noah didn’t want to talk to them, but announcing that he was leaving seemed kind of selfish, if not selfish, at least a bit egoistical and narcissistic. Noah wasn’t like that at all, even though he might have looked like he loved to be in the center of attention.

Right now, another challenge was ahead of Noah—driving home. He carefully got in his car, which was parked in a pretty full parking lot of the hospital. He couldn’t have done the same thing he did in the school parking lot, which was only half-full.

Thankfully, this time, it was no rush, at all, which is why Noah took his time. In only 10 minutes, Noah unparked his car. A new record if you asked him. He now steadily, and with every sense of that word, continued onto the main road.

Noah was feeling confident enough and he felt safe while driving on this road. It was definitely a new feeling for him, but the only thing that ruined this gracious moment in his life was the constant sound of hooting coming from the car column which was forming behind him. It wasn’t his fault he was driving only 10 mph. He guessed there wasn’t any speed minimum, so if he had to, he would use that to his advantage.

The moment Noah parked his car into the driveway, he sighed with relief, and this meant that the dreaded first day back in Westbrook was over. Thank God! This also meant the end of any special or important moment in this first week.

The rest of the week, unlike the first day, didn’t include anything that caused Noah any discomfort like seeing blood, driving or laughing in unfortunate moments.
Sometime during the week, Noah asked Sawyer to help him cover up the car mess he made, and thankfully she agreed. It seemed like everything would seem normal by the time Noah’s parents came back home. No punishments for mister Noah.

Talking about Noah’s parents and discomfort, Noah didn’t even notice his parents were gone like he thought he would, probably because he was always outside, catching up with old friends, or trying to make new ones. The only times he was really home was when he had to sleep or shower, but that was it. He didn’t have time to worry about being all by himself, and that was surely for the better.

On Saturday morning, Noah went on his run fairly early in the morning, around 6 am. He liked to clear his head before starting a day off, but he usually didn’t have time to run in the mornings before school. That was why this run made him feel so good. While on the run, Noah thought about the most random things. Some random shower thoughts he found on Tumblr, some school project he needed to do for next week and some book review he read online about a deeper meaning of a random book he just finished reading yesterday in his free period after lunch.

He finished with his run in less than two hours and was rushing to get ready for the continuation of a tradition. That tradition being a brunch he had with Dani and her friend Milo every Saturday. It didn’t take Noah long to take a shower and get ready. He might have been gay, but he didn’t take three hours to get ready.
Right now, Noah was sitting in a diner with Milo, waiting on Dani, who was late as usual. If you wanted Dani to be on time, you have to tell her to meet you an hour earlier, or at least that is what Noah always says.

Already expecting a message from Dani, saying that she was going to be late, Noah didn’t even flinch when the notification sounded. He just opened the message and didn’t even have to read it to know what it had said.

“Miss Miller, late again.” He commented out loud, not in an irritated fashion, but more as a conversation starter with Milo. Even though the two usually ate brunch every Saturday, they weren’t more than acquaintances. Sure, both of them hanged out with Dani, but the circles they were in were just too different for the two to be actual friends. It wasn’t like Noah didn’t want to be friends with Milo. He seemed nice, but there was just no opportunity for him to start a friendship, knowing that Ashley would’ve broken all of that right up.

Interactions: Winona Winona (Milo)
Mentions: txlos txlos (Dani)
A ring accompanied the cafe door as it swung open, giving brief rise to a gust of chilly winter air that chased at the heels of the cafe's newest customer. Or rather it chased at his toes, as the young man had pushed the door open with his back, his hands being too busy with his phone. The boy wore a pair of burgundy dress gloves, their fancy leather decorating the slender hands that tended to his device. Shortly after he'd entered, however, those same hands deftly slipped the phone into a pocket within the black blazer worn over his dark red shirt. With that distraction out of the way, his icy blue gaze soon shifted upwards to survey the rest of the cafe.

This relatively tall boy was Jace (the other one) and he was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face in the room as he strode up to the counter. Although her company was a bit strange. Mason? And wasn't that his kid? Maybe that kiss during the play was a bit more than just theater. The thought brought a glint of amusement to his bright eyes as he smiled at Raven, offering her a brief wave on his way past their table. Jace didn't really plan on approaching them though. They almost looked like a family, with that cute little kid nearby. He wasn't sure whether or not it made him jealous...

Probably not. Seemed like there was a serious conversation going on over there, and he wanted exactly none of that. So his attention quickly shifted elsewhere. Luckily there was someone else in the cafe who caught his eye. Someone he hadn't seen before. Of course that wasn't exactly revolutionary, most of the people in the cafe were people he hadn't seen before, but this person in particular looked to be around his age. She looked like someone who probably attended Westbrook. Besides Jace needed something to do and meeting new people was always entertaining.

Once he'd placed his order, requesting a particularly strong espresso, he flashed a small smile at the barista before turning back to the tables. Long legs strode energetically up to where the unfamiliar girl was sitting, coming to a stop at a comfortable-ish distance from her. Within handshaking distance of course. That was crucial. "Heyyy!" The boy greeted, his friendly voice traveling just a bit further than it needed to. "Sorry to bug you, but I'm curious... D'you go to Westbrook?" He then asked, clasping his hands behind his back while he smiled down at her.

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Winona Winona Soap Soap

First week back wasn't so bad, first week he had stayed sober since before vacation started. And he wasn't exactly excited about it. Granted Rae had hid everything on him and their father, something about not wanting him to turn into their dad. But Mads didn't have a problem, he wasn't drowning his feelings like their dad did. Sure he had been through a ton of shit, ever since moving, but he wasn't drowning himself.

Mads woke up, regretfully sober the next morning. However he was trying to start this new year off on the right foot. And that meant dry January..

Mads pushed himself out of bed, sitting on the edge of the mattress debating on weather going to the hedgehog was even worth it. Mads could just stay in his room all day playing video games. But he hadn't been there in a while and he missed the coffee there.

Mads finally found the energy to get himself out of bed, running a hand through his hair blowing out a large sigh through his nose. Running a hand through his hair and grabbing a teeshirt and jeans. Madison jumped in the shower quickly before heading out of the house. Rae told Mads he could borrow the car so he wouldn't need to walk in the bitter cold to the coffee shop.


Mads walked up to the counter and ordered himself a regular coffee from the barista, taking a seat at the dark blue counter. As he walked in he saw a few students from school that he recognized but didn't know well. Madison kept his head down and drank his coffee, the usual smiley boy who loved to make friends wasn't feeling like himself.

Mentions: 0k_mang0 0k_mang0
Interactions: Open


Nothing felt normal anymore, the ski trip was weird Carter wished she hadn't even gone. Driving everyone up and down, and listening to Raven and Mason flirting in the back. She liked hanging out with both of them, but together, she just felt left out. Felt like she was just being used for the sake of transportation.

And then there was the issues her and Tristan started all over again. She rolled her eyes at the thought of it, how easily she slipped back into old ways.

And then there was her mom who was still giving her shit for stealing the alcohol from the basement, and returning the van with left over needles. Even though she had no idea they were there, she was pretty damn sure that she knew who was responsible for it. Carter should of know better to clean out the car after the trip.

Carter was feeling salty over everything that happened, annoyed with everyone, and most of all herself. Carter needed to get her anger out and the only way she knew how was to head to the gym. Carter made her way to the door, she was so close to getting out of there, only to be stopped right as she had reached for the doorknob.

"Carter. Darling?" Her father looked over his newspaper. "Where are you off to?" Jerry never really paid much attention to his daughter, he loved her of course but out of fear of going against his wife who didn't want their daughter to bring a bad light to the perfect family.

"To the gym." Carter said plainly. However she realized someone had been missing from the table. That would explain why her father was giving her the time of day. "Where's mom?" She stepped away from the door walking towards her father.

He had already turned back to his newspaper.
"Not exactly sure, something about work." Jerry folded up his newspaper. "Said that there was a situation or something." Jerry mumbled.

"Alright." Carter could tell her father wasn't in the mood to talk. She missed being a kid, when making her parents proud was easy. "I'll see you around I guess." She adjusted her bag on her shoulder and made her way back to the door. Carter threw herself down into her car, and drove, probably faster than she should, to the gym.

Mentions: Soap Soap Maree Maree Winona Winona
Interactions: open

Ian followed silently a little bit behind Nova. This wasn't about him in any way so he felt like he should be more of a background character. Looking up at the West's home brought his mind back to the ski trip. It had the same level of opulence as their cabin. The level of wealth was insane to Ian, sure his family lived comfortable but the Wests? They were more than comfortable it seemed. It almost reminded him of her...

The Evans boy shook his head to clear his thoughts of that monster. Soon enough distraction came. The front door opened and revealed Ash who seemed to be in rough shape and causing his heart to drop, even more so when he heard her speak. He could feel those too familiar insecurities bubbling inside again but he steeled himself against them. He had to remember that Ash was only lashing out and didn't actually mean what she said. At least he hoped that was the case. She was his friend after all. Right?

Ian followed Nova into the home but remained just inside the doorway as she made her way to Jace's room. His eyes followed her up, but not his feet. That was none of his business, the brunette didn't even need him here in the first place, and most of all Ian had something else to attend to. With hands casually stuffed into the pockets of his denim jacket he slowly made his way after the West daughter, stopping only briefly to admire the water wall. Seriously who has a water wall?!

Once in the kitchen he looked the blond girl up and down, a neutral expression on his face much like the day they first met. She was really in rough shape, a shape he hadn't seen her in ever in the few months he had been in Westbrook. Was that dried blood on her hands? A flash of fear passed through his mind as he considered the possibility she may have the same struggles he did. He pushed away the panic so he could focus on being a good friend. "You're still pretty. But you probably still know that." he said flatly, referencing the first words he ever said to her. A small half smile rose to his face as he moved to lean against a counter. His face became serious with a hint of worry once he was settled and an eyebrow arched "Everything okay with you?" Clearly it wasn't but he felt saying that would have been rude. "I've barely seen you around at school, you're hanging out with older guys and publicly drinking, you never call, you never write..." Alright the last bit was a joke to try and lighten the mood some. "In all seriousness though, you haven't really talked to me. Granted I haven't reached out either and that's on me for being a bad friend. What I'm getting at is I'm worried about you Ash. What's going on?" he hoped she would open up and not shut down or blow up on him, but prepared himself for any possibility. Winona Winona Mentions: txlos txlos
A Little Worried.gif

As soon as school had let out, Ava had headed home immediately. There was nothing to do but head home, change into sweatpants, and spend all of her time arguing with people online as she chilled at her desk, playing games for as long as she could. Her parents were heading out for the night and wouldn't be back to later, so she was enjoying the alone time.

Eventually, Ava decided she needed a glass of water after all of the yelling at amateurs. She headed downstairs, getting herself a glass from the tap and was on her way back up the stairs to her room when knocking sounded at the door. Ava turned slowly, narrowing her eyes suspiciously as Brutus, her large Husky mix, started barking at the door.

Ava debated on whether or not she needed a bat as she headed to the door, peering through the peep hole to see....


Frowning and confused, Ava opened the door up, blocking Brutus from trying to wiggle past her to say hello. JJ's worry made Ava, well, worried. Was she coming here for some wicked revenge like she'd done to Bryan and Lexi? Hesitantly, Ava backed away from the door, letting Jules step into the house while Brutus excitedly sniffed her.

"What's wrong?" Ava asked as she closed the door.

Soap Soap


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"Oh, it's fine." Adriane said, putting on a gentle smile. "Nice to meet you, Jasmine. I'm Adriane. I haven't been here super long." She admitted with a faint laugh, although it had been a few months. And, well, Adriane had gone to Westbrook in the past, although it had been a few years. Since before Ariana, which was obviously years ago.

"Do you need any help with getting around? Like where to go and what not? I might be able to give you a quick tour or something." Adriane suggested in a very, platonic way of sorts. Yes of course. Platonic. "Uhh, anyway yeah. And if you... want... I could sit with you for lunch...?" She was so used to being a bully, to kicking people to the curb, that Adriane wasn't even sure if what she was saying made sense right now, or if this was the way to go about making friends, but here she was. Trying.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving



This girl was much more... adventurous than Keisha. Keisha preferred to stay home, stay rooted where she was comfortable, where she knew the roads and the people and there was nothing to surprise her. It was nice, though. Keisha like people who were different from her, people who lived spontaneously, and made decisions by the metaphorical seat of their pants, never thinking about consequences. Not, necessarily, that she thought Valerie was totally like that or anything... anyway.

She raised an eyebrow, listening as Valerie talked more about the whole bullying thing. "It was hard to not be open. I didn't know liking girls was an issue when I was little because my mom never made a big deal about it, and then, well..." Keisha just shrugged. It had been what it had been, and she'd fought tooth and nail to defend herself.

Keisha hoped that her hand was sweaty as Valerie took it, writing gentle, graceful numbers along her palm, tickling it as she did. "Yeah, totally. Or maybe something more than just for help." She suggested, a faint, lopsided grin falling onto her face as she looked at Valerie, taking her hand away. Keisha couldn't do anything to her hand. She had to make sure that this number survived until she could put it in her phone. "I'll see ya later, then, Valerie. Have fun."

With a smile, Keisha backed away, and then turned and headed down the hallway towards her class.

Moonshadow Moonshadow


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He hadn't planned on bringing Ari, but something had come up with Adriane and her parents last minute. They hadn't been willing to give him much insight, and after a few calls around, Mason found himself stuck with his daughter for the day. After all, there were only a handful of people that he was even willing to leave her with. Mason seriously needed more babysitters, especially when he started working again, which was something else he desperately needed.

Mason had yet to tell... well, anyone about his situation and moving in with Belle. For the most part, he wasn't too thrilled with it. There was nothing for him to do -- no meals to cook, no groceries to shop for, no neighbors to yell at. And it wasn't home, and Mason had a hard time falling asleep there in her overly cushy beds. So... he may have slipped back home to their apartment a few times, but his mother was quick to not let him in, instead screaming insults and demanding for him to bring Drake back.

Instead, he'd ended up wandering the streets, crashing on couches that smelled like vomit and weed, but that reminded him of home. It was stupid, he knew that, but it was easier to fall asleep there with the distant sound of police cars than it was in Belle's fancy mansion. And sitting here in this cafe, waiting for Raven, felt even better.

Mason had ordered coffee for himself and a hot chocolate and some fluffy, sticky pastry for Ariana. She was enjoying while it watched her, a faint smile on his face, while they waited for Raven. Of course Mason had known what was going on -- many of those sleepless nights had been spent texting her back, and it had grounded him a bit.

"Hey," he said with a smile as she walked over. His smile only widened when she picked up Ari before taking a seat beside him. Without even thinking, Mason had already had his arm resting on the back of the chair. And for a moment, he thought about taking his arm away, but it was comfortable, so he left it there for the time being.

"It's icky." Ari explained with a huff. A huge smile had formed on her face when Raven picked her up, and then she returned to her pastry and her little action figure when Raven put her back in her seat.

"How are you holding up?" Mason asked, perhaps too bluntly, but whatever.

Soap Soap


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How could he express to Maisie just how much it meant to have someone that cared enough about him to not give up? He'd had a million people that had turned a blind eye, or joked about it, or even encouraged it. And now he was surrounding himself with people like Maisie and Belle and Aaron, people that actually cared.

"Thanks, Maisie." A smile appeared on his lips when she touched his hand, and his heart may have skipped a beat, but that quickly faltered and the smile on his face died when she pulled away. "Umm... yeah. Anyway."

Drake looked back towards Aaron and Casper as they started to bicker, and he felt bad. "It doesn't... he doesn't..." his voice faltered, until finally Casper just apologized, and a weak smile came on Drake's face. "Thanks, little dude." What?! Casper was an adorably tiny small person, reminding Drake of a... middle schooler or something.

"Now I can do fun things! Like drink too much alcohol and, I dunno, throw toilet papers at people's houses." Drake laughed, although it was kind of forced. Nothing was fun when you weren't high.

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties Soap Soap


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His own morning started out like every other day. Trying to sleep in, until his mother tried to wake him up gently, but after he didn't stir, his father burst in and started yelling in Russian until Milos responded and reluctantly pulled himself out of bed. The house was cold -- his parents refused to turn the heat up to any decent temperature, instead just telling him to throw on more clothes, so Milos was shivering as he struggled to find a pair of jeans and a sweater that didn't smell too bad.

Once dressed, Milos headed out of his room, and he was bombarded from all sides by different languages. Despite the extreme language barrier, his parents had managed to find love with one another. It was just that, well, his father would speak in Russian to his mom, and his mom would respond in Spanish. They both had a working understanding of English, but not enough for it to be worth it. Young Milos, when he had started school, had been a disaster. But as he started to learn English, he started to bring home what he was learning to his parents, and help them out. Still, well, no English was spoken in the house. It was like an unspoken rule.

He explained to his parents, flipping between Russian and Spanish as he spoke, exactly what he was doing today. They heard Dani and both started making jokes, which just earned an annoyed look from Milos. Why was it so hard for people to understand that the two of them were just good ol', platonic friends? Nothing more, nothing less.

Finally, he had managed to make it out of his house and head to the restaurant for breakfast. As usual, both him and Noah were there long before Dani. Milos just rolled his eyes, taking a seat by the other guy. Sure, Milos had heard the rumors from Ashley -- who hadn't? -- but he could honestly care less. Noah seemed like a great guy, but the idea of being... friends... well it was just weird. Conversation between them felt forced, almost awkward. Milos wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Dani.

So when she said she was going to be late, Milos wanted to slam his head into the table. "Of course she is." He said, taking a long sip of his water. "So uh... I heard you ran into some trash cans? I bet that really stunk."

txlos txlos mogy mogy

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