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Graded [West Empire - Cipactli Forest] Property for my Property - Part 3: Having a Wonderful Monstrous Time

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Saoirse Desrosiers, Maxxob Maxxob Fenrir, Karcen Karcen Teti, TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Ryuuji

"Very well boss." Diego responds to Saoirse's order, he picks up the bug's corpse and moves it away from the girls, then he strips searches the bug literally, by stripping him naked even checking thinking of checking his prison pocket but deciding not to do that. Whenever he found something on the bug's body he would toss it toward the others onto the ground, once he finished strip searching him, he clothed the bugman back again, took some rope that they were transporting, and began tying the bug.
Two locking loops one around each foot a trucker hitch mid way up using the bugs elbows as a pivot, to making two locking loops around the bugs wrists, to end it all Diego made a few extra knots with the leftover rope to maximize the tension and secureness of the whole bindings, he then picked up the Bug and carried it back to the Rest of the group and holding it vertically so its shins remained on the ground as if it was sitting, so Ryuuji could resurrect the bug.

Though Diego did not do much as he wasn't going to interrogate the bug, his ways were violent so the bug would simply die again, and that would be useless in this situation.
But he did remain behind the now resurrected 'bug' man, with what remained of his glaive in hand just in case, while holding the rest of the rope in his other hand, so he could either stab or yank the man away from the rest if needed.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Elvario Elvario

"I imagine there should be magic or something of the like which can be used to counter those sorts of abilities.." Ryuuji spoke aloud his thoughts on the matter, at the very least he thought there might be a way to further augment the sort of precognition abilities he got from using Pandora's pendant with other types of extenders, maybe appraisal could be used on foes like those too even to better keep track..

He nodded at her agreeableness, "I don't plan on letting you down." Ryuuji added in for good measure.

he'd parrot may the contract be blessed bit. “May this contract be blessed by Miralis.”

Ryuuji gave a bit of a formal bow, "Understood." When the target was probably tied up and made so they'd be unable to retaliate, It was only then at that point, as unworthy as they were at being revived as far as he was concerned at the moment given what they had done, Ryuuji would use his current highest grade healing magic in order to revive them.

Then came the interrogation, which Ryuuji was on standby for, listening to Saoirse, all of those were good questions. Hopefully they'd get good answers. He'd listen to see what they could get out of it, but unfortunately the guy didn't seem as coherent as Ryuuji would have liked.

"Should I try restoring some of his mind?" Ryuuji asked Saoirse, unsure if it would work here, but it was new magic which he had been working on which should in theory be possible if he was having mind challenges, given all thee nonsense he was spewing Ryuuji couldn't help but wonder if he was.
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" Yes my lady" Teti said a little sad about not working on the tea thing he had finally remembered it, though now he had another to add to things to bring, spare clothes for the bunny she seemed to lose hers far more often than one would expect. He could also use an enchanted teapot, something to brew tea without the need for a fire. Really he had a small list of things he needed and needed to learn to be a better maid. It was kind of funny how well he dedicated himself to the role, perhaps he was secretly suited to caring for others? That couldn't be possible he was a selfish person that manipulated others to a degree. He might not manipulate people constantly but if he was really a caring person he wouldn't be doing such at all. He was just being his normal whimsical self, he was having fun playing maid so he was doing it well, just while when he was a dancer or night entertainment.

Teti would head over to the monster and decided he wasn't going to try to seduce it, so just to talk to it try to get it say something. " So that was one hell of a show wasn't it?" Teti asked though he didn't really let the thing answer back " Your friend might have been mean but you seem nice. " That was a lie the bone guardian seemed just as untrustworthy as the other one. " So you just here to collect Saoirse's body if she died or are you really a guide? The other guys seemed to be told he could attack but you haven't so either you're wiser or you have orders against it. " Teti mused using [ Cat's meow] though leaving out the seduction part to just perhaps get the guy to talk even a little bit.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

Meanwhile, somewhere else I'd assume.

Lei had used her supposed 'free-time' that she had been sent away from the Slave Group to do things that she, very obviously, was not exactly permitted to do by Saoirse. Originally given the task to go and complete some higher ranked quest and return with proof, the minotaur obviously knew that was not what she was gonna do. Having took an unscheduled detour to a private location where the acts of the Order of Chaos took place, she'd do what she needed to do and find out what she needed to find, resulting in some better than expected personal success and what was essentially a trial of Chaos. A single, completely original puzzle that was foretold to be performed with visions of Chaos magic... or that was how it should have been, but for some reason, Lei found herself dealing with probably some ridiculous trial concocted by an ex of hers.

She'd made her way to the nearest adventurer's guild, which was where she should have probably been looking for a job for Saoirse, but found herself sitting in the corner at a table as she mulled over the box on the table in front of her. It wasn't that big, the size of an average toolbox, completely black in color with a red-tinted bronze latch keeping it shut and an ominous red aura that appeared to surround it. She knew it had been blessed, or cursed, depending on how one saw it. It was almost impossible to open without doing whatever had to be done in specific, and those without [Inner Chaos] would get burned by it if they touched it... if she really wanted to be the true Hand of Chaos itself, she'd have to figure out how not to be stumped by a box.

But the box wasn't even the only problem, not only did she have to figure out what secret action, task or thing could open this box with not a single existent clue whatsoever, but it was simply because the real task she had to do was contained inside of it. And if it's set by an ex... well, that could literately be anything.

"Ugh... why couldn't you be something simple, like killing something... " Lei huffed to herself, impatiently tapping the table as she glared at the box. The whole idea of Chaos was the unpredictability and impossibility to truly control it, but even Chaos had law and reason to it. Even if it was something ridiculous, there had to be a specific intent behind the answer, that must pertain to something she would most definitely do at some point. Out of annoyance, she tried once more to forcefully open the latch, to no avail. Groaning and leaning back, she supposed she might as well do the original task she was given by Saoirse before she got her beef beaten by going off-track.

Having took her box under her arm to go and look at her options, her time would eventually bring her to an orb that would reveal the titles of the user. She was a big minotaur who didn't come to said guild, and she was toting a large mace and suspicious box, it wasn't anything unsurprising... until she noticed a rather interesting detail. Raising her eyebrow, she leaned closer to make sure she read it correctly.

"Former... slave?" she murmured softly, taking a few moments to let cogs turn in her head before coming to a conclusion and laughing to herself with a big smile.
"I knew it! The stupid rabbit was a wuss, she sent me off because she was too afraid to face me when she cancelled the contract! Ahahah, I was right all along, she can't teach a thing! Oh, this was so worth it!" the minotaur grinned and laughed to herself, thinking for a moment.

"Well, I can't just keep this joy to myself, and it's not like I can figure out directly how to open the box anytime soon. Might as well go pay ol' little bunny-buns a visit and see how she's coping. I must've really struck a nerve, I always knew the dunce didn't have it in them... or anything in them for that matter~! All she does is tote around a bunch of brainless idiots to boost her pride, they aren't even capable of anything! Except that Ryuuji kid, but even he's too blinded by obsession with that idiot rodent" she rambled to herself, rolling her eyes as she tightened her grip on her Chaos Box. With that, she might as well retrace her steps back to where she parted with the slave group, and begin asking around for trails and answers. They couldn't have gotten too far, plus they were likely doing some stupid 'training' nonsense or talking on and on for years with other equally dull losers, she should catch up in no time.​
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Tags and character goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Find her brother and get the monster-enslaving item restored so that she may obtain her estate's Steward / get started on the [Supporting Staff] asset.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse. | See if he can get into the good graces with more of Saoirse's family members.
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Help Saoirse. | See if he can learn to re-apply and/or re-learn to use his past SCP knowledge and skills in this world, especially now that they are encountering monsters.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Help Saoirse. | Provide Saoirse with as much comfort as possible, despite them going through the wilderness. | Prove that bulters are better servants than maids.
Teti Karcen Karcen – Help Saoirse. | Provide Saoirse with as much comfort as possible, despite them going through the wilderness. | Prove that maids are better servants than butlers.
Kagemalum Rev IX Rev IXFind good food for the Hive Queen – Figure out how to keep living.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy – Find her way back to the main group. | Obtain asset Order of Chaos Champion [Social Status-Religious Group] (F)

Saoirse Desrosiers


Seeing the one that'd killed her change upon his resurrection was... awfully disappointing. Did he just go from a potentially valuable monster slave to a worthless Human? She clicked her tongue. “Tssk.” His question made her scoff. “Yes.” She replied coldly. “Jethro?” She asked, as she'd use [Appraisal B] on him and realised that, whatever his name was right now, it was not Jethro. Her hand grasped for where she kept her dagger, but she realised it'd been handed over to Fenrir. Lucky for the bug boy. “I'd suggest you don't lie to me, as you got awfully close to loosing a finger. Or perhaps an entire hand. Or arm.” She stated coldly (Intimidation C) as she had barely any patience left for this being.

Luckily for him, his next few words were a tad more interesting. “The Queen? So you were indeed part of those monsters between the See and East Empire?” How odd. “Tell me, was that bug for some transformation ability? Or are you still of any worth?” Actually, that didn't matter too much. “You're lucky we're wasting daylight already.” She wrote some things down.

RP'ers: Rev IX => Elvario
Characters: Arkham Koenig (Kagemalum) => Saoirse Desrosiers

Traded Goods:
Saoirse Receives:
  • Arkham Koenig (Kagemalum).
  • Arkham Koenig (Kagemalum)'s belongings.

Arkham Koenig (Kagemalum) receives:
  • The opportunity to prove that he is worth of receiving any rights later on. This can be done by saving Saoirse's life, by providing critically important information or assistance, or by taking out high-value targets.

Arkham Koenig (Kagemalum)'s duties (in order of importance):
  • Obey Saoirse Desrosiers.
  • Protect Saoirse Desrosier .
  • Work as Saoirse Desrosier's Counter-Assassin.
  • Protect Saoirse Desrosier's other properties.
  • Train to flourish as the best possible Assassin.

Failure to comply:
Saoirse Fails:
  • Should he obtain any future rights that Saoirse fails to deliver upon, he regains his freedom.

Arkham Koenig (Kagemalum) Fails:
  • A magic slave-seal will ensure that any harm done to Saoirse will automatically be inflicted upon him as well. Should Saoirse Desrosier die, he will die as well.
  • Any harm he inflicts upon Saoirse Desrosier or Saoirse Desorosiers' properties will be done to him as well, at the double the original intensity.

In case of Character Death:
Saoirse Dies:
  • Arkham Koenig (Kagemalum) will die as well.

Arkham Koenig (Kagemalum) Dies:
  • His corpse will remain in possession of Saoirse Desorosier, after he which he will be enslaved again upon resurrection.

“Look at this.” She showed it to him. “If you don't want to die painfully, multiple times over, before having your corpse chopped up and fed to tiny moss monsters, I'd suggest you sign it. Seeing how I'm feeling extraordinarily generous right now, you might even earn some rights if have any abilities or talents left. As well as some assistance in training those. You can thank your guardian deity for that one.”

That left her to put on the coat handed to her by Fenrir. “It'll do.” She replied. It'd be a tad warmer than she was hoping for, but it was definitely better than nothing. She nodded upon his promise to learn the magic. “Good.” That was all that really needed said on it. “Let me know when you have it down, so I can buy some basic supplies to put in it.” They'd probably better do that sooner, rather than later.

She groaned a bit, grabbing her stomach. “Tssk. Annoying. It seems that even with healing, my body is still in shock and giving pain signals.” It made sense, in a way, that her brain might not have been able to keep up with the sudden pain, death, resurrection and restoration. Especially with the adrenaline from the battle fading, it became rather clear. “Dying is also surprisingly trying.” She stated, as now that the contract business was done as well, she felt like her body was going closer and closer to sleep mode. Yet the remaining stress definitely was keeping her awake from now, putting her in that obnoxious state of feeling too tired to sleep. “Perhaps I will need some tea after all, the moment we find a good spot to make it at. Away form these moss monsters.”

(Leaving it up to Rev IX Rev IX to say how much and/or what the Insight E on Arkham/Kagemalum would show, though without him having/using deception, lies would likely be seen through.)

On another note. “Seems like you've done that before.” She called out to Diego. He'd really searched and tied up the former bug like a professional. “Should he wish to sign, you can release one of his hands from their bindings. Just keep a close eye on him.” She'd add, not wishing to make her offer impossible to take up upon for mere practical reasons.

Next, she'd nod at Ryuuji. “Yes, there should be.” She sighed. It was gonna be a pain to figure out what might work best, but less of a pain than going through something like this again. “Good, as you're the one to stand to benefit the most, right now.” She'd reply on him not letting her down. He was, by far, the one most directly to benefit from any mutual success with how his contract had been set-up.

The suggestion to restore some of his mind was an odd one. Yet, well, seeing how she was evil enough, she cared nothing about the risks. “That might be interesting. Try it.” She ordered, wanting to see what (if anything) would happen.

Bone Guardian

The creature slowly turned towards Teti, remaining silent for a bit, as Teti continued. “A show it was.” He replied to the first statement by the time Teti was finished. “Friend? These moss monsters aren't worth my time of day.” He replied, with a chuckle. “Odd being called nice.” He remarked, not letting show if he saw through the lie or not. “I am indeed ordered to guide her to mister Desrosiers.”

At the mention of 'the other guy being told he could attack' the monster broke out in laughter. “You still haven't figured out that one was just a trick played on you by the moss monsters? Tiny as they are, they seemed more clever than any of you.” His gaze turned towards Kagemalum as he pointed a clawed hand. “NOw that one, that was an unexpected variable. He nearly made my mission invalidated before I could start it.”


Meanwhile, Lei-Cao would end up realising that she was, indeed, free once more. Yet she'd also realise what that meant in practical terms. Without being able to use a 'sent the bill to my mistress' on some things, she realised that arranging for transport and getting her hands on food was suddenly a whole lot more difficult. Making the way to the Cipactli forest was instantly turning into a long and arduous task. To make matters worse, any time she crossed a check-point, eyes would light up. 'Former slave' seemed to be an eye-catching title to have, as some looked at her in pity, a lot in disgust and a few more seemed to be wagering some things in their mind. Let's play a little challenge. Depending on how she'd try go about her travel towards the forest with limited resource, she'd either enter the next RP in a decent state, or in one hungry and worn-down already. To get to the forest, she'd first need to travel towards the nearest city, then go through the nearest town, to the nearest village and then take a long and desolate path to the forest edges.

Of all that the man said, Fenrir would be able to tell he was being sincere. Confused, but honest nonetheless. So far at least. Ryuuji's magic wouldn't do much in terms of making him answer properly, the shock from his resurrection and all his past lives' memories flooding into his head at once was wearing off.

And it was clear the confusion was slowly giving way to anger.

His eyes sharpened, glaring at the frail creature speaking down on him. Yes, he had killed her, and yet, his mind still urged him to thirst for all of their blood. Those impulses from his time as a mindless monster were likely to be a bit hard to overcome. His eyes narrowed when he was threatened, though that did give way to some confusion. "I had other names before dying. I was Hans, then I was Arkham, then I was Kagemalum. Now? I am not any of those. They all died. Jethro just happened to be the name that came to mind." His eyes then sharpened again "Not like have much of a choice, now do I?" his glare shifted to Diego, then a particularly challenging expression to Fenrir, and then back to Saoirse. He was still being sincere.

"Killed and remade by the Queen herself, yes." After that, the man's eyes lit with anger when asked about his worth, or lack thereof, Saoirse struck a nerve "Filthy cre-" the man stopped himself before any of her idiotic lackeys forced him to behave. After clicking his tongue, he answered "I used to get paid for killing others, then the Queen forced me to do it for free. Make of that what you will." Again, honesty all the way. With his anger being apparent enough that no [Insight] would be needed to tell that much coming from him. Particularly when the puny rabbit's superiority complex struck him again.

The man read with disgust the contract shoved in his face. It took a lot of restraint for him to not spit on the rabbit or the contract "Deities have never been on my side, and they are still not, given my current predicament..." The man's left eye twitched when getting to the end of it.

He stopped to ponder on what to do. As much anger he was feeling, the man clearly had no say in this. He either lived under this arrogant midget and her goons, or he died horribly and that would be the end of it all. But as tempting as giving her a final middle finger was, he still had a desire to live. To him, his will to live is what has brought him back from the dead. Would living like this be worth the effort though?

Eventually, he grumbled and said "Whatever. Free my damn arm. I'll sign that crap."

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Karcen Karcen Rev IX Rev IX

Fenrir parsed through every single word and utterance which the bonded man made. And, as much as he sifted through it, he found no lies. "It seems that what he is saying is the truth, mistress. Or, at the very least, what his feeble mind perceives to be the truth." The Wolfman decided to point that out, as both of them weren't exactly the same thing. During all of it, he kept a rather stoic face, trying to be the model butler.

Momentarily, he would shift his attention towards Saoirse, showing a degree of contentment, in the form of a wagging tail, when his selection of clothing was usable for the moment. "I'm glad this will serve for now, mistress. If you wish, I could find a quiet place pronto and start preparing your tea. The luxury rations I hand-picked to match the tea leaves will certainly surprise you." He said with newfound confidence, which at some point had sprouted amidst this whole ordeal.

His attention would return to 'Jethro'. The more he spoke, the more Fenrir became displeased. That 'man' was not showing an ounce of proper respect that his mistress deserved and Fenrir would not simply stand idle. With a quick movement, the Wolfman brought his big, furred paw up and slapped Jethro with the back of it. "That is quite the ghastly behavior you are showing there, vermin. I would suggest you to improve it, immediately." The serene expression never left the butler's face, even as things escalated to a physical level.

Moving, with a swift motion, the Wolfman positioned himself at Jethro's behind, hoping it was his blind spot. The knife found its way into his hand. "Let's have him sign it then, huh?" Those words were actually said towards Diego, hoping that the human would understand why he had shifted his positioning.

HP 5/5
Ornate Sword F 1/2
Sword E 0/2 Broken
Light Armour E 2/2
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

With what little she had, her armour, weapons, and her Chaos Box she needed to figure out how to solve it and its' contents, she made her way to figure out just how exactly she was supposed to make it from where she was all the way to wherever the dumb rabbit was. Mulling it over, she'd first check to see if the Adventurer's Guild or local area had any work or transport that was going in the direction that she needed to go. If she could get work that both paid her and got her closer to her goal, then it was simply convenient.

Though, on the off-chance there wasn't anything, she'd have to begin looking and asking around for transportation, of which she'd likely had to repeat said steps for each time she got closer with each town and village. And if that didn't work, well, she might as well try her best to truly thank little miss DesRosier for all that she's done by making such kind use of her respectable name. If there was anyone which would take for it, she'd do her best to go around mentioning as a rightful warrior under Saoirse and the DesRosier family name, looking for transportation, food and the likes all the way to where she needed to go, and that all payment requests and expectations should be directly forwarded to the Desrosier family who will pay an honorable and high payment for such a noble task. Because who wouldn't want a big, fat paycheck from a noble family?

With her rather obnoxious and exploitive plan concocted, she'd start looking around to the best of her Lucky [F] self and working on it. Though, she mostly wanted to do the 'forwarding the bill' thing, if she could annoy that rabbit and her even more annoying family one extra time, it'd be so hilariously worth it.

1. Lucky [F] to try and find food and transportation, hopefully under the Desrosier name as a family to forward all bill and payment expectations to
Ryuuji Kamimura

"...Perhaps I'll need to make it one of my goals to explore what some of the better options are then..as far as magic is concerned." He'd add in thoughtfully after.

"Hm..maybe with time I'll be able to even cure those sorts of unpleasant sensations.." He'd reply in response to Saoirse expressing her discomfort.

Ryuuji while a bit surprised he had changed to the state he was currently in from that monstrous one earlier, he wasn't the most thrilled with how this guy was reacting to being resurrected, nor was he graciously accepting getting to live instead of being put down permanently, looking down at 'Jethro' with a disdainful look.

Instead of a disarming warm smile, Ryuuji gave Saoirse a knowing smirk. "There's the mistress that I know and adore." He said partly playfully and in part serious, knowing full well she was aware when she said he was the one to benefit the most as it stood.

"Regardless I Intend to honor deals.."

After listening to some more back and forth with the slaves and Jethro generally being unpleasant and not knowing his place, Ryuuji made his way up behind the man and placed his hand on his forehead, after he got the okay from Saoirse, a bit of a smile forming on his face, but it wasn't a caring one, it was more on the cold and clinical side.

"If this does what I think it will this..it might feel a bit funny." He'd state matter of fact.

He then try to use the following ability on 'Jethro' : Restore mind - Skill Share F + Composed F + Energized F - F Grade Ability - 0 post cooldown (Energized)
Ryuuji attempts to heal the mind of target by making direct contact with them and using his skills.

"I will say, I'd suggest listening to Fenrir..things will go much smoother for you..."

Ryuuji also added.

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Saoirse Desrosiers, Maxxob Maxxob Fenrir, Karcen Karcen Teti, TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Ryuuji, Rev IX Rev IX

"I hope you won't have to get used to such a feeling boss. This team only needs one who feels nothing in the face of death, and that's me." Diego commented on Saoirse's statements about pain after revival and dying being tired, he truly wished his new boss did not need to get used to such a feeling, he was already used to it after his countless deaths and revivals back at the foundation but the mental scaring never left and he really doesn't want her to have to feel the same things.

"We had to do it often enough, the anomalies, that's what we called the things and beings that were our targets. They could appear anywhere, so searching from top to bottom, inside including is something we had to learn to do. So is how to restrain someone with ropes. Strangely enough more than half of the anomalies we captured in the site I was assigned to could escape from all binding except for rope ones for some reason." Diego felt happy at Saoirse's words, despite them not exactly sounding like a compliment he took them as such, after all receiving any words of praise from your boss is a reason to feel good about it. Not often do you find a boss that acknowledges your prowess and efforts, with something more than a simple nod.

"Will do boss." When Saoirse ordered that if Jethro wanted to sign the paper he was to release the bindings on his hands. Well, who needed two hands to sign on a paper so Diego decided to comprehend the order differently with the idea of only releasing one hand.

"You don't scare me. I've fought scarier things and seen beings that one should have never seen. I won't even utter the name of that one, as there was a reason he was classified as a god-level threat." Diego said as he felt Jethro's glare at him, why would he glare at Diego? Did he really think that would work? Well, it didn't, unless his goal was to make Diego not like him more than that's a weird goal but it did succeed.

"Say no more."
Diego said as he went to untie part of the rope around Jethro's arm, though due to how Diego bound it, he had to severely tighten the rope first cutting blood flow to the man's arm for some time before he could fully untie that part of the rope. Diego was no idiot he wouldn't cut a well-made and whole rope just to release a disrespectful idiot's arm. What he did know was that it will leave some marks on Jethro's body for some time.
As soon as Diego released Jethro's arm he secured what remained of his glaive tightly, and was ready to stab Jethro around where the heart and lungs normally should be of course from behind, in case he tried anything funny.
Tags and character goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Find her brother and get the monster-enslaving item restored so that she may obtain her estate's Steward / get started on the [Supporting Staff] asset.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse. | See if he can get into the good graces with more of Saoirse's family members.
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Help Saoirse. | See if he can learn to re-apply and/or re-learn to use his past SCP knowledge and skills in this world, especially now that they are encountering monsters.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Help Saoirse. | Provide Saoirse with as much comfort as possible, despite them going through the wilderness. | Prove that bulters are better servants than maids.
Teti Karcen Karcen – Help Saoirse. | Provide Saoirse with as much comfort as possible, despite them going through the wilderness. | Prove that maids are better servants than butlers.
Kagemalum Rev IX Rev IXFind good food for the Hive Queen – Figure out how to keep living.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy – Find her way back to the main group. | Obtain asset Order of Chaos Champion [Social Status-Religious Group] (F)

Saoirse Desrosiers


She'd [Appraise B] 'Jethro' again. Apparently, it was true enough. Jethro Noiren seemed to be his new 'legal' name now. Or at least legal enough to sign a binding contract with. “You do have a choice. You can die a couple of times and be fed to the monsters here instead, if that's what you prefer.” She'd offer him. She was generous enough to give him two options instead of one.

“If that bug creature wanted you, I guess you're some good, even as a mere Human...” She mumbled. At least that made enslaving him a tad more worth the hassle. Upon him being about to insult her, she didn't have to act as Fenrir already did. “Good.” She'd shortly compliment Fenrir for his quick action. Then turned back to Jethro. “You'd best bite your tongue before it speaks like that again.”

“Trust me, at least one deity is making sure we're not sending you through a hell on earth and then to an actual one.” Upon him offering to sign it, she'd nod for Diego to untie an arm. “Use your real name. No funny business. Then repeat after me.” She'd sign the contract and handed it over. After he signed as well she'd once again offer a short prayer. “May this contract be blessed by Miralis.” After which she waited for him to repeat it and finish the contract.

RP'ers: Rev IX => Elvario
Characters: Jethro Noiren => Saoirse Desrosiers

Traded Goods:
Saoirse Receives:
  • Jethro Noiren .
  • Jethro Noiren's belongings.

Jethro Noiren receives:
  • The opportunity to prove that he is worth of receiving any rights later on. This can be done by saving Saoirse's life, by providing critically important information or assistance, or by taking out high-value targets.

Jethro Noiren's duties (in order of importance):
  • Obey Saoirse Desrosiers.
  • Protect Saoirse Desrosier .
  • Work as Saoirse Desrosier's Counter-Assassin.
  • Protect Saoirse Desrosier's other properties.
  • Train to flourish as the best possible Assassin.

Failure to comply:
Saoirse Fails:
  • Should he obtain any future rights that Saoirse fails to deliver upon, he regains his freedom.

Jethro Noiren Fails:
  • A magic slave-seal will ensure that any harm done to Saoirse will automatically be inflicted upon him as well. Should Saoirse Desrosier die, he will die as well.
  • Any harm he inflicts upon Saoirse Desrosier or Saoirse Desorosiers' properties will be done to him as well, at the double the original intensity.

In case of Character Death:
Saoirse Dies:
  • Jethro Noiren will die as well.

Jethro Noiren Dies:
  • His corpse will remain in possession of Saoirse Desorosier, after he which he will be enslaved again upon resurrection.

She'd nod at Fenrir's confirmation that it was the truth. “It'll have to do.” It wasn't ideal, but it was good enough. She was a tad surprised at the Wolfman suddenly being so proactive. “We'd have to get through the Moss-dead territory first, if we don't want to have those little moss buggers bite us or have them reform as one of those [Wood Guardian] types. Yet I'm all for setting up camp the moment we're past it and in some sort of clearing or otherwise quieter place.”

Watching Ryuuji work his magic, it seemed the results were not as great as they'd hoped. Then again, it was a good enough experiment for now. “We can either try find a slave capable of it or someone that can teach us as well.” She'd mention, regarding the ways to spot assassins like Jethro next time around. Mostly due to her not wanting a 'next time around' when it came to dying like that.

Diego's statement was returned with a simple nod. She was still a tad surprised by his level of loyalty, but she had to admit it was rather nice. “I'm going to give you an honour few have ever had. I'll allow you to teach me some tricks with the ropes. My own... 'education' taught me a lot, but perhaps there's a few otherworldly things I might've yet missed. I'll need them, considering I've got a feeling we will one day run into the Cow again.” It should speak for itself why she'd want to learn some more tricks.

With that all settled and the last contract signed and blessed, they could finally move on. Luckily enough for them, the [Bone Guardian] actually led them to her brother's house through the path of least resistance. With most gear broken, they likely wouldn't have been ready for another confrontation. Unluckily for them, they didn't get to rest much. Most of these woods had one type of monster or another lurking, forcing them to continue to head on or risk being encircled or caught up in another battle.

In the end, it'd take up the entire day of walking, then most of the night as well. It was early in the next morning when they'd finally arrived at her brother's place (which is where next RP will start us off after that being voted as favourite option).

Meanwhile, Lei-Cao had indeed gotten lucky enough to get away with billing lots of things to her former mistress. The 'work' bit had failed, as she was simply told she didn't have the right skill-set to take on any mission in that area. It seemed they didn't understand how much of a great warrior she was at all. She'd go so lucky that some really kind people even offered to take her all the way to where Saoirse would be headed. Clearly they, at least, had understood how great she was. Except, somewhere along the way there, she'd suddenly get really, really sleepy and kind-off just... Dozed off. How odd.

The End

These are only suggestions that I'm putting up for the graders to hopefully approve of. No rewards can be added until a mod signs off on them during the grading post for this RP, which is known to sometimes take up to a month or two due to backlogs and limited amounts of grader mods.

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Elvario Elvario

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
Elvario Elvario

Standing Grade S from:
Kalina Chivernu
Victorique Sopheana
Regula Caelia
Zahrah Fiore
Euthalia Apricot

Standing Grade B from:
Saoirse Desrosiers

Standing Grade C from:

Standing Grade D from:
Amice Bellamy

Standing Grade F from:
Tomomi Koyake

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
Saoirse and friends head out into a monster-infested forest to look for her brother, whom can aid her restore an artefact that might help her unlock more of her recently acquired estate. However, they are interrupted when Kagemalum attacks her and kills Saoirse. She is resurrected by Ryuuji. Afterwards, new contracts need to be signed.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
Yes and no, the next part will continue to work on it as the added PvP bit and contract signing bits became big enough events to warrant splitting this up and to count as 'succeeded' goals of their own.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)
Kagemalum murdered Saoirse and attacked the (former) slaves (Melia and Fenrir in particular) in the group afterwards He died and got resurrected and forced into signing a slave contract in turn.

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
Cipactli Forest is a densely forested area near the border with Kuridan, overrun by monsters and therefore a popular destination for those that train and enslave monsters.

Moss-dead Territory an area on the edges of Cipactli that is fully overgrown by moss-covered trees. Tiny Moss Monsters inhabit it, about the size of a palm, yet opportunistic and vicious. You don't want to fall down in this moss covered ground, as they'll swarm you and try to eat you alive.

Wood Guardian A scythe wielding being that often fakes an [Enslaved] role through Transformation and Alternate Identity in order to try trick people into thinking it is harmless, yet who's true nature exists of a symbiotic amalgamation of the tiny moss monsters that try to take down enemies in a combined bigger and stronger form.

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)
  • Character name. Femboy
  • RPer name. Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)
Not applicable.

Full-Time Participants(List all full-time participants.)
  • Character name. Elvario
  • RPer name. Saoirse Desrosiers
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. TheTimePiece
  • RPer name. Ryuuji
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. Megilagor
  • RPer name. Diego Argento
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. Maxxob
  • RPer name. Fenrir Hellsing
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. Teti
  • RPer name. Karcen
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. Kagemalum
  • RPer name. Rev IX
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).
  • Character name. Saoirse Desrosiers
  • Type of Point Booster. Mentor C – Not used.
  • Link to relevant post. N/A
  • Character name. Fenrir Hellsing
  • Type of Point Booster. Attentive Student F
  • Character name. Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
  • Type of Point Booster. Attentive Student C

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)
  • Character name. Fenrir
  • Title: [Crumpeteer] – Character has gained the right to weekly private time with crumpets and tea.
  • Character name. Teti
  • Title: [Eternal Companion] – Character wishes to remain by another's side for eternity.
  • Character name. Diego
  • Title: [No Chancla] – Character has earned the right not to be hit with slippers.
  • Character name. Ryuuji
  • Title: [Business Property] – Character is enslaved, yet has gained the right to do business and keep some of the profits and shares from it.
  • Character name. Kagemalum
  • Title: [Debugged] – Character lost their bug-form.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • Character name. Saoirse Desrosiers
  • Asset: [Supporting Staff] (general workers, be it slaves or contracted workers)
  • Justification: The asset goal for the RP. Presumably having the land and wealth can get some basic slaves to be bought for this asset in the background (as it was stated that the RP doesn't need to related to the asset goal).

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
  • Character name. Saoirse Desrosiers (using Downtime)
  • Type of Skill/Asset. Building Towards Slave Trainer Complex Asset.
    Currently owns;
    • [Slavers Guild Affiliation F] - Character is associated with the slavers guild. Officially recognized as someone connected to the dealing and trading of sentient peoples.
    Hoping to obtain from the previous RP:
    • [Supporting Structures F] – Character has some of the basic infrastructure needed to start training up slaves.
    Hoping to obtain from this RP:
    • [Supporting Staff] (general workers, be it slaves or contracted workers)
    Planned for future RP's:
    • [Well-fare] (mental and physical wellness and well-being of the slave)
    • [Training Support] (external slave trainers/connections, magical items to help train, character-specific training needs)

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules. | Advanced in-house (IH) rules
Went all out for the PvP against Kagemalum. Surprising how [Undetected] can be so strong, though I did give him a bit more benefit overall to spruce things up as well.

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)
  • All - Could start adding downtime on assets.
  • Ryuuji – Nothing spotted.
  • Diego – Edit from 16-12-2024 doesn't seem mentioned in changelog.
  • Fenrir – Nothing spotted.
  • Teti – Image link broke down. | Might be missing some graded RP's from the past.
  • Kagemalum – Probably going to need some post-bug-boy and post-enslavement edits.
  • Lei-Cao – Character bought an asset after the post-creation ban on asset buying.

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
N/A | Diplomatic part that might have more lore-changing stuff to it will happen next RP.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
Saoirse Desrosiers has Downtime slotted at the moment of putting this up.

Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus bought a Order of Chaos Champion [Social Status-Religious Group] asset post-creation. Could give the first grade of it as a bonus for this instead.

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
Seeing as how the previous RP isn't graded yet, I could still use some extra feedback and hopefully some lenience on if I'm heading in the right direction when it concerns Complex Assets. Seeing how assets obtained don't need to be related to the RP, what section do they need to be under, can two grades be gained at once, or three if the asset is the goal of the RP and does all that also go for CA's? Just to hope to get it as right as possible, I've yet again listed it all a bit more thoroughly than needed in prior questions/bits.
Last edited:
Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Karcen Karcen Rev IX Rev IX Femboy Femboy

seems like these rp's are always the longest to grade even when kept to modest length. Sure are being generous to yourselves counting the rp goal met without explicitly achieving the goal you set out for. Woulda expected an encounter with the brother at the least. Pvp was interesting though. Haven't had too many of those. Some monsters doing monster things after all. Jethro voided his monster and criminal stuff with the rez so that's fun. Granted that's just for the titles that woulda been picked up this rp specifically. Interesting way to throw all your gains from worlds away.

Contracts are gonna be a big subject I imagine. Due to the situation with Miralis, rp'd for goal and downtime goal for Saoirse won't work out this time around.

For additional clarification, character rp goals can go into whether or not the rp met its goals. If jim wants a log cabin and so goes adventuring in east empire for seed money, it can say as much assuming the rp concludes with him getting that seed money. I assume in this case, had Saoirse actually met her bro or the item he supposedly held, perhaps that would have somehow amounted to a windfall enabling the acquisition of staff under normal circumstances.

For CA's, the f grade asset acquisitions need to be completed prior to downtime being used to upgrade them. Can't set downtime to upgrade an asset you don't have yet after all. In relation to points for assets, narrator bonus wouldn't be suitable for upgrading or acquiring assets either since they just use character points to gain skills and assets primarily. narrator bonus may have been said to support this in the past, but after the transition against points being used to spawn and upgrade assets, this is no longer the case. However, i believe a proposal was made to support point usage for F grade assets again post character creation which will have this topic revisited. After an asset has already been acquired, downtime and rp goal can be the upgrade of an asset to enable 2 upgrades at one time.

Obviously 1 vs many characters rarely goes well without some narrative edge, but was there enough there to give satisfying efforts to participants during or after the conflict?

Moss monster ingenuity is pretty good.

This felt like a prime time to ditch the jastira slave considering saoirse has pc followers now. Jastira pretty much background foliage at this point.


bugs from The Hive would start having sightings in the area. concerns of a subterranean connection to The Hive grows but no entrances have yet been found.



Saoirse Desrosiers - 58pts

Mandatory title acquired [Disgraced Contractor] - God of Law Miralis has found the character to be displeasing due to the coerced nature of a contract made in his name. Miralis has placed a visible brand on the character preventing any current or future contracts with this character from being validated until a time he deems appropriate. Character must visit a temple of Miralis in Ryken (1 rp) to do penance to remove this title and the curse associated with it. Afterward, contracts nullified in this rp may be reinstituted in a future rp in a nation where such contracts are legally made.

Divine Curse asset acquired (reduced contract authority) - character cannot make contracts of any kind that have any binding power to them. This will prevent the character from partaking in most business dealings. Character's curse is visible and will bar them from guild services/benefits/business until dealt with. Will negatively impact social interactions with anyone that recognizes the common curse placed on those guilty of questionable contracts.

Diego - 32pts
  • Title: [Abiding Servant] – Character's service has granted them favor from their master.

Fenrir Hellsing - 70pts (attentive student)
  • Title: [Abiding Servant] – Character's service has granted them favor from their master.

Ryuuji Kamimura - 39pts
  • Title: [Abiding Servant] – Character's service has granted them favor from their master.

Teti - 28pts
optional title acquired [Empty] - character has shown themselves to be nothing without another.

Kagemalum - 21pts (shoulda waited for grade to remove these like with all other rp things generally)

  • Title lost [Hive Elite]
  • Asset/skills lost Hive Elite Boon - Darkvision F, Speed Actions always have a +1 effectiveness, Vitality E, alternate identity F, cosmetic changeable bug eyes (when adding skills/perks, also increase earned and spent points by 28)
  • asset lost [One of the Hive]
  • equipment lost - [Hidden Insect Piercer (natural weapon) B]
  • Title Acquired: [Debugged] – Character lost their connection to The Hive. Was like a nightmare and like a dream. Some things linger despite the connection being cut. What would happen if he met HER again.

Partial Partial

Lei-Cao - 11pts

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