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Finished [West Empire - Frosheim] The Big Mountain Fight Club

Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

Saoirse ignored Cow's mooing, as she was pretty used to it by now. It seemed the Big Cow was not, as she tried to quiet Teti and Cow alike. “Truth be told... not really. At least not in this form.” She'd admit. “I fear I've heard enough of Lei's 'speeches' to learn how to imitate them.” A shocking and somewhat frightening discovery. “Although I must admit that I did just convince myself that this would be the correct way forwards, giving the current circumstances.”

The 'Chaos' experience was far from a 'fun' one. Yet it was surprisingly 'according to expectations' for something meant to be chaotic. The only surprise was the amount of 'humour' or 'joy' she thought she observed in one particular statement. The magic shimmer had been another surprise. For a second she worried if it'd backfired and she'd gotten the seal. Luckily enough, Lei's 'seal' thing seemed to be a whole lot stronger. She could only wonder what this 'Chaos' thing was expecting. Hopefully it was something she could deliver upon. She'd angered enough deities for one lifetime already.

“A most peculiar experience.” She'd conclude. “Perhaps we should put it to the test? How about your release her from the collar and I'll see how strong this ability to suggest some 'basic commands' ended up being?” She asked the Big Cow. She was eager enough to see the results of this experiment.
Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset. Obtain Lei as a slave.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.


Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

"If you stop this, I'm not gonna be stuck here forever, are you dumb? Stop being a stuck-up brat and do it!" Lei huffed angrily, though the rather sudden and striking feelings she'd start feeling running through her body would be a clear sign that it was too late. The contract had already been signed, and the chaos was surging through her veins harder than ever. Huffing and lowering her head as the overpowering feeling took over, she could feel and hear the presence of Chaos among them if for a mere moment, and it had done its' job in binding the minotaur to Saoirse's possession.
"I'm... I-I'm... n-no... I can't be... not again... I don't... ".

Lady Taurus, immediately questioning of the pause, soon enough hearing Saoirse mentioning about putting it to the test.
"Hm, if you insist, though it's your funeral" Lady Taurus answered with a small gruff exhale, looking to the bound minotaur who was furious with the cat-maid in the room and reaching for her restraints. Without a single ounce of effort, she plucked the ethereal strings of the device, an audible thwung sound as magical constraints ceased to exist and the pieces that formed the shackling collar dropped to the ground.

"Aight, she's all yours" Lady Taurus answered, though she leaned forward to take ahold of the girl in case she made any sudden attacks. Of course, it wasn't rocket science to figure out that it had been the first thing on her mind with all the provoking and unwanted property repossessing. As soon as the restraints broke free, the angered minotaur immediately shot up onto her feet, her head swinging around to scan the room to lock onto a target. There were so many good options. Her infuriating mother, the stupid rabbit who had caused her so much suffering, but the most valid and deserving target seemed like the smug cat who had a haymaker to the face such a long time coming.

"You're dead, rat" Lei huffed, her death-staring eyes with laced [Intimidation (F)] upon the feline maid as it was pretty obvious she was gonna swing at him with her [Superstrength (E)] whether or not it was allowed, Lady Taurus eyeing Saoirse in expectation since it had been her wish. Lightly moving her hand to grab Lei's arm if only to stop her for a moment, the minotaur taking the time to yank her arm out of her mother's clutches gave time for Saoirse to try answering something with such newfound chaos before the minotaur enlightened herself in turning the room upside down if it meant beating the cat senseless.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

Saoirse hadn't stopped. She'd almost felt bad when Lei-Cow begged. Almost. Then she realised she'd offered the Cow food, clothing, shelter, weapons, training. She'd had Melia beat the Cow. She'd even personally beaten her... She'd proven herself again and again, yet the Cow had not wanted to listen. There was no honour or reason in this Cow. It was pretty clear this method was going to be the only remaining way to make something work. Besides, perhaps it really would be something she could even have some fun with, rather than just getting drained by it.

Lady Taurus didn't seem convinced. Yet Saoirse had a feeling this would work. Upon Cow being realised, she acted as one might expect. Getting up and immediately trying to get violent. Saoirse snapped her finger. “Sit!” She'd command. Pointing to the floor with the hand of which the wrist was marked. It felt surprisingly natural. Perhaps a side-effect of having used this Chaos method. Oddly enough, there wasn't a doubt in her mind that it would fail. Perhaps she was overly confident in this odd Chaos or falling head-first for some trickery of it, but she'd approach the Cow expecting her to sit down as command.

“Bow.” She'd command next. On the assumption she hadn't been squashed yet, she'd have the Cow bow before her, then she'd pet the latter's head. Assuming Cow couldn't resist the commands, she'd nod. “Good girl.”

Teti didn't like any of this, not that he didn't agree with enslaving people aginst their will, but he didn't like that the cow would be around. Teti didn't quite like someone that called him out on his manipulations even if they were minor. Really how he had gotten his way benefited others and in some ways he failed. He had been close to getting rid of having to obey the bunny yet getting all the benefits, but that was merely vanity. Really the cow was to self centered and didn't know how lucky she was to not be sent to a prison for slave labor for years.

" Exactly " Teti said he knew if they didn't bind her then she would just go out and likely do this all over again given her inability to take personal responsibility.

Still as the binding took place teti did move slightly to place himself behind his mistress after all the cow was going to be mad. Though why she seemed to blame him hedidnt know. Didshe really expect him to become a criminal for a bitch like her.

Luckily it seemed the new contract gave Saoirse power over the cow to blunt her attack. " I don't see why you are mad at me, I'm not the one who for sone reason doesn't want you locked in a prison camp or forever trapped her with your mother " teti said revealing what he would have done. Thrown the cow in a prison to let her starve, to let her be worked near to death, to be mistreated in every way, or left with her mother which might have been worse. Still it wasn't hos choice and he doubted any amount of bonding could ever get him and her to share a bed,which was a shame she did have decent looks but no personality to use them.
Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset. Obtain Lei as a slave.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.


Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Having been freed and ready to attack at those who had caused her such suffering, Lei didn't hold back when it came to throwing hands. Although despite her determination and blood boiling within her veins, the minotaur warrior would find an unknown force having found its' way into ceasing her actions even against her greatest intent. Finding her hoof to strangely slip on the floor like she had been tripped, Lei felt heavily weighed down by gravity as she felt herself forcefully sat on the floor. The overpowering grip of it all felt like what she had been forced to experience through back when they visited Saoirse's mother.

"W-what, I'm not... n-no!" Lei huffed as she tried her desperate hardest to move. No matter how much she struggled, it felt like her body was currently refusing to obey her. Growling as she felt the demeaning touch and words of Saoirse, she aggressively flicked her head, something that was not so kept down via commands.
"Don't touch me, you rat" she huffed, Saoirse's confidence would work if not for a blood-drawing scratch they'd receive from Lei's horn in defence. Chaos clearly gave an edge in command, but had its' cracks amidst the seams of it. Throwing her strength into it, she blocked out Teti's voice in her mind as her desire to escape the hell she was stuck in was much stronger, though her continuous attempts to struggle didn't feel like it accomplished much when it came to the matter of trying to get up from her position. Stuck seated with her head lowered, she'd continue to fight against it to no avail as she cussed profanities and insults without a single concern of holding back.

"Let me go, I don't want to be here! You don't want me around, and you only want the worst for me! Just let! Me! Go! Now! Let go! Let! Go! L-let! Go, of, me! I don't... I don't, want to be here! Let me go... " Lei huffed, though she felt such long buildups of energy usage and anger starting to wear down on her. Ever since having what felt like a tipping point back at the manor with the monster slaves, she'd felt herself unable to keep up with her fueled anger. The immense exhaustion coupled along with the rock-bottom feel of sadness had struck over, her spirit weakened from the lack of her physical strength able to do anything nor her word ever appearing to hold any merit or intimidation. In her struggles, to argue in desire to be let go and left alone, she slumped as her head rested against the floor. A loud voice born of frustration turned into a softer tone, pleading to just be released and free from her situation as her hands quivered and waterworks built up in her eyes. She didn't want to be owned by Saoirse again, she'd find no success here, only humiliation and constant receival of hate. She saw no truth in Saoirse's words, the rabbit had no clear intent to help her succeed, for she only enjoyed her misery.

Lady Taurus was starting to feel like she was reaching the point of having seen enough. Since Saoirse wasn't able to work any more contracts under Miralis, and she'd already done what Chaos was needed for, she questioned.
"So, maybe we'll just organise what else you need and it should be fine. I'm thinking this'll drag on longer than it needs to otherwise. Though, what even is this?" Lady Taurus questioned as she turned her attention to the Chaos Box for the moment. Its' ominous aura had noticeably dulled, Lady Taurus opening it without any difficulty. Though, she removed one of the notes like it hadn't been stuck at all, the contents quietly shuffling like something had happened between the last time of Saoirse checking the contents. The big minotaur read the note, that was once covered in gibberish, but even Saoirse could likely perceive looked a lot more readable if she held interest.

She uttered a soft snort.
"That's an interesting thing, wouldn't have imagined that... ".​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

She'd look at her upper arm, the blood trickling down from it. It'd been a while since she gotten wounded. Without straight-up dying from it at least. Actually, that's a lie. She'd gotten wounded pretty often lately. How annoying. This time around, Ryuuji wasn't even around to instantly fix it.

Saoirse sighed, looking back at the Cow. “It'll be a rough process, but you'll get use to it.” She'd promise the Cow. “If I only wanted the worst for you, I'd have left you at the Butcher or sold you to another. Now, Lei, you're to become something far more worthwhile. You'll realise it eventually.”

When the cow started begging and panicking, Saoirse sighed. “It'll take a fair while, I fear, but eventually you'll thank me for having done this.” She got a tad annoyed, as she looked at her bleeding arm. A feint sting still present. “Do you happen to have something to wrap this up with?” She'd ask lady Taurus, looking expectantly at Teti after.

As she waited for Teti to do the job, her attention was drawn to the bigger Cow. “If you'd allow me, lady Taurus?” She asked, wanting to check the box and read whatever note the lady seemed to have taken out of it. “Perhaps it'll give me some good pointers.”

it looked like Lie was having a mental break, it was kind of sad, okay it was really sad. Teti didn't like Lei, he might even hate her and did want her to suffer. That was only because she constantly acted the way she did like she was the king of the mountain the all knowing and strongest person. it was because she was beyond selfish, Teti was in his mind a selfish person constantly moving to benefit himself and yet even he didn't come close to being as self centered as Lei. At least they had a way to control Lei now, though the scratch proved it was not absolute, but it was more than before. Still to be reduced to a quivering mess because of something so minor Teti didn't think that would break her spirit. Teti had always lived as others wanted, his life chosen for him and so he had no issues handing control over to the bunny. he just couldn't get being in control of your own fate. he was even unable to answer Saorise about his own path to flourishing he walked a path that was set out by others. he had been taught to listen to a degree so he served and never had he been asked if he wanted something.

Teti was not really trained in first aid, but everyone knew a few things. Teti quickly took off the long white cuffs that covered his fore arms and folded it a bit before bending down to tie it around Saorise's hand. All the while he wanted to say something to do something, he hated Lei but yet he hated seeing her like this so much. She needed time a few moments alone or with someone that wasn't the bunny or her mother. " My lady given Lei is now under contract perhaps she and i should retrieve her gear given she will need it for her role " Teti suggested not needing or wanting to use a skill to try to push his mistress into a decision . He did hope that Saorise would see why he wanted to move Lei away from this room and while he was putting himself on the line well Lei needed air that much was clear.
Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Obtain Lei as a slave.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.


Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

It was disappointingly done and finished, Lei struggling to deal with the fact that she'd found herself back in the insufferable possession of Saoirse. Gritting her teeth, she didn't care for any of the worlds the rabbit had to say, as they felt like more than snide lies more than anything. There was no reason to see or believe Saoirse would do any good for her, just to try and keep her put down for the satisfaction of her own pride and ego.
"I hate you, I'll never forgive you for this, I know that you're just trying to make me suffer, you're the worst. I don't know for what sick reasons you force people to suffer for your own sick reasoning" she muttered, unlike the rest of the rabbit's pitiful followers, she had no desire to be there in the slightest. There was no actual reason, the 'flourishing' was one big lie.

Lady Taurus shook her head at Teti's suggestion to collect Lei's things.
"That's already being handled. For now, you can both likely take a break and rest up, maybe get yourself washed up or get well fed. Maybe find something else to do, I've got some places to be, but hopefully at some point I can get some renovators sent over and such when you're ready" Lady Taurus answered, seeing as Teti was handling her little injury. That wasn't her problem anymore, now that Lei was property of Saoirse the trouble of it wasn't her concern anymore. That, and any affiliation of criminal titles should've been cleared up. The rest was now Saoirse's responsibility for her possession. As for the matter of the note, she shrugged and handed it to the rabbit.
"Be my guest" she briefly answered.

As for the note, seemingly after the contract's signing, it felt a lot more readable. The note appearing to detail what explained the other notes present in the box were instructions, a given description of some sort of trial.

"In order to wield Chaos as its' hand, one must be able to forge the will of Chaos out of their own capability and actions. As for a warrior clad in dark and unyielding nature, a trial to find the strength to materialise Chaos into their own hands, and deny the will of the natural law.

Keep the possessions in the container, and perform the alchemic ritual to learn how to forge a practical weapon, and perhaps armour, from a source deemed normally impossible. For a curse many insult you of, utilise an unlikely production to form something sweet into a weapon of cruelty and power, the materials will change its' ordinary state to something akin to a fine steel, and the most elegant crafts. Even if the used material shouldn't be possible, crafting via the methods of Chaos denies the ordinary. Use an unlikely capability of an Artisan in an even more unlikely method, and return with your efforts

Otherwise, the meeting would be over. Any other details would have to be better ironed out another time, considering it seemed Miralis was acting up on their willingness to cooperate. That, and Lady Taurus too had other places to be.

These are only suggestions. Please wait until a Grader Mod confirms which rewards will be granted upon the RP's actual grading.

Narrators Involved Femboy Femboy
Narrator Standing S-Grade Narrator Standing

Summary of the Roleplay Saoirse, Teti and Lei visit Lei's home in order to fix the matter of criminal titles, and get her signed over (using a method not of Miralis). Lei's criminal titles are wiped clean due to a meeting and deal that repays the offense.

Goal Achievement Achieved.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated None.

Lore to Establish Frosheim is a secluded location in the mountains and frozen cold, with many layers that expand into the mountain depths and below. The highest power in the location is Lady Taurus, mother of Lei, highly rich noble and powerful combatant and gladiator. Most are not exactly permitted to the area with open arms, being limited to Froschala-On-High (the highest floor, the one above the surface). One isn't likely to have any reason to come here without good reason, and the richer and more powerful inhabitants aren't likely to allow an audience for meeting unless for very special circumstances. Source

Most notably, a grand colosseum is in the works but is not yet finished. It is private knowledge however, being kept secret until it is complete (or close enough to). Source

Full-Time Participants

Characters with Point Boosters

Recommended Titles
  • Saoirse Desrosiers
  • [Connection - Lady Taurus (F)] - Character has a personal contact with the highest power in Frosheim. Whether as a sign of reputable connections, or for contacting for assistance, Grade of title equates to Lady Taurus' interest and likelihood to show an interest.
  • Teti
  • [Presumptuous] - Character tends to speak their mind whether wanted or not, and are likely to provoke people when doing so.
  • Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
  • [Depressed] - Character is down in the dumps, and things haven't been working out for them to the point that it's highly degrading on their mindset.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Assuming from ungraded RPs)


Rules Utilized None.

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates Chaos is an outerworld force on par with deities, a rather unnamed and undefined existence that lives to defy the rules and laws of everything else. Chaos usually does not answer, for most are unlikely to have reason of its' attention. Cultist followers of Chaos are among the few that possess attachment to it, and utilise invoking the power of Chaos for their own benefit and for Chaos' amusement.

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