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Fantasy Werewolf rp

Gee smirked "ooooooooh!!!!~ Have a nice run!!!!!!!" she yelled in an overly cheery voice and laughed

Crystal sighed "how annoying, she can clean up the mess" she stood up "immature" she mumbled going into the kitchen

Blake sighed and began helping

Jay made an 'oooh' face

Angelo frowned "my cards..."
"You want me to be tough?" Isaiah asked looking confused. He could do it but he preferred not too. Isaiah was surprised when Olivia gets up and runs off. "See this is why I said stop" Isaiah growls running after her.

Aaliyah nods and bets
Crystal sighed "I don't feel like poker, I don't feel like being a punching bag. so anyone needs me ill be in my reading spot" she said walking out holding cup cake

Gee shrugged "he should know by now, I never stop"

Angelo dealt out the cards again
Clay and Klaus shrugged. "You guys pushed an already pissed off Olivia. She is not an alpha to be messed with."klaus says. Clay nods in agreement. "Now that is true."Clay says and sighed.

Rebecca shrugs. "Oh just clean it up, you did push the girl"she says.

Olivia was on a run. She growled and just kept running. She stopped at ther boarders and kept her ears perked.

Irish Ice Queen
Gee shrugged "look I ain't sayin' she's bad alpha but if she cant keep her temper under control then that's her problem, not mine."

Jay sighed and shook his head at Gee
Crystal sat under the willow tree, her favourite spot and opened up her book beginning to read.

Angelo and Blake sighed and began packing everything up
Olivia growled and turned hearing Isaiah. She ran up and nudged her head Into him with a happy growl.

Clay sighs. "Eh deal me in still."he says" guys chill on them there your alphas. Normally Olivia is in check."Clay says.

Klaus nods and smiles."you guys come on deal us in."

Rebecca shrugs."I will play with you Clay and klaus and kick you up and down the table." They smile and nod "your on woman. " they laugh."

Irish Ice Queen
Blake smiled "alright, love" he said and shifted to his wolf

Angelo frowned and then sighed and dealt out the cards for the fourth time

Gee shrugged "maybe I would be better off a loner..." she mumbled grabbing her cards
Jeff was sitting in his homemade shack in the forest, it was the only place he was safe from his previous pack. after hearing some sounds he grabs his rifle not wanting to shift, because whenever he shifts he feels less human, so he turns the safety off on his rifle and prepares to fire when the sound enters the house
The sound seems to be getting closer and closer so jeff decides to hide instead of sit in the open, he runs to the entrance of the cellar he dug out last week, hoping that the creature coming closer passes and does not bother investigating.
Crystal frowned hearing noises. She stood up and walked over to the area had come from. She tilted her head to the side a little " hello?"
Jeff is now freaked out after hearing someone say hello, worried that it was a old pack member he sat against the wall of the cellar with his gun pointed at the entrance
Crystal growled smelling an unfamiliar scent. Carefully she followed the send. She tilted her head and growled finding a small hole and walk over to it. She sniffed around it and growled louder realising there was an intruder inside

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