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Finished [West Empire - Cipactli Forest] Property for my Property - Part 4: A Tea Time for Bunnies

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Melia, TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Ryuuji, Rev IX Rev IX Jethro

Diego had finished his washing up and had partially clothed himself back up when he overheard Ryuuji whisper to Melia. Diegothen began to walk towards Jethro but as he was walking past Ryuuji and Melia he whispered back to the two of them. "[Little man causing trouble, don't mind me then.]"
Diego didn't even put his armor back on only put his pants back on really, but he did not mind it at all. So as he was slowly approaching Jethro from the side just out of where normal people would have their blindspot in their vision he came up closer and closer, once he was close enough Diego in one swift motion lowered his center of gravity by bending his knees and moved quickly at Jethro tackling him around his midsection with his shoulder, as one of his hands hanged low while the other was up high. In the moment of impact Diego snaked one of his hands around Jethros leg while the other did similarly but around the mans arm.

Diego then simply straightened himself out with Jethro now in a Firemen's carry, with Jethro being light to Diego due to his natural strength along with the strength he gained after coming to this world. He then simply moved further away towards the nearby stream and dumped Jethro into it saying.
"If you have time to be an idiot in someone else's land then wash yourself up first. Atleast your head will get chopped off on a clean neck."

Tags and character goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Convince her brother to help her restore the artefact. | Get [Training Support] asset.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse.
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Help Saoirse.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Help Saoirse. | Prove that butlers are better servants than maids. | Obtain Luxury Tea Set F
Teti Karcen Karcen – Help Saoirse. | Prove that maids are better servants than butlers.
Jethro Noiren Rev IX Rev IX – Serve Saoirse. | Narrative: Working on improving his chances at proper training aid. | Narrative: Obtain more recognition as a strong warrior
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy – Figure out what happened. | Asset: improve grade of champion of chaos title | Narrative: work on getting the box open


(Fenri, Cow)

Cipactli Mansion – Wine Cellar

From: CoPilot

Skeleton Butler


“Trust me, if I were allowed to turn you into dinner, I would've done so already. Yet, as this sad fate that has befallen me, I'm merely making sure your presence is not becoming more problematic than it already is. So, be a dear, shoo. Out.” He'd reply, gesturing for the cow to get a move on. That's when he realised he might actually be able to catch two flies with one rock. Or perhaps one giant cow with one taunt. “Then, how about a duel? We go outside and have a fair fight, you against me. Should you win, I'll give you your mace and allow you to plunder our stocks here. Should you loose, you'll sign your life away. Not to Saoirse, not to my master, but to me. How about it?”

Even to the cow, that offer might sound a bit familiar by now. Then again, he was just a twiggy pile of bones, so what was the worst that could happen? That she'd get to air out some frustrations and snap some of those bones of his. Clearly this was a no-brainer, right?

Slime Maid


The slime, however, was taken aback by just... Cow being cow. “Hmmm... Now that I actually see her... If only it was allowed... I think I'd have a lot of fun digesting that one. Feeling her trying scream and shout, but only having her lungs fill up with my slime whilst my body is wrapped around her, slowly digesting her alive...” She chuckled, as she looked at the Cow with a certain longing. “Why don't you have a duel against me instead? Ignore that twiggy pile of bones. If you win, I'll do whatever you wish. If you loose, I'll slowly devour you by making you melt away alive...”

She'd eye Fenrir. “You're not wrong, she would be a bit much for a mere rabbit. I would indeed need to take care of that one personally.” As for massacring villages, she'd not react much further. The topic of his personal wants also didn't warrant much further notion. It was his attempt to rile up the butler against her that did, although it only got out a chuckle. “Naturally.”

The butler, having a skull for a head, didn't show much in the way of expressions. He'd merely reply in kind. “I see you've met our place's source of lubrication. That's about all she's useful for these days.” He then gave a polite bow to Fenrir. “I am afraid my name is no longer worth mentioning, so you may simply refer to me as the 'Butler'.”

Upon Fenrir's request, the slime would grumble a bit. “Only if the cow won't play. If she will, the butler can bring you there.”


(Jethro, Ryuuji, Diego, Melia, Jastira)

Cipactli Mansion – Slave Shacks
From: CoPilot


“<Sure they have.>” He'd reply, clearly not believing Ryuuji in the slightest.

The next bit made a bit more of an impression. “A fight? Surely these foolish ones aren't dumb enough to attack me. I'd be forced to defend myself and bash their skulls in with the utmost ease.” He gave Jethro a gnarly smile. “It'd not even really be a fight, just a one-sided beat-down.”

He did get annoyed. “Stop whispering to that elf. It's annoying.”

Jastira Veidi


She'd listened to Ryuuji. He wasn't exactly wrong. That said, the swing getting mad at him whispering a lot didn't really put her in a position in which she wished to reply. Instead, she'd just fall back again to the one last person she figured was going to help out. “Hey, Melia, how about I help you clean up your armour or something?” She'd ask, as it was a good excuse to fall back further and stick near the one remaining warrior that wasn't picking a fight, talking about some weird stuff or getting the pig upset at him.

Melia Hayward

“Of course.” She'd agree. Her eyes hadn't left the swine for a second though, as she definitely didn't trust the situation. She'd nod at hearing what Diego was saying, making sure to stand-by and step in to help out if needed.

Meanwhile, all the swine's taunting seemed wasted, as Diego went after Jethro instead. (Let me know if I should escalate the situation to work on PvP/effectiveness or if it's mutually agreed that the events described happens as-is.) As he would attempt to lift up Jethro and throw him in the river. Though whether or not that'd be successful would depend on whether or not Jehtro would manage to not be taken off-guard and throw up a counter or dodge.

Regardless on if it'd succeed or not, the attempt alone would be enough to get the Swine to burst out in laughter. “Bahahaa... You guys are hilarious!” It was clear that had, somehow, ceased some of his more hostile undertones.


(Saoirse, Teti)

Cipactli Mansion – Guest Bathroom
From: CoPilot

Saoirse Desrosiers


Teti's first thought hit home. “That... would probably work. As it's painful to think how that's currently rather true.” She grit her teeth. Getting her hands on that estate in full was a priority for sure. She shook her head on the next bit. “No need to sleep with him. Just catch him off guard and distract him. Throw him off his game a little so he'll be more agreeable otherwise.”

She'd just enjoy Teti rubbing in the fur-care products. It'd probably be the last bit of relaxing she'd get before she'd have to go in full on the diplomatic efforts. “Our family has just about as many black sheep as normal ones. If not having mostly grey ones, in that comparison.” She'd admit, as it was rather complex.

Teti's reading of her brother felt a little too generous. “It'd be a nice thought, but I'd rather not assume the best. It's plausible he just thinks there might be some mutually beneficial deals to be made and wants to be nice enough to get there. We'll have to prove that sentiment correct. He did agree to meet, yet didn't sent out his monsters to escort us here safely. It's making me wonder if he's just trying to make up his mind.”

The idea of having some private time to talk with him wasn't the worst. “We'll probably get there, yes. Though we'll likely go through some more hoops first. Call it a family tradition.”

She sighed, as she was about ready. “I wonder what's keeping Fenrir. Perhaps he's already gotten in some trouble.” That'd be a bad idea. “Especially as the slime maid isn't returning either.” They might have to go get dressed and go look soon.

As she got up to get dressed, she groaned a bit. Her stomach again. “Being killed and resurrected really does strain the body... Let's hope it'll be a one-time thing.” She grimaced. Showing weakness wasn't great, but somehow her mind and body were still trying to tell her that, without Ryuuji's magical interference, she should be rather dead right about now.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

This entire conversation... was getting painfully boring. Even if they harassed her with insults and trying to shoo her, it wasn't like she could leave. They were keeping her from leaving every time she tried, and weren't returning her stolen weapon, so she had every right to be here. She didn't ask to be kidnapped here either, so she had all the right and more to be here. Perhaps more than them, considering it felt like their job was standing around and doing nothing at this point.
"You're the one in my way, let me leave and I will. Just right after I am returned my stolen weapon. It's your choice and fault that I'm here, so cry about it. How about you shoo off? Don't either of you useless freaks have a job? Doesn't the hairball have some shrivelly miniscule whelp of a master to go be a personal footstool for?" she'd argue back, huffing and looking her direction at Fenrir when he had spoken of her in such ways.

"I'm not fat. Utter it again, and I'll publically hang you using your own intestine. Disgusting mutt, I am pure muscle and perfection. Something you could never achieve, go back to your kennel, boy" the minotaur glared at him, not amused by his comments in the slightest.
"I am not a cow either, watch your mouth you pointless spillage" she'd mention to the slime-girl, glaring at the two who were offering to duel with her. She wasn't stupid... at this point, she'd already dealt with others' of the Desrosier family as well as putting up with Saoirse and her other slaves. All of them always had nothing better to do than to try and waste her time specifically with these pointless offers and challenges, but at this point it seemed pretty blatant they were usually rigged or incredibly unfair in some sort of way. Sighing and rolling her eyes, she shook her head.

"Seriously, all of you must never have anything to do. Anytime I have to listen to one of you Desrosier Servants, it's always the same ridiculous 'I bet this' and 'I challenge you' that, get a life and challenge yourself to something once in a while. You actually stuck rock bottom and the peak of your life that the only thing you have left to do is to ask other people to do things to amuse you? Sad. Embarrasing, for a bunch of low-lifes who see themselves as deities. If you're that bored, go and kill each other, though seeing as this useless idiot's got nothing left but bone, you probably already did that" Lei would mention as she gestured to the Skeleton, seeing as him and the slimegirl didn't appear to get along that well.

"All I wanted, was my mace, and to find the stupid rabbit, I couldn't care a single ounce about any of you" the minotaur grumbled as she crossed her arms, wondering why this was the best that they did with their times. The three of them seemed like complete idiots.
"Great, they'd call him nothing outside of a butler since nobody can see him as anything else but as an █ss. So we got the █ss, a dirty dog, and an excess amount of lube. Give me my mace, I'll be on my way, and you can all rejoice in holy matrimony as you celebrate by getting f███ed, since what else are you attention-obsessed bottomfeeders gonna do to entertain yourself?" Lei uttered, wondering how such creatures could even begin to exist. It was pointless, tragic even, that some cosmic entity would allow them to enter existence. Chaos as a reigning lord wouldn't allow this, what a pitiful world things have become to.

1. Try to go elsewhere to look for her mace again

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

After the dual introduction between himself and the butler, Fenrir would turn to Lei-Cao, shaking his head left and right in disappointment. “Threatening me? Big words… from a big mouth that was no doubt used to stuff yourself with food, so you could become that pile of walking lard.” The Wolfman didn’t seem like he was going to hold back further. “Muscles? As if someone whose ancestors were grazing animals with the singular purpose of having their udders squeezed and pulled by lowly humans, could hope to achieve a proper physique. A physique of someone whose ancestors were actually predators, like myself.”

Smiling for a moment, he continued. “Your only use, as far as I’ve witnessed, is to bother the mistress. Nothing useful ever done, only complaints upon complaints. A self-grandeur which is never manifested in reality, only in that empty head of yours. In my short service, my value has far exceeded yours.” Looking awfully bored, Fenrir clicked his tongue. “If you were of any real worth as a warrior, you would simply twist that bony butler’s joints until he revealed where your precious mace is. Alas, you are only talk, you will only be talk and can never amount to anything but talk. But at least, for the moment, you don’t burden the mistress anymore, be so kind to stay that way, mmm?” Considering something, his free-hand would move to his own bow-tie, adjusting it. “Although, I can’t deny it would be fun to impose some discipline into that thick skull of yours.”

Next, Fenrir turned towards the slime maid, his stoic expression in place. “It surprises me that someone who apparently is free to rampage through whole villages fall for things such as ‘fair fight’ or a duel, instead of simply attacking Lei-Cao here and now, enforcing whatever grim fate you have in storage for her…” His bestial eyes shifted towards the butler’s direction. “... or total servitude. I’m not sure what you think the grazing beast would be useful as your servant, but as a colleague of profession, I must warn you: put those expectations to rest, for she won’t be able to satisfy them.” Sighing, he began walking towards the stairs, balancing the tray on one of his hands. “I guess the leash of some is shorter than the others, no matter how decorated it seems to be.” Without turning back, he would ascend the stairs.
Jethro the Blackheart

Jethro gritted his teeth his anger closely reaching a boiling point "I am not playing, you piece of shit. I wi-". His overwhelming anger led to confusion, and then anger again. That rope-wielding asshole picked him after a tackle, taking him by complete surprise. Seeing as Jethro was too lost on gutting the pig, he didn't listen to the idiotic minions of the rabbit preparing to intervene. All he could do was throw an elbow at Diego's face and tried to stab him after, but it was too little too late.

Being dumped on the river did a couple of things for the assassin. First, the fact that gross pig-man was likely to be a pain to deal with finally set in. Not only from the fight itself, but because all of these imbeciles couldn't mind their own damn business, and would likely face him again as a group, siding with the ugly bastard. But it also ruined his mood. The reality that his freedom of choice was no longer his sunk in deeper and deeper by the minute.

"As a matter of fact, go fuck yourself." Jethro dryly stated, ignoring whatever degree of threat Diego's words had. His body began to steam gently, as blackened flickers of flame came and went, drying him in seconds as their warmth spread from his body. He brushed off his remnants of clothes and walked away without a word.

So what now? He thought to himself. Sitting with the idiots wouldn't do, he couldn't fight, he couldn't leave. He wasn't in the mood to tolerate fools of such caliber either.

He was as clean as he could get, and dry already. So he made his way to the front end of the manor, where he stood silently. It was soul-crushing, infuriating, and anxiety-inducing at the same time. He glanced at his sheathed blade, and then at the manor. He had not much choice in the terms he was to live under in this life, and this past day already felt like an eternity. But he wasn't about to show weakness though. So with a grim expression, he swallowed back his torrent of emotions. Leaving behind a stone face. He had the feeling this would happen more, so he tried remembering how it felt, in the hopes of making this pitiful existence more bearable.

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Melia, TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Ryuuji, Rev IX Rev IX Jethro

It appears that Diego succeeded in his endeavor. He managed to pick up, carry, and eventually throw Jethro into the stream de-escalating the situation if only to increase Jethro's hatred of Diego, a small price really if that meant not making trouble for the boss. Diego did not feel Jethro's elbow smash against his nose, sure he felt the impact but there was no pain, though he knew Jethro managed to dislodge his nose so he had to fix it at some point.
"I would say come fuck me yourself you coward." Diego responds to Jethro's rude remark, before shortly adding after looking at Jethro from top to bottom. "Actually scratch that even if I swing both ways I wouldn't touch you with a 10-foot pole."

After saying that Diego began to walk back to the others with a nose that was clearly just set back into its place. He was slowly going to his clothes and gear to clean it up and do the maintenance on it. It would be bad not to do it. As he worked on his stuff he whistled softly under his nose and in a singy-songy manner communicated with Ryuuji. "[~Got him to cool down a bit, and cleaned up. He headed towards the manor, if you are cleaned you can go check on him, he likes you more than me at least I think so.~]"

Ryuuji Kamimura
Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor Rev IX Rev IX

Languages: "Common", "<Beastial>" "[Terran]"

"<Believe me, Jethro may be more foolish then you think.>" Ryuuji said flatly and matter of fact back to the swine.

He'd roll his eyes, but not while looking at the Swine, noticing that Jastira would rather talk to Melia now. "Tch, suit yourself." He'd speak aloud this time when she went off after the swine told him to stop whispering.

Ryuuji simply nodded in the direction of the Swine after being told to stop whispering. Not feeling like he really needed to apologize, particularly after just what unfolded,

"Case in point." He'd then speak in Common, regarding what Jethro just tried doing, as Diego thankfully decided to make himself useful and go in for the grapple and basically throw Jethro into the water before he could try assaulting the swine for real, instead he ended up trying to hit Diego, but presumably it wasn't anything bad enough to warrant criminal titles.

Ryuuji seeing Jethro get annoyed, smirked a bit at his misfortune looking over to him as he got upset and walked off after getting thrown in the water, before he looked over to Diego.

"Thank you, I'll have to put in a good word to our mistress for you quick thinking, I may have tried to do something similar myself but I think we both agree I'm not as suited for..grappling as you are."

He decided to put it kindly there, Ryuuji didn't really have much martial skill outside of maybe shooting a bow every now and again when he had too out of necessity as he had found out.

He then looked to the Swine again, "Well at least you got some entertainment out of it all then, apologies again for the fool."

Ryuuji would only mention once Jethro had gone away.

Ryuuji then looked to Diego again when Diego spoke to him.

" I take it You are alright yes? If you need some help, well I am right here." He'd also offer, the insinuation being if Diego wanted some healing he could provide it.

He'd then answer "[I suppose I can go check on him, I'm not expecting anything remarkable to transpire however, I have a feeling he'll be as stubborn as the cow. All that stubbiness will get him is more pain, but even she couldn't be reasoned with.]"

Ryuuji looked to the others, "I guess I'll go check on our fool then, though it may be better if one more comes with me encase he tries being foolish again."

He then finished getting himself dressed having doing a thorough job washing presumably, and was ready to head out.

" sounds good to me i'll see what i can do my lady " Teti said trusting that his mistress knew her brother better than his best guess at how families might work outside of his own. he half remembered things from his old life and how different family values were back there, he might be applying to much of there to here.

Teti was wondering where the wolf man was, he should be back with something to drink and eat by now. Teti did trust that he knew what Saoirse liked to eat more than himself. Though there were a few others that would really know her more than any others it seemed. Teti doubted the other slaves had attacked him or anything, but maybe they were detaining him while trying to exploit the seemingly issues between the two of them? That might not be the way of their master but monster slaves would no doubt try to cause chaos. Thankfully they didn't go on and on about chaos but really just end up being loud and annoying rather than chaotic. Well that was one bright side the cow was gone, that would improve morale for sure.

Hearing his mistress talk about death being a one time thing Teti smirked " Well do try to tell me before hand if you die again i'll have ring for you next time " he teased reminding the bunny of his joking proposal when she had still been out of it from having just died. he was not going to let that joke die.
Tags and character goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Convince her brother to help her restore the artefact. | Get [Training Support] asset.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse.
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Help Saoirse.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Help Saoirse. | Prove that butlers are better servants than maids. | Obtain Luxury Tea Set F
Teti Karcen Karcen – Help Saoirse. | Prove that maids are better servants than butlers.
Jethro Noiren Rev IX Rev IX – Serve Saoirse. | Narrative: Working on improving his chances at proper training aid. | Narrative: Obtain more recognition as a strong warrior
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy – Figure out what happened. | Asset: improve grade of champion of chaos title | Narrative: work on getting the box open


(Fenri, Cow)

Cipactli Mansion – Wine Cellar

From: CoPilot

Skeleton Butler


“Trust me, if I had tear ducts, I'd be bawling my eyes out.” He butler sighed, really wishing for this Cow to get out by now.

“Your mace is right outside, behind the mansion, near the slave shacks.” He'd reply, as he gestured towards the exit. It was clear that, if Lei Cao didn't want to play more than she moohed, so he'd not want to play more either.

Slime Maid


“If it has the brains of a cow. If it moohs like a cow. If it has udders like a cow. If it looks like a cow... It's probably a cow.” She'd smile at the cow. “There are some nice patches off grass outside, when you're on your way to find your mace. Feel free to indulge yourself.” She'd wave the cow off after the butler told her where to go.

Lei Cao would be able to the other group near the shacks uninterrupted and would arrive at the scene unfolding there, should she try and wish to do so. The first she'd run into was likely Jethro, who was standing directly of the door she left out of and who'd be in the process of trying to stare as blankly as possible ahead of him.

Meanwhile, the slime would be a tad surprised at Fenrir. “Hmmm. Seems you at least share similar distastes.” She'd shake her head as his next statement, as smirk on display. “Fairness isn't the issue. Yet there are... rules I must abide by regardless. Either way, don't you have a mistress waiting? I shall show you.”

She'd move ahead, after which he'd be able to follow along, should he wish to do so. She'd lead them back to the guest bathroom Teti and Saoirse were at.

The Butler still had something to say as Fenrir was leaving, however, as he'd chuckle. “There are things one can expect from any living being equivalently.” There was a glint of evil in his smile.


(Saoirse, Teti, Fenrir (?))

Cipactli Mansion – Guest Bathroom
From: CoPilot

Saoirse Desrosiers


She resisted the urge to turn around and glare at Teti. He'd better learn to let that joke die, rather than his mistress. “Keep this attitude up and I might have one for you instead. Except it won't be for a finger.” She wasn't eve sure whether that'd be a thread or a promise for him.

Should Fenrir follow along with the slime, he'd find Saoirse having finished up her bath and fur-care routine. The slime herself would move along after pointing the way, leaving Saoirse and her attendants to it. Saoirse would just be brushing her actual hair for a bit, rather than just her fur. As she did so, Fenrirs sharp nose would probably pick up on the soap and slightly perfumed fur-care products.

“Welcome back.” She'd state, figuring he would inform her of anything he might've spotted unprompted. “Has my brother actually stocked anything of worth?” She'd ask, honestly somewhat curious. She wouldn't look over just yet, however, as she was focussed on the mirror for now.


(Jethro, Ryuuji, Diego, Melia, Jastira, Cow (?))

Cipactli Mansion – Slave Shacks
From: CoPilot


The swine was looking more and more eager at Jethro, clearly looking forwards to getting into a fight... Yet the alternative option that occurred was a lot more fun. He watched Jethro get picked up and dumped into the river by his own ally. “Have a nice swim!” He'd shout after, laughing aloud and nearly showering those nearby in his drool.

As Jethro was waiting, he'd likely end up being blessed with the glorious imagine of Lei Cao leaving the mansion. Alternatively, he'd be cursed by being greeted by a loud-mouthed obnoxious Cow going around claiming to look for a mace.

Melia Hayward

“[Well done.]” She'd compliment Diego after he gave his report.

Meanwhile, the Swine smirked at Ryuuji, who seemed insistent on staying polite. “No problem, in fact, it was fun enough. So I'll give you one piece of advise. Share it with the others or keep it to yourself as you wish...” He smirked. “<If the master tells one of his slaves 'you're free', I'd run for my dear life if I were you.>” He'd speak in Beastial. With that said, he chuckled louder and headed off, back towards the forest.

Ryuuji would be able to meet up with Jethro and would end up facing Cow's glorious entrance, or exit, a bit after.

Jastira Veidi


It left Jastira with just Melia and Diego. “It's a shame this place has so many monsters in it. Otherwise it would be rather inspiring for song-writing, or perhaps poetry.” She'd try strike a conversation.

“Do you need to look at pretty things to come up with that?” Melia asked, seeming genuinely confused.

It was quickly able to teach Jastira she was trying to talk with the wrong people about such things. “I guess I'll just go look at the mansion as well...” She excused herself.

That just left Melia and Diego. “How'd you train your pain resistance? Or was it just a matter of getting used to it?” Melia asked, having noticed Diego seemed pretty unresponsive to it. She figured it might be a good thing to train herself in as well.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Fenrir was really getting on Lei's nerves with all the comments he had been spouting back, the minotaur huffing and glaring at him.
"I, am NOT, A COW. I am a minotaur, I do not submit to such demeaning domestication and such touching, and we have thrived in power and success for as long as history. Your whelp species are DOGS, beasts born from domestication and servitude. Your mere existence is an abomination to any being, lesser and higher, blessed with sentience, for since birth you will be nothing more than an unwanted plaything. That rabbit's standards is so low, no wonder she picks up all you purposeless creatures like it's a buffet, it makes her feel good about her own worthlessness" Lei uttered, only being able to feel more hate and murderous intent towards the puppy for his insults.

"All talk? All, talk? You mutt, all you do is aimlessly follow around a brainless rabbit with no intent to do anything with your life, along with the meaningless and lifeless freaks that do the same. I am the Hand of Chaos, I always will be. You have  nothing. You will never understand success, meaning, love, anything. And that's all you ever will be. You insult me purely to feel better about yourself, but what does that leave you? Too scared to fight just as much as anyone else? Everyone here is terrified by me. Why else do you think they don't just fight, they have to  always beg for a fight on their terms, that it fits their every whim, that all their power and their life is spoonfed by their owners that keep them on a leash and tell them to do tricks. But you all just  so want to insult and fight me, go ahead you freaks of nature. I'm the only one here that reality itself wanted to exist, one of you's an inbred mutt, one's a pool of off-coloured liquid fecal matter, and the last one is so annoying that they won't go away even when life rejects them" the minotaur answered, she was hitting the point of having heard enough for two lifetimes as she answered back to the other three, hearing the slimegirl speak once more and groaning at the comments.

"For once in everyone else's pointless and stupid lives, can you creatures STOP going ON AND ON about my t██s and talk about LITERALLY ANYTHING F███ING ELSE? I DON'T CARE IF I CAN GIVE MILK, WHY WOULD I DO SOMETHING SO DEGRADINGLY STUPID AND RIDICULOUS, IT SPEAKS VOLUMES MORE ABOUT THE REST OF YOU WEIRD FREAK ████S YOU CAN'T MANAGE TO KEEP YOUR DIRTY ████ING MINDS OFF THEM" Lei yelled back, she had heard infinitely so many 'udders' and 'making milk' comments in her time around the slave group in general that the stupidity of it was frustrating her, people so desperately looked for whatever they could to make a negative comment towards her that they were embarrassing themselves in the process. Sighing and rolling her eyes, she had both heard and said enough, choosing to ignore the rest of whatever else she heard as she went her way.

Muttering profanities and insults under her breath, Lei both didn't take notice and didn't care to acknowledge the presence of Jethro, Ryuuji or anyone else as she passed outside, still holding hatred in her mind as she grovelled and grumbled aloud.
"Stupid, vile, insignificant, ██████ f██████ dead-weight animals worth a ████. I could've easily killed that ████ing rabbit in our duel if I didn't feel bad for hurting some harmless, egotistic ████ty little child of a rodent, should've done it and got it over with, dirty creatures wouldn't run their ████ing mouth blindly if I wasn't going easy on every little b████ creature in this plane" the minotaur grumbled, feeling too mad to even collect her mace at the minute in the circumstances she ran into yet another insufferable annoyance.

Continuing to grumble as she turned her attention to the lake nearby to the mansion, she'd take her Chaos Box and head over, standing by the lakeside and staring at her reflection in silence for a short moment. It was brief that she remained silent, before returning to her anger as she began shaking and trying to violently pry open the box with her hands.
"OH AND NOW I'M STUCK WITH A ████ING IMPOSSIBLE BOX IN SOME SCUM-████ RICH IDIOT'S LAND JUST TO TAUNT SOME DUMB████ RABBIT THAT THEY COULDN'T MANAGE ME, ONLY FOR MY TIME TO BE WASTED AND MY WEAPON STOLEN, ████████████-" she yelled streams of rude language to herself as her rage got the most of her, spouting before eventually throwing down the Chaos Box on the grass beside her, grumbling loudly and dropping herself to sit on the floor. Bringing her knees close to her body, she'd grit her teeth and ball her fists against the floor as her anger simmered. Going in order to be alone and to go be far away from anyone

Though, staring at her rage-filled face in the water's reflection, she eventually felt an internal tide of something else entirely washing over her. Falling unconventionally silent for her standards, she'd do her best to keep her quiet whimper to herself and burying her face in her hands, of which she leaned forward resting said hid face and hands on her knees.
"Why is it... that everyone else... everything goes perfectly fine... but when I do what I was taught to do in order to survive... things always get worse... " Lei mumbled quietly and softly into her hands to herself, sniffling quietly and feeling tears forming hidden within her face-covering hands.
"I should've just not come... i-it was stupid to think... I could've made someone jealous for once... m-maybe they're right about me just being a dumb cow... " she lightly shuddered to herself, her voice lightly shaky.​

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Having had as much as he could stomach from the grazing animal, not a single comment or answer came to her rebuttal. There were more important things that the Wolfman had to do.

Following the slime silently, right behind it, he would walk with measured steps towards reuniting with his mistress, still expertly balancing the charcuterie board with a single hand.

Upon reaching the guest bathroom, he would give a small bow to the maid. “Thank you.” He said in appreciation for her help in meeting Saoirse once more. He would wait a moment longer, for the slime to give them privacy, to finally speak up.

“Thank you, mistress. I’m glad to see that, apparently, Teti has been competent for your care. Or so I hope.” Speaking with an even tone, the soapy scent and the fur-care products reached his nostrils rather easily, not producing any initial discomfort, despite the Butler’s heightened sense of smell.

The bestial eyes would move to Teti momentarily, eyeing the feline-beastkin, while Fenrir’s free hand readjusted his tie.

“Our dear host has quite many exotic and interesting foodstuffs and assortments in his cellar, but unfortunately it was made clear that I couldn’t and shouldn’t procure them. If I’m not mistaken, there was a talk about using ‘my intestines for an entrée’ if I attempted to do so, from the slime. In addition, there was a speculation that our dear host might allow you to sample certain experiences and flavors.” While reporting, Fenrir stoic façade remained and so did his even voice.

“However, I did assemble a proper snack for your post-bath, as it is only expected.” Walking over to Saoirse, he leaned down, so that the tray would be at her level if she wished to sample the food or drink the wine.

“Still, the threat allowed me room for some prodding…” Lowering his voice, Fenrir’s rumbling tone continued. “... if the slime is to be believed, her and other slaves have committed quite many crimes, slaughtering villages as a hobby. That would indicate that your brother must hold quite many criminal titles for the action of his properties. Perhaps that is of any value during the meeting?” The faintest of smiles appeared on his lips.

“Ah, that bovine ‘would-be-warrior’ Lei-Cao is present in the estate. Or at least was, before she stormed off from the cellar.” He sighed deeply. “And she continues without proper manners. The slime maid is eager to consume her, while the skeletal butler wants to make her his own slave. I can understand the prior motive, but the latter eludes me.”
Jethro the Blackheart

After having thrown Jethro to the stream, the white-haired idiot answered to his insult in a rather vulgar way. "Likewise" he spat bitterly, and then he went his separate way while throwing a fierce glare from a distance.

As he stood near the entrance of the manor, Jethro overheard someone throwing even more angry profanities than him. They were coming to the door. And sure enough, a tall beast-woman barged out. Very much angry. Anger comparative to his own, but way more apparent.

Wait, rabbit? Is she also angry with a rabbit? Given their place and situation, she was likely to be a more aware victim of this arrogant family. Curious about the first person with some degree of common sense he has seen in this new life of his, he slowly matched her pace.

Frustration became more apparent by the second, to the point she tossed a box she held.

Her thoughts spiraled down, falling from anger into a deep pit of despair. Her words echoed with his own thoughts. It cut deep, how similar to his own fourth life's crisis. Before realizing, he was standing next to her. Awkwardness hitting him in the face like an elephant stampede. There was no going back now. It was impossible to not be noticed at that point. If only he had thought of stealthing... but then again, what would be the point? For the first time since living again, he didn't feel the burning urge to behead someone.

"I've... I've been there... I am there." Jethro slowly knelt to hold the box, making no effort on inspecting it, that was none of his business. Neither was talking to the frustrated warrior, but here he was anyway. "i take it you..." 'owned' certainly was a word he'd very much like to avoid, both for himself and the woman next to him "...you are stuck with these clowns, too?"

"Glad to not be the only one being driven up the wall by them..." Jethro sighed "Don't listen to them" The assassin realized he overstepped too much, finally picking on the degree of her despair "...Sorry. I... I'll leave you be. I... nevermind." He slowly set the box next to her again. "My bad, I meant to hand you your box."
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX

Interactions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji gave a small bow to the swine. "...Thank you for that information, I'll keep that in mind." Good information was good information, considering how many of the slaves were monsters around here he understood why the swine said that. Even if he was a bit surprised for now what he assumed was another monster to say that, maybe he told him that to try to creep him out rather than be helpful, but Ryuuji wasn't going to be deterred, he had relatively powerful magic as well as a powerful catalyst, and even a bow If things got really ugly. He had no intention of going down without a fight in that scenario happened.

Fortunately or Unfortunately as one may view it, when Ryuuji went out to go check on Jethro who really, he wasn't expecting anything positive to come from trying to talk to him at this point with how much he seemed to dislike everyone despite the fact it was him who had crossed them first, Ryuuji instead was greeted with another person who he hadn't quite been expecting, it was Lei-Cao who had made her way over to the water's edge. Ryuuji just stood nearby and watched this all unfold as Jethro made his way over and attempted to be kind to Lei-Cao apparently, someone who the guy didn't even know. Ryuuji could practically laugh at the sight, Jethro apparently had no sense of strategy in who he was kind too. Sure making a friend of someone who had mutual 'enemies' could be beneficial but..when it was in this context he wasn't sure if if it was the best idea.

He had half a notion to comment on what he was seeing but Ryuuji almost felt like the whole exchange was going to be pointless, they weren't going to listen, probably insult him, and Saoirse or something combination there of, so for now he'd just stand and watch..but maybe just maybe it would be worth speaking up to talk to Lei Cao a bit, maybe he'd be able to show Jethro the Repertoire he'd built a bit.

"Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus, I can't say I was expecting to see the champion of chaos here of all places, by what reasons have I been graced by someone of your caliber today? Is there anything I can do to be of assistance to you?" He'd ask being genuine enough, figuring a better approach wasn't even to directly acknowledge that she was clearly upset for reasons, but instead be kind, not having a real reason to pile onto her negative feelings as he knew very well it'd protect her pride a bit more if he used this strategy. Regardless he half expected negative reaction anyway from her, maybe one from Jethro too, It would be what it would be.

Soon enough Fenrir who they had been waiting out would show up with the promised snacks. It seemed that their lady's brother kept a lot of interesting slaves. Teti had to wonder how slaves trained well enough to not let their murderous nature slip out had not exactly mastered hospitality that impressed others. Well their lady's brother was by her own admission not the most social person, so perhaps he didn't care? Still they were better trained than the cow.

" Oh still mad i get to share our lady's bath?" Teti asked in a teasing tone it seemed fenrir hadn't realized why Teti had acted. Well Teti was very good at messing with others even without deceive.

Still teti listened to what he said and it was good enough information about just what kinds of monsters were here. Really like before it was impressive that Saoirse's brother had managed this. Teti would have expected more peacocking from him about it, displays of how great they were. This brother was really a confusing person, but well the hermit brother of the slaver family must be odd. Judging by his sister quirky must be the default in the family.

" I knew you would get some good info, was expecting a recruitment pitch " Teti teased letting the wolf man in on his little scheme that seemed to have half worked kind of, Teti was willing to call it a success.

Then the worst news came the cow had been found. That chaos worshipper that couldn't even understand how to manipulate people. teti let his normal smile or smirk slip at this news. He had little interaction with her and he even tried to be nice but he didn't really like her. She was just annoying, but some people were like that and if she had been about maybe the former bug man would have targeted her instead of their mistress. though Teti at least got the latter motive at least a bit.

" Never had anyone make a power move around you? Sounds like the butler wants to mess with our lady some. " Teti half asked his smirk returning as he got something of an idea. " Perhaps we should reclaim the last bit of your property my lady, though and in a no rambling clause. She would be a lovely sword and dagger magnet, after all while rabbit is a delicacy there is much more meat on a cow " Teti purred the last bits. He already thought he got his mistress enough to know she would want the cow back, but just in case teti wanted a good reason to bring her back.
Tags and character goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Convince her brother to help her restore the artefact. | Get [Training Support] asset.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse.
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Help Saoirse.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Help Saoirse. | Prove that butlers are better servants than maids. | Obtain Luxury Tea Set F
Teti Karcen Karcen – Help Saoirse. | Prove that maids are better servants than butlers.
Jethro Noiren Rev IX Rev IX – Serve Saoirse. | Narrative: Working on improving his chances at proper training aid. | Narrative: Obtain more recognition as a strong warrior
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy – Figure out what happened. | Asset: improve grade of champion of chaos title | Narrative: work on getting the box open


(Saoirse, Teti, Fenrir)

Cipactli Mansion – Guest Bathroom
From: CoPilot

Saoirse Desrosiers


“He was.” She'd reply, giving credit where credit was due. That said, upon Teti immediately teasing the wolf, she did shortly debate something. “Hmm... I do wonder if size matters...” A fleeting thought as she looked to her butler, imagining certain things, before getting her mind back in the game.

The next bit was a tad surprising. “So he had? I guess he changed in some regards. I don't recall him caring all that much.” Strange. “What a flowery language and what a peculiar offer...” She wasn't sure how much to think of the threat and promise alike.

Upon noticing the food, she'd let her nose do the talking first. Before picking some cheeses and taking a sip of wine. “If this isn't even his supposedly more exotic stock, then colour me impressed.” She'd admit. “I'm feeling generous. Feel free to sample some yourselves.” She'd offer Teti and Fenrir. Despite the situation, she was in a decent mood. In part thank to Teti's earlier efforts.

The next bit was even more confusing. “I... doubt it. He'd have to have gone mad or he'd have found a loophole? Or maybe the slime was lying..? If there's just one thing my family has had in common, it's that we've always expected the law.” She couldn't imagine her brother suddenly starting to utterly ignore it. “Still, I'll keep it in mind.” It was good knowledge regardless of who, what or how.

The next bit took her utterly off-guard. “What..?” She wasn't sure if she heard correctly. “Why in the hell would she be here...” Saoirse mumbled. That'd probably complicate things even more. The same applied to Teti's power-move mention. “That might be the case, I fear. Perhaps his servants don't even agree fully with him when it comes on how to deal with my presence or my requests.” She sighed. That might get annoying rather quickly.

“I'm glad I was a delicacy to you, but that's the only eating I'd like to be subjected too.” She'd reply to Teti. “As for bringing her back in, I must say I have my reservations. As much as I hate giving up on a project, it was pretty clear none of my usual methods worked. I'd need to figure out a new approach that doesn't distract from obtaining my other goals as much as this did.” She'd click her tongue. “We'll have to wait and see why she's here to begin with. Perhaps we can use her own lack of thinking capacity against her and convince her she needs to prove herself to us? That might get her motivated.” Then again, even that felt far-fetched, with how the Cow had behaved thus far.

She'd sigh. “Either way, I should prepare to go see my brother and... Wait...” She just realised. “I'm going to have to stay in this winter coat or someone is going to have to ask for something else.” She just realised she'd yet just had only her torn-up wear.

Slime Maid


“Use this.” The slime had appeared in the door-frame. Holding what seemed to be a fancy ballroom dress Saoirse's size.

“What... why... does my brother even have that?” Was going to be the rest her question.

Yet the slime shook her head. “I'm afraid I don't know either. He's expecting you in the tea room soon. I can guide you towards it when you're ready. As for your slaves, I've been asked to offer to feed them afterwards.” She looked at Teti and Fenrir. “Although they'd be free to make their own meals or just bring what the wolf's already gathered. From what I saw, you have a fair few odd and... dubiously cultured ones.” She's smirk. “Although I'm sure these two are great chefs, no?” That definitely sounded like a challenge.


Cipactli Mansion
From: CoPilot

Jastira Veidi


The poor Elf was closer to a 'fuck my life' moment than ever. Except maybe the time she got first enslaved. Thinking she'd escape the loony talk between Melia and Diego, she instead witnessed what felt like some weird Drama series. The cow was here. Why? She had no clue. She was loud as always.

For some reason the murderer just... Tried to comfort her? Why? No clue.

“The warrior's hand began to shake,
Her knees grew weak along the lake,
The murderer saw and came to speak,
None knew the goals that he might seek,
The healer joined into the fray,
The words were strange, yet his to say.”

At least she was getting some inspiration out of this, as she'd observe the scene from a distance. It seemed they weren't interrupted for the time being. (Seems better if I'll let the scene/responses play out for a bit.)

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Fenrir shook his head at Teti’s teasing question. “Public dissonance between the mistress’ slaves and servants reflects poorly on her. Makes it seems as if she isn’t capable of managing her own property and that appeared to be exactly how she was perceived by that pile of mucus.” Stoically, that was the answer to cat-beastkin’s teasing. “Not that the opinion of another master’s slave holds any value, but still.” With that, he hoped getting his point across.

“I appreciate the allowance, mistress.” Thanking Saoirse, and being a tad hungry, he was quick to take the toothpick skewering one of the sliced sausages and sample it, taking a few steps towards Teti next and lowering the tray so that he could do the same.

His otherwise stoic expression was thrown off a bit by Teti’s words, an eyebrow raising momentarily, before more amicable features adorned his visage, visibly relaxing. “I thank you for the confidence in my skills.” Beginning sincerely, he continued. “I do think there was a sort of recruitment pitch, word games of being barred to properly tend to the mistress or being unable to experience what our host’s domestics can. It was quite the limp attempt.”

After staying there for long enough, he moved back. “A bluff of brawn could be what the maid attempted. Perhaps just a monster’s nature shinning through.” The butler said about the ‘slaughtering bit’. “The skeletal butler appeared to be quite more composed than the slime, and much less aggressive, from my interactions with him. Still, the chance of someone snapping from one moment to another is not uncommon.” He said briefly, alluding to the situation of his previous master.

The talk about delicacy and tasting made Fenrir bring a closed fist in front of his mouth and clear his throat. “Having an extra body doesn’t hurt too much, I suppose. Maybe there is a way to reign Lei-Cao in.” That was his input about the minotaur, still considering her to be quite the liability.

With the slime maid being back, and offering a ballroom dress to Saoirse, the Wolfman’s eyebrows furrowed in a mix of confusion and suspicion. Not being exactly clear if this meeting was only for his mistress and her brother, Fenrir wasn’t much of a fan of letting her go by herself. “I can handle the food preparation after the meeting, in which I shall accompany the mistress, of course.”
Last edited:
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Rev IX Rev IX
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Lei just wanted to remain alone, up until her ear twitched at the audible sound of someone speaking next to her clearly interrupting her time alone uninvited. Huffing quietly, she immediately wiped her eyes and lifted her head slightly.
"For death's sake, can't I ever be left alone for one single second. What do you want?" the minotaur uttered in an annoyed tone, clearing her eyes of tears and flicking her gaze to stare at the unknown man who had interrupted her, hearing that he referred to the others as clowns. Though knowing the kind of toxicity amongst the others, she wouldn't be surprised if this was yet some additional stupid ploy of fake kindness just to annoy her or trick her in some way. Remaining on high alert, she sighed.

"Well, I should be free of them, but whether it's my own fault or theirs or what, I feel like I'm not gonna be free of any of those vile abominations anytime soon. You included, depending on where you stand, though I assume you're another of the stupid overly prideful slaves that reside at this manor... though considering you're not some leftover part of corpse or body waste, hells knows what they'd want with you. But then again, you're not me, so people aren't gonna criticise you as some horrific accident that was generated in existence at the mere sight" she muttered, turning her attention back to the lake as she blankly stared out at the water, not paying much focus on anything in particular.

Hearing that he was supposedly also being so frustrated by the others' existence, but then was suggesting to leave her alone, it felt more suspicious than anything considering anything else she had been putting up with. Sighing as she turned to look at Jethro, she answered.
"Fine, what is it you want? No-one else here can just choose to leave me alone, so it's clearly you have some reason for coming here, that or you're just stuck here and trying to kill time before you go back to a miserable and pitiful existence of a life. Anyone with common sense would understand that's what it's like to be anywhere near any of these disillusioned creatures that see themselves so highly... " Lei mentioned, though it appeared as if talking to someone one-on-one that she wasn't so sure how truthful they were wouldn't last long as Ryuuji would also too choose to suddenly make his appearance. It would definitely feel like she couldn't escape the existence of these slaves no matter what.

Rolling her eyes at Ryuuji's overly pandering greeting, it felt annoying more than anything.
"Oh sure, ask me what I want, you lot love coming out of the woodworks just to waste my time. What would help me is anyone here having a single semblance of common sense, but no, because that's apparently a commodity only I possess. For the one person who pretends to be nice to everyone, and is probably the only one with a partially functioning brain in that group of glorified pets, let me ask you this-" Lei glared as she stood up, crossing her arms and walking up to Ryuuji. Staring down at him with a frustrated glare, she'd lean into him.

"Who was it that insulted me non-stop when I was providing free assistance when we met for the first time, got their ego all boosted and couldn't let it go when I went completely easy within two important duels where I could've easily taken the life of my opponent purely because I felt bad, stalked me across an entire region just to keep on hating me for no reason, kept demeaning my entire race, got me stuck with countless inferior troglodytes I don't value or care for in the slightest, constantly left me stuck with hearing out pointless 'challenges', enduring physical abuse for another's sick satisfaction, AND puts up with nothing else but hate or fake-kindness depending on whatever benefits the situation to the others' advantage for NO gain whatsoever? Because I'm pretty sure ALL of that absolute ████ I've been through gives me full right to hate the lot of you" Lei answered, huffing as she harshly poked his forehead and continued to glare at him.

"Or are you still wanting to be like the rest of those creatures that follow that dumb rabbit, no brains or thinking for themselves whatsoever? Even you should be smart enough to figure out that rabbit doesn't do anything. She goes on and on about supposedly helping people 'improve', but other than getting them to do common chores, she has done no improvement of anyone whatsoever. Your magic has nothing to do with anything she's done, that's solely your improvement, she just steals credit for it. Does that little ████ing reject of a rodent know a single ████ing thing about magic? No! Those mindless bottomfeeders of society have nothing else going on with their life, that they'd rather obsessively stalk around some lowlife creature born into the rich life, which she didn't even earn in the slightest, because they know that they'd have NOTHING else going on other than dying alone in the woods. Seriously, why the ████ are you still pretending to be nice, you're not fooling anyone, get a grip and figure out what you're doing with your life. Is that all you want to do, follow around that stupid rabbit for the rest of your days blindly nodding and agreeing to everything she says, following every command up until you wither away uncared about and forgotten? She sees the lot of you as resources, not people, she doesn't care about any of you, or whatever you could be worth if you improved. Even they realise you're a great healer, but would they risk sending you off on high profit missions, in significant places of need that would massively boost your reputation? NO, they'd rather have you ████ about healing their little family boo-boos from them being absolute ███████" she'd argue in response, lifting her fist like she was heavily contemplating just hitting Ryuuji as hard as she could, but some part of her choosing to spare him as she huffed and made noises of frustration as she turned back around to stare at the water.

"What do either of you ████s want, don't you have anywhere else important to be, or are you on some other pointless quest to waste my time even though I never once did anything wrong? Or are you so completely baffled by the concept that I, Lei-Cao, have the capability of speaking my mind freely, something that in your scenario you couldn't begin to comprehend doing? Because I have... my own problems... and things to think about... so ████ off if you have nothing else to say" she'd answer back, facing away from them as she felt her feelings coming back to her, not wanting the other two (or quite frankly, anyone at all) to see her in an emotional state. Nobody took her serious to begin with, she didn't want to put up with other people making fun of her because she cried.

"Well, are you leaving or not, I have stuff to do... " she added on, though the quakey-sad upset in her voice was clearly audible as she quietly sniffled and wiped her eyes with her fist.​
Jethro the Blackheart

Once the beastkin picked on his presence, she turned to him. And while she put up a good front, Jethro had seen enough to know he was not the only one miserable here. And clearly, she had been putting up with the bullshit of the rest of these loonies for far longer than him. He decided to leave that thought for later and simply answer to her words.

And boy was he correct. "...Huh...".

"Lucky you..." The assassin sighed "No. I was resuscitated without consent, and forced to serve one arrogant rabbit under the threat of being tortured to death until she felt like it. Only to probably still be a servant when they had their fun with that." Jethro spat the words he used to name Saoirse. His own frustration subsided when the beastkin also went from infuriated to exhausted again. "Well, I'm sure you'll have it better than me. The evilest slave who slain the all-important Saoirse Desrosiers. The more I think about it, the more I wish I had actually killed her of my own will. Not that it would change anything now, but at least I could get a little motivation from that... Or, maybe not... I don't really know at this point... Sorry." He apologized, realizing he was going in circles.

The beastkin lashed out at him, but honestly it felt way better than the condescending, arrogant, smug crap everyone else gave him. "Honestly? Hoping to find someone that is not out of their damn mind. These slaves and their owners? They all think so high of themselves. Makes me wish I had stayed dead." Jethro then paused and went over the tone in the minotaur's words, maybe he should reconsider what he was doing, but "I am a slave, so yes, I am pretty damn stuck with these high-and-mighty bastards." Jethro sighed once again "My bad... You ha-..."

Speak of the devil

So Ass Kisser followed him. And now was kissing the minotaur's ass. So they know each other. The revenant rolled his eyes, expecting her to also switch gears to be on the same delusion of this lot. "Color me surprised..." Lei-Cao had nothing of what Ryuuji had to say, which brought a bright smile to his face. She wasn't even playing that stupid "Best slave" game like the snot maid did.

Jethro simply looked at Lei-Cao go off on Ryuuji. It was great. Finally someone with their words not brainwashed by their Stockholm's! He only wished he could chime in to insult him further. But this was likely just a fluke. Ass Kisser and company will just degrade her because she thinks differently from all the way up on their high horse. By the looks of it, his friendly nonsense was just that. Nonsense. Kissing ass to get on everyone's good side. Would explain why he was exempt of it. Ryuuji would win nothing from being all buddy-buddy with Jethro. So he won't bother.

After Lei-Cao emptied her mag on Ryuuji, she went back to her own thoughts, or at least tried to. Were this any other environment, Jethro would try to lend an ear. Things were not that simple, sadly. With a smile still plastered on him, Jet leaned towards the minotaur "Thank you... Lei-Cao. Now I know I'm not crazy. Good luck with your business here." The man then took a deep breath, and put up a more serious face on "You heard her, mop head. Let's go look for that rabbit or whatever" he said in his best attempt at sounding nice, which failed miserably. Then again, none of them really cared to be on nice terms with him... Days sure are going to be long...

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Melia

"Don't worry about me, this little issue is no issue." Diego said as he tried to correct his nose back to being straight again eventually snapping it back in place. "Ahh all better."
Diego shortly replied to Melia's compliment of a jobs well done. He wasn't exactly used to being complimented for his work, MTF wasn't that nice about it anyway.
"Good poetry does not need pretty things for ideas to thrive, a contract between ugly and normal should be enough. Or something like that." Diego said off the top of his head, not really understanding poetry and all that cultural talk just goes over his head.

At Melia's question, Diego had to think a bit, he didn't want to just go story mode on her and drop all his lore onto her, but at the same time giving her a really short answer would be unhelpful and uneventful, so he decided to go on a bit of a middle ground.
"Hmm. That's a tough question. I had a high pain tolerance since I was a kid. However, now I feel next to no pain. Getting used to the pain will only numb it, actually training to raise your pain tolerance is a better approach. However, I wouldn't recommend the same training I went through, as it was built to raise one's resistance to pain through doing a specific set of exercises we called Baldurian Burpee while being exposed to various painful circumstances. In my case,e they used a neurotoxin, not a lethal one but veterans of war often unalived themselves instead of enduring through the pain it causes. At some point, your brain will either stop perceiving pain or will actually start making you happy when you feel pain. If you want I can show you Baldurian Burpees sometime later."
Of course, all this time he was cleaning up his gear, it wasn't exactly that easy to polish armor with just some water and a cloth, but he would attempt it at least.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji listened to Lei-Cao off as he expected, but it was actually more productive than he thought it might have been, rather than just being sworn out or completely rejected. Then there was Jethro who surprisingly didn't curse him off, and his mop head comment was a lot tamer than Ryuuji had expected, however with all of these words being thrown around perhaps it was safe for him to speak what he had been hinting at without outwardly saying right along.

Ryuuji couldn't help but chuckle after all was said and done some, looking between Lei Cao and Jethro.

He blinked when she made contact with his forehead.

First he'd respond to Lei-Cao,

"I hear you and I can understand why you feel like it's warranted hatred, Saoirse told you one thing, yet it doesn't feel like she's held up her end of the agreement, and it feels like everyone's been unkind to you which, yes there has been a great deal of unkindness, but even with that, I don't think it'd be entirely accurate to say that nothing has been done to help you improve."

"That's beside the point. You can choose to listen or not. Would you prefer that I treat you badly then? I don't particularly have a desire too, at least for a moment you seemed more like yourself before you met her when I'd acknowledge you strength, and address you by your proper title, and frankly I acknowledge that you're strong, I don't have any ill will toward you, when I advised you, I was trying to tell you that it was going to be a long and painful road and that there were steps you could take to avoid it. It doesn't bring me satisfaction to see you abused."

These words as much were truthful, Ryuuji had in part been trying to warn Lei-Cao even if it worked out mutually better if she did.

He then looked over to Jethro also,

"Moreover to both of you, do you two honestly think that I've been over here all dandy enjoying my time living like this? Being subservient to someone else's whims?" He'd pose the question neutrally, his tone not holding any malice, his face neutral.

"Do you think that I really chose to wake up in a forest in the West Empire, not knowing where I am, try to walk my way to a village of strange beasts and then get captured and taken by slavers under duress concerned that I'll be murdered and or tortured on the spot? Knowing that I have no rights what so ever in this land? Even If I'm free I'll always be a second class citizen here. Does that really sound like something I enjoy the prospect of?" He'd speak for empathsis.

"Or perhaps I actually enjoyed the process of being auctioned off to the highest bidder, because after all! There was a period of time where Gnolls were in the lead of the auction who made it abundantly clear they wanted me for no other purpose than to feast on my flesh! To use me as nothing but their next meal! But then Saoirse outbid them at possibly the last moment." He'd continue.

"Until recently, none of my rights were assured, no right to life, no right to property, free to be killed or tortured, or used whatever purpose is deemed desirable as Is seen fit at a moments notice. And you both seem to be unable to comprehend why I wouldn't get in line and act like a good plank?" He'd pose.

"Like I wouldn't be rather out there earning money for MYSELF, a reputation for MYSELF, and doing whatever I please with my skills to better MY OWN life, it's rather presumptuous to assume that I just play along and that I am completely content with how things are.."

"I hardly think it's fair to judge my decision when I've done what I needed to do to survive, and make the best of what I can being dealt this deck in life, the alternative at worst being death or being sold off to someone who will have no problem doing whatever they want with me! Like that's a reassuring outcome to disobeying. The least painful outcome being my life being made incredibly uncomfortable."

"Even if I tried to flee, her mother similar to just as you mentioned Lei-Cao would have NO problem stalking me across a region or two, hunting me down just so she can have me for herself, it was made abundantly clear she'd have no problem hiring powerful people to abduct me even if I went to another nation, and then..everything I Just said that could go wrong might as well happen on the spot with how I've heard she can treat slaves.."

He then looked back to Jethro

"And for you, even if it's true that you murdered her against your free will, It's unfortunate to say but sometimes life just isn't fair, and frankly, even if you absolutely despise her, I think you'd have an easier time if you'd do what you need to survive too, instead of wallowing in what is unfair and what cannot be without repercussions, by doing so you'll at least make your conditions more tolerable too, and you'll know that you made them more tolerable through your actions. Of course that's just my opinion, as you both already know, you can do as you like, say whatever you like to me, but I've seen what happens to slaves first hand, and personally, I'd rather swallow my pride and make do with what I have, then go through a fraction of what I've seen them go through." He'd conclude.

Ryuuji then nodded,

"I think I've said what I intend to say. Very well then, Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus, I'll leave you alone then if that's what you want, but if find you'd like to come along feel free to join us at your leisure."

He then looked to Jethro, not seeming to react to the mop head comment, "Very well, et us go then." Ryuuji was ready to go and do just that.
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Spare clothes for the bunny were something teti was sure both he and fenrir were adding to their mental lists of things to bring next time. She had started making a habit of getting her clothes messed up in the shirt time teti knew her. Teti did ignore fenrir notseeming to have noticed why he had shown such a thing, but well it all worked out. Teti had done it to send the wolf off and try to lure our any traps.

Teti would have explained stuff, but well the slime maid showed upand had what they were lacking,clothes for their mistress. Teti was glad the Wolfman was instantly ready to be beside his mistress. Teti was planning on going as well after all he abd saosrie had a minor plan. Still it seemed the slime maid was warming up to them no insults yet.

" A maids place is woth their mistress, though I wouldn't mind getting a few pointers on the profession. I am sure we can find something to eat alone " Teti said purring a bit as he worked [cats meow] in mostly to tease the maid ad he didn't expect her to bite.
Tags and character goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Convince her brother to help her restore the artefact. | Get [Training Support] asset.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse.
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Help Saoirse.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Help Saoirse. | Prove that butlers are better servants than maids. | Obtain Luxury Tea Set F
Teti Karcen Karcen – Help Saoirse. | Prove that maids are better servants than butlers.
Jethro Noiren Rev IX Rev IX – Serve Saoirse. | Narrative: Working on improving his chances at proper training aid. | Narrative: Obtain more recognition as a strong warrior
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy – Figure out what happened. | Asset: improve grade of champion of chaos title | Narrative: work on getting the box open


(Saoirse, Teti, Fenrir)

Saoirse Desrosiers


She'd mostly just passively taken in Fenrir's words. The only part that made her ears twitch was the sentence about reigning Lei-Cao in. “If I'd take her back in, it'd probably just be to prove to myself that reigning in a slave like that is possible, at this rate.” She'd admit. The Cow was, by far, giving her the most headaches.

Slime Maid


Upon hearing Teti tease her about 'something to eat alone' she had a slightly evil chuckle. “Unless you and your mistress are tired enough of one of your colleagues to want to do without them, I don't think I have an appetite.” It wasn't clear whether it was a threat or a promise.

She looked to Fenrir next. “Sure, join the meeting first, although I trust that your colleagues won't be hungry or stupid as that cow has been? Plundering our storages is likely going to come at a cost you'd not be able to afford.” That one was a clear threat.

Saoirse was the one to reply. “They are intelligent enough and they value their lives.” She'd reassure the maid. Having gotten into the dress, it was a surprisingly fitting one. “Right. Shall we go?”

The maid nodded, as she let them into a surprisingly cosy looking room.

Cipactli Mansion – Tearoom
From: CoPilot

“Please, take a seat. I'll be back with the master shortly.” She'd state.

It was clear, however, that Saoirse was taken aback. A lot. “This... this is not what I expected in the slightest. I have a younger sister that I could see wanting something like this, not my brother.” She shook her head, clearly confused about the whole situation.

She decided to just take the couch, as it was the only thing looking comfortable. She picked up one of the plushes on it, double checking it. “Nope... Not a monster or a construct. These seem to be actual toys.” That was even more weird. She looked at the stuff on the table. “It really seems like it's all ready for tea-time... Feel free to help me look for anything off, until they return. I'll admit I'm rather confused.”


(Diego, Melia)

Cipactli Mansion – Slave Shacks
From: CoPilot

“Those Baldurian Burpees sound useful. I'd like to learn them.” She'd be eager to do so. “Although being happy from pain seems like it would make you a terrible warrior, as it'd prevent you from defending yourself properly.” That'd be a serious concern. “Although the usage of poison seems rather extreme, but I did hear some use venom from scorpions or wasps to get used to the poison and pain.”

She'd finish cleaning up herself and her own gear short after. As they (presumably) walked outside they'd spot the Cow in the distance, as well as the bone guardian blocking the door into the mansion. “That's... odd.” She'd state. Regarding both sights.


Cipactli Mansion
From: CoPilot

Jastira Veidi


From a distance, she wondered what to do with her life. She also wondered just how much the cow could mooh. She didn't want to wander off, as there were too many monsters around. She also didn't want to get closer to the cow, as it was the cow... She also didn't really want to return to Diego and Melia. In the end, she sighed and sat down on the stairs to the main entrance. Wanting not to waste her time, she just went through some vocal exercises.

Upon seeing Jethro head towards the house, thereby towards her, she was wondering if he was going to try something. Before he could continue, however, another one showed up from inside. The one that'd guided them here, leaving the house, remained standing in front of the entrance.

Bone Guardian

“Sorry mates. New orders. House's closed for now.” He'd state, as he'd move to ensure Jehtro and Ryuuji wouldn't be able to get in. “It seems the boss' just about to get into the thick of things. So why don't you all go back to having wholesome moments by the lake? I got no clue what you were all saying, but it seems the waters got you talkative. Or, better, why don't you take a dive? I promise. The water is exhilarating this time of day.”

In the meantime, Lei-Cao, should she look into the lake, would see some really pretty glimmering just below the surface. Was that... a piece of gold? A golden orb of chaos? It looked pretty and pretty valuable alike. It was almost like it was giving off some light and just beckoning her to grab it. Perhaps this was a sign from Chaos itself?

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

"I'm certain that, if they end up peckish, they will just do with the rations we brought with us." None of them struck him as thieves in the short time they've been together. "The minotaur is a special case, don't worry about her too much." He added, looking at the slime maid with his usual stoic expression.

Fenrir would spend a moment longer, this time his attention directed towards Saoirse. He surveyed the dress with rapt attention, making sure everything was in place, as it should be. Bringing his gloved hand to her shoulder, he brushed off an imagined speck or single thread of hair. Becoming satisfied, he nodded and was quick to accompany her towards tearoom.

Inside of it, his eyes were quick to scan the room. Plush cushions, fluffy plushes, a rather elaborated tea-set adorned the room. A rather odd combination. "This decoration certainly doesn't match a master which his slaves conduct genocides in small-scales." Has everything so far been only posturing?

Without much to go on, Fenrir began investigating. He would first move downward, bringing him snout close to the tea pot. Opening it, he would take a careful, deep sniff to see if he could detect anything amiss with its smell [Heightened Sense Hearing/Smell E]. Afterward, he would approach the cupboard against the wall, where other articles, possible made from chinaware, sat. He began checking them, seeing if there was anything amiss. "Teti, try to check the other couch and whatever is on top of it." He suggested, as he kept his investigation.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

From what it sounded like Jethro was saying, maybe he really wasn't as stuck up or nonsensical as the rest of the slaves that rabbit had gotten into their clutches. Although, talking about having killed Saoirse did really make him seem like a lunatic, rolling her eyes as she'd quietly mutter under her breath.
"Like that'll ever happen... " the minotaur quietly mumbled, though from what she could hear, Ryuuji would begin to go off about how much he'd rather not be in his situation but was making do. She honestly couldn't place or care whether she had heard him mention about the same thing before, it was still his intention and desire to focus all of his mind in pleasing a pointless master who didn't actually care about him at all.

"It's because Saoirse is a complete moron, you could trick her into getting you whatever you wanted, but you don't because you're a little pet. You're obsessed with your meaningless gratification like the rest of those rats. You think you understand what I have to live, but you don't. You were given a chance, I wasn't. I was never given a real chance, I was stuck with the mess and problems caused by everyone else, and when I had to fend and do everything for myself, no matter where I go or who I met, I was the one who always got ████ for it. If you're just gonna be an annoying ████take like the rest of them, just go ████ off, you're not worth listening to" Lei uttered, her voice clearly falling quiet as she shoo'ed them off and tried to ignore them, sitting back down.

"Good luck with that hell, you'll find no happy endings there, as with the rest of those forsaken creatures" Lei answered to Jethro, choosing not to look his way but at least wishing him luck with his struggles. At least he had some common sense in him, apparently it did turn out Ryuuji was probably as delusional as the rest of them in his entirety even though he was the one she was tempted to give a pass on his intelligence. Unfortunately, it seemed like he was dead set on using his intelligence rather stupidly for the rest of his life. Believing that the other two were plenty gone, she huffed and made growls and grumbles of anger and frustration as she punched the floor and grabbed at her hair feeling like she was at the verge of ripping it out. Eventually overexerting once again and returning to just silently cradling her knees, she really didn't want to be here right now. Or anywhere. It didn't feel like there was anywhere she could go that wanted or needed her at this point anyway.

Looking down at the water once more, she had noticed the golden glint and just quietly looked at it for a short while.
"I can't fight anyone, can't even understand my feelings, don't know what is right or wrong... can't even open a ████ing box. But what am I supposed to do, 'make do with what I have'. At least there's always someone out there who wants you, you ungrateful little ████. That dumb rabbit gets a rich family and all they could ask for without lifting a finger, I get overshadowed by a sibling who gets all the entitlement and riches to the family name and I can't even remember a time my parents didn't acknowledge me in a way that was yelling at me. Of course life isn't fair, but why's it still fairer to everyone else but me?" she grumbled to herself, why was nothing ever really fair? Her sister got all the luck in the world, was she just infinitely cursed with everything bad to ever happen? Things like this was why she knew she was never going home again, she hadn't ever found a real success to brag about ever since she was practically kicked out.

Sighing, she stuck her hand into the water to grab at whatever the gold thing was. What was the point not to, like Ryuuji said, might as well make do with what she had. There was nothing else to do at this point.

1. Grab the gold thing in the water
Ryuuji Kamimura

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Mention: Rev IX Rev IX

As expected Lei-Cao wasn't receptive at all to his words, maybe Jethro would prove to be more at least more reasonable in what his point was, the alternative previously had been being sold off, tortured and or killed, at least here you had a chance of that not happening if you were able to do your best.

"Oh really, and when did you ever think anyone else was ever worth listening to? It's pretty clear to me you consider yourself an expert in all things and in others." He'd pose to her, looking to Lei-Cao coldly, his tone apathetic.

"Even I haven't been so presumptuous about you, I understand full well you have your own reasons and I simply advised you take a different path to avoid unnecessary hardship but apparently that suggestion is some kind of grave offense that conflicts with your ideals so deeply you find it intolerable. Perhaps you prefer misery in your company, I can't help that, I've said what I had to say, if you've convinced yourself to think so little of me that you can't afford me a basis of decorum, then I don't very well have a reason to continue speaking to you."

Ryuuji would keep the word pretty short and to the point there, she clearly wasn't able to see the bigger picture that many of his own goals lined up quite well with Saoirse's given the big picture. He'd make his way away presumably with Jethro coming in some capacity, regardless if he decided to come or not however,

Ryuuji would encounter the Bone Guardian,listening to them, then looking at them blankly, speaking with a plain somewhat apathetic tone,

"I suppose you'll just have to be my company then, I don't really very well fancy talking or being around Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus right now."

"So what's your deal? How did you end up here? If it isn't classified I would also like to know what 'the thick of things' refers to here, it sounds possibly relevant considering we've come here to meet him. Perhaps I'll be pleasantly supposed and you won't only think me immediately a subservient idiot, human or not." He'd continue dryly.

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