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Realistic or Modern Westbrook is looking for more members!

Bump. Looking for new babies! — I mean RP’ers. We’re all super friendly! And we have cookies, so I mean... who wouldn’t want cookies? :)

Hi hello this is the Westbrook Wolf speaking.

Yes I can confirm we have free cookies.

See you in Westbrook!
0k_mang0 0k_mang0 We're about halfway through to Season 2, but it's also out at a point where most long-term plots have ended and new plots are starting up, so it would be a be a decent time to hop in.
Anyway, Westbrook is a roleplay that follows high schoolers through their drama in the school year, etc., and then skips to a new "season" at the end of the school year. We're still in Season 1 and only a couple months into the school year, and although a lot has happened, we have a Wiki detailing (almost) everything to help you out!

So if you're interested, one thing to note is that we are typically very active. Right now since many of our members are dealing with the end of their semesters in school, we have slowed down and we are staying in each "scene" for a few weeks, but usually it's more like a week for each thing, give or take and depending on how big it is.

However, the fellow roleplayers are great. Very friendly, very loving, and much love for the drama and each other. So if you want to come on over and give it a try, feel free to either post here, in the OOC, or just send me a PM! Hope to see you there!
I'm really interested in this!! I'd love to join if you're still accepting!!
Yeah can I get the DL on this to? Interested but curious to know what I might be getting myself into hahhahaa
Thanks everyone for expressing interest in joining us!! In fact so many people have done so that we've sadly reached our quota for new members. But we'll definitely be open again, in the meantime please feel free to ask us any questions relating to this RP. We'd really love to have you with us in the future!! :xFsmile: apolla apolla Szulu Szulu
K thanks friend hahahha, would still love to hear the lore on this whole thing, seems like you guys have a lot going on.

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